path: root/packages/kbn-plugin-helpers/tasks/build/create_build.js
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2018-06-01Execute `tsc.cmd` on Windows during build. (#19622)Aleh Zasypkin
2018-05-28Apache 2.0 license headers (#19383)Spencer
2018-05-18[typescript] add typescript support for the server and browser (#19104)Spencer
2018-04-20Enable Prettier for more packages (#17763)Kim Joar Bekkelund
2018-03-20[plugin helpers] Using --pure-lockfile instead of --frozen-lockfile (#17275)Kim Joar Bekkelund
2018-02-20[plugin-helpers] allow opt-ing out of dependency installation (#16816)Spencer
2018-02-14Remove symlinks when building Kibana plugins (#16727)Kim Joar Bekkelund
2018-02-12[plugin-helpers] npm -> yarn (#16632)Kim Joar Bekkelund
2017-05-02Bump eslint rules, update code to match rules (elastic/kibana-plugin-helpers#43)Joe Fleming
2017-03-29fix `build` task when yarn is not installedspalger
2017-03-28Fix running tasks on Windows (elastic/kibana-plugin-helpers#37)Joe Fleming
2017-01-11Use npm/yarn to install build dependencies (elastic/kibana-plugin-helpers#28)Joe Fleming
2016-12-23Allow custom build target via --build-destination flag (elastic/kibana-plugin...Joe Fleming
2016-12-21Enable custom builds (elastic/kibana-plugin-helpers#27)Joe Fleming