.. _collection_defconfig: defconfig --------- GET *** .. http:get:: /defconfig/(string:defconfig_id) Get all the available defconfigs built or a single one if ``defconfig_id`` is provided. :param defconfig_id: The ID of the defconfig to retrieve. Usually in the form of: ``job``-``kernel``-``defconfig``. :type defconfig_id: string :reqheader Authorization: The token necessary to authorize the request. :reqheader Accept-Encoding: Accept the ``gzip`` coding. :resheader Content-Type: Will be ``application/json; charset=UTF-8``. :query int limit: Number of results to return. Default 0 (all results). :query int skip: Number of results to skip. Default 0 (none). :query string sort: Field to sort the results on. Can be repeated multiple times. :query int sort_order: The sort order of the results: -1 (descending), 1 (ascending). This will be applied only to the first ``sort`` parameter passed. Default -1. :query int date_range: Number of days to consider, starting from today (:ref:`more info `). By default consider all results. :query string field: The field that should be returned in the response. Can be repeated multiple times. :query string nfield: The field that should *not* be returned in the response. Can be repeated multiple times. :query string job: The name of a job. :query string job_id: The ID of a job. :query string kernel: The name of a kernel. :query string defconfig: The name of a defconfig. :query string arch: The architecture on which the defconfig has been built. :query string status: The status of the defconfig report. Can be one of: ``PASS`` or ``FAIL``. :query int warnings: The number of warnings in the defconfig built. :query int errors: The number of errors in the defconfig built. :status 200: Resuslts found. :status 403: Not authorized to perform the operation. :status 404: The provided resource has not been found. :status 500: Internal database error. **Example Requests** .. sourcecode:: http GET /defconfig/ HTTP/1.1 Host: api.backend.linaro.org Accept: */* Authorization: token .. sourcecode:: http GET /defconfig/next-next-20140905-arm-omap2plus_defconfig HTTP/1.1 Host: api.backend.linaro.org Accept: */* Authorization: token .. sourcecode:: http GET /defconfig?job=next&kernel=next-20140905&field=status&field=arch&nfield=_id HTTP/1.1 Host: api.backend.linaro.org Accept: */* Authorization: token **Examples Responses** .. sourcecode:: http HTTP/1.1 200 OK Vary: Accept-Encoding Date: Mon, 08 Sep 2014 14:16:52 GMT Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8 { "code": 200, "result": [ { "status": "PASS", "kernel": "next-20140905", "dirname": "arm-omap2plus_defconfig", "job_id": "next-next-20140905", "job": "next", "defconfig": "omap2plus_defconfig", "errors": null, "_id": "next-next-20140905-arm-omap2plus_defconfig", "arch": "arm", } ] } .. sourcecode:: http HTTP/1.1 200 OK Vary: Accept-Encoding Date: Mon, 08 Sep 2014 14:20:52 GMT Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8 { "code": 200, "count": 132, "limit": 0, "result": [ { "status": "PASS", "arch": "arm" }, { "status": "PASS", "arch": "arm" }, { "status": "PASS", "arch": "x86" }, { "status": "PASS", "arch": "arm64" } ] } .. note:: Results shown here do not include the full JSON response. POST **** .. caution:: Not implemented. Will return a :ref:`status code ` of ``501``. DELETE ****** .. http:delete:: /defconfig/(string:defconfig_id) Delete the job identified by ``defconfig_id``. :param defconfig_id: The ID of the defconfig to retrieve. Usually in the form of: ``job``-``kernel``-``defconfig``. :type defconfig_id: string :reqheader Authorization: The token necessary to authorize the request. :reqheader Accept-Encoding: Accept the ``gzip`` coding. :resheader Content-Type: Will be ``application/json; charset=UTF-8``. :status 200: Resource deleted. :status 400: JSON data not valid. :status 403: Not authorized to perform the operation. :status 404: The provided resource has not been found. :status 422: No real JSON data provided. :status 500: Internal database error. **Example Requests** .. sourcecode:: http DELETE /defconfig/next-next-20140905-arm-omap2plus_defconfig HTTP/1.1 Host: api.backend.linaro.org Accept: */* Content-Type: application/json Authorization: token More Info ********* * :ref:`Defconfig schema ` * :ref:`API results ` * :ref:`Schema time and date `