import time import json import multiprocessing import sys import collections from phabricator import Phabricator from wmfphablib import Phab as phabmacros from wmfphablib import phabdb from wmfphablib import log from wmfphablib import vlog from wmfphablib import epoch_to_datetime from wmfphablib import ipriority from wmfphablib import get_config_file from wmfphablib import now from wmfphablib import return_bug_list import ConfigParser configfile = get_config_file() def fetch(fabid): ausers = {} pmig = phabdb.phdb(db='fab_migration') issue = pmig.sql_x("SELECT id FROM fab_meta WHERE id = %s", fabid) if not issue: log('issue %s does not exist for user population' % (fabid,)) return True fpriority= pmig.sql_x("SELECT priority FROM fab_meta WHERE id = %s", fabid) if fpriority[0] == ipriority['fetch_failed']: log('issue %s does not fetched successfully for user population (failed fetch)' % (fabid,)) return True tid, import_priority, jheader, com, created, modified = pmig.sql_x("SELECT * FROM fab_meta WHERE id = %s", fabid) header = json.loads(jheader) vlog(str(header)) relations = {} relations['author'] = header['xauthor'] relations['cc'] = header['xccs'] relations['owner'] = header['xowner'] for k, v in relations.iteritems(): if relations[k]: relations[k] = filter(bool, v) def add_owner(owner): ouser = pmig.sql_x("SELECT user FROM user_relations WHERE user = %s", (owner,)) if ouser: jassigned = pmig.sql_x("SELECT assigned FROM user_relations WHERE user = %s", (owner,)) if jassigned[0]: assigned = json.loads(jassigned[0]) else: assigned = [] if fabid not in assigned: log("Assigning %s to %s" % (str(fabid), owner)) assigned.append(fabid) vlog("owner %s" % (str(assigned),)) pmig.sql_x("UPDATE user_relations SET assigned=%s, modified=%s WHERE user = %s", (json.dumps(assigned), now(), owner)) else: vlog('inserting new record') assigned = json.dumps([fabid]) insert_values = (owner, assigned, now(), now()) pmig.sql_x("INSERT INTO user_relations (user, assigned, created, modified) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s)", insert_values) def add_author(author): euser = pmig.sql_x("SELECT user FROM user_relations WHERE user = %s", (relations['author'],)) if euser: jauthored = pmig.sql_x("SELECT author FROM user_relations WHERE user = %s", (relations['author'],)) if jauthored[0]: authored = json.loads(jauthored[0]) else: authored = [] if fabid not in authored: authored.append(fabid) vlog("author %s" % (str(authored),)) pmig.sql_x("UPDATE user_relations SET author=%s, modified=%s WHERE user = %s", (json.dumps(authored), now(), relations['author'])) else: vlog('inserting new record') authored = json.dumps([fabid]) insert_values = (relations['author'], authored, now(), now()) pmig.sql_x("INSERT INTO user_relations (user, author, created, modified) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s)", insert_values) def add_cc(ccuser): eccuser = pmig.sql_x("SELECT user FROM user_relations WHERE user = %s", (ccuser,)) if eccuser: jcc = pmig.sql_x("SELECT cc FROM user_relations WHERE user = %s", (ccuser,)) if jcc[0]: cc = json.loads(jcc[0]) else: cc = [] if fabid not in cc: cc.append(fabid) vlog("cc %s" % (str(cc),)) pmig.sql_x("UPDATE user_relations SET cc=%s, modified=%s WHERE user = %s", (json.dumps(cc), now(), ccuser)) else: vlog('inserting new record') cc = json.dumps([fabid]) insert_values = (ccuser, cc, now(), now()) pmig.sql_x("INSERT INTO user_relations (user, cc, created, modified) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s)", insert_values) if relations['author']: add_author(relations['author']) if relations['owner']: add_owner(relations['owner']) if relations['cc']: for u in filter(bool, relations['cc']): add_cc(u) pmig.close() return True def run_fetch(fabid, tries=1): if tries == 0: log('failed to populate for %s' % (fabid,)) return False try: if fetch(fabid): vlog(str(time.time())) log('done with %s' % (fabid,)) return True except Exception as e: import traceback tries -= 1 time.sleep(5) traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stdout) log('failed to grab %s (%s)' % (fabid, e)) return run_fetch(fabid, tries=tries) bugs = return_bug_list() vlog(bugs) log("Count %s" % (str(len(bugs)))) from multiprocessing import Pool pool = Pool(processes=10) _ =, bugs) complete = len(filter(bool, _)) failed = len(_) - complete print 'completed %s, failed %s' % (complete, failed)