AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2018-11-30Refresh manifest with latest SHAn1sdpSudipto Paul
2018-11-30Refresh manifest with latest SHASudipto Paul
2018-11-30Apply the latest SHA value for quirk repoSudipto Paul
2018-11-30Apply latest quirk SHASudipto Paul
2018-11-30Apply latest SCP SHASudipto Paul
2018-11-30Apply the lastest SHA for the quirkSudipto Paul
2018-11-29Apply the latest SCP SHASudipto Paul
2018-11-28Apply latest SHA for quirk repoSudipto Paul
2018-11-28add n1sdp-pcie-quirk git repoSudipto Paul
2018-11-28Adding latest arm-tf SHASudipto Paul
2018-11-28Adding latest edk2-platforms SHASudipto Paul
2018-11-28Adding latest build-scripts SHA valueSudipto Paul
2018-11-06Introduce N1SDP manifest fileSudipto Paul
2018-10-31manifest: n1sdp: Initial empty commitNariman Poushin
2018-10-31manifest: n1sdp: Initial empty commitRyan Harkin