#/bin/bash build_dir=xen-upstream output_dir=output rm -rf ${build_dir} mkdir ${output_dir} git clone git://xenbits.xen.org/xen.git ${build_dir} pushd ${build_dir} git remote add ijc git://xenbits.xen.org/people/ianc/xen.git git remote update # patch and pull in other changes again git apply ../xen-ijc-ptrace-h.patch git apply ../xen-vcpu-bitmap.patch git fetch ijc mcdivitt-v2 git cherry-pick 7f92a31bb4240c2b69dc4d840045e39571767532 # configure and build ./configure make debball dist-xen XEN_TARGET_ARCH=arm64 debug=y CONFIG_EARLY_PRINTK=xgene-mcdivitt mkimage -A arm -C none -T kernel -a 0x0200000 -e 0x00200000 -n Xen -d xen/xen uXen popd # grab the desired output cp ${build_dir}/uXen ${output_dir}/. cp ${build_dir}/dist/*.deb ${output_dir}/.