/* * Copyright (c) 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. * * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as * published by the Free Software Foundation. Oracle designates this * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code. * * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that * accompanied this code). * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. * * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any * questions. */ package jdk.nashorn.internal.objects; import static jdk.nashorn.internal.runtime.ECMAErrors.rangeError; import static jdk.nashorn.internal.runtime.ECMAErrors.typeError; import static jdk.nashorn.internal.runtime.ScriptRuntime.UNDEFINED; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.nio.ByteOrder; import jdk.nashorn.internal.objects.annotations.Attribute; import jdk.nashorn.internal.objects.annotations.Constructor; import jdk.nashorn.internal.objects.annotations.Function; import jdk.nashorn.internal.objects.annotations.Property; import jdk.nashorn.internal.objects.annotations.ScriptClass; import jdk.nashorn.internal.objects.annotations.SpecializedConstructor; import jdk.nashorn.internal.objects.annotations.SpecializedFunction; import jdk.nashorn.internal.runtime.JSType; import jdk.nashorn.internal.runtime.PropertyMap; import jdk.nashorn.internal.runtime.ScriptObject; import jdk.nashorn.internal.runtime.ScriptRuntime; /** *

* DataView builtin constructor. Based on the specification here: * http://www.khronos.org/registry/typedarray/specs/latest/#8 *


* An ArrayBuffer is a useful object for representing an arbitrary chunk of data. * In many cases, such data will be read from disk or from the network, and will * not follow the alignment restrictions that are imposed on the typed array views * described earlier. In addition, the data will often be heterogeneous in nature * and have a defined byte order. The DataView view provides a low-level interface * for reading such data from and writing it to an ArrayBuffer. *


* Regardless of the host computer's endianness, DataView reads or writes values * to or from main memory with a specified endianness: big or little. *

*/ @ScriptClass("DataView") public class NativeDataView extends ScriptObject { // initialized by nasgen private static PropertyMap $nasgenmap$; // inherited ArrayBufferView properties /** * Underlying ArrayBuffer storage object */ @Property(attributes = Attribute.NON_ENUMERABLE_CONSTANT) public final Object buffer; /** * The offset in bytes from the start of the ArrayBuffer */ @Property(attributes = Attribute.NON_ENUMERABLE_CONSTANT) public final int byteOffset; /** * The number of bytes from the offset that this DataView will reference */ @Property(attributes = Attribute.NON_ENUMERABLE_CONSTANT) public final int byteLength; // underlying ByteBuffer private final ByteBuffer buf; private NativeDataView(final NativeArrayBuffer arrBuf) { this(arrBuf, arrBuf.getBuffer(), 0); } private NativeDataView(final NativeArrayBuffer arrBuf, final int offset) { this(arrBuf, bufferFrom(arrBuf, offset), offset); } private NativeDataView(final NativeArrayBuffer arrBuf, final int offset, final int length) { this(arrBuf, bufferFrom(arrBuf, offset, length), offset, length); } private NativeDataView(final NativeArrayBuffer arrBuf, final ByteBuffer buf, final int offset) { this(arrBuf, buf, offset, buf.capacity() - offset); } private NativeDataView(final NativeArrayBuffer arrBuf, final ByteBuffer buf, final int offset, final int length) { super(Global.instance().getDataViewPrototype(), $nasgenmap$); this.buffer = arrBuf; this.byteOffset = offset; this.byteLength = length; this.buf = buf; } /** * Create a new DataView object using the passed ArrayBuffer for its * storage. Optional byteOffset and byteLength can be used to limit the * section of the buffer referenced. The byteOffset indicates the offset in * bytes from the start of the ArrayBuffer, and the byteLength is the number * of bytes from the offset that this DataView will reference. If both * byteOffset and byteLength are omitted, the DataView spans the entire * ArrayBuffer range. If the byteLength is omitted, the DataView extends from * the given byteOffset until the end of the ArrayBuffer. * * If the given byteOffset and byteLength references an area beyond the end * of the ArrayBuffer an exception is raised. * @param newObj if this constructor was invoked with 'new' or not * @param self constructor function object * @param args arguments to the constructor * @return newly constructed DataView object */ @Constructor(arity = 1) public static NativeDataView constructor(final boolean newObj, final Object self, final Object... args) { if (args.length == 0 || !(args[0] instanceof NativeArrayBuffer)) { throw typeError("not.an.arraybuffer.in.dataview"); } final NativeArrayBuffer arrBuf = (NativeArrayBuffer) args[0]; switch (args.length) { case 1: return new NativeDataView(arrBuf); case 2: return new NativeDataView(arrBuf, JSType.toInt32(args[1])); default: return new NativeDataView(arrBuf, JSType.toInt32(args[1]), JSType.toInt32(args[2])); } } /** * Specialized version of DataView constructor * * @param newObj if this constructor was invoked with 'new' or not * @param self constructor function object * @param arrBuf underlying ArrayBuffer storage object * @param offset offset in bytes from the start of the ArrayBuffer * @return newly constructed DataView object */ @SpecializedConstructor public static NativeDataView constructor(final boolean newObj, final Object self, final Object arrBuf, final int offset) { if (!(arrBuf instanceof NativeArrayBuffer)) { throw typeError("not.an.arraybuffer.in.dataview"); } return new NativeDataView((NativeArrayBuffer) arrBuf, offset); } /** * Specialized version of DataView constructor * * @param newObj if this constructor was invoked with 'new' or not * @param self constructor function object * @param arrBuf underlying ArrayBuffer storage object * @param offset in bytes from the start of the ArrayBuffer * @param length is the number of bytes from the offset that this DataView will reference * @return newly constructed DataView object */ @SpecializedConstructor public static NativeDataView constructor(final boolean newObj, final Object self, final Object arrBuf, final int offset, final int length) { if (!(arrBuf instanceof NativeArrayBuffer)) { throw typeError("not.an.arraybuffer.in.dataview"); } return new NativeDataView((NativeArrayBuffer) arrBuf, offset, length); } // Gets the value of the given type at the specified byte offset // from the start of the view. There is no alignment constraint; // multi-byte values may be fetched from any offset. // // For multi-byte values, the optional littleEndian argument // indicates whether a big-endian or little-endian value should be // read. If false or undefined, a big-endian value is read. // // These methods raise an exception if they would read // beyond the end of the view. /** * Get 8-bit signed int from given byteOffset * * @param self DataView object * @param byteOffset byte offset to read from * @return 8-bit signed int value at the byteOffset */ @Function(attributes = Attribute.NOT_ENUMERABLE) public static int getInt8(final Object self, final Object byteOffset) { try { return getBuffer(self).get(JSType.toInt32(byteOffset)); } catch (final IllegalArgumentException iae) { throw rangeError(iae, "dataview.offset"); } } /** * Get 8-bit signed int from given byteOffset * * @param self DataView object * @param byteOffset byte offset to read from * @return 8-bit signed int value at the byteOffset */ @SpecializedFunction public static int getInt8(final Object self, final int byteOffset) { try { return getBuffer(self).get(byteOffset); } catch (final IllegalArgumentException iae) { throw rangeError(iae, "dataview.offset"); } } /** * Get 8-bit unsigned int from given byteOffset * * @param self DataView object * @param byteOffset byte offset to read from * @return 8-bit unsigned int value at the byteOffset */ @Function(attributes = Attribute.NOT_ENUMERABLE) public static int getUint8(final Object self, final Object byteOffset) { try { return 0xFF & getBuffer(self).get(JSType.toInt32(byteOffset)); } catch (final IllegalArgumentException iae) { throw rangeError(iae, "dataview.offset"); } } /** * Get 8-bit unsigned int from given byteOffset * * @param self DataView object * @param byteOffset byte offset to read from * @return 8-bit unsigned int value at the byteOffset */ @SpecializedFunction public static int getUint8(final Object self, final int byteOffset) { try { return 0xFF & getBuffer(self).get(byteOffset); } catch (final IllegalArgumentException iae) { throw rangeError(iae, "dataview.offset"); } } /** * Get 16-bit signed int from given byteOffset * * @param self DataView object * @param byteOffset byte offset to read from * @param littleEndian (optional) flag indicating whether to read in little endian order * @return 16-bit signed int value at the byteOffset */ @Function(attributes = Attribute.NOT_ENUMERABLE, arity = 1) public static int getInt16(final Object self, final Object byteOffset, final Object littleEndian) { try { return getBuffer(self, littleEndian).getShort(JSType.toInt32(byteOffset)); } catch (final IllegalArgumentException iae) { throw rangeError(iae, "dataview.offset"); } } /** * Get 16-bit signed int from given byteOffset * * @param self DataView object * @param byteOffset byte offset to read from * @return 16-bit signed int value at the byteOffset */ @SpecializedFunction public static int getInt16(final Object self, final int byteOffset) { try { return getBuffer(self, false).getShort(byteOffset); } catch (final IllegalArgumentException iae) { throw rangeError(iae, "dataview.offset"); } } /** * Get 16-bit signed int from given byteOffset * * @param self DataView object * @param byteOffset byte offset to read from * @param littleEndian (optional) flag indicating whether to read in little endian order * @return 16-bit signed int value at the byteOffset */ @SpecializedFunction public static int getInt16(final Object self, final int byteOffset, final boolean littleEndian) { try { return getBuffer(self, littleEndian).getShort(byteOffset); } catch (final IllegalArgumentException iae) { throw rangeError(iae, "dataview.offset"); } } /** * Get 16-bit unsigned int from given byteOffset * * @param self DataView object * @param byteOffset byte offset to read from * @param littleEndian (optional) flag indicating whether to read in little endian order * @return 16-bit unsigned int value at the byteOffset */ @Function(attributes = Attribute.NOT_ENUMERABLE, arity = 1) public static int getUint16(final Object self, final Object byteOffset, final Object littleEndian) { try { return 0xFFFF & getBuffer(self, littleEndian).getShort(JSType.toInt32(byteOffset)); } catch (final IllegalArgumentException iae) { throw rangeError(iae, "dataview.offset"); } } /** * Get 16-bit unsigned int from given byteOffset * * @param self DataView object * @param byteOffset byte offset to read from * @return 16-bit unsigned int value at the byteOffset */ @SpecializedFunction public static int getUint16(final Object self, final int byteOffset) { try { return 0xFFFF & getBuffer(self, false).getShort(byteOffset); } catch (final IllegalArgumentException iae) { throw rangeError(iae, "dataview.offset"); } } /** * Get 16-bit unsigned int from given byteOffset * * @param self DataView object * @param byteOffset byte offset to read from * @param littleEndian (optional) flag indicating whether to read in little endian order * @return 16-bit unsigned int value at the byteOffset */ @SpecializedFunction public static int getUint16(final Object self, final int byteOffset, final boolean littleEndian) { try { return 0xFFFF & getBuffer(self, littleEndian).getShort(byteOffset); } catch (final IllegalArgumentException iae) { throw rangeError(iae, "dataview.offset"); } } /** * Get 32-bit signed int from given byteOffset * * @param self DataView object * @param byteOffset byte offset to read from * @param littleEndian (optional) flag indicating whether to read in little endian order * @return 32-bit signed int value at the byteOffset */ @Function(attributes = Attribute.NOT_ENUMERABLE, arity = 1) public static int getInt32(final Object self, final Object byteOffset, final Object littleEndian) { try { return getBuffer(self, littleEndian).getInt(JSType.toInt32(byteOffset)); } catch (final IllegalArgumentException iae) { throw rangeError(iae, "dataview.offset"); } } /** * Get 32-bit signed int from given byteOffset * * @param self DataView object * @param byteOffset byte offset to read from * @return 32-bit signed int value at the byteOffset */ @SpecializedFunction public static int getInt32(final Object self, final int byteOffset) { try { return getBuffer(self, false).getInt(byteOffset); } catch (final IllegalArgumentException iae) { throw rangeError(iae, "dataview.offset"); } } /** * Get 32-bit signed int from given byteOffset * * @param self DataView object * @param byteOffset byte offset to read from * @param littleEndian (optional) flag indicating whether to read in little endian order * @return 32-bit signed int value at the byteOffset */ @SpecializedFunction public static int getInt32(final Object self, final int byteOffset, final boolean littleEndian) { try { return getBuffer(self, littleEndian).getInt(byteOffset); } catch (final IllegalArgumentException iae) { throw rangeError(iae, "dataview.offset"); } } /** * Get 32-bit unsigned int from given byteOffset * * @param self DataView object * @param byteOffset byte offset to read from * @param littleEndian (optional) flag indicating whether to read in little endian order * @return 32-bit unsigned int value at the byteOffset */ @Function(attributes = Attribute.NOT_ENUMERABLE, arity = 1) public static long getUint32(final Object self, final Object byteOffset, final Object littleEndian) { try { return 0xFFFFFFFFL & getBuffer(self, littleEndian).getInt(JSType.toInt32(byteOffset)); } catch (final IllegalArgumentException iae) { throw rangeError(iae, "dataview.offset"); } } /** * Get 32-bit unsigned int from given byteOffset * * @param self DataView object * @param byteOffset byte offset to read from * @return 32-bit unsigned int value at the byteOffset */ @SpecializedFunction public static long getUint32(final Object self, final int byteOffset) { try { return JSType.MAX_UINT & getBuffer(self, false).getInt(JSType.toInt32(byteOffset)); } catch (final IllegalArgumentException iae) { throw rangeError(iae, "dataview.offset"); } } /** * Get 32-bit unsigned int from given byteOffset * * @param self DataView object * @param byteOffset byte offset to read from * @param littleEndian (optional) flag indicating whether to read in little endian order * @return 32-bit unsigned int value at the byteOffset */ @SpecializedFunction public static long getUint32(final Object self, final int byteOffset, final boolean littleEndian) { try { return JSType.MAX_UINT & getBuffer(self, littleEndian).getInt(JSType.toInt32(byteOffset)); } catch (final IllegalArgumentException iae) { throw rangeError(iae, "dataview.offset"); } } /** * Get 32-bit float value from given byteOffset * * @param self DataView object * @param byteOffset byte offset to read from * @param littleEndian (optional) flag indicating whether to read in little endian order * @return 32-bit float value at the byteOffset */ @Function(attributes = Attribute.NOT_ENUMERABLE, arity = 1) public static double getFloat32(final Object self, final Object byteOffset, final Object littleEndian) { try { return getBuffer(self, littleEndian).getFloat(JSType.toInt32(byteOffset)); } catch (final IllegalArgumentException iae) { throw rangeError(iae, "dataview.offset"); } } /** * Get 32-bit float value from given byteOffset * * @param self DataView object * @param byteOffset byte offset to read from * @return 32-bit float value at the byteOffset */ @SpecializedFunction public static double getFloat32(final Object self, final int byteOffset) { try { return getBuffer(self, false).getFloat(byteOffset); } catch (final IllegalArgumentException iae) { throw rangeError(iae, "dataview.offset"); } } /** * Get 32-bit float value from given byteOffset * * @param self DataView object * @param byteOffset byte offset to read from * @param littleEndian (optional) flag indicating whether to read in little endian order * @return 32-bit float value at the byteOffset */ @SpecializedFunction public static double getFloat32(final Object self, final int byteOffset, final boolean littleEndian) { try { return getBuffer(self, littleEndian).getFloat(byteOffset); } catch (final IllegalArgumentException iae) { throw rangeError(iae, "dataview.offset"); } } /** * Get 64-bit float value from given byteOffset * * @param self DataView object * @param byteOffset byte offset to read from * @param littleEndian (optional) flag indicating whether to read in little endian order * @return 64-bit float value at the byteOffset */ @Function(attributes = Attribute.NOT_ENUMERABLE, arity = 1) public static double getFloat64(final Object self, final Object byteOffset, final Object littleEndian) { try { return getBuffer(self, littleEndian).getDouble(JSType.toInt32(byteOffset)); } catch (final IllegalArgumentException iae) { throw rangeError(iae, "dataview.offset"); } } /** * Get 64-bit float value from given byteOffset * * @param self DataView object * @param byteOffset byte offset to read from * @return 64-bit float value at the byteOffset */ @SpecializedFunction public static double getFloat64(final Object self, final int byteOffset) { try { return getBuffer(self, false).getDouble(byteOffset); } catch (final IllegalArgumentException iae) { throw rangeError(iae, "dataview.offset"); } } /** * Get 64-bit float value from given byteOffset * * @param self DataView object * @param byteOffset byte offset to read from * @param littleEndian (optional) flag indicating whether to read in little endian order * @return 64-bit float value at the byteOffset */ @SpecializedFunction public static double getFloat64(final Object self, final int byteOffset, final boolean littleEndian) { try { return getBuffer(self, littleEndian).getDouble(byteOffset); } catch (final IllegalArgumentException iae) { throw rangeError(iae, "dataview.offset"); } } // Stores a value of the given type at the specified byte offset // from the start of the view. There is no alignment constraint; // multi-byte values may be stored at any offset. // // For multi-byte values, the optional littleEndian argument // indicates whether the value should be stored in big-endian or // little-endian byte order. If false or undefined, the value is // stored in big-endian byte order. // // These methods raise an exception if they would write // beyond the end of the view. /** * Set 8-bit signed int at the given byteOffset * * @param self DataView object * @param byteOffset byte offset to read from * @param value byte value to set * @return undefined */ @Function(attributes = Attribute.NOT_ENUMERABLE, arity = 2) public static Object setInt8(final Object self, final Object byteOffset, final Object value) { try { getBuffer(self).put(JSType.toInt32(byteOffset), (byte)JSType.toInt32(value)); return UNDEFINED; } catch (final IllegalArgumentException iae) { throw rangeError(iae, "dataview.offset"); } } /** * Set 8-bit signed int at the given byteOffset * * @param self DataView object * @param byteOffset byte offset to read from * @param value byte value to set * @return undefined */ @SpecializedFunction public static Object setInt8(final Object self, final int byteOffset, final int value) { try { getBuffer(self).put(byteOffset, (byte)value); return UNDEFINED; } catch (final IllegalArgumentException iae) { throw rangeError(iae, "dataview.offset"); } } /** * Set 8-bit unsigned int at the given byteOffset * * @param self DataView object * @param byteOffset byte offset to write at * @param value byte value to set * @return undefined */ @Function(attributes = Attribute.NOT_ENUMERABLE, arity = 2) public static Object setUint8(final Object self, final Object byteOffset, final Object value) { try { getBuffer(self).put(JSType.toInt32(byteOffset), (byte)JSType.toInt32(value)); return UNDEFINED; } catch (final IllegalArgumentException iae) { throw rangeError(iae, "dataview.offset"); } } /** * Set 8-bit unsigned int at the given byteOffset * * @param self DataView object * @param byteOffset byte offset to write at * @param value byte value to set * @return undefined */ @SpecializedFunction public static Object setUint8(final Object self, final int byteOffset, final int value) { try { getBuffer(self).put(byteOffset, (byte)value); return UNDEFINED; } catch (final IllegalArgumentException iae) { throw rangeError(iae, "dataview.offset"); } } /** * Set 16-bit signed int at the given byteOffset * * @param self DataView object * @param byteOffset byte offset to write at * @param value short value to set * @param littleEndian (optional) flag indicating whether to write in little endian order * @return undefined */ @Function(attributes = Attribute.NOT_ENUMERABLE, arity = 2) public static Object setInt16(final Object self, final Object byteOffset, final Object value, final Object littleEndian) { try { getBuffer(self, littleEndian).putShort(JSType.toInt32(byteOffset), (short)JSType.toInt32(value)); return UNDEFINED; } catch (final IllegalArgumentException iae) { throw rangeError(iae, "dataview.offset"); } } /** * Set 16-bit signed int at the given byteOffset * * @param self DataView object * @param byteOffset byte offset to write at * @param value short value to set * @return undefined */ @SpecializedFunction public static Object setInt16(final Object self, final int byteOffset, final int value) { try { getBuffer(self, false).putShort(byteOffset, (short)value); return UNDEFINED; } catch (final IllegalArgumentException iae) { throw rangeError(iae, "dataview.offset"); } } /** * Set 16-bit signed int at the given byteOffset * * @param self DataView object * @param byteOffset byte offset to write at * @param value short value to set * @param littleEndian (optional) flag indicating whether to write in little endian order * @return undefined */ @SpecializedFunction public static Object setInt16(final Object self, final int byteOffset, final int value, final boolean littleEndian) { try { getBuffer(self, littleEndian).putShort(byteOffset, (short)value); return UNDEFINED; } catch (final IllegalArgumentException iae) { throw rangeError(iae, "dataview.offset"); } } /** * Set 16-bit unsigned int at the given byteOffset * * @param self DataView object * @param byteOffset byte offset to write at * @param value short value to set * @param littleEndian (optional) flag indicating whether to write in little endian order * @return undefined */ @Function(attributes = Attribute.NOT_ENUMERABLE, arity = 2) public static Object setUint16(final Object self, final Object byteOffset, final Object value, final Object littleEndian) { try { getBuffer(self, littleEndian).putShort(JSType.toInt32(byteOffset), (short)JSType.toInt32(value)); return UNDEFINED; } catch (final IllegalArgumentException iae) { throw rangeError(iae, "dataview.offset"); } } /** * Set 16-bit unsigned int at the given byteOffset * * @param self DataView object * @param byteOffset byte offset to write at * @param value short value to set * @return undefined */ @SpecializedFunction public static Object setUint16(final Object self, final int byteOffset, final int value) { try { getBuffer(self, false).putShort(byteOffset, (short)value); return UNDEFINED; } catch (final IllegalArgumentException iae) { throw rangeError(iae, "dataview.offset"); } } /** * Set 16-bit unsigned int at the given byteOffset * * @param self DataView object * @param byteOffset byte offset to write at * @param value short value to set * @param littleEndian (optional) flag indicating whether to write in little endian order * @return undefined */ @SpecializedFunction public static Object setUint16(final Object self, final int byteOffset, final int value, final boolean littleEndian) { try { getBuffer(self, littleEndian).putShort(byteOffset, (short)value); return UNDEFINED; } catch (final IllegalArgumentException iae) { throw rangeError(iae, "dataview.offset"); } } /** * Set 32-bit signed int at the given byteOffset * * @param self DataView object * @param byteOffset byte offset to write at * @param value int value to set * @param littleEndian (optional) flag indicating whether to write in little endian order * @return undefined */ @Function(attributes = Attribute.NOT_ENUMERABLE, arity = 2) public static Object setInt32(final Object self, final Object byteOffset, final Object value, final Object littleEndian) { try { getBuffer(self, littleEndian).putInt(JSType.toInt32(byteOffset), JSType.toInt32(value)); return UNDEFINED; } catch (final IllegalArgumentException iae) { throw rangeError(iae, "dataview.offset"); } } /** * Set 32-bit signed int at the given byteOffset * * @param self DataView object * @param byteOffset byte offset to write at * @param value int value to set * @return undefined */ @SpecializedFunction public static Object setInt32(final Object self, final int byteOffset, final int value) { try { getBuffer(self, false).putInt(byteOffset, value); return UNDEFINED; } catch (final IllegalArgumentException iae) { throw rangeError(iae, "dataview.offset"); } } /** * Set 32-bit signed int at the given byteOffset * * @param self DataView object * @param byteOffset byte offset to write at * @param value int value to set * @param littleEndian (optional) flag indicating whether to write in little endian order * @return undefined */ @SpecializedFunction public static Object setInt32(final Object self, final int byteOffset, final int value, final boolean littleEndian) { try { getBuffer(self, littleEndian).putInt(byteOffset, value); return UNDEFINED; } catch (final IllegalArgumentException iae) { throw rangeError(iae, "dataview.offset"); } } /** * Set 32-bit unsigned int at the given byteOffset * * @param self DataView object * @param byteOffset byte offset to write at * @param value int value to set * @param littleEndian (optional) flag indicating whether to write in little endian order * @return undefined */ @Function(attributes = Attribute.NOT_ENUMERABLE, arity = 2) public static Object setUint32(final Object self, final Object byteOffset, final Object value, final Object littleEndian) { try { getBuffer(self, littleEndian).putInt(JSType.toInt32(byteOffset), (int)JSType.toUint32(value)); return UNDEFINED; } catch (final IllegalArgumentException iae) { throw rangeError(iae, "dataview.offset"); } } /** * Set 32-bit unsigned int at the given byteOffset * * @param self DataView object * @param byteOffset byte offset to write at * @param value int value to set * @return undefined */ @SpecializedFunction public static Object setUint32(final Object self, final int byteOffset, final long value) { try { getBuffer(self, false).putInt(byteOffset, (int)value); return UNDEFINED; } catch (final IllegalArgumentException iae) { throw rangeError(iae, "dataview.offset"); } } /** * Set 32-bit unsigned int at the given byteOffset * * @param self DataView object * @param byteOffset byte offset to write at * @param value int value to set * @param littleEndian (optional) flag indicating whether to write in little endian order * @return undefined */ @SpecializedFunction public static Object setUint32(final Object self, final int byteOffset, final long value, final boolean littleEndian) { try { getBuffer(self, littleEndian).putInt(byteOffset, (int)value); return UNDEFINED; } catch (final IllegalArgumentException iae) { throw rangeError(iae, "dataview.offset"); } } /** * Set 32-bit float at the given byteOffset * * @param self DataView object * @param byteOffset byte offset to write at * @param value float value to set * @param littleEndian (optional) flag indicating whether to write in little endian order * @return undefined */ @Function(attributes = Attribute.NOT_ENUMERABLE, arity = 2) public static Object setFloat32(final Object self, final Object byteOffset, final Object value, final Object littleEndian) { try { getBuffer(self, littleEndian).putFloat((int)JSType.toUint32(byteOffset), (float)JSType.toNumber(value)); return UNDEFINED; } catch (final IllegalArgumentException iae) { throw rangeError(iae, "dataview.offset"); } } /** * Set 32-bit float at the given byteOffset * * @param self DataView object * @param byteOffset byte offset to write at * @param value float value to set * @return undefined */ @SpecializedFunction public static Object setFloat32(final Object self, final int byteOffset, final double value) { try { getBuffer(self, false).putFloat(byteOffset, (float)value); return UNDEFINED; } catch (final IllegalArgumentException iae) { throw rangeError(iae, "dataview.offset"); } } /** * Set 32-bit float at the given byteOffset * * @param self DataView object * @param byteOffset byte offset to write at * @param value float value to set * @param littleEndian (optional) flag indicating whether to write in little endian order * @return undefined */ @SpecializedFunction public static Object setFloat32(final Object self, final int byteOffset, final double value, final boolean littleEndian) { try { getBuffer(self, littleEndian).putFloat(byteOffset, (float)value); return UNDEFINED; } catch (final IllegalArgumentException iae) { throw rangeError(iae, "dataview.offset"); } } /** * Set 64-bit float at the given byteOffset * * @param self DataView object * @param byteOffset byte offset to write at * @param value double value to set * @param littleEndian (optional) flag indicating whether to write in little endian order * @return undefined */ @Function(attributes = Attribute.NOT_ENUMERABLE, arity = 2) public static Object setFloat64(final Object self, final Object byteOffset, final Object value, final Object littleEndian) { try { getBuffer(self, littleEndian).putDouble((int)JSType.toUint32(byteOffset), JSType.toNumber(value)); return UNDEFINED; } catch (final IllegalArgumentException iae) { throw rangeError(iae, "dataview.offset"); } } /** * Set 64-bit float at the given byteOffset * * @param self DataView object * @param byteOffset byte offset to write at * @param value double value to set * @return undefined */ @SpecializedFunction public static Object setFloat64(final Object self, final int byteOffset, final double value) { try { getBuffer(self, false).putDouble(byteOffset, value); return UNDEFINED; } catch (final IllegalArgumentException iae) { throw rangeError(iae, "dataview.offset"); } } /** * Set 64-bit float at the given byteOffset * * @param self DataView object * @param byteOffset byte offset to write at * @param value double value to set * @param littleEndian (optional) flag indicating whether to write in little endian order * @return undefined */ @SpecializedFunction public static Object setFloat64(final Object self, final int byteOffset, final double value, final boolean littleEndian) { try { getBuffer(self, littleEndian).putDouble(byteOffset, value); return UNDEFINED; } catch (final IllegalArgumentException iae) { throw rangeError(iae, "dataview.offset"); } } // internals only below this point private static ByteBuffer bufferFrom(final NativeArrayBuffer nab, final int offset) { try { return nab.getBuffer(offset); } catch (final IllegalArgumentException iae) { throw rangeError(iae, "dataview.constructor.offset"); } } private static ByteBuffer bufferFrom(final NativeArrayBuffer nab, final int offset, final int length) { try { return nab.getBuffer(offset, length); } catch (final IllegalArgumentException iae) { throw rangeError(iae, "dataview.constructor.offset"); } } private static NativeDataView checkSelf(final Object self) { if (!(self instanceof NativeDataView)) { throw typeError("not.an.arraybuffer", ScriptRuntime.safeToString(self)); } return (NativeDataView)self; } private static ByteBuffer getBuffer(final Object self) { return checkSelf(self).buf; } private static ByteBuffer getBuffer(final Object self, final Object littleEndian) { return getBuffer(self, JSType.toBoolean(littleEndian)); } private static ByteBuffer getBuffer(final Object self, final boolean littleEndian) { return getBuffer(self).order(littleEndian? ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN : ByteOrder.BIG_ENDIAN); } }