tag namev1.3.9 (3db4c684100977103f6a5df9e24f60629132bb18)
tag date2015-01-25 00:10:41 +0000
tagged byDamien George <damien.p.george@gmail.com>
tagged objectcommit 552f7c40a0...
Internal changes, RAM and ROM reductions, new minimal port
py core: - lots of small optimisations, cleanups and code size reduction - move away from Plan 9 headers to traditional guarded ones - improved and optimised float to int conversion - fix right-shifting edge cases in mpz - namedtuple: use sequence of strings for init - namedtuple: allow keyword arguments in constructor - ability to issue compile/runtime warnings - str.format now has kwargs support - put all global state togther in a state structure - optimisation to cache map lookup results in bytecode - fix handling of "0" in some mpz functions - implement equality check for all types - add qstr cfg capability - can now configure qstr len storage; defaults to using 1 byte - allow code to compile with lots more warnings enabled - add LOAD_CONST_OBJ bytecode, to directly load Python objects - never intern data of large str/bytes objects - fix handling of default except in compiler - add extra pass to bytecode compiler to compute stack size - implement very simple frozen modules support - implement __reversed__ slot - implement proper re-raising in native codegen's finally handler lib: - move readline code from stmhal to lib/mp-readline/ - readline refactored to support event-driven usage - add frexp and modf to libm minimal port: - new port, intended to represent minimal working code stmhal port: - collect root pointers together; improves GC speed - add MICROPY_HW_USB_VBUS_DETECT_PIN option - add MICROPY_HW_USB_OTG_ID_PIN option - add support for FEZ Cerb40 II board - bug fixes in network module and usocket.accept, setsockopt qemu-arm port: - enable GC and native code-gen - add working tests - get tests running under Travis CI esp8266 port: - use dedicated heap allocated as static array - implement task-based, event-driven interface with UART - implement pyb.hard_reset()