Weekly Release and Project Manager tasks in the Platform Group This list is not exhaustive but provides a foundation on which to base the role around. Daily ----- * Triage bugs from all Linaro projects in Launchpad that are part of the release (linux-linaro-*, linaro-gcc, live-helper config branches, l-m-c e.t.c). * Assign to team members and milestones where appropriate or just highlight concerns where necessary. * Check https://oem-ibs.canonical.com/project-groups/linaro/ (soon to be http://offsping.linaro.org) for build failures. Investigate any failures and consult with the appropriate team members either in Ubuntu or Linaro. Where possible fix yourself. * Help to code review any image branch merge requests, provide feedback and merge where necessary Monday ------ * Chase up any ACTION items from the previous weekly release meeting * Triage Linaro Blueprints in Launchpad that have deliverables to the images. Ensure that work items are on track and ask questions on timings and schedule. * 1-on-1 meeting with Ubuntu Release Manager to discuss release related topics, concerns, bugs and upcoming workload * Check the overview of burndown information at http://status.linaro.org to ensure things are on track. Email tech leads if something looks concerning (way behind, no progress, ...) * Attend the Tech Leads call. * Send out a reminder for activity reports to the Infrastructure team. Tuesday ------- * Start to gather information on the status of the release, image problems and concerns * Attend the Infrastructure team meeting, chair if necessary. * Produce the weekly Infrastructure team meeting page after the meeting, add the irc log, ACTION items and attendee list. * Create next weeks Infrastructure team meeting adding in ACTION items. * Attend the Platform Team Leads call. * Send out a reminder for activity reports to the Android team. * Send out a reminder for activity reports to the Developer Platforms team. Wednesday --------- * Setup http://wiki.linaro.org/Cycles meeting page for the current week. Highlight any important bugs and any questions that need to be asked of the team leads. * Send out reminder for weekly release meeting to linaro dev@lists.linaro.org including any past ACTION items from the previous meeting and any agenda for this week. * Produce the weekly Infrastructure team report page. * Send the report to linaro-dev. * Weekly meeting with the head of Platform. * Attend and chair the Android team meeting. * Produce the weekly Android team meeting page after the meeting, add the irc log, ACTION items and attendee list. * Create next weeks Android team meeting adding in ACTION items. * Attend and chair if necessary the Developer Platforms team meeting. * Produce the weekly Developer Platforms team meeting page after the meeting, add the irc log, ACTION items and attendee list. * Create next weeks Developer Platforms team meeting adding in ACTION items. * Send out a reminder for activity reports to the Validation team. Thursday -------- * Setup http://qatracker.linaro.org for weekly testing, new build set with weekly image name. * Send out call for weekly testing to linaro-dev@lists.linaro.org * Test images on any available hardware. * Read Working Group team status reports at http://wiki.linaro.org/Status. * Hold weekly release meeting gathering information from each team, asking release related questions and bug information. * Complete release meeting page, adding meeting log, ACTION items e.t.c * Setup next weeks Release meeting page with ACTION items. * Produce the weekly Android team report page. * Produce the weekly Developer Platforms team report page. * Send both reports to linaro-dev. * Attend the tech leads call Friday ------ * Analyse results from weekly testing, act on any relevant outcomes. * Attend Ubuntu weekly release meeting, gather information on any aspects that will affect Linaro and give the Ubuntu Release Manager information on intersecting projects and issues * Catch up on the weekly happenings in the Working Groups