#!/usr/bin/python3 # Checks the master manifest and ensures the local manifest is up-to-date import codecs import contextlib import gzip import json import time import urllib.request @contextlib.contextmanager def local_manifest(manifile): reader = codecs.getreader("utf-8") with gzip.open(manifile) as f: manifest = json.load(reader(f)) yield manifest def remote_manifest(url): reader = codecs.getreader("utf-8") tries = 3 for x in range(tries): try: remote = urllib.request.urlopen(url) with gzip.open(remote) as f: return json.load(reader(f)) except: if x + 1 == tries: raise time.sleep(x+1) def _handle_deletes(lrepos, rrepos): # we don't know when repos are deleted, so we use a local temp file to # track deletes we've missed, we allow one miss before issuing a warning try: with open('/tmp/grok-check-manifest-deletes.json') as f: to_del_local = json.load(f) except: to_del_local = [] deletes = lrepos - rrepos with open('/tmp/grok-check-manifest-deletes.json', 'w') as f: json.dump(list(deletes), f) to_del = [] for r in deletes: if r in to_del_local: to_del.append(r) # we should have deleted by now return to_del def compare_manifests(local, remote): # ensure they have the same repos defined lrepos = set(sorted(local.keys())) rrepos = set(sorted(remote.keys())) to_del = _handle_deletes(lrepos, rrepos) to_add = [] for r in rrepos - lrepos: # give newly added repos a little slack for cloning over elapsed = time.time() - remote[r]['modified'] if elapsed > 120: to_add.append(r) # test fingerprints match bad = [] for repo in lrepos & rrepos: rem_fp = remote[repo]['fingerprint'] local_fp = local[repo]['fingerprint'] if rem_fp != local_fp: elapsed = time.time() - remote[repo]['modified'] threshold = 90 # normally 90 seconds is enough if 'kernel.git' in repo or 'linux.git' in repo: threshold = 240 # give more time for kernel syncs if elapsed > threshold: bad.append('%s rem=%s us=%s' % (repo, rem_fp, local_fp)) return to_add, to_del, bad if __name__ == '__main__': import argparse parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description='''Verify local repositories are in sync by checking remote server's manifest''') parser.add_argument('--local', default='/srv/repositories/manifest.js.gz', help='Local manifest to analyze. default=%(default)s') parser.add_argument('manifest_url', help='''Manifest url. eg http://git-us.linaro.org/manifest.js.gz''') args = parser.parse_args() remote = remote_manifest(args.manifest_url) with local_manifest(args.local) as local: to_add, to_del, to_sync = compare_manifests(local, remote) if to_add: print(('Missing repos:\n %s' % '\n '.join(to_add))) if to_del: print(('Delete repos:\n %s' % '\n '.join(to_del))) if to_sync: print('Repos out sync:') print((' ' + '\n '.join(to_sync)))