{% set base_url = [server, '%s/%s/' % (group.slug, project.slug)]|join %}
{% if intro %}
{{ intro }}
{% endif %}

Details for build {{ build.version }}

{% for key, value in build.metadata.__dict__.items() %} {% if value is iterable and value is not string %} {% endfor %} {% else %} {% endif %} {% endfor %} {% for env in env_summaries.keys() %} {% endfor %}
{{key}} {% for v in value %}
{% if v|string and v is not mapping and v.startswith('http') %} {{ v }} {% else %} {{ v }} {% endif %}
{{key}} {% if value is not number and value is string and value.startswith('http') %} {{ value }} {% else %} {{ value }} {% endif %}
Pass Fail Xfail Skip
{{env_summaries[env]['pass']}} {{env_summaries[env]['fail']}} {{env_summaries[env]['xfail']}} {{env_summaries[env]['skip']}}
Total Pass Summary {{ build.status.tests_pass if build.status.tests_pass else 0 }}
Total Fail Summary {{ build.status.tests_fail if build.status.tests_fail else 0 }}
Total Skip Summary {{ build.status.tests_skip if build.status.tests_skip else 0}}
Total Xfail Summary {{ build.status.xfail if build.status.xfail else 0}}
Total Tests {{ build.status.tests_total }}

LAVA test results

{% for env_name, env_results in table.items() %}

{{ env_name }}

{% for test_type, suites in env_results.items() %} {% for suite_name, tests in suites.items() %} {% for test in tests %} {% if test.status %} {% set __class = test.status[0] %} {% set func = 't' %} {% else %} {% set func = 'm' %} {% set __class = '' %} {% endif %} {# the line below is likely to repeat thousands of times, we're saving some precious bytes of storage #} {% endfor %} {% endfor %} {% endfor %}
Test Suite Test Result
{{ suite_name }}{{ test.short_name }}{{ test.status if test.status else test.result}}
{% endfor %}