/* * Author: Andy Green * Copyright (C) 2012 Linaro, LTD * Libwebsocket demo code (C) 2010-2012 Andy Green * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA * 02110-1301, USA. * */ #include "aepd.h" /* * We take a strict whitelist approach to stop ../ attacks */ struct serveable { const char *urlpath; const char *mimetype; }; static const struct serveable whitelist[] = { { "/favicon.ico", "image/x-icon" }, { "/linaro-logo-32.png", "image/png" }, { "/caliper.png", "image/png" }, { "/trigger.png", "image/png" }, { "/indicator-bg.png", "image/png" }, { "/indicator-triggered.png", "image/png" }, /* last one is the default served if no match */ { "/aepscope.html", "text/html" }, }; /* this protocol server (always the first one) just knows how to do HTTP */ static int callback_http(struct libwebsocket_context *context, struct libwebsocket *wsi, enum libwebsocket_callback_reasons reason, void *user, void *in, size_t len) { int n; char buf[512]; switch (reason) { case LWS_CALLBACK_HTTP: for (n = 0; n < (sizeof(whitelist) / sizeof(whitelist[0]) - 1); n++) if (in && strcmp(in, whitelist[n].urlpath) == 0) break; sprintf(buf, LOCAL_RESOURCE_PATH"%s", whitelist[n].urlpath); if (libwebsockets_serve_http_file(wsi, buf, whitelist[n].mimetype)) fprintf(stderr, "Failed to send HTTP file\n"); break; default: break; } return 0; } /* linaro_aepd_protocol */ struct per_session_data__linaro_aepd { struct libwebsocket *wsi; long ringbuffer_tail; double sam[MAX_PROBES * CHANNELS_PER_PROBE * 3]; int sam_valid; int stride; int channels_sent_flag; int issue_timestamp; int viewport_budget; double viewport_offset_time; long caliper_offset[2]; double caliper_time[2]; unsigned long ms10_last_caliper; unsigned long ms10_last_triglevel; int seen_rate; }; extern struct aep_context aep_context; static int callback_linaro_aepd(struct libwebsocket_context *context, struct libwebsocket *wsi, enum libwebsocket_callback_reasons reason, void *user, void *in, size_t len) { int n, m; struct per_session_data__linaro_aepd *pss = user; double sam[MAX_PROBES * CHANNELS_PER_PROBE * 3]; double sam2[MAX_PROBES * CHANNELS_PER_PROBE * 3]; double d[10]; char buf[LWS_SEND_BUFFER_PRE_PADDING + 16384 + LWS_SEND_BUFFER_POST_PADDING]; char *p = &buf[LWS_SEND_BUFFER_PRE_PADDING]; int budget = 10; int no_valid_sam_flag = 0; long extent; long l; struct timeval tv; unsigned long ms10; switch (reason) { case LWS_CALLBACK_ESTABLISHED: pss->ringbuffer_tail = aepd_shared->fifo_pos; pss->sam_valid = 0; pss->wsi = wsi; pss->stride = 100; pss->channels_sent_flag = 0; pss->issue_timestamp = 1; pss->viewport_offset_time = 0; pss->viewport_budget = 0; pss->caliper_offset[0] = -1; pss->caliper_offset[1] = -1; pss->seen_rate = 0; break; case LWS_CALLBACK_SERVER_WRITEABLE: if (aepd_shared->chans < 0) break; gettimeofday(&tv, NULL); ms10 = (tv.tv_sec * 10) + (tv.tv_usec / 100000); /* * is it time to do a caliper update? */ if (ms10 != pss->ms10_last_caliper && aepd_shared->chans) { pss->ms10_last_caliper = ms10; if (pss->caliper_time[0] > aepd_shared->fifo_head_time || pss->caliper_time[1] > aepd_shared->fifo_head_time) goto bad_caliper; if (pss->caliper_time[0] < 0 || pss->caliper_time[1] < 0) goto bad_caliper; l = pss->ringbuffer_tail - pss->caliper_offset[0]; if (l < 0) l += aepd_shared->modulo_integer_chan_size; if (l < 0) goto bad_caliper; if (lseek(aepd_shared->fd_fifo_read, l, SEEK_SET) < 0) fprintf(stderr, "seek %ld failed\n", l); if (sizeof(sam) < (aepd_shared->chans * sizeof(double) * 3)) fprintf(stderr, "reading too much %d\n", aepd_shared->chans); if (read(aepd_shared->fd_fifo_read, &sam[0], aepd_shared->chans * sizeof(double) * 3) < 0) fprintf(stderr, "fifo read %ld failed\n", l); l = pss->ringbuffer_tail - pss->caliper_offset[1]; if (l < 0) l += aepd_shared->modulo_integer_chan_size; if (l < 0) goto bad_caliper; if (lseek(aepd_shared->fd_fifo_read, l, SEEK_SET) < 0) fprintf(stderr, "seek %ld failed\n", l); if (sizeof(sam2) < (aepd_shared->chans * sizeof(double) * 3)) fprintf(stderr, "reading too much %d\n", aepd_shared->chans); if (read(aepd_shared->fd_fifo_read, &sam2[0], aepd_shared->chans * sizeof(double) * 3) < 0) fprintf(stderr, "fifo read %ld fail\n", l); extent = (pss->caliper_offset[1] - pss->caliper_offset[0]) / (aepd_shared->chans * sizeof(double) * 3); *p++ = 'c'; m = 0; for (n = 0; n < aepd_shared->chans; n++) { p += sprintf(p, "%f %f %f", (sam[m] - sam2[m]) / (double)extent, (sam[m + 1] - sam2[m + 1]) / (double)extent, (sam[m + 2] - sam2[m + 2]) / (double)extent ); if (n + 1 != aepd_shared->chans) { *p++ = ','; *p = '\0'; } m += 3; } *p = '\0'; goto send; bad_caliper: *p++ = 'C'; *p = '\0'; goto send; } if (ms10 != pss->ms10_last_triglevel && aepd_shared->chans) { pss->ms10_last_caliper = ms10; } /* * do we need to isse a sync timestamp? */ if (pss->issue_timestamp && aepd_shared->chans) { pss->issue_timestamp = 0; /* * we want to set the sample time context for what we are * about to send */ pss->sam_valid = 0; l = pss->ringbuffer_tail; if (l <= (long)aepd_shared->fifo_pos) extent = aepd_shared->fifo_pos - l; else extent = (aepd_shared->modulo_integer_chan_size - l) + aepd_shared->fifo_pos; extent /= aepd_shared->chans * sizeof(double) * 3; p += sprintf(p, "t%f %d", aepd_shared->fifo_head_time - ((double)extent * 0.0001), aepd_shared->stop_flag ^ 1); goto send; } /* * do we need to dump channel info? */ if (!pss->channels_sent_flag && aepd_shared->chans) { /* signal it's a message with channel names */ *p++ = '='; for (n = 0; n < aep_context.aep_shared->chans + aep_context.aep_shared->vchans; n++) p += sprintf(p, "%s,%s,%s,%s,;", aep_context.aep_shared->channel_name[n], aep_context.aep_shared->supply[n], aep_context.aep_shared->colour[n], aep_context.aep_shared->class[n]); pss->channels_sent_flag = 1; goto send; } /* * if we're not following the samples head, we don't need to * spam the viewport any more than one viewport's worth of samples. * * We're still collecting samples, he can get them by moving his * viewport offset */ if (pss->viewport_offset_time < -0.00009) if (!pss->viewport_budget) break; /* * if we didn't have to do any of the other tasks, * aggregate up to 'budget' pending results in one websocket message */ if (!pss->seen_rate || !aepd_shared->chans) return 0; while (budget-- && (p - &buf[LWS_SEND_BUFFER_PRE_PADDING]) < (sizeof(buf) - 4096)) { if (pss->ringbuffer_tail <= (long)aepd_shared->fifo_pos) extent = aepd_shared->fifo_pos - pss->ringbuffer_tail; else extent = (aepd_shared->modulo_integer_chan_size - pss->ringbuffer_tail) + aepd_shared->fifo_pos; if (pss->ringbuffer_tail >= 0 && extent < (pss->stride * aepd_shared->chans * sizeof(double) * 3)) { budget = 0; continue; } if (pss->ringbuffer_tail < 0) { no_valid_sam_flag = 1; pss->sam_valid = 0; /* force a 0 sample */ for (n = 0; n < aepd_shared->chans * 3; n++) sam[n] = pss->sam[n]; } else { no_valid_sam_flag = 0; lseek(aepd_shared->fd_fifo_read, pss->ringbuffer_tail, SEEK_SET); if (read(aepd_shared->fd_fifo_read, &sam[0], aepd_shared->chans * sizeof(double) * 3) < 0) fprintf(stderr, "fifo read fail\n"); } if (pss->viewport_budget) pss->viewport_budget--; else if (pss->viewport_offset_time < -0.00009) goto send; pss->ringbuffer_tail += (pss->stride * aepd_shared->chans * sizeof(double) * 3 ); if (pss->ringbuffer_tail > (long)aepd_shared->modulo_integer_chan_size) pss->ringbuffer_tail -= aepd_shared->modulo_integer_chan_size; if (pss->sam_valid || no_valid_sam_flag) { /* * Javascript can't cope with binary, so we must ascii-fy it */ m = 0; for (n = 0; n < aepd_shared->chans; n++) { if ((sam[m] - pss->sam[m]) < 0) fprintf(stderr, "sam[m] %lf < pss->sam[m] %lf\n", sam[m], pss->sam[m]); p += sprintf(p, "%f %f %f", (sam[m] - pss->sam[m]) / (double)pss->stride, (sam[m + 1] - pss->sam[m + 1]) / (double)pss->stride, (sam[m + 2] - pss->sam[m + 2]) / (double)pss->stride ); if (n + 1 != aepd_shared->chans) { *p++ = ','; *p = '\0'; } m += 3; } *p++ = ';'; *p = '\0'; } memcpy(&pss->sam[0], &sam[0], aepd_shared->chans * sizeof(double) * 3); if (!no_valid_sam_flag) pss->sam_valid = 1; if ((p - &buf[LWS_SEND_BUFFER_PRE_PADDING]) > (sizeof(buf) - 2048)) { fprintf(stderr, "insane buffer usage %d! pss->ringbuffer_tail = %ld, budget=%d aepd_shared->chans=%d\n", (int)(p - &buf[LWS_SEND_BUFFER_PRE_PADDING]), pss->ringbuffer_tail, budget, aepd_shared->chans); budget = 0; } } send: /* * if we generated something, send it. We are guaranteed not to block * because we got here by POLLOUT seen on the socket */ if (p != &buf[LWS_SEND_BUFFER_PRE_PADDING]) { n = libwebsocket_write(wsi, (unsigned char *) &buf[LWS_SEND_BUFFER_PRE_PADDING], p - &buf[LWS_SEND_BUFFER_PRE_PADDING], LWS_WRITE_TEXT); if (n < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR writing to socket"); return 1; } libwebsocket_callback_on_writable(context, wsi); } break; case LWS_CALLBACK_RECEIVE: switch (*(char *)in) { case 't': /* set trigger level */ if (sscanf(((char *)in) + 1, "%lf\n", &d[0]) == 1) { aepd_shared->trigger_level = d[0]; /* set it */ } break; case 'c': /* calipers changed */ if (sscanf(((char *)in) + 1, "%lf %lf\n", &d[0], &d[1]) == 2) { if (d[0] != d[0] || d[1] != d[1]) { /* NaN */ pss->caliper_offset[0] = -1; pss->caliper_time[0] = -1; pss->caliper_offset[1] = -1; pss->caliper_time[1] = -1; break; } if (d[0] > d[1]) { d[2] = d[1]; d[1] = d[0]; d[0] = d[2]; } /* * caliper positions in seconds behind rhs --> * byte offset behind rhs in ringbuffer */ for (n = 0; n < 2; n++) { pss->caliper_offset[n] = (d[n] * 10000 * aepd_shared->chans * sizeof(double) * 3); pss->caliper_time[n] = d[n]; } } else fprintf(stderr, "caliper sscanf failed\n"); break; case 'r': /* rate or other change */ if (sscanf(((char *)in) + 1, "%lf %lf %lf %lf\n", &d[0], &d[1], &d[2], &d[3]) == 4) { pss->stride = (int)d[0]; pss->viewport_offset_time = d[3]; l = aepd_shared->fifo_pos - ((int)d[1] * pss->stride * aepd_shared->chans * sizeof(double) * 3); l += (int)((pss->viewport_offset_time / 0.0001)) * aepd_shared->chans * sizeof(double) * 3; if (pss->viewport_offset_time) pss->viewport_budget = d[1]; pss->ringbuffer_tail = l; aepd_shared->stop_flag = ((int)d[2]) ^ 1; pss->issue_timestamp = 1; pss->seen_rate = 1; pss->sam_valid = 0; libwebsocket_callback_on_writable(context, wsi); } else fprintf(stderr, "sscanf failed\n"); break; } break; default: break; } return 0; } /* list of supported protocols and callbacks */ struct libwebsocket_protocols protocols[] = { /* first protocol must always be HTTP handler */ { "http-only", /* name */ callback_http, /* callback */ 0 /* per_session_data_size */ }, { "linaro.aepd", callback_linaro_aepd, sizeof(struct per_session_data__linaro_aepd), }, { NULL, NULL, 0 /* End of list */ } };