
GstQuery — Provide functions to create queries, and to set and parse values in them.


#include <gst/gst.h>

struct              GstQuery;
enum                GstQueryTypeFlags;
#define             GST_QUERY_TYPE_BOTH
#define             GST_QUERY_MAKE_TYPE                 (num,
enum                GstQueryType;
#define             GST_QUERY_TYPE                      (query)
#define             GST_QUERY_TYPE_NAME                 (query)
#define             GST_QUERY_IS_UPSTREAM               (ev)
#define             GST_QUERY_IS_DOWNSTREAM             (ev)
#define             GST_QUERY_IS_SERIALIZED             (ev)
GstQueryTypeFlags   gst_query_type_get_flags            (GstQueryType type);
const gchar *       gst_query_type_get_name             (GstQueryType type);
GQuark              gst_query_type_to_quark             (GstQueryType type);
GstQuery *          gst_query_ref                       (GstQuery *q);
void                gst_query_unref                     (GstQuery *q);
GstQuery *          gst_query_copy                      (const GstQuery *q);
#define             gst_query_make_writable             (q)
#define             gst_query_is_writable               (q)
gboolean            gst_query_replace                   (GstQuery **old_query,
                                                         GstQuery *new_query);
GstStructure *      gst_query_writable_structure        (GstQuery *query);
GstQuery *          gst_query_new_custom                (GstQueryType type,
                                                         GstStructure *structure);
const GstStructure * gst_query_get_structure            (GstQuery *query);
GstQuery *          gst_query_new_convert               (GstFormat src_format,
                                                         gint64 value,
                                                         GstFormat dest_format);
void                gst_query_set_convert               (GstQuery *query,
                                                         GstFormat src_format,
                                                         gint64 src_value,
                                                         GstFormat dest_format,
                                                         gint64 dest_value);
void                gst_query_parse_convert             (GstQuery *query,
                                                         GstFormat *src_format,
                                                         gint64 *src_value,
                                                         GstFormat *dest_format,
                                                         gint64 *dest_value);
GstQuery *          gst_query_new_position              (GstFormat format);
void                gst_query_set_position              (GstQuery *query,
                                                         GstFormat format,
                                                         gint64 cur);
void                gst_query_parse_position            (GstQuery *query,
                                                         GstFormat *format,
                                                         gint64 *cur);
GstQuery *          gst_query_new_duration              (GstFormat format);
void                gst_query_set_duration              (GstQuery *query,
                                                         GstFormat format,
                                                         gint64 duration);
void                gst_query_parse_duration            (GstQuery *query,
                                                         GstFormat *format,
                                                         gint64 *duration);
GstQuery *          gst_query_new_latency               (void);
void                gst_query_parse_latency             (GstQuery *query,
                                                         gboolean *live,
                                                         GstClockTime *min_latency,
                                                         GstClockTime *max_latency);
void                gst_query_set_latency               (GstQuery *query,
                                                         gboolean live,
                                                         GstClockTime min_latency,
                                                         GstClockTime max_latency);
GstQuery *          gst_query_new_seeking               (GstFormat format);
void                gst_query_set_seeking               (GstQuery *query,
                                                         GstFormat format,
                                                         gboolean seekable,
                                                         gint64 segment_start,
                                                         gint64 segment_end);
void                gst_query_parse_seeking             (GstQuery *query,
                                                         GstFormat *format,
                                                         gboolean *seekable,
                                                         gint64 *segment_start,
                                                         gint64 *segment_end);
GstQuery *          gst_query_new_formats               (void);
void                gst_query_set_formats               (GstQuery *query,
                                                         gint n_formats,
void                gst_query_set_formatsv              (GstQuery *query,
                                                         gint n_formats,
                                                         const GstFormat *formats);
void                gst_query_parse_n_formats           (GstQuery *query,
                                                         guint *n_formats);
void                gst_query_parse_nth_format          (GstQuery *query,
                                                         guint nth,
                                                         GstFormat *format);
GstQuery *          gst_query_new_segment               (GstFormat format);
void                gst_query_set_segment               (GstQuery *query,
                                                         gdouble rate,
                                                         GstFormat format,
                                                         gint64 start_value,
                                                         gint64 stop_value);
void                gst_query_parse_segment             (GstQuery *query,
                                                         gdouble *rate,
                                                         GstFormat *format,
                                                         gint64 *start_value,
                                                         gint64 *stop_value);
GstQuery *          gst_query_new_caps                  (GstCaps *filter);
void                gst_query_parse_caps                (GstQuery *query,
                                                         GstCaps **filter);
void                gst_query_set_caps_result           (GstQuery *query,
                                                         GstCaps *caps);
void                gst_query_parse_caps_result         (GstQuery *query,
                                                         GstCaps **caps);
GstQuery *          gst_query_new_accept_caps           (GstCaps *caps);
void                gst_query_parse_accept_caps         (GstQuery *query,
                                                         GstCaps **caps);
void                gst_query_set_accept_caps_result    (GstQuery *query,
                                                         gboolean result);
void                gst_query_parse_accept_caps_result  (GstQuery *query,
                                                         gboolean *result);
enum                GstBufferingMode;
GstQuery *          gst_query_new_buffering             (GstFormat format);
void                gst_query_set_buffering_percent     (GstQuery *query,
                                                         gboolean busy,
                                                         gint percent);
void                gst_query_parse_buffering_percent   (GstQuery *query,
                                                         gboolean *busy,
                                                         gint *percent);
void                gst_query_set_buffering_stats       (GstQuery *query,
                                                         GstBufferingMode mode,
                                                         gint avg_in,
                                                         gint avg_out,
                                                         gint64 buffering_left);
void                gst_query_parse_buffering_stats     (GstQuery *query,
                                                         GstBufferingMode *mode,
                                                         gint *avg_in,
                                                         gint *avg_out,
                                                         gint64 *buffering_left);
void                gst_query_set_buffering_range       (GstQuery *query,
                                                         GstFormat format,
                                                         gint64 start,
                                                         gint64 stop,
                                                         gint64 estimated_total);
void                gst_query_parse_buffering_range     (GstQuery *query,
                                                         GstFormat *format,
                                                         gint64 *start,
                                                         gint64 *stop,
                                                         gint64 *estimated_total);
gboolean            gst_query_add_buffering_range       (GstQuery *query,
                                                         gint64 start,
                                                         gint64 stop);
guint               gst_query_get_n_buffering_ranges    (GstQuery *query);
gboolean            gst_query_parse_nth_buffering_range (GstQuery *query,
                                                         guint index,
                                                         gint64 *start,
                                                         gint64 *stop);
GstQuery *          gst_query_new_uri                   (void);
void                gst_query_parse_uri                 (GstQuery *query,
                                                         gchar **uri);
void                gst_query_set_uri                   (GstQuery *query,
                                                         const gchar *uri);
GstQuery *          gst_query_new_allocation            (GstCaps *caps,
                                                         gboolean need_pool);
void                gst_query_parse_allocation          (GstQuery *query,
                                                         GstCaps **caps,
                                                         gboolean *need_pool);
void                gst_query_add_allocation_pool       (GstQuery *query,
                                                         GstBufferPool *pool,
                                                         guint size,
                                                         guint min_buffers,
                                                         guint max_buffers);
guint               gst_query_get_n_allocation_pools    (GstQuery *query);
void                gst_query_parse_nth_allocation_pool (GstQuery *query,
                                                         guint index,
                                                         GstBufferPool **pool,
                                                         guint *size,
                                                         guint *min_buffers,
                                                         guint *max_buffers);
void                gst_query_set_nth_allocation_pool   (GstQuery *query,
                                                         guint index,
                                                         GstBufferPool *pool,
                                                         guint size,
                                                         guint min_buffers,
                                                         guint max_buffers);
void                gst_query_remove_nth_allocation_pool
                                                        (GstQuery *query,
                                                         guint index);
void                gst_query_add_allocation_param      (GstQuery *query,
                                                         GstAllocator *allocator,
                                                         const GstAllocationParams *params);
guint               gst_query_get_n_allocation_params   (GstQuery *query);
void                gst_query_parse_nth_allocation_param
                                                        (GstQuery *query,
                                                         guint index,
                                                         GstAllocator **allocator,
                                                         GstAllocationParams *params);
void                gst_query_set_nth_allocation_param  (GstQuery *query,
                                                         guint index,
                                                         GstAllocator *allocator,
                                                         const GstAllocationParams *params);
void                gst_query_remove_nth_allocation_param
                                                        (GstQuery *query,
                                                         guint index);
void                gst_query_add_allocation_meta       (GstQuery *query,
                                                         GType api,
                                                         const GstStructure *params);
guint               gst_query_get_n_allocation_metas    (GstQuery *query);
GType               gst_query_parse_nth_allocation_meta (GstQuery *query,
                                                         guint index,
                                                         const GstStructure **params);
void                gst_query_remove_nth_allocation_meta
                                                        (GstQuery *query,
                                                         guint index);
gboolean            gst_query_find_allocation_meta      (GstQuery *query,
                                                         GType api,
                                                         guint *index);
enum                GstSchedulingFlags;
GstQuery *          gst_query_new_scheduling            (void);
void                gst_query_parse_scheduling          (GstQuery *query,
                                                         GstSchedulingFlags *flags,
                                                         gint *minsize,
                                                         gint *maxsize,
                                                         gint *align);
void                gst_query_set_scheduling            (GstQuery *query,
                                                         GstSchedulingFlags flags,
                                                         gint minsize,
                                                         gint maxsize,
                                                         gint align);
void                gst_query_add_scheduling_mode       (GstQuery *query,
                                                         GstPadMode mode);
guint               gst_query_get_n_scheduling_modes    (GstQuery *query);
GstPadMode          gst_query_parse_nth_scheduling_mode (GstQuery *query,
                                                         guint index);
gboolean            gst_query_has_scheduling_mode       (GstQuery *query,
                                                         GstPadMode mode);
gboolean            gst_query_has_scheduling_mode_with_flags
                                                        (GstQuery *query,
                                                         GstPadMode mode,
                                                         GstSchedulingFlags flags);
GstQuery *          gst_query_new_drain                 (void);
GstQuery *          gst_query_new_context               (void);
void                gst_query_set_context               (GstQuery *query,
                                                         GstContext *context);
void                gst_query_parse_context             (GstQuery *query,
                                                         GstContext **context);
void                gst_query_add_context_type          (GstQuery *query,
                                                         const gchar *context_type);
guint               gst_query_get_n_context_types       (GstQuery *query);
gboolean            gst_query_parse_nth_context_type    (GstQuery *query,
                                                         guint i,
                                                         const gchar **context_type);
gboolean            gst_query_has_context_type          (GstQuery *query,
                                                         const gchar *context_type);


Queries can be performed on pads (gst_pad_query()) and elements (gst_element_query()). Please note that some queries might need a running pipeline to work.

Queries can be created using the gst_query_new_*() functions. Query values can be set using gst_query_set_*(), and parsed using gst_query_parse_*() helpers.

The following example shows how to query the duration of a pipeline:

Example 12. Query duration on a pipeline

GstQuery *query;
gboolean res;
query = gst_query_new_duration (GST_FORMAT_TIME);
res = gst_element_query (pipeline, query);
if (res) {
  gint64 duration;
  gst_query_parse_duration (query, NULL, &duration);
  g_print ("duration = %"GST_TIME_FORMAT, GST_TIME_ARGS (duration));
else {
  g_print ("duration query failed...");
gst_query_unref (query);

Last reviewed on 2012-03-29 (0.11.3)


struct GstQuery

struct GstQuery {
  GstMiniObject mini_object;

  GstQueryType type;

The GstQuery structure.

GstMiniObject mini_object;

The parent GstMiniObject type

GstQueryType type;

the GstQueryType

enum GstQueryTypeFlags

typedef enum {
  GST_QUERY_TYPE_UPSTREAM       = 1 << 0,
} GstQueryTypeFlags;

GstQueryTypeFlags indicate the aspects of the different GstQueryType values. You can get the type flags of a GstQueryType with the gst_query_type_get_flags() function.


Set if the query can travel upstream.


Set if the query can travel downstream.


Set if the query should be serialized with data flow.


#define             GST_QUERY_TYPE_BOTH



#define             GST_QUERY_MAKE_TYPE(num,flags)

when making custom query types, use this macro with the num and the given flags

num :

the query number to create

flags :

the query flags

enum GstQueryType

typedef enum {
} GstQueryType;

Standard predefined Query types


unknown query type


current position in stream


total duration of the stream


latency of stream


current jitter of stream


current rate of the stream


seeking capabilities


segment start/stop positions


convert values between formats


query supported formats for convert


query available media for efficient seeking.


a custom application or element defined query.


query the URI of the source or sink.


the buffer allocation properties


the scheduling properties


the accept caps query


the caps query


wait till all serialized data is consumed downstream


query the pipeline-local context from downstream (since 1.2)


#define GST_QUERY_TYPE(query)  (((GstQuery*)(query))->type)

Get the GstQueryType of the query.

query :

the query to query


#define GST_QUERY_TYPE_NAME(query) (gst_query_type_get_name(GST_QUERY_TYPE(query)))

Get a constant string representation of the GstQueryType of the query.

query :

the query to query



Check if an query can travel upstream.

ev :

the query to query



Check if an query can travel downstream.

ev :

the query to query



Check if an query is serialized with the data stream.

ev :

the query to query

gst_query_type_get_flags ()

GstQueryTypeFlags   gst_query_type_get_flags            (GstQueryType type);

Gets the GstQueryTypeFlags associated with type.

type :

a GstQueryType

Returns :

a GstQueryTypeFlags.

gst_query_type_get_name ()

const gchar *       gst_query_type_get_name             (GstQueryType type);

Get a printable name for the given query type. Do not modify or free.

type :

the query type

Returns :

a reference to the static name of the query.

gst_query_type_to_quark ()

GQuark              gst_query_type_to_quark             (GstQueryType type);

Get the unique quark for the given query type.

type :

the query type

Returns :

the quark associated with the query type

gst_query_ref ()

GstQuery *          gst_query_ref                       (GstQuery *q);

Increases the refcount of the given query by one.

q :

a GstQuery to increase the refcount of.

Returns :


gst_query_unref ()

void                gst_query_unref                     (GstQuery *q);

Decreases the refcount of the query. If the refcount reaches 0, the query will be freed.

q :

a GstQuery to decrease the refcount of.

gst_query_copy ()

GstQuery *          gst_query_copy                      (const GstQuery *q);

Copies the given query using the copy function of the parent GstStructure.

Free-function: gst_query_unref

q :

a GstQuery to copy.

Returns :

a new copy of q. [transfer full]


#define         gst_query_make_writable(q)      GST_QUERY_CAST (gst_mini_object_make_writable (GST_MINI_OBJECT_CAST (q)))

Makes a writable query from the given query.

q :

a GstQuery to make writable. [transfer full]

Returns :

a new writable query (possibly same as q). [transfer full]


#define         gst_query_is_writable(q)     gst_mini_object_is_writable (GST_MINI_OBJECT_CAST (q))

Tests if you can safely write data into a query's structure.

q :

a GstQuery

gst_query_replace ()

gboolean            gst_query_replace                   (GstQuery **old_query,
                                                         GstQuery *new_query);

Modifies a pointer to a GstQuery to point to a different GstQuery. The modification is done atomically (so this is useful for ensuring thread safety in some cases), and the reference counts are updated appropriately (the old query is unreffed, the new one is reffed).

Either new_query or the GstQuery pointed to by old_query may be NULL.

old_query :

pointer to a pointer to a GstQuery to be replaced. [inout][transfer full]

new_query :

pointer to a GstQuery that will replace the query pointed to by old_query. [allow-none][transfer none]

Returns :

TRUE if new_query was different from old_query

gst_query_writable_structure ()

GstStructure *      gst_query_writable_structure        (GstQuery *query);

Get the structure of a query. This method should be called with a writable query so that the returned structure is guranteed to be writable.

query :

a GstQuery

Returns :

the GstStructure of the query. The structure is still owned by the query and will therefore be freed when the query is unreffed. [transfer none]

gst_query_new_custom ()

GstQuery *          gst_query_new_custom                (GstQueryType type,
                                                         GstStructure *structure);

Constructs a new custom query object. Use gst_query_unref() when done with it.

Free-function: gst_query_unref

type :

the query type

structure :

a structure for the query

Returns :

a new GstQuery. [transfer full]

gst_query_get_structure ()

const GstStructure * gst_query_get_structure            (GstQuery *query);

Get the structure of a query.

query :

a GstQuery

Returns :

the GstStructure of the query. The structure is still owned by the query and will therefore be freed when the query is unreffed. [transfer none]

gst_query_new_convert ()

GstQuery *          gst_query_new_convert               (GstFormat src_format,
                                                         gint64 value,
                                                         GstFormat dest_format);

Constructs a new convert query object. Use gst_query_unref() when done with it. A convert query is used to ask for a conversion between one format and another.

Free-function: gst_query_unref

src_format :

the source GstFormat for the new query

value :

the value to convert

dest_format :

the target GstFormat

Returns :

a GstQuery. [transfer full]

gst_query_set_convert ()

void                gst_query_set_convert               (GstQuery *query,
                                                         GstFormat src_format,
                                                         gint64 src_value,
                                                         GstFormat dest_format,
                                                         gint64 dest_value);

Answer a convert query by setting the requested values.

query :

a GstQuery

src_format :

the source GstFormat

src_value :

the source value

dest_format :

the destination GstFormat

dest_value :

the destination value

gst_query_parse_convert ()

void                gst_query_parse_convert             (GstQuery *query,
                                                         GstFormat *src_format,
                                                         gint64 *src_value,
                                                         GstFormat *dest_format,
                                                         gint64 *dest_value);

Parse a convert query answer. Any of src_format, src_value, dest_format, and dest_value may be NULL, in which case that value is omitted.

query :

a GstQuery

src_format :

the storage for the GstFormat of the source value, or NULL. [out][allow-none]

src_value :

the storage for the source value, or NULL. [out][allow-none]

dest_format :

the storage for the GstFormat of the destination value, or NULL. [out][allow-none]

dest_value :

the storage for the destination value, or NULL. [out][allow-none]

gst_query_new_position ()

GstQuery *          gst_query_new_position              (GstFormat format);

Constructs a new query stream position query object. Use gst_query_unref() when done with it. A position query is used to query the current position of playback in the streams, in some format.

Free-function: gst_query_unref

format :

the default GstFormat for the new query

Returns :

a new GstQuery. [transfer full]

gst_query_set_position ()

void                gst_query_set_position              (GstQuery *query,
                                                         GstFormat format,
                                                         gint64 cur);

Answer a position query by setting the requested value in the given format.

query :

a GstQuery with query type GST_QUERY_POSITION

format :

the requested GstFormat

cur :

the position to set

gst_query_parse_position ()

void                gst_query_parse_position            (GstQuery *query,
                                                         GstFormat *format,
                                                         gint64 *cur);

Parse a position query, writing the format into format, and the position into cur, if the respective parameters are non-NULL.

query :

a GstQuery

format :

the storage for the GstFormat of the position values (may be NULL). [out][allow-none]

cur :

the storage for the current position (may be NULL). [out][allow-none]

gst_query_new_duration ()

GstQuery *          gst_query_new_duration              (GstFormat format);

Constructs a new stream duration query object to query in the given format. Use gst_query_unref() when done with it. A duration query will give the total length of the stream.

Free-function: gst_query_unref

format :

the GstFormat for this duration query

Returns :

a new GstQuery. [transfer full]

gst_query_set_duration ()

void                gst_query_set_duration              (GstQuery *query,
                                                         GstFormat format,
                                                         gint64 duration);

Answer a duration query by setting the requested value in the given format.

query :

a GstQuery

format :

the GstFormat for the duration

duration :

the duration of the stream

gst_query_parse_duration ()

void                gst_query_parse_duration            (GstQuery *query,
                                                         GstFormat *format,
                                                         gint64 *duration);

Parse a duration query answer. Write the format of the duration into format, and the value into duration, if the respective variables are non-NULL.

query :

a GstQuery

format :

the storage for the GstFormat of the duration value, or NULL. [out][allow-none]

duration :

the storage for the total duration, or NULL. [out][allow-none]

gst_query_new_latency ()

GstQuery *          gst_query_new_latency               (void);

Constructs a new latency query object. Use gst_query_unref() when done with it. A latency query is usually performed by sinks to compensate for additional latency introduced by elements in the pipeline.

Free-function: gst_query_unref

Returns :

a GstQuery. [transfer full]

gst_query_parse_latency ()

void                gst_query_parse_latency             (GstQuery *query,
                                                         gboolean *live,
                                                         GstClockTime *min_latency,
                                                         GstClockTime *max_latency);

Parse a latency query answer.

query :

a GstQuery

live :

storage for live or NULL. [out][allow-none]

min_latency :

the storage for the min latency or NULL. [out][allow-none]

max_latency :

the storage for the max latency or NULL. [out][allow-none]

gst_query_set_latency ()

void                gst_query_set_latency               (GstQuery *query,
                                                         gboolean live,
                                                         GstClockTime min_latency,
                                                         GstClockTime max_latency);

Answer a latency query by setting the requested values in the given format.

query :

a GstQuery

live :

if there is a live element upstream

min_latency :

the minimal latency of the upstream elements

max_latency :

the maximal latency of the upstream elements

gst_query_new_seeking ()

GstQuery *          gst_query_new_seeking               (GstFormat format);

Constructs a new query object for querying seeking properties of the stream.

Free-function: gst_query_unref

format :

the default GstFormat for the new query

Returns :

a new GstQuery. [transfer full]

gst_query_set_seeking ()

void                gst_query_set_seeking               (GstQuery *query,
                                                         GstFormat format,
                                                         gboolean seekable,
                                                         gint64 segment_start,
                                                         gint64 segment_end);

Set the seeking query result fields in query.

query :

a GstQuery

format :

the format to set for the segment_start and segment_end values

seekable :

the seekable flag to set

segment_start :

the segment_start to set

segment_end :

the segment_end to set

gst_query_parse_seeking ()

void                gst_query_parse_seeking             (GstQuery *query,
                                                         GstFormat *format,
                                                         gboolean *seekable,
                                                         gint64 *segment_start,
                                                         gint64 *segment_end);

Parse a seeking query, writing the format into format, and other results into the passed parameters, if the respective parameters are non-NULL

query :

a GST_QUERY_SEEKING type query GstQuery

format :

the format to set for the segment_start and segment_end values, or NULL. [out][allow-none]

seekable :

the seekable flag to set, or NULL. [out][allow-none]

segment_start :

the segment_start to set, or NULL. [out][allow-none]

segment_end :

the segment_end to set, or NULL. [out][allow-none]

gst_query_new_formats ()

GstQuery *          gst_query_new_formats               (void);

Constructs a new query object for querying formats of the stream.

Free-function: gst_query_unref

Returns :

a new GstQuery. [transfer full]

gst_query_set_formats ()

void                gst_query_set_formats               (GstQuery *query,
                                                         gint n_formats,

Set the formats query result fields in query. The number of formats passed must be equal to n_formats.

query :

a GstQuery

n_formats :

the number of formats to set.

... :

A number of GstFormats equal to n_formats.

gst_query_set_formatsv ()

void                gst_query_set_formatsv              (GstQuery *query,
                                                         gint n_formats,
                                                         const GstFormat *formats);

Set the formats query result fields in query. The number of formats passed in the formats array must be equal to n_formats.

query :

a GstQuery

n_formats :

the number of formats to set.

formats :

an array containing n_formats GstFormat values. [in][array length=n_formats]

gst_query_parse_n_formats ()

void                gst_query_parse_n_formats           (GstQuery *query,
                                                         guint *n_formats);

Parse the number of formats in the formats query.

query :

a GstQuery

n_formats :

the number of formats in this query. [out][allow-none]

gst_query_parse_nth_format ()

void                gst_query_parse_nth_format          (GstQuery *query,
                                                         guint nth,
                                                         GstFormat *format);

Parse the format query and retrieve the nth format from it into format. If the list contains less elements than nth, format will be set to GST_FORMAT_UNDEFINED.

query :

a GstQuery

nth :

the nth format to retrieve. [out]

format :

a pointer to store the nth format. [out][allow-none]

gst_query_new_segment ()

GstQuery *          gst_query_new_segment               (GstFormat format);

Constructs a new segment query object. Use gst_query_unref() when done with it. A segment query is used to discover information about the currently configured segment for playback.

Free-function: gst_query_unref

format :

the GstFormat for the new query

Returns :

a new GstQuery. [transfer full]

gst_query_set_segment ()

void                gst_query_set_segment               (GstQuery *query,
                                                         gdouble rate,
                                                         GstFormat format,
                                                         gint64 start_value,
                                                         gint64 stop_value);

Answer a segment query by setting the requested values. The normal playback segment of a pipeline is 0 to duration at the default rate of 1.0. If a seek was performed on the pipeline to play a different segment, this query will return the range specified in the last seek.

start_value and stop_value will respectively contain the configured playback range start and stop values expressed in format. The values are always between 0 and the duration of the media and start_value <= stop_value. rate will contain the playback rate. For negative rates, playback will actually happen from stop_value to start_value.

query :

a GstQuery

rate :

the rate of the segment

format :

the GstFormat of the segment values (start_value and stop_value)

start_value :

the start value

stop_value :

the stop value

gst_query_parse_segment ()

void                gst_query_parse_segment             (GstQuery *query,
                                                         gdouble *rate,
                                                         GstFormat *format,
                                                         gint64 *start_value,
                                                         gint64 *stop_value);

Parse a segment query answer. Any of rate, format, start_value, and stop_value may be NULL, which will cause this value to be omitted.

See gst_query_set_segment() for an explanation of the function arguments.

query :

a GstQuery

rate :

the storage for the rate of the segment, or NULL. [out][allow-none]

format :

the storage for the GstFormat of the values, or NULL. [out][allow-none]

start_value :

the storage for the start value, or NULL. [out][allow-none]

stop_value :

the storage for the stop value, or NULL. [out][allow-none]

gst_query_new_caps ()

GstQuery *          gst_query_new_caps                  (GstCaps *filter);

Constructs a new query object for querying the caps.

The CAPS query should return the allowable caps for a pad in the context of the element's state, its link to other elements, and the devices or files it has opened. These caps must be a subset of the pad template caps. In the NULL state with no links, the CAPS query should ideally return the same caps as the pad template. In rare circumstances, an object property can affect the caps returned by the CAPS query, but this is discouraged.

For most filters, the caps returned by CAPS query is directly affected by the allowed caps on other pads. For demuxers and decoders, the caps returned by the srcpad's getcaps function is directly related to the stream data. Again, the CAPS query should return the most specific caps it reasonably can, since this helps with autoplugging.

The filter is used to restrict the result caps, only the caps matching filter should be returned from the CAPS query. Specifying a filter might greatly reduce the amount of processing an element needs to do.

Free-function: gst_query_unref

filter :

a filter

Returns :

a new GstQuery. [transfer full]

gst_query_parse_caps ()

void                gst_query_parse_caps                (GstQuery *query,
                                                         GstCaps **filter);

Get the filter from the caps query. The caps remains valid as long as query remains valid.

query :

The query to parse

filter :

A pointer to the caps filter. [out]

gst_query_set_caps_result ()

void                gst_query_set_caps_result           (GstQuery *query,
                                                         GstCaps *caps);

Set the caps result in query.

query :

The query to use

caps :

A pointer to the caps. [in]

gst_query_parse_caps_result ()

void                gst_query_parse_caps_result         (GstQuery *query,
                                                         GstCaps **caps);

Get the caps result from query. The caps remains valid as long as query remains valid.

query :

The query to parse

caps :

A pointer to the caps. [out]

gst_query_new_accept_caps ()

GstQuery *          gst_query_new_accept_caps           (GstCaps *caps);

Constructs a new query object for querying if caps are accepted.

Free-function: gst_query_unref

caps :

a fixed GstCaps

Returns :

a new GstQuery. [transfer full]

gst_query_parse_accept_caps ()

void                gst_query_parse_accept_caps         (GstQuery *query,
                                                         GstCaps **caps);

Get the caps from query. The caps remains valid as long as query remains valid.

query :

The query to parse

caps :

A pointer to the caps. [out]

gst_query_set_accept_caps_result ()

void                gst_query_set_accept_caps_result    (GstQuery *query,
                                                         gboolean result);

Set result as the result for the query.

query :

a GST_QUERY_ACCEPT_CAPS type query GstQuery

result :

the result to set

gst_query_parse_accept_caps_result ()

void                gst_query_parse_accept_caps_result  (GstQuery *query,
                                                         gboolean *result);

Parse the result from query and store in result.

query :

a GST_QUERY_ACCEPT_CAPS type query GstQuery

result :

location for the result

enum GstBufferingMode

typedef enum {
} GstBufferingMode;

The different types of buffering methods.


a small amount of data is buffered


the stream is being downloaded


the stream is being downloaded in a ringbuffer


the stream is a live stream

gst_query_new_buffering ()

GstQuery *          gst_query_new_buffering             (GstFormat format);

Constructs a new query object for querying the buffering status of a stream.

Free-function: gst_query_unref

format :

the default GstFormat for the new query

Returns :

a new GstQuery. [transfer full]

gst_query_set_buffering_percent ()

void                gst_query_set_buffering_percent     (GstQuery *query,
                                                         gboolean busy,
                                                         gint percent);

Set the percentage of buffered data. This is a value between 0 and 100. The busy indicator is TRUE when the buffering is in progress.

query :

A valid GstQuery of type GST_QUERY_BUFFERING.

busy :

if buffering is busy

percent :

a buffering percent

gst_query_parse_buffering_percent ()

void                gst_query_parse_buffering_percent   (GstQuery *query,
                                                         gboolean *busy,
                                                         gint *percent);

Get the percentage of buffered data. This is a value between 0 and 100. The busy indicator is TRUE when the buffering is in progress.

query :

A valid GstQuery of type GST_QUERY_BUFFERING.

busy :

if buffering is busy, or NULL. [out][allow-none]

percent :

a buffering percent, or NULL. [out][allow-none]

gst_query_set_buffering_stats ()

void                gst_query_set_buffering_stats       (GstQuery *query,
                                                         GstBufferingMode mode,
                                                         gint avg_in,
                                                         gint avg_out,
                                                         gint64 buffering_left);

Configures the buffering stats values in query.

query :

A valid GstQuery of type GST_QUERY_BUFFERING.

mode :

a buffering mode

avg_in :

the average input rate

avg_out :

the average output rate

buffering_left :

amount of buffering time left in milliseconds

gst_query_parse_buffering_stats ()

void                gst_query_parse_buffering_stats     (GstQuery *query,
                                                         GstBufferingMode *mode,
                                                         gint *avg_in,
                                                         gint *avg_out,
                                                         gint64 *buffering_left);

Extracts the buffering stats values from query.

query :

A valid GstQuery of type GST_QUERY_BUFFERING.

mode :

a buffering mode, or NULL. [out][allow-none]

avg_in :

the average input rate, or NULL. [out][allow-none]

avg_out :

the average output rat, or NULLe. [out][allow-none]

buffering_left :

amount of buffering time left in milliseconds, or NULL. [out][allow-none]

gst_query_set_buffering_range ()

void                gst_query_set_buffering_range       (GstQuery *query,
                                                         GstFormat format,
                                                         gint64 start,
                                                         gint64 stop,
                                                         gint64 estimated_total);

Set the available query result fields in query.

query :

a GstQuery

format :

the format to set for the start and stop values

start :

the start to set

stop :

the stop to set

estimated_total :

estimated total amount of download time

gst_query_parse_buffering_range ()

void                gst_query_parse_buffering_range     (GstQuery *query,
                                                         GstFormat *format,
                                                         gint64 *start,
                                                         gint64 *stop,
                                                         gint64 *estimated_total);

Parse an available query, writing the format into format, and other results into the passed parameters, if the respective parameters are non-NULL

query :

a GST_QUERY_BUFFERING type query GstQuery

format :

the format to set for the segment_start and segment_end values, or NULL. [out][allow-none]

start :

the start to set, or NULL. [out][allow-none]

stop :

the stop to set, or NULL. [out][allow-none]

estimated_total :

estimated total amount of download time, or NULL. [out][allow-none]

gst_query_add_buffering_range ()

gboolean            gst_query_add_buffering_range       (GstQuery *query,
                                                         gint64 start,
                                                         gint64 stop);

Set the buffering-ranges array field in query. The current last start position of the array should be inferior to start.

query :

a GST_QUERY_BUFFERING type query GstQuery

start :

start position of the range

stop :

stop position of the range

Returns :

a gboolean indicating if the range was added or not.

gst_query_get_n_buffering_ranges ()

guint               gst_query_get_n_buffering_ranges    (GstQuery *query);

Retrieve the number of values currently stored in the buffered-ranges array of the query's structure.

query :

a GST_QUERY_BUFFERING type query GstQuery

Returns :

the range array size as a guint.

gst_query_parse_nth_buffering_range ()

gboolean            gst_query_parse_nth_buffering_range (GstQuery *query,
                                                         guint index,
                                                         gint64 *start,
                                                         gint64 *stop);

Parse an available query and get the start and stop values stored at the index of the buffered ranges array.

query :

a GST_QUERY_BUFFERING type query GstQuery

index :

position in the buffered-ranges array to read

start :

the start position to set, or NULL. [out][allow-none]

stop :

the stop position to set, or NULL. [out][allow-none]

Returns :

a gboolean indicating if the parsing succeeded.

gst_query_new_uri ()

GstQuery *          gst_query_new_uri                   (void);

Constructs a new query URI query object. Use gst_query_unref() when done with it. An URI query is used to query the current URI that is used by the source or sink.

Free-function: gst_query_unref

Returns :

a new GstQuery. [transfer full]

gst_query_parse_uri ()

void                gst_query_parse_uri                 (GstQuery *query,
                                                         gchar **uri);

Parse an URI query, writing the URI into uri as a newly allocated string, if the respective parameters are non-NULL. Free the string with g_free() after usage.

query :

a GstQuery

uri :

the storage for the current URI (may be NULL). [out callee-allocates][allow-none]

gst_query_set_uri ()

void                gst_query_set_uri                   (GstQuery *query,
                                                         const gchar *uri);

Answer a URI query by setting the requested URI.

query :

a GstQuery with query type GST_QUERY_URI

uri :

the URI to set

gst_query_new_allocation ()

GstQuery *          gst_query_new_allocation            (GstCaps *caps,
                                                         gboolean need_pool);

Constructs a new query object for querying the allocation properties.

Free-function: gst_query_unref

caps :

the negotiated caps

need_pool :

return a pool

Returns :

a new GstQuery. [transfer full]

gst_query_parse_allocation ()

void                gst_query_parse_allocation          (GstQuery *query,
                                                         GstCaps **caps,
                                                         gboolean *need_pool);

Parse an allocation query, writing the requested caps in caps and whether a pool is needed in need_pool, if the respective parameters are non-NULL.

query :

a GstQuery

caps :

The GstCaps. [out][transfer none][allow-none]

need_pool :

Whether a GstBufferPool is needed. [out][allow-none]

gst_query_add_allocation_pool ()

void                gst_query_add_allocation_pool       (GstQuery *query,
                                                         GstBufferPool *pool,
                                                         guint size,
                                                         guint min_buffers,
                                                         guint max_buffers);

Set the pool parameters in query.

query :

A valid GstQuery of type GST_QUERY_ALLOCATION.

pool :

the GstBufferPool

size :

the size

min_buffers :

the min buffers

max_buffers :

the max buffers

gst_query_get_n_allocation_pools ()

guint               gst_query_get_n_allocation_pools    (GstQuery *query);

Retrieve the number of values currently stored in the pool array of the query's structure.

query :

a GST_QUERY_ALLOCATION type query GstQuery

Returns :

the pool array size as a guint.

gst_query_parse_nth_allocation_pool ()

void                gst_query_parse_nth_allocation_pool (GstQuery *query,
                                                         guint index,
                                                         GstBufferPool **pool,
                                                         guint *size,
                                                         guint *min_buffers,
                                                         guint *max_buffers);

Get the pool parameters in query.

Unref pool with gst_object_unref() when it's not needed any more.

query :

A valid GstQuery of type GST_QUERY_ALLOCATION.

index :

index to parse

pool :

the GstBufferPool. [out][allow-none][transfer full]

size :

the size. [out][allow-none]

min_buffers :

the min buffers. [out][allow-none]

max_buffers :

the max buffers. [out][allow-none]

gst_query_set_nth_allocation_pool ()

void                gst_query_set_nth_allocation_pool   (GstQuery *query,
                                                         guint index,
                                                         GstBufferPool *pool,
                                                         guint size,
                                                         guint min_buffers,
                                                         guint max_buffers);

Set the pool parameters in query.

index :

index to modify

query :

A valid GstQuery of type GST_QUERY_ALLOCATION.

pool :

the GstBufferPool

size :

the size

min_buffers :

the min buffers

max_buffers :

the max buffers

gst_query_remove_nth_allocation_pool ()

void                gst_query_remove_nth_allocation_pool
                                                        (GstQuery *query,
                                                         guint index);

Remove the allocation pool at index of the allocation pool array.

query :

a GST_QUERY_ALLOCATION type query GstQuery

index :

position in the allocation pool array to remove

Since 1.2

gst_query_add_allocation_param ()

void                gst_query_add_allocation_param      (GstQuery *query,
                                                         GstAllocator *allocator,
                                                         const GstAllocationParams *params);

Add allocator and its params as a supported memory allocator.

query :

a GST_QUERY_ALLOCATION type query GstQuery

allocator :

the memory allocator. [transfer none][allow-none]

params :

a GstAllocationParams. [transfer none][allow-none]

gst_query_get_n_allocation_params ()

guint               gst_query_get_n_allocation_params   (GstQuery *query);

Retrieve the number of values currently stored in the allocator params array of the query's structure.

If no memory allocator is specified, the downstream element can handle the default memory allocator. The first memory allocator in the query should be generic and allow mapping to system memory, all following allocators should be ordered by preference with the preferred one first.

query :

a GST_QUERY_ALLOCATION type query GstQuery

Returns :

the allocator array size as a guint.

gst_query_parse_nth_allocation_param ()

void                gst_query_parse_nth_allocation_param
                                                        (GstQuery *query,
                                                         guint index,
                                                         GstAllocator **allocator,
                                                         GstAllocationParams *params);

Parse an available query and get the alloctor and its params at index of the allocator array.

query :

a GST_QUERY_ALLOCATION type query GstQuery

index :

position in the allocator array to read

allocator :

variable to hold the result. [out][transfer full][allow-none]

params :

parameters for the allocator. [out][allow-none]

gst_query_set_nth_allocation_param ()

void                gst_query_set_nth_allocation_param  (GstQuery *query,
                                                         guint index,
                                                         GstAllocator *allocator,
                                                         const GstAllocationParams *params);

Parse an available query and get the alloctor and its params at index of the allocator array.

query :

a GST_QUERY_ALLOCATION type query GstQuery

index :

position in the allocator array to set

allocator :

new allocator to set. [transfer none][allow-none]

params :

parameters for the allocator. [transfer none][allow-none]

gst_query_remove_nth_allocation_param ()

void                gst_query_remove_nth_allocation_param
                                                        (GstQuery *query,
                                                         guint index);

Remove the allocation param at index of the allocation param array.

query :

a GST_QUERY_ALLOCATION type query GstQuery

index :

position in the allocation param array to remove

Since 1.2

gst_query_add_allocation_meta ()

void                gst_query_add_allocation_meta       (GstQuery *query,
                                                         GType api,
                                                         const GstStructure *params);

Add api with params as one of the supported metadata API to query.

query :

a GST_QUERY_ALLOCATION type query GstQuery

api :

the metadata API

params :

API specific parameters. [transfer none][allow-none]

gst_query_get_n_allocation_metas ()

guint               gst_query_get_n_allocation_metas    (GstQuery *query);

Retrieve the number of values currently stored in the meta API array of the query's structure.

query :

a GST_QUERY_ALLOCATION type query GstQuery

Returns :

the metadata API array size as a guint.

gst_query_parse_nth_allocation_meta ()

GType               gst_query_parse_nth_allocation_meta (GstQuery *query,
                                                         guint index,
                                                         const GstStructure **params);

Parse an available query and get the metadata API at index of the metadata API array.

query :

a GST_QUERY_ALLOCATION type query GstQuery

index :

position in the metadata API array to read

params :

API specific flags. [out][allow-none]

Returns :

a GType of the metadata API at index.

gst_query_remove_nth_allocation_meta ()

void                gst_query_remove_nth_allocation_meta
                                                        (GstQuery *query,
                                                         guint index);

Remove the metadata API at index of the metadata API array.

query :

a GST_QUERY_ALLOCATION type query GstQuery

index :

position in the metadata API array to remove

gst_query_find_allocation_meta ()

gboolean            gst_query_find_allocation_meta      (GstQuery *query,
                                                         GType api,
                                                         guint *index);

Check if query has metadata api set. When this function returns TRUE, index will contain the index where the requested API and the flags can be found.

query :

a GST_QUERY_ALLOCATION type query GstQuery

api :

the metadata API

index :

the index. [out][allow-none]

Returns :

TRUE when api is in the list of metadata.

enum GstSchedulingFlags

typedef enum {
  GST_SCHEDULING_FLAG_SEEKABLE          = (1 << 0),
} GstSchedulingFlags;

The different scheduling flags.


if seeking is possible


if sequential access is recommended


if bandwidth is limited and buffering possible (since 1.2)

gst_query_new_scheduling ()

GstQuery *          gst_query_new_scheduling            (void);

Constructs a new query object for querying the scheduling properties.

Free-function: gst_query_unref

Returns :

a new GstQuery. [transfer full]

gst_query_parse_scheduling ()

void                gst_query_parse_scheduling          (GstQuery *query,
                                                         GstSchedulingFlags *flags,
                                                         gint *minsize,
                                                         gint *maxsize,
                                                         gint *align);

Set the scheduling properties.

query :

A valid GstQuery of type GST_QUERY_SCHEDULING.

flags :

GstSchedulingFlags. [out][allow-none]

minsize :

the suggested minimum size of pull requests. [out][allow-none]

maxsize :

the suggested maximum size of pull requests:. [out][allow-none]

align :

the suggested alignment of pull requests. [out][allow-none]

gst_query_set_scheduling ()

void                gst_query_set_scheduling            (GstQuery *query,
                                                         GstSchedulingFlags flags,
                                                         gint minsize,
                                                         gint maxsize,
                                                         gint align);

Set the scheduling properties.

query :

A valid GstQuery of type GST_QUERY_SCHEDULING.

flags :


minsize :

the suggested minimum size of pull requests

maxsize :

the suggested maximum size of pull requests

align :

the suggested alignment of pull requests

gst_query_add_scheduling_mode ()

void                gst_query_add_scheduling_mode       (GstQuery *query,
                                                         GstPadMode mode);

Add mode as aone of the supported scheduling modes to query.

query :

a GST_QUERY_SCHEDULING type query GstQuery

mode :

a GstPadMode

gst_query_get_n_scheduling_modes ()

guint               gst_query_get_n_scheduling_modes    (GstQuery *query);

Retrieve the number of values currently stored in the scheduling mode array of the query's structure.

query :

a GST_QUERY_SCHEDULING type query GstQuery

Returns :

the scheduling mode array size as a guint.

gst_query_parse_nth_scheduling_mode ()

GstPadMode          gst_query_parse_nth_scheduling_mode (GstQuery *query,
                                                         guint index);

Parse an available query and get the scheduling mode at index of the scheduling modes array.

query :

a GST_QUERY_SCHEDULING type query GstQuery

index :

position in the scheduling modes array to read

Returns :

a GstPadMode of the scheduling mode at index.

gst_query_has_scheduling_mode ()

gboolean            gst_query_has_scheduling_mode       (GstQuery *query,
                                                         GstPadMode mode);

Check if query has scheduling mode set.


When checking if upstream supports pull mode, it is usually not enough to just check for GST_PAD_MODE_PULL with this function, you also want to check whether the scheduling flags returned by gst_query_parse_scheduling() have the seeking flag set (meaning random access is supported, not only sequential pulls).

query :

a GST_QUERY_SCHEDULING type query GstQuery

mode :

the scheduling mode

Returns :

TRUE when mode is in the list of scheduling modes.

gst_query_has_scheduling_mode_with_flags ()

gboolean            gst_query_has_scheduling_mode_with_flags
                                                        (GstQuery *query,
                                                         GstPadMode mode,
                                                         GstSchedulingFlags flags);

Check if query has scheduling mode set and flags is set in query scheduling flags.

query :

a GST_QUERY_SCHEDULING type query GstQuery

mode :

the scheduling mode

flags :


Returns :

TRUE when mode is in the list of scheduling modes and flags are compatible with query flags.

gst_query_new_drain ()

GstQuery *          gst_query_new_drain                 (void);

Constructs a new query object for querying the drain state.

Free-function: gst_query_unref

Returns :

a new GstQuery. [transfer full]

gst_query_new_context ()

GstQuery *          gst_query_new_context               (void);

Constructs a new query object for querying the pipeline-local context.

Free-function: gst_query_unref

Returns :

a new GstQuery. [transfer full]

Since 1.2

gst_query_set_context ()

void                gst_query_set_context               (GstQuery *query,
                                                         GstContext *context);

Answer a context query by setting the requested context.

query :

a GstQuery with query type GST_QUERY_CONTEXT

context :

the requested GstContext

Since 1.2

gst_query_parse_context ()

void                gst_query_parse_context             (GstQuery *query,
                                                         GstContext **context);

Get the context from the context query. The context remains valid as long as query remains valid.

query :

The query to parse

context :

A pointer to store the GstContext. [out]

Since 1.2

gst_query_add_context_type ()

void                gst_query_add_context_type          (GstQuery *query,
                                                         const gchar *context_type);

Add a new context type to query.

query :

a GST_QUERY_CONTEXT type query

context_type :

a context type

Since 1.2

gst_query_get_n_context_types ()

guint               gst_query_get_n_context_types       (GstQuery *query);

Retrieve the number of values currently stored in the context-types array of the query's structure.

query :

a GST_QUERY_CONTEXT type query

Returns :

the context-types array size as a guint.

Since 1.2

gst_query_parse_nth_context_type ()

gboolean            gst_query_parse_nth_context_type    (GstQuery *query,
                                                         guint i,
                                                         const gchar **context_type);

Parse a context type from an existing GST_QUERY_CONTEXT query from index.

query :

a GST_QUERY_CONTEXT type query

context_type :

the context type, or NULL. [out][allow-none]

Returns :

a gboolean indicating if the parsing succeeded.

Since 1.2

gst_query_has_context_type ()

gboolean            gst_query_has_context_type          (GstQuery *query,
                                                         const gchar *context_type);

Check if query is asking for context_type.

query :

a GST_QUERY_CONTEXT type query

context_type :

the context type

Returns :

TRUE if context_type is requested.

Since 1.2

See Also

GstPad, GstElement