
x264enc — H264 Encoder


GstX264EncAnalyse analyse Read / Write
gboolean aud Read / Write
gboolean b-adapt Read / Write
gboolean b-pyramid Read / Write
guint bframes Read / Write
guint bitrate Read / Write
gboolean byte-stream Read / Write
gboolean cabac Read / Write
gboolean dct8x8 Read / Write
gboolean interlaced Read / Write
gfloat ip-factor Read / Write
guint key-int-max Read / Write
GstX264EncMe me Read / Write
gchar * multipass-cache-file Read / Write
guint noise-reduction Read / Write
GstX264EncPass pass Read / Write
gfloat pb-factor Read / Write
guint qp-max Read / Write
guint qp-min Read / Write
guint qp-step Read / Write
guint quantizer Read / Write
guint ref Read / Write
guint sps-id Read / Write
gchar * stats-file Read / Write
guint subme Read / Write
guint threads Read / Write
gboolean trellis Read / Write
guint vbv-buf-capacity Read / Write
gboolean weightb Read / Write
gboolean intra-refresh Read / Write
gboolean mb-tree Read / Write
gint rc-lookahead Read / Write
gboolean sliced-threads Read / Write
gint sync-lookahead Read / Write
gchar * option-string Read / Write
GstX264EncProfile profile Read / Write
GstX264EncPsyTune psy-tune Read / Write
GstX264EncPreset speed-preset Read / Write
GstX264EncTune tune Read / Write

Types and Values

struct GstX264Enc

Object Hierarchy

    ╰── GInitiallyUnowned
        ╰── GstObject
            ╰── GstElement
                ╰── GstVideoEncoder
                    ╰── GstX264Enc

Implemented Interfaces

GstX264Enc implements GstPreset.



Element Information




Josef Zlomek <josef.zlomek@itonis.tv>, Mark Nauwelaerts <mnauw@users.sf.net>



Element Pads








video/x-raw, format=(string){ I420, YV12, Y42B, Y444, NV12, I420_10LE, I422_10LE, Y444_10LE }, framerate=(fraction)[ 0/1, 2147483647/1 ], width=(int)[ 16, 2147483647 ], height=(int)[ 16, 2147483647 ]








video/x-h264, framerate=(fraction)[ 0/1, 2147483647/1 ], width=(int)[ 1, 2147483647 ], height=(int)[ 1, 2147483647 ], stream-format=(string){ avc, byte-stream }, alignment=(string)au, profile=(string){ high-4:4:4, high-4:2:2, high-10, high, main, baseline, constrained-baseline, high-4:4:4-intra, high-4:2:2-intra, high-10-intra }


Types and Values

struct GstX264Enc

struct GstX264Enc;

Property Details

The “analyse” property

  “analyse”                  GstX264EncAnalyse

Partitions to consider.

Flags: Read / Write

The “aud” property

  “aud”                      gboolean

Use AU (Access Unit) delimiter.

Flags: Read / Write

Default value: TRUE

The “b-adapt” property

  “b-adapt”                  gboolean

Automatically decide how many B-frames to use.

Flags: Read / Write

Default value: TRUE

The “b-pyramid” property

  “b-pyramid”                gboolean

Keep some B-frames as references.

Flags: Read / Write

Default value: FALSE

The “bframes” property

  “bframes”                  guint

Number of B-frames between I and P.

Flags: Read / Write

Allowed values: <= 4

Default value: 0

The “bitrate” property

  “bitrate”                  guint

Bitrate in kbit/sec.

Flags: Read / Write

Allowed values: [1,102400]

Default value: 2048

The “byte-stream” property

  “byte-stream”              gboolean

Generate byte stream format of NALU.

Flags: Read / Write

Default value: FALSE

The “cabac” property

  “cabac”                    gboolean

Enable CABAC entropy coding.

Flags: Read / Write

Default value: TRUE

The “dct8x8” property

  “dct8x8”                   gboolean

Adaptive spatial transform size.

Flags: Read / Write

Default value: FALSE

The “interlaced” property

  “interlaced”               gboolean

Interlaced material.

Flags: Read / Write

Default value: FALSE

The “ip-factor” property

  “ip-factor”                gfloat

Quantizer factor between I- and P-frames.

Flags: Read / Write

Allowed values: [0,2]

Default value: 1.4

The “key-int-max” property

  “key-int-max”              guint

Maximal distance between two key-frames (0 for automatic).

Flags: Read / Write

Allowed values: <= G_MAXINT

Default value: 0

The “me” property

  “me”                       GstX264EncMe

Integer pixel motion estimation method.

Flags: Read / Write

Default value: hex

The “multipass-cache-file” property

  “multipass-cache-file”     gchar *

Filename for multipass cache file.

Flags: Read / Write

Default value: "x264.log"

The “noise-reduction” property

  “noise-reduction”          guint

Noise reduction strength.

Flags: Read / Write

Allowed values: <= 100000

Default value: 0

The “pass” property

  “pass”                     GstX264EncPass

Encoding pass/type.

Flags: Read / Write

Default value: Constant Bitrate Encoding

The “pb-factor” property

  “pb-factor”                gfloat

Quantizer factor between P- and B-frames.

Flags: Read / Write

Allowed values: [0,2]

Default value: 1.3

The “qp-max” property

  “qp-max”                   guint

Maximum quantizer.

Flags: Read / Write

Allowed values: [1,51]

Default value: 51

The “qp-min” property

  “qp-min”                   guint

Minimum quantizer.

Flags: Read / Write

Allowed values: [1,51]

Default value: 10

The “qp-step” property

  “qp-step”                  guint

Maximum quantizer difference between frames.

Flags: Read / Write

Allowed values: [1,50]

Default value: 4

The “quantizer” property

  “quantizer”                guint

Constant quantizer or quality to apply.

Flags: Read / Write

Allowed values: [1,50]

Default value: 21

The “ref” property

  “ref”                      guint

Number of reference frames.

Flags: Read / Write

Allowed values: [1,12]

Default value: 1

The “sps-id” property

  “sps-id”                   guint

SPS and PPS ID number.

Flags: Read / Write

Allowed values: <= 31

Default value: 0

The “stats-file” property

  “stats-file”               gchar *

Filename for multipass statistics (deprecated, use multipass-cache-file).

Flags: Read / Write

Default value: "x264.log"

The “subme” property

  “subme”                    guint

Subpixel motion estimation and partition decision quality: 1=fast, 10=best.

Flags: Read / Write

Allowed values: [1,10]

Default value: 1

The “threads” property

  “threads”                  guint

Number of threads used by the codec (0 for automatic).

Flags: Read / Write

Allowed values: <= 4

Default value: 0

The “trellis” property

  “trellis”                  gboolean

Enable trellis searched quantization.

Flags: Read / Write

Default value: TRUE

The “vbv-buf-capacity” property

  “vbv-buf-capacity”         guint

Size of the VBV buffer in milliseconds.

Flags: Read / Write

Allowed values: <= 10000

Default value: 600

The “weightb” property

  “weightb”                  gboolean

Weighted prediction for B-frames.

Flags: Read / Write

Default value: FALSE

The “intra-refresh” property

  “intra-refresh”            gboolean

Use Periodic Intra Refresh instead of IDR frames.

Flags: Read / Write

Default value: FALSE

The “mb-tree” property

  “mb-tree”                  gboolean

Macroblock-Tree ratecontrol.

Flags: Read / Write

Default value: TRUE

The “rc-lookahead” property

  “rc-lookahead”             gint

Number of frames for frametype lookahead.

Flags: Read / Write

Allowed values: [0,250]

Default value: 40

The “sliced-threads” property

  “sliced-threads”           gboolean

Low latency but lower efficiency threading.

Flags: Read / Write

Default value: FALSE

The “sync-lookahead” property

  “sync-lookahead”           gint

Number of buffer frames for threaded lookahead (-1 for automatic).

Flags: Read / Write

Allowed values: [G_MAXULONG,250]

Default value: -1

The “option-string” property

  “option-string”            gchar *

String of x264 options (overridden by element properties).

Flags: Read / Write

Default value: ""

The “profile” property

  “profile”                  GstX264EncProfile

Apply restrictions to meet H.264 Profile constraints. This will override other properties if necessary. This will only be used if downstream elements do not specify a profile in their caps (DEPRECATED).

Flags: Read / Write

Default value: main

The “psy-tune” property

  “psy-tune”                 GstX264EncPsyTune

Preset name for psychovisual tuning options.

Flags: Read / Write

Default value: No tuning

The “speed-preset” property

  “speed-preset”             GstX264EncPreset

Preset name for speed/quality tradeoff options (can affect decode compatibility - impose restrictions separately for your target decoder).

Flags: Read / Write

Default value: medium

The “tune” property

  “tune”                     GstX264EncTune

Preset name for non-psychovisual tuning options.

Flags: Read / Write