tag namev1.3.3 (be46db49fba29bac3d5c43c79bf10ab8b9eb8f8f)
tag date2014-10-02 14:57:40 +0100
tagged byDamien George <damien.p.george@gmail.com>
tagged objectcommit 0bbe4de527...
Network support in stmhal, and improved viper compiler.
Changes in core: - tidy up native emitter and assemblers - viper can compiler more binary ops - viper supports casting (int, ptr8, ptr16) - viper can compile native stores (eg p[1] = 42) - remove IOError (use OSError instead) stmhal port: - fix OSX mass storage issue, so pyboard can be left plugged in - add network and usocket modules with CC3000 and WIZnet5k support (disabled by default) - improved percent option in timer PWM - add pyb.elapsed_millis, pyb.elapsed_micros - internal flash is labelled as "pybflash" on creation - don't init NSS pin when initialising SPI bus with NSS_SOFT mode