
GstControlSource — base class for control source sources


#include <gst/gst.h>

struct              GstControlSource;
struct              GstControlSourceClass;
gboolean            (*GstControlSourceGetValue)         (GstControlSource *self,
                                                         GstClockTime timestamp,
                                                         gdouble *value);
gboolean            (*GstControlSourceGetValueArray)    (GstControlSource *self,
                                                         GstClockTime timestamp,
                                                         GstClockTime interval,
                                                         guint n_values,
                                                         gdouble *values);
struct              GstTimedValue;
gboolean            gst_control_source_get_value        (GstControlSource *self,
                                                         GstClockTime timestamp,
                                                         gdouble *value);
gboolean            gst_control_source_get_value_array  (GstControlSource *self,
                                                         GstClockTime timestamp,
                                                         GstClockTime interval,
                                                         guint n_values,
                                                         gdouble *values);

Object Hierarchy



The GstControlSource is a base class for control value sources that could be used by GstController to get timestamp-value pairs. A control source essentially is a function over time, returning gloat values between 0.0 and 1.0.

A GstControlSource is used by first getting an instance of a specific control-source, creating a binding for the control-source to the target property of the element and then adding the binding to the element. The binding will convert the data types and value range to fit to the bound property.

For implementing a new GstControlSource one has to implement GstControlSourceGetValue and GstControlSourceGetValueArray functions. These are then used by gst_control_source_get_value() and gst_control_source_get_value_array() to get values for specific timestamps.



typedef struct _GstValueArray GstValueArray;

struct GstControlSource

struct GstControlSource {
  GstControlSourceGetValue get_value;             /* Returns the value for a property at a given timestamp */
  GstControlSourceGetValueArray get_value_array;  /* Returns values for a property in a given timespan */

The instance structure of GstControlSource.

GstControlSourceGetValue get_value;

Function for returning a value for a given timestamp

GstControlSourceGetValueArray get_value_array;

Function for returning a GstValueArray for a given timestamp

struct GstControlSourceClass

struct GstControlSourceClass {
  GstObjectClass parent_class;

The class structure of GstControlSource.

GstObjectClass parent_class;

Parent class

GstControlSourceGetValue ()

gboolean            (*GstControlSourceGetValue)         (GstControlSource *self,
                                                         GstClockTime timestamp,
                                                         gdouble *value);

Function for returning a value for a given timestamp.

self :

the GstControlSource instance

timestamp :

timestamp for which a value should be calculated

value :

a GValue which will be set to the result. It must be initialized to the correct type.

Returns :

TRUE if the value was successfully calculated.

GstControlSourceGetValueArray ()

gboolean            (*GstControlSourceGetValueArray)    (GstControlSource *self,
                                                         GstClockTime timestamp,
                                                         GstClockTime interval,
                                                         guint n_values,
                                                         gdouble *values);

Function for returning an array of values for starting at a given timestamp.

self :

the GstControlSource instance

timestamp :

timestamp for which a value should be calculated

interval :

the time spacing between subsequent values

n_values :

the number of values

values :

array to put control-values in

Returns :

TRUE if the values were successfully calculated.

struct GstTimedValue

struct GstTimedValue {
  GstClockTime timestamp;
  gdouble      value;

Structure for saving a timestamp and a value.

GstClockTime timestamp;

timestamp of the value change

gdouble value;

the corresponding value

gst_control_source_get_value ()

gboolean            gst_control_source_get_value        (GstControlSource *self,
                                                         GstClockTime timestamp,
                                                         gdouble *value);

Gets the value for this GstControlSource at a given timestamp.

self :

the GstControlSource object

timestamp :

the time for which the value should be returned

value :

the value

Returns :

FALSE if the value couldn't be returned, TRUE otherwise.

gst_control_source_get_value_array ()

gboolean            gst_control_source_get_value_array  (GstControlSource *self,
                                                         GstClockTime timestamp,
                                                         GstClockTime interval,
                                                         guint n_values,
                                                         gdouble *values);

Gets an array of values for for this GstControlSource. Values that are undefined contain NANs.

self :

the GstControlSource object

timestamp :

the first timestamp

interval :

the time steps

n_values :

the number of values to fetch

values :

array to put control-values in

Returns :

TRUE if the given array could be filled, FALSE otherwise