#!/usr/bin/env python # Copyright (C) 2013 Linaro Ltd. # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see import argparse import datetime import os import subprocess import sys DESCRIPTION = "Install and setup RhodeCode Linaro instance." REQUIRED_PACKAGES = ["python-pip", "python-webob", "python-bcrypt", "members", "python-mock", "python-babel", "python-dateutil", "python-markdown", "python-webhelpers", "python-docutils", "python-formencode", "python-pylons", "python-dev", "python-pastescript", "python-psycopg2", "python-nose", "build-essential", "python-amqplib", "python-anyjson", "python-mailer", "apache2", "git", "python-ldap", "python-objgraph"] # Packages required for celery integration. CELERY_REQUIRED_PACKAGES = ["rabbitmq-server"] # Packages for the backend to use. SQLITE_DB = "sqlite" POSTGRESQL_DB = ["postgresql-9.1"] # The name of the DB for PostgreSQL. DB_NAME = "rhodecode" DB_BACKUP_FILENAME = "rhodecode.backup.db" # Packages to be installed via PIP. PIP_PACKAGES = {} # RhodeCode source to clone and which branch to use. RHODECODE_SOURCE_GIT_URL = \ "http://git.linaro.org/git-ro/infrastructure/rhodecode.git" RHODECODE_SOURCE_BRANCH = "linaro" RHODECODE_CO_DIR = "rhodecode" # The name of the RhodeCode user to use by default. This will be used to # install the RhodeCode code and to run RhodeCode. RHODECODE_DEFAULT_USER = "rhodecode" # Default RhodeCode directory for data and cache. RHODECODE_DATA_DIR = "/opt/rhodecode" # Default parameters for RabbitMQ setup. RABBITMQ_DEFAULT_USER = "rhodecode" RABBITMQ_DEFAULT_VHOST = "rhodecode-vhost" # Default user for RhodeCode admin. RHODECODE_ADMIN_USER = "admin" # Upstart config files. RHODECODE_UPSTART_CONF = "rhodecode-upstart.conf" CELERY_UPSTART_CONF = "celeryd-upstart.conf" # SQL string to create the new role in PostgreSQL. POSTGRES_CREATE_ROLE = "CREATE ROLE %(role)s LOGIN CREATEDB PASSWORD '%(pwd)s'" # The name of the PostgreSQL role to create. POSTGRES_ROLE = "rhodecode" # Default directory where to store git repositories. REPOS_DIR = "/opt/rhodecode/git_repos" # Default Celery log directory. CELERY_LOG_DIR = "/var/log/celery" # Default RhodeCode log directory. RHODECODE_LOG_DIR = "/var/log/rhodecode" # Default websites directory. APACHE_DEFAULT_DIR = "/etc/apache2/sites-available/" # Default modules to enalbe in Apache APACHE_ENABLE_MODULES = ["proxy", "proxy_http", "expires", "headers", "ssl"] # Apache websites to disable. APACHE_DISABLE_SITES = ["default"] def cli_args(): """Sets up the cli argument parser.""" parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=DESCRIPTION) parser.add_argument("--rhodecode-config", help="Path to the config INI file.", required=True) parser.add_argument("--rhodecode-data-dir", default=RHODECODE_DATA_DIR, help="The directory where to store RhodeCode data " "and cache. Defaults to '%s'." % RHODECODE_DATA_DIR) parser.add_argument("--rhodecode-log-dir", default=RHODECODE_LOG_DIR, help="The directory to store RhodeCode logs. Defaults " "to '%s'." % RHODECODE_LOG_DIR) parser.add_argument("--rhodecode-admin-usr", default=RHODECODE_ADMIN_USER, help="The name of the admin user for RhodeCode.") parser.add_argument("--rhodecode-admin-pwd", help="The password for RhodeCode admin user.") parser.add_argument("--rhodecode-admin-email", help="The email address for RhodeCode admin user.") parser.add_argument("--rhodecode-usr", default=RHODECODE_DEFAULT_USER, help="The name for the RhodeCode sytem user and " "group.") parser.add_argument("--rhodecode-git-url", default=RHODECODE_SOURCE_GIT_URL, help="The URL where to clone RhodeCode source " "code from.") parser.add_argument("--rhodecode-checkout-dir", default=RHODECODE_CO_DIR, help="The destination directory where to clone " "RhodeCode code into. Defaults to '%s'." % RHODECODE_CO_DIR) parser.add_argument("--rhodecode-branch", default=RHODECODE_SOURCE_BRANCH, help="The branch to use from the source code.") parser.add_argument("--assume-yes", action="store_true", help="Try to automate the process, assuming yes to " "all questions.") parser.add_argument("--development", action="store_true", help="If the instance is a development instance.") parser.add_argument("--no-celery", action="store_true", help="If Celery integration should be disabled.") parser.add_argument("--celery-log-dir", default=CELERY_LOG_DIR, help="The Celery log directory. Defaults to '%s'." % CELERY_LOG_DIR) parser.add_argument("--rabbitmq-usr", default=RABBITMQ_DEFAULT_USER, help="The name to use for the RabbitMQ session. " "Defaults to '%s'." % RABBITMQ_DEFAULT_USER) parser.add_argument("--rabbitmq-pwd", help="The password for the RabbitMQ user.") parser.add_argument("--rabbitmq-vhost", default=RABBITMQ_DEFAULT_VHOST, help="The name of the RabbitMQ vhost for the user. " "Defaults to '%s'." % RABBITMQ_DEFAULT_VHOST) parser.add_argument("--dbname", default=DB_NAME, help="The name to use for the database. Defauls to " "'%s'." % DB_NAME) parser.add_argument("--repos-dir", default=REPOS_DIR, help="Where the git repositories will be stored. " "Defaults to '%s'." % REPOS_DIR) parser.add_argument("--postgres-role", default=POSTGRES_ROLE, help="The PostgreSQL role to create. Defaults " "to '%s'." % POSTGRES_ROLE) parser.add_argument("--postgres-role-pwd", help="The password for the PostgreSQL role.") parser.add_argument("--update", action="store_true", help="Updates to the latest tagged version.") parser.add_argument("--apache-conf", help="Path to the Apache RhodeCode configuration.") parser.add_argument("--apache-website-dir", default=APACHE_DEFAULT_DIR, help="Path the the Apache sites directory. Defaults " "to '%s'." % APACHE_DEFAULT_DIR) return parser.parse_args() def check_cli_args(args): """Performs checks on the command line args passed. Logic to handle the various cases for the cli args. :param args: The args passed on the command line. """ # Checks for required options during update. if not args.rhodecode_config: print ("It is necessary to specify the path to RhodeCode " "configuration file.") sys.exit(1) if args.update: if not args.rhodecode_usr: print ("During update it is necessary to specify the RhodeCode" "system user.") sys.exit(1) if not args.rhodecode_branch: print ("During update it is necessary to specify the RhodeCode" "repository tag to use (i.e. v1.5.1).") sys.exit(1) if not args.rhodecode_checkout_dir: print ("During update it is necessary to specify the RhodeCode" "checkout directory.") sys.exit(1) if not args.dbname: print ("During update it is necessary to specify the RhodeCode" "database name.") sys.exit(1) else: if not args.rhodecode_admin_pwd: print ("It is necessary to specify the administration " "password for RhodeCode") sys.exit(1) if not args.rhodecode_admin_email: print ("It is necessary to specify the administration " "email for RhodeCode") sys.exit(1) if not args.apache_conf: print ("It is necessary to specify the path to apache " "configuration file") sys.exit(1) if not args.postgres_role_pwd: print ("It is necessary to specify the PostgreSQL " "user password") sys.exit(1) if not args.rabbitmq_pwd: print ("It is necessary to specify the RabbitMQ " "password") sys.exit(1) if not args.no_celery: if (args.rabbitmq_usr == RABBITMQ_DEFAULT_USER or \ args.rabbitmq_vhost == RABBITMQ_DEFAULT_VHOST): print ("Warning: default values for --rabbitmq-user and/or " "--rabbitmq-vhost are being used.") if not args.rabbitmq_pwd: print ("To setup RhodeCode to correctly use Celery, it is " "necessary to specify also the RabbitMQ user password.") sys.exit(1) def setup_user(user, home_dir, group): """Creates the necessary user and its associated group. :param user: The name of the user and group to create. """ # Add the user group. cmd_args = ["addgroup", "--system", group] execute_command(cmd_args) # Add the user. cmd_args = ["adduser", "--system", "--home", home_dir, "--ingroup", group, user] execute_command(cmd_args) def setup_directories(directories, rhodecode_usr): """Sets up the correct necessary directories.""" if not isinstance(directories, list): directories = [directories] for directory in directories: if not os.path.exists(directory): cmd_args = ["mkdir", "-p", directory] execute_command(cmd_args) # Set ownership of the directories to the RhodeCode user. set_owners(directory, rhodecode_usr) def execute_command(cmd_args, work_dir=os.getcwd(), with_sudo=True, input_str=None, continue_on_error=False): """Runs the command passed. :param cmd_args: List of command and options to run. :type list :param word_dir: Where the command must be run. Defaults to current dir. :type str :param with_sudo: If the command must be executed as root. Defaults to True. :type bool :param input_str: String to pass to the process as input, in order to automate as much as possible. :type str :param continue_on_error: If an error arise, continue instead of exiting. Default to False. :type bool """ if not isinstance(cmd_args, list): cmd_args = list(cmd_args) if with_sudo: cmd_args.insert(0, "sudo") if input_str: process = subprocess.Popen(cmd_args, cwd=work_dir, stdin=subprocess.PIPE) process.communicate(input=input_str) else: process = subprocess.Popen(cmd_args, cwd=work_dir) process.communicate() if continue_on_error: return elif process.returncode != 0: print "Error executing the following command: %s" % " ".join(cmd_args) sys.exit(1) def update_repositories(): """Performs an 'apt-get update' on the system.""" cmd_args = ["apt-get", "update"] execute_command(cmd_args) def add_launchpad_ppa(ppa_string, assume_yes=False): """Adds a PPA repository from Launchpad. :param ppa_string: The PPA string as found in Launchpad. :type str """ input_str = None cmd_args = ["apt-add-repository", ppa_string] if assume_yes: input_str = "\n" execute_command(cmd_args, input_str=input_str) def install_packages(packages, assume_yes=False): """Installs a new package in the system. :param packages: The packages to install. :type list """ input_str = None if not isinstance(packages, list): packages = [packages] cmd_args = ["apt-get", "install"] + packages if assume_yes: input_str = "Y" execute_command(cmd_args, input_str=input_str) def install_pip_packages(packages, user=None): """Installs packages from PIP. :param packages: The packages to install. It has to be a dictionary, with key the name of the package, and value the version number or None. :type dict :param user: The user to install the PIP package as. This will append --user to the command line. :type str """ for key, value in packages.iteritems(): print "Installing package %s with PIP..." % key cmd_args = ["pip", "install", "-I"] if value: cmd_args.append("%s==%s" % (key, value)) else: cmd_args.append(key) cmd_args.append("-U") if user: cmd_args = ["-u", user] + cmd_args cmd_args.append("--user") execute_command(cmd_args) def install_git_from_ppa(assume_yes=False): """Install git from the git maintainers Launchpad PPA. :param assume_yes: If operation has to be automated. :type bool """ print "Installing git-core package from git maintainers PPA..." install_packages("python-software-properties", assume_yes=assume_yes) add_launchpad_ppa("ppa:git-core/ppa", assume_yes=assume_yes) update_repositories() install_packages("git-core", assume_yes=assume_yes) def create_postgresql_role(role, pwd, postgres_usr="postgres"): """Creates a new PostgreSQL role. :param role: The name of the role to create. :type str :param pwd: The password to set to the new role. :type str :param postgres_usr: The superuser for PostreSQL. Defaults to 'postgres'. :type str """ postgres_commamd = POSTGRES_CREATE_ROLE % dict(role=str(role), pwd=str(pwd)) cmd_args = ["-u", postgres_usr, "psql", "-c", str(postgres_commamd)] execute_command(cmd_args) def create_postgresql_db(db_name, role): """Creates the PostgreSQL database. :param db_name: The name of the database to create. :type str :param role: The name of the postregsql user. :type str """ print "Creating PostgreSQL database..." cmd_args = ["-u", role, "createdb", db_name] execute_command(cmd_args) def setup_rabbitmq_server(user, password, vhost): """Sets up RabbitMQ server. :param user: The name of the user for the RabbitMQ session. :type str :param password: The password for the RabbitMQ user. :type str :param vhost: The name of the RabbitMQ vhost to create. :type str """ cmd_args = ["rabbitmqctl", "add_user", user, password] execute_command(cmd_args) cmd_args = ["rabbitmqctl", "add_vhost", vhost] execute_command(cmd_args) cmd_args = ["rabbitmqctl", "set_permissions", "-p", vhost, user, ".*", ".*", ".*"] execute_command(cmd_args) def clone_rhodecode_code(url, branch, work_dir, source_co): """Clones RhodeCode code from git. Clones RhodeCode from git and checkouts the specified branch. :param url: The URL of the git repository. :type str :param branch: The name of the branch to checkout. :type str :param work_dir: The working directory where to clone the code. :type str :param source_co: The destination directory where the code will be cloned. :type str """ source_path = os.path.join(work_dir, source_co) if not os.path.exists(source_path): cmd_args = ["git", "clone", url, source_co] execute_command(cmd_args, work_dir=work_dir) cmd_args = ["git", "checkout", branch] execute_command(cmd_args, work_dir=source_path) cmd_args = ["git", "pull", "origin", branch] execute_command(cmd_args, work_dir=source_path) def set_owners(directory, usr, group=None): """Sets the correct ownership on the given directory. :param directory: The directory to set the ownership. :type str :param usr: The name of the user to set the ownership. :type str :param group: The name of the group to set the ownership. Default to the usr parameter. :type str """ if not group: group = usr chown = "%s:%s" % (usr, group) cmd_args = ["chown", "-R", chown, directory] execute_command(cmd_args) def set_permissions(file_or_dir, permissions): """Sets the permissions on the given path. :param file_or_dir: A list of paths to set the permissions. :type list :param permissions: String containing the permissions as passed to the 'chmod' command. """ if not isinstance(file_or_dir, list): file_or_dir = [file_or_dir] for element in file_or_dir: cmd_args = ["chmod", "-R", permissions, element] execute_command(cmd_args) def install_rhodecode(work_dir, user=None): """Installs RhodeCode on the system. :param work_dir: The directory containing RhodeCode setup file. :type str """ cmd_args = ["python", "setup.py", "install"] if user: cmd_args = ["-u", user, "-H"] + cmd_args cmd_args.append("--user") execute_command(cmd_args, work_dir=work_dir) def reinstall_rhodecode(work_dir): """Re-installs RhodeCode on the system. :param work_dir: The directory containing RhodeCode setup file. :type str """ cmd_args = ["python", "setup.py", "clean"] execute_command(cmd_args, work_dir=work_dir, with_sudo=True) cmd_args = ["python", "setup.py", "install"] execute_command(cmd_args, work_dir=work_dir, with_sudo=True) def update_rhodecode(tag, work_dir): """Updates RhodeCode code base to the provided tag/branch. :param tag: Tag (or branch) to which to update the code base. :param work_dir: The directory containing RhodeCode setup file. :param source_co: The destination directory where the code is cloned. :type str """ cmd_args = ["git", "fetch"] execute_command(cmd_args, work_dir=work_dir) cmd_args = ["git", "pull", "origin", tag] execute_command(cmd_args, work_dir=work_dir) cmd_args = ["git", "checkout", tag] execute_command(cmd_args, work_dir=work_dir, with_sudo=True) def update_database_schema(work_dir, config_file, assume_yes=False): """Updates the database schema regardles of the database used. :param work_dir: Working directory. :type str :param config_file: Config file to use, it will tell which db to update. :type str """ input_str = None if assume_yes: input_str = "y" cmd_args = ["paster", "upgrade-db", config_file] execute_command(cmd_args, work_dir=work_dir, input_str=input_str, continue_on_error=True) def backup_installation(home_dir): """Backup the old code base and installation in home directory. :param home_dir: Working directory. :type str """ date = datetime.date.today() backup_filename = "%s.%s.tar.gz" % (args.rhodecode_checkout_dir, date.strftime("%Y.%m.%d")) cmd_args = ["tar", "czf", backup_filename, args.rhodecode_checkout_dir] execute_command(cmd_args, work_dir=home_dir) def backup_postgres_db(home_dir, db_name, postgres_usr="postgres"): """Backup the database as file in home directory. :param home_dir: Working directory. :type str :param config_file: Config file to use, it will tell which db to update. :type str """ date = datetime.date.today() tempfile_name = "/%s/%s" % ("tmp", DB_BACKUP_FILENAME) db_filename = "%s.%s" % (DB_BACKUP_FILENAME, date.strftime("%Y.%m.%d")) cmd_args = ["-u", postgres_usr, "pg_dump", db_name, "-f", tempfile_name] execute_command(cmd_args, work_dir=home_dir) cmd_args = ["cp", tempfile_name, db_filename] execute_command(cmd_args, work_dir=home_dir) def setup_rhodecode(rhodecode_dir, config_file, git_repos, admin_usr, admin_pwd, admin_email, user=None, assume_yes=False): """Sets up RhodeCode instance. :param rhodecode_dir: The directory where RhodeCode code was checked out. :type str :param config_file: The path to the production.ini config file. :type str :param admin_usr: The RhodeCode admin user name. :type str :param admin_pwd: The RhodeCode admin user password. :type str :param admin_email: The RhodeCode admin user email. :type str :param user: The user to run the process as. :type str :param assume_yes: Tries to automate the process. :type bool """ usr_arg = "--user=%s" % admin_usr pwd_arg = "--password=%s" % admin_pwd email_arg = "--email=%s" % admin_email repos = "--repos=%s" % os.path.abspath(git_repos) if user: cmd_args = ["-u", user, "-H"] cmd_args += ["paster", "setup-rhodecode", config_file] cmd_args.append(usr_arg) cmd_args.append(pwd_arg) cmd_args.append(email_arg) cmd_args.append(repos) input_str = None if assume_yes: input_str = "y" execute_command(cmd_args, work_dir=rhodecode_dir, input_str=input_str) def install_upstart_conf(no_celery): """Installs the upstart conf files for RhodeCode and Celery. :param no_celery: If Celery has to be used. :type bool """ basedir = os.path.dirname(__file__) rhodecode_upstart = os.path.join(basedir, RHODECODE_UPSTART_CONF) celeryd_upstart = os.path.join(basedir, CELERY_UPSTART_CONF) cmd_args = ["cp", rhodecode_upstart, "/etc/init/rhodecode.conf"] execute_command(cmd_args) if not no_celery: cmd_args = ["cp", celeryd_upstart, "/etc/init/celeryd.conf"] execute_command(cmd_args) def copy_file(source, dest): """Copies the a file to the defined destination. :param source: Path to the file to copy. :param dest: Where to copy the source file. """ cmd_args = ["cp", source, dest] execute_command(cmd_args) def start_service(service): """Starts a service. Start a service by using the 'service' command. :param service: The service to start. :type str """ cmd_args = ["service", service, "start"] execute_command(cmd_args, continue_on_error=True) def stop_service(service): """Stops a service. Stop a service by using the 'service' command. :param service: The service to stop. :type str """ cmd_args = ["service", service, "stop"] execute_command(cmd_args, continue_on_error=True) def reload_apache_service(): """Reloads Apache configuration.""" cmd_args = ["service", "apache2", "reload"] execute_command(cmd_args) def disable_apache_sites(sites): """Disables Apache sites. :param sites: The list of sites to disable. :type list """ if not isinstance(sites, list): sites = [sites] for site in sites: cmd_args = ["a2dissite", site] execute_command(cmd_args) def enable_apache_sites(sites): """Enables Apache sites. :param sites: The list of sites to enable. :type list """ if not isinstance(sites, list): sites = [sites] for site in sites: cmd_args = ["a2ensite", site] execute_command(cmd_args) def enable_apache_modules(modules): """Enables Apache modules. :param modules: List of modules to enable. :type list """ if not isinstance(modules, list): modules = [modules] for module in modules: cmd_args = ["a2enmod", module] execute_command(cmd_args) def print_install_report(args, home_dir, config_file): """Prints a final report with all the installation data. :param args: The command line arguments. """ print "\n\nRhodeCode Linaro Installation Report\n" print "\nRhodeCode Information\n" print "\tCode cloned from: %s" % args.rhodecode_git_url print "\tInstallation Directory: %s" % home_dir print "\tConfiguration file: %s" % config_file print "\tData Directory: %s" % args.rhodecode_data_dir print "\tRepos Directory: %s" % args.repos_dir print "\tAdmin Username: %s" % args.rhodecode_admin_usr print "\tAdmin Password: %s" % args.rhodecode_admin_pwd print "\tAdmin Email: %s" % args.rhodecode_admin_email print "\nDatabase Information\n" if args.development: print "\tDatabase Backend: SQLite" print "\tDatabse Location: Refer to configuration file." else: print "\tDatabase Backend: PostreSQL" print "\tDatabase Name: %s" % args.dbname print "\tDatabase Role: %s" % args.postgres_role print "\tDatabase Role Password: %s" % args.postgres_role_pwd print "\nCelery/RabbitMQ Integration\n" print "\tCelery activated: %s" % (not args.no_celery) if not args.no_celery: print "\tRabbitMQ User: %s" % args.rabbitmq_usr print "\tRabbitMQ Password: %s" % args.rabbitmq_pwd print "\tRabbitMQ Vhost: %s" % args.rabbitmq_vhost if __name__ == '__main__': args = cli_args() check_cli_args(args) home_dir = os.path.join("/home", args.rhodecode_usr) work_dir = os.path.join(home_dir, args.rhodecode_checkout_dir) rhodecode_conf = os.path.join(home_dir, os.path.basename(args.rhodecode_config)) if args.update: # Stop rhodecode stop_service("rhodecode") stop_service("celeryd") backup_installation(home_dir) if not args.development: backup_postgres_db(home_dir, args.dbname) # Update the rhodecode code base. Reinstall Rhodecode. update_rhodecode(args.rhodecode_branch, work_dir) reinstall_rhodecode(work_dir) # Update database schema. update_database_schema(work_dir, rhodecode_conf, True) # Start rhodecode and celery. start_service("rhodecode") if not args.no_celery: start_service("celeryd") # TODO: start some tests when we implement those. else: # Setup the necessary user for RhodeCode. setup_user(args.rhodecode_usr, home_dir, args.rhodecode_usr) # Create the necessary directories to store RhodeCode data and cache. directories = [args.rhodecode_data_dir, args.repos_dir, args.rhodecode_log_dir] if not args.no_celery: directories.append(args.celery_log_dir) setup_directories(directories, args.rhodecode_usr) # Set the correct permissions to the directories, at least the group # should be able to write. set_permissions(directories, "g+w") # Take git-core package from Launchpad PPA of git maintainers. #install_git_from_ppa(assume_yes=args.assume_yes) # Install all the required packages from the default Ubuntu sources. if args.development: REQUIRED_PACKAGES.append(SQLITE_DB) else: REQUIRED_PACKAGES += POSTGRESQL_DB if not args.no_celery: REQUIRED_PACKAGES += CELERY_REQUIRED_PACKAGES install_packages(REQUIRED_PACKAGES, assume_yes=args.assume_yes) # Install packages through PIP # install_pip_packages(PIP_PACKAGES) if not args.development: create_postgresql_role(args.postgres_role, args.postgres_role_pwd) create_postgresql_db(args.dbname, args.postgres_role) if not args.no_celery: setup_rabbitmq_server(args.rabbitmq_usr, args.rabbitmq_pwd, args.rabbitmq_vhost) clone_rhodecode_code(args.rhodecode_git_url, args.rhodecode_branch, home_dir, args.rhodecode_checkout_dir) # Need to set the correct owners of the directory. set_owners(work_dir, args.rhodecode_usr) install_rhodecode(work_dir, args.rhodecode_usr) copy_file(args.rhodecode_config, home_dir) set_owners(rhodecode_conf, args.rhodecode_usr) setup_rhodecode(work_dir, rhodecode_conf, args.repos_dir, args.rhodecode_admin_usr, args.rhodecode_admin_pwd, args.rhodecode_admin_email, user=args.rhodecode_usr, assume_yes=args.assume_yes) # Apache configurations. apache_conf = os.path.abspath(args.apache_conf) copy_file(apache_conf, args.apache_website_dir) disable_apache_sites(APACHE_DISABLE_SITES) enable_apache_modules(APACHE_ENABLE_MODULES) enable_apache_sites(os.path.basename(apache_conf)) reload_apache_service() # Install upstart scripts for Celery and RhodeCode install_upstart_conf(args.no_celery) start_service("rhodecode") if not args.no_celery: start_service("celeryd") print_install_report(args, home_dir, rhodecode_conf) # save_install_args(args, home_dir, rhodecode_conf)