AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2013-02-27Removed setenv calls, not needed there.Milo Casagramde
2013-02-27Disable RhodeCode static files, server them via Apache, enabled expire header.Milo Casagramde
2013-02-27Enabled expires and headers apache modules.Milo Casagramde
2013-02-25Added more memory consumption infos.Milo Casagrande
2013-02-13Small tweaks to Apache conf.Milo Casagrande
2013-02-11Added HACKING file with memory readings.Milo Casagrande
2013-02-08Added instruction for RabbitMQ config file.Milo Casagrande
2013-02-08Added simple rabbitmq config file.Milo Casagrande
2013-02-08Added note about running update-server-info for staging and mirroring git repos.Milo Casagrande
2013-02-07Added license header.Milo Casagrande
2013-02-07Added comment, reworked command calls.Milo Casagrande
2013-02-07Added script to update git repositories.Milo Casagrande
2013-02-06Enabled beaker DB backend, fixed Apache configuration, updated INSTALL file.Milo Casagrande
2013-02-04Added info about private repositories.Milo Casagrande
2013-02-04Added reference to SETUP file.Milo Casagrande
2013-02-01Merge branch 'master' of ssh://git.linaro.org/srv/git.linaro.org/git/infrastr...Milo Casagrande
2013-02-01Fixed user error, added debug statements.Milo Casagrande
2013-01-31Merge branch 'stevanr_master'Stevan Radaković
2013-01-31Add SETUP file doc.Stevan Radaković
2013-01-31Fixed git cloning command.Milo Casagrande
2013-01-31Added test in if clause.Milo Casagrande
2013-01-31Small fixes for user handling.Milo Casagrande
2013-01-31Added logging setup.Milo Casagrande
2013-01-31Fixed small errors.Milo Casagrande
2013-01-31Fixed handler import.Milo Casagrande
2013-01-31Fixed errors, removed console logger.Milo Casagrande
2013-01-31Added preliminary logging support.Milo Casagrande
2013-01-30Merged from master, resolved conflicts.Milo Casagrande
2013-01-30Added more section to INSTALL, tweaked production.ini file.Milo Casagrande
2013-01-30Merge branch 'master' of ssh://git.linaro.org/srv/git.linaro.org/git/infrastr...Stevan Radaković
2013-01-30Add update instructions.Stevan Radaković
2013-01-30Added python-ldap package for requirements.Milo Casagrande
2013-01-30Added section about directory rescan.Milo Casagrande
2013-01-30Merged branch 'milo'.Milo Casagrande
2013-01-30Added print statement.Milo Casagrande
2013-01-30Added simple lock mechanism.Milo Casagrande
2013-01-30Fixed try-finally block, fixed lock file name.Milo Casagrande
2013-01-30Added simple mechanism for locking process.Milo Casagrande
2013-01-29Merge branch 'milo'Milo Casagrande
2013-01-29Fixed cmd working directory.Milo Casagrande
2013-01-29Fixed home variable.Milo Casagrande
2013-01-29Added missing user argument.Milo Casagrande
2013-01-29Fixed typo in cli argument.Milo Casagrande
2013-01-29Added option and command to rescan git repositories once done.Milo Casagrande
2013-01-29Merge branch 'milo' of git://git.linaro.org/people/milo/rhodecode-configStevan Radaković
2013-01-29Fixed git_repos reference: updated the directory name.Milo Casagrande
2013-01-29Changed default directory, after speaking with Philip.Milo Casagrande
2013-01-29Change git pull so it pulls the correct branch/tag.Stevan Radaković
2013-01-28Merge branch 'stevan' into miloMilo Casagrande
2013-01-28paster update-db return code is not 0 when the DB version is newest, so we ha...Stevan Radaković