enabled = ['codfw', 'ulsfo', 'pmtpa', 'ops-requests', 'network', 'esams', 'eqiad', 'core-ops',] import util try: from rtppl import ppl as users except: util.notice("rtppl not found!") users = {} import re from datetime import datetime prepend = 'rt' def rt_cc_defaults(queue): #'operations-codfw': '(rhalsell,mbergsma,cmjohnson) #'operations-eqiad': (mbergsma,rhalsell,'ashburn dc engineers') #'esams': 'operations-esams',,none,(mbergsma,rhalsell,'haarlem dc engineers') #'ops-pmtpa: ',none,(mbergsma,rhalsell,'tampa dc engineers') # 'procurement': ,none,(mbergsma,rhalsell) # 'ulsfo': ,none,(rhalsell,'san francisco dc engineers') ccs = {'access-requests': 'operations', 'core-ops': 'operations', 'codfw': 'operations-codfw', 'domains': 'operations', 'eqiad': 'operations-eqiad', 'esams': 'operations-esams', 'legal': 'operations', 'maint-announce': 'operations', 'network': 'operations', 'ops-requests': 'operations', 'pmtpa': 'operations-pmtpa', 'procurement': 'operations-procurement', 'security-announce': 'operations', 'todo': 'operations', 'ulsfo': 'operations-ulsfo'} return ccs.get(queue, None) def project_translate(pname): projs = {'core-ops': 'ops-core', 'network': 'ops-network', 'codfw': 'ops-codfw', 'ulsfo': 'ops-ulsfo', 'pmtpa': 'ops-pmtpa', 'ops-requests': 'ops-request', 'esams': 'ops-esams', 'eqiad': 'ops-eqiad', 'maint-announce': 'maint-announce'} return projs[pname] def user_lookup(name): """ match user name in rt to user email""" return users.get(name, None) or name def shadow_emails(text): emails = re.findall('([^@|\s]+@[^@]+\.[^@|\s]+)', text) for e in emails: text = text.replace(e, sanitize_email(e)) return text def sanitize_email(email): """make an email str worthy of crawlers :param email: str """ if '@' not in email: return '' u, e = email.split('@') u = u.lstrip('<') return '<%s at %s>' % (u, e.split('.')[0]) def email_lookup(email): """ match user email in rt to user name""" key = [key for key, value in users.items() if value == email] if len(key) > 0: return key[0] return None def priority_convert(priority): priorities = { '0': 50, '50': 50} return priorities.get(priority.lower(), 50) def status_convert(status): statuses = { 'resolved': 'resolved', 'new': 'open', 'open': 'open', 'stalled': 'needsinfo'} return statuses[status.lower()] def links_to_dict(link_text): """ parse rt.wm.o/REST/1.0/ticket//links/show :param link_text: text of api output :returns dict: """ id = '>>>>' # http://rt3.fsck.com/Ticket/Display.html?id=11636 # original author of RT stashes his personal blog link # in various places in API return link_text = link_text.replace('fsck.com-rt://rt.wikimedia.org/', '') #different types of links in link_refs = {'refers_to': 'RefersTo:', 'refers_toby': 'ReferredToBy:', 'children': 'Members:', 'blockers': 'DependsOn', 'blocks': 'DependedOnBy'} link_refs_callout = [] for l in link_text.splitlines(): test = lambda x: l.startswith(x) if any(map(test, link_refs.values())): link_refs_callout.append('%s%s' % (id, l)) else: link_refs_callout.append(l) link_associations = {} linkage = '\n'.join(link_refs_callout).split(id) for link_type in linkage: for k, v in link_refs.iteritems(): if v in link_type: treg = "ticket/(\d+)" links = re.findall(treg, link_type) link_associations[k] = links return link_associations def str_to_epoch(rt_style_date_str): """ RT stores things as 'Fri Aug 15 19:45:51 2014' """ date = datetime.strptime(rt_style_date_str, '%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y') return int(float(util.datetime_to_epoch(date))) def str_to_epoch_comments(rt_style_date_str): """ RT stores things as '2014-08-21 21:22:00' """ date = datetime.strptime(rt_style_date_str, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") return int(float(util.datetime_to_epoch(date)))