#!/usr/bin/env python2.7 import os import sys import re import launchpadlib from launchpadlib.launchpad import Launchpad def parse_meta_item(line, filename): '''Parse a meta information line from a blueprint ''' line = line.strip() if not line: return try: (key, value) = line.rsplit(':', 1) key = key.strip() value = value.strip() except ValueError: #print("\tMeta line '%s' can not be parsed" % line) return print("\t\tkey='%s' value='%s'" % (key, value)) if key == "Headline" or key == "Acceptance": filename.write(" %s ||" % value) if __name__ == '__main__': project_name = sys.argv[1] milestone_name = sys.argv[2] CACHE_DIR = os.path.expanduser('~/.launchpadlib/cache') launchpad = Launchpad.login_anonymously( 'linaro project management', 'production', version='devel') meta_re = re.compile('^Meta.*?:$', re.I) filename = './blueprint-%s.moin' % project_name outfile = open(filename, 'w') matching_project = launchpad.projects[project_name] if matching_project is None: logging.error("No projects matching '%s' found." % project_name) sys.exit(1) project_blueprints = matching_project.valid_specifications for bp in project_blueprints: milestone = bp.milestone if milestone is not None and milestone.name == milestone_name: print "%s\n" % (bp.web_link) outfile.write("|| [[%s|%s]] || %s ||" % (bp.web_link, bp.title, bp.priority)) in_meta_block = False for l in bp.whiteboard.splitlines(): if (not in_meta_block): if meta_re.search(l): in_meta_block = True continue if in_meta_block: #print("\tmeta line (raw): '%s'" % (l.strip())) if not l.strip(): in_meta_block = False continue parse_meta_item(l, outfile) print "\n" outfile.write(" ||\n") outfile.close()