/** * Copyright (C) ARM Limited 2010-2014. All rights reserved. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as * published by the Free Software Foundation. */ #include "PerfSource.h" #include #include #include #include "Child.h" #include "DynBuf.h" #include "Logging.h" #include "PerfDriver.h" #include "Proc.h" #include "SessionData.h" #define MS_PER_US 1000000 extern Child *child; static bool sendTracepointFormat(Buffer *const buffer, const char *const name, DynBuf *const printb, DynBuf *const b) { if (!printb->printf(EVENTS_PATH "/%s/format", name)) { logg->logMessage("%s(%s:%i): DynBuf::printf failed", __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, __LINE__); return false; } if (!b->read(printb->getBuf())) { logg->logMessage("%s(%s:%i): DynBuf::read failed", __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, __LINE__); return false; } buffer->format(b->getLength(), b->getBuf()); return true; } PerfSource::PerfSource(sem_t *senderSem, sem_t *startProfile) : mSummary(0, FRAME_SUMMARY, 1024, senderSem), mBuffer(0, FRAME_PERF_ATTRS, 1024*1024, senderSem), mCountersBuf(), mCountersGroup(&mCountersBuf), mMonitor(), mUEvent(), mSenderSem(senderSem), mStartProfile(startProfile), mInterruptFd(-1), mIsDone(false) { long l = sysconf(_SC_PAGE_SIZE); if (l < 0) { logg->logError(__FILE__, __LINE__, "Unable to obtain the page size"); handleException(); } gSessionData->mPageSize = static_cast(l); l = sysconf(_SC_NPROCESSORS_CONF); if (l < 0) { logg->logError(__FILE__, __LINE__, "Unable to obtain the number of cores"); handleException(); } gSessionData->mCores = static_cast(l); } PerfSource::~PerfSource() { } struct PrepareParallelArgs { PerfGroup *pg; int cpu; }; void *prepareParallel(void *arg) { const PrepareParallelArgs *const args = (PrepareParallelArgs *)arg; args->pg->prepareCPU(args->cpu); return NULL; } bool PerfSource::prepare() { DynBuf printb; DynBuf b1; DynBuf b2; DynBuf b3; long long schedSwitchId; if (0 || !mMonitor.init() || !mUEvent.init() || !mMonitor.add(mUEvent.getFd()) || (schedSwitchId = PerfDriver::getTracepointId(SCHED_SWITCH, &printb)) < 0 || !sendTracepointFormat(&mBuffer, SCHED_SWITCH, &printb, &b1) // Only want RAW but not IP on sched_switch and don't want TID on SAMPLE_ID || !mCountersGroup.add(&mBuffer, 100/**/, PERF_TYPE_TRACEPOINT, schedSwitchId, 1, PERF_SAMPLE_RAW, PERF_GROUP_MMAP | PERF_GROUP_COMM | PERF_GROUP_TASK | PERF_GROUP_SAMPLE_ID_ALL) // Only want TID and IP but not RAW on timer || (gSessionData->mSampleRate > 0 && !gSessionData->mIsEBS && !mCountersGroup.add(&mBuffer, 99/**/, PERF_TYPE_SOFTWARE, PERF_COUNT_SW_CPU_CLOCK, 1000000000UL / gSessionData->mSampleRate, PERF_SAMPLE_TID | PERF_SAMPLE_IP, 0)) || !gSessionData->perf.enable(&mCountersGroup, &mBuffer) || 0) { logg->logMessage("%s(%s:%i): perf setup failed, are you running Linux 3.12 or later?", __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, __LINE__); return false; } if (!gSessionData->perf.summary(&mSummary)) { logg->logMessage("%s(%s:%i): PerfDriver::summary failed", __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, __LINE__); return false; } { // Run prepareCPU in parallel as perf_event_open can take more than 1 sec in some cases pthread_t threads[NR_CPUS]; PrepareParallelArgs args[NR_CPUS]; for (int cpu = 0; cpu < gSessionData->mCores; ++cpu) { args[cpu].pg = &mCountersGroup; args[cpu].cpu = cpu; if (pthread_create(&threads[cpu], NULL, prepareParallel, &args[cpu]) != 0) { logg->logMessage("%s(%s:%i): pthread_create failed", __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, __LINE__); return false; } } for (int cpu = 0; cpu < gSessionData->mCores; ++cpu) { if (pthread_join(threads[cpu], NULL) != 0) { logg->logMessage("%s(%s:%i): pthread_join failed", __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, __LINE__); return false; } } } int numEvents = 0; for (int cpu = 0; cpu < gSessionData->mCores; ++cpu) { numEvents += mCountersGroup.onlineCPU(cpu, false, &mBuffer, &mMonitor); } if (numEvents <= 0) { logg->logMessage("%s(%s:%i): PerfGroup::onlineCPU failed on all cores", __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, __LINE__); return false; } // Start events before reading proc to avoid race conditions if (!mCountersGroup.start()) { logg->logMessage("%s(%s:%i): PerfGroup::start failed", __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, __LINE__); return false; } if (!readProc(&mBuffer, &printb, &b1, &b2, &b3)) { logg->logMessage("%s(%s:%i): readProc failed", __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, __LINE__); return false; } mBuffer.commit(1); return true; } static const char CPU_DEVPATH[] = "/devices/system/cpu/cpu"; void PerfSource::run() { int pipefd[2]; if (pipe(pipefd) != 0) { logg->logError(__FILE__, __LINE__, "pipe failed"); handleException(); } mInterruptFd = pipefd[1]; if (!mMonitor.add(pipefd[0])) { logg->logError(__FILE__, __LINE__, "Monitor::add failed"); handleException(); } int timeout = -1; if (gSessionData->mLiveRate > 0) { timeout = gSessionData->mLiveRate/MS_PER_US; } sem_post(mStartProfile); while (gSessionData->mSessionIsActive) { // +1 for uevents, +1 for pipe struct epoll_event events[NR_CPUS + 2]; int ready = mMonitor.wait(events, ARRAY_LENGTH(events), timeout); if (ready < 0) { logg->logError(__FILE__, __LINE__, "Monitor::wait failed"); handleException(); } for (int i = 0; i < ready; ++i) { if (events[i].data.fd == mUEvent.getFd()) { if (!handleUEvent()) { logg->logError(__FILE__, __LINE__, "PerfSource::handleUEvent failed"); handleException(); } break; } } // send a notification that data is ready sem_post(mSenderSem); // In one shot mode, stop collection once all the buffers are filled // Assume timeout == 0 in this case if (gSessionData->mOneShot && gSessionData->mSessionIsActive) { logg->logMessage("%s(%s:%i): One shot", __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, __LINE__); child->endSession(); } } mCountersGroup.stop(); mBuffer.setDone(); mIsDone = true; // send a notification that data is ready sem_post(mSenderSem); mInterruptFd = -1; close(pipefd[0]); close(pipefd[1]); } bool PerfSource::handleUEvent() { UEventResult result; if (!mUEvent.read(&result)) { logg->logMessage("%s(%s:%i): UEvent::Read failed", __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, __LINE__); return false; } if (strcmp(result.mSubsystem, "cpu") == 0) { if (strncmp(result.mDevPath, CPU_DEVPATH, sizeof(CPU_DEVPATH) - 1) != 0) { logg->logMessage("%s(%s:%i): Unexpected cpu DEVPATH format", __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, __LINE__); return false; } char *endptr; errno = 0; int cpu = strtol(result.mDevPath + sizeof(CPU_DEVPATH) - 1, &endptr, 10); if (errno != 0 || *endptr != '\0') { logg->logMessage("%s(%s:%i): strtol failed", __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, __LINE__); return false; } if (strcmp(result.mAction, "online") == 0) { // Only call onlineCPU if prepareCPU succeeded const bool result = mCountersGroup.prepareCPU(cpu) && mCountersGroup.onlineCPU(cpu, true, &mBuffer, &mMonitor); mBuffer.commit(1); return result; } else if (strcmp(result.mAction, "offline") == 0) { return mCountersGroup.offlineCPU(cpu); } } return true; } void PerfSource::interrupt() { if (mInterruptFd >= 0) { int8_t c = 0; // Write to the pipe to wake the monitor which will cause mSessionIsActive to be reread if (::write(mInterruptFd, &c, sizeof(c)) != sizeof(c)) { logg->logError(__FILE__, __LINE__, "write failed"); handleException(); } } } bool PerfSource::isDone () { return mBuffer.isDone() && mIsDone && mCountersBuf.isEmpty(); } void PerfSource::write (Sender *sender) { if (!mSummary.isDone()) { mSummary.write(sender); } if (!mBuffer.isDone()) { mBuffer.write(sender); } if (!mCountersBuf.send(sender)) { logg->logError(__FILE__, __LINE__, "PerfBuffer::send failed"); handleException(); } }