path: root/boehm-gc/cord
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Diffstat (limited to 'boehm-gc/cord')
7 files changed, 1347 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/boehm-gc/cord/README b/boehm-gc/cord/README
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..62101452313
--- /dev/null
+++ b/boehm-gc/cord/README
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+Copyright (c) 1993-1994 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved.
+Permission is hereby granted to use or copy this program
+for any purpose, provided the above notices are retained on all copies.
+Permission to modify the code and to distribute modified code is granted,
+provided the above notices are retained, and a notice that the code was
+modified is included with the above copyright notice.
+Please send bug reports to Hans-J. Boehm (boehm@sgi.com).
+This is a string packages that uses a tree-based representation.
+See cord.h for a description of the functions provided. Ec.h describes
+"extensible cords", which are essentially output streams that write
+to a cord. These allow for efficient construction of cords without
+requiring a bound on the size of a cord.
+de.c is a very dumb text editor that illustrates the use of cords.
+It maintains a list of file versions. Each version is simply a
+cord representing the file contents. Nonetheless, standard
+editing operations are efficient, even on very large files.
+(Its 3 line "user manual" can be obtained by invoking it without
+arguments. Note that ^R^N and ^R^P move the cursor by
+almost a screen. It does not understand tabs, which will show
+up as highlighred "I"s. Use the UNIX "expand" program first.)
+To build the editor, type "make cord/de" in the gc directory.
+This package assumes an ANSI C compiler such as gcc. It will
+not compile with an old-style K&R compiler.
diff --git a/boehm-gc/cord/SCOPTIONS.amiga b/boehm-gc/cord/SCOPTIONS.amiga
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index 00000000000..2a091970b8b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/boehm-gc/cord/SCOPTIONS.amiga
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
diff --git a/boehm-gc/cord/SMakefile.amiga b/boehm-gc/cord/SMakefile.amiga
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..5aef131e606
--- /dev/null
+++ b/boehm-gc/cord/SMakefile.amiga
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+# Makefile for cord.lib
+# Michel Schinz 1994/07/20
+OBJS = cordbscs.o cordprnt.o cordxtra.o
+all: cord.lib cordtest
+cordbscs.o: cordbscs.c
+cordprnt.o: cordprnt.c
+cordxtra.o: cordxtra.c
+cordtest.o: cordtest.c
+cord.lib: $(OBJS)
+ oml cord.lib r $(OBJS)
+cordtest: cordtest.o cord.lib
+ sc cordtest.o link
+ delete cord.lib cordtest \#?.o \#?.lnk
diff --git a/boehm-gc/cord/cord.h b/boehm-gc/cord/cord.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..926089e86fb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/boehm-gc/cord/cord.h
@@ -0,0 +1,327 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 1993-1994 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ *
+ * Permission is hereby granted to use or copy this program
+ * for any purpose, provided the above notices are retained on all copies.
+ * Permission to modify the code and to distribute modified code is granted,
+ * provided the above notices are retained, and a notice that the code was
+ * modified is included with the above copyright notice.
+ *
+ * Author: Hans-J. Boehm (boehm@parc.xerox.com)
+ */
+/* Boehm, October 5, 1995 4:20 pm PDT */
+ * Cords are immutable character strings. A number of operations
+ * on long cords are much more efficient than their strings.h counterpart.
+ * In particular, concatenation takes constant time independent of the length
+ * of the arguments. (Cords are represented as trees, with internal
+ * nodes representing concatenation and leaves consisting of either C
+ * strings or a functional description of the string.)
+ *
+ * The following are reasonable applications of cords. They would perform
+ * unacceptably if C strings were used:
+ * - A compiler that produces assembly language output by repeatedly
+ * concatenating instructions onto a cord representing the output file.
+ * - A text editor that converts the input file to a cord, and then
+ * performs editing operations by producing a new cord representing
+ * the file after echa character change (and keeping the old ones in an
+ * edit history)
+ *
+ * For optimal performance, cords should be built by
+ * concatenating short sections.
+ * This interface is designed for maximum compatibility with C strings.
+ * ASCII NUL characters may be embedded in cords using CORD_from_fn.
+ * This is handled correctly, but CORD_to_char_star will produce a string
+ * with embedded NULs when given such a cord.
+ *
+ * This interface is fairly big, largely for performance reasons.
+ * The most basic constants and functions:
+ *
+ * CORD - the type of a cord;
+ * CORD_EMPTY - empty cord;
+ * CORD_len(cord) - length of a cord;
+ * CORD_cat(cord1,cord2) - concatenation of two cords;
+ * CORD_substr(cord, start, len) - substring (or subcord);
+ * CORD_pos i; CORD_FOR(i, cord) { ... CORD_pos_fetch(i) ... } -
+ * examine each character in a cord. CORD_pos_fetch(i) is the char.
+ * CORD_fetch(int i) - Retrieve i'th character (slowly).
+ * CORD_cmp(cord1, cord2) - compare two cords.
+ * CORD_from_file(FILE * f) - turn a read-only file into a cord.
+ * CORD_to_char_star(cord) - convert to C string.
+ * (Non-NULL C constant strings are cords.)
+ * CORD_printf (etc.) - cord version of printf. Use %r for cords.
+ */
+# ifndef CORD_H
+# define CORD_H
+# include <stddef.h>
+# include <stdio.h>
+/* Cords have type const char *. This is cheating quite a bit, and not */
+/* 100% portable. But it means that nonempty character string */
+/* constants may be used as cords directly, provided the string is */
+/* never modified in place. The empty cord is represented by, and */
+/* can be written as, 0. */
+typedef const char * CORD;
+/* An empty cord is always represented as nil */
+# define CORD_EMPTY 0
+/* Is a nonempty cord represented as a C string? */
+#define CORD_IS_STRING(s) (*(s) != '\0')
+/* Concatenate two cords. If the arguments are C strings, they may */
+/* not be subsequently altered. */
+/* Concatenate a cord and a C string with known length. Except for the */
+/* empty string case, this is a special case of CORD_cat. Since the */
+/* length is known, it can be faster. */
+/* The string y is shared with the resulting CORD. Hence it should */
+/* not be altered by the caller. */
+CORD CORD_cat_char_star(CORD x, const char * y, size_t leny);
+/* Compute the length of a cord */
+size_t CORD_len(CORD x);
+/* Cords may be represented by functions defining the ith character */
+typedef char (* CORD_fn)(size_t i, void * client_data);
+/* Turn a functional description into a cord. */
+CORD CORD_from_fn(CORD_fn fn, void * client_data, size_t len);
+/* Return the substring (subcord really) of x with length at most n, */
+/* starting at position i. (The initial character has position 0.) */
+CORD CORD_substr(CORD x, size_t i, size_t n);
+/* Return the argument, but rebalanced to allow more efficient */
+/* character retrieval, substring operations, and comparisons. */
+/* This is useful only for cords that were built using repeated */
+/* concatenation. Guarantees log time access to the result, unless */
+/* x was obtained through a large number of repeated substring ops */
+/* or the embedded functional descriptions take longer to evaluate. */
+/* May reallocate significant parts of the cord. The argument is not */
+/* modified; only the result is balanced. */
+CORD CORD_balance(CORD x);
+/* The following traverse a cord by applying a function to each */
+/* character. This is occasionally appropriate, especially where */
+/* speed is crucial. But, since C doesn't have nested functions, */
+/* clients of this sort of traversal are clumsy to write. Consider */
+/* the functions that operate on cord positions instead. */
+/* Function to iteratively apply to individual characters in cord. */
+typedef int (* CORD_iter_fn)(char c, void * client_data);
+/* Function to apply to substrings of a cord. Each substring is a */
+/* a C character string, not a general cord. */
+typedef int (* CORD_batched_iter_fn)(const char * s, void * client_data);
+# define CORD_NO_FN ((CORD_batched_iter_fn)0)
+/* Apply f1 to each character in the cord, in ascending order, */
+/* starting at position i. If */
+/* f2 is not CORD_NO_FN, then multiple calls to f1 may be replaced by */
+/* a single call to f2. The parameter f2 is provided only to allow */
+/* some optimization by the client. This terminates when the right */
+/* end of this string is reached, or when f1 or f2 return != 0. In the */
+/* latter case CORD_iter returns != 0. Otherwise it returns 0. */
+/* The specified value of i must be < CORD_len(x). */
+int CORD_iter5(CORD x, size_t i, CORD_iter_fn f1,
+ CORD_batched_iter_fn f2, void * client_data);
+/* A simpler version that starts at 0, and without f2: */
+int CORD_iter(CORD x, CORD_iter_fn f1, void * client_data);
+# define CORD_iter(x, f1, cd) CORD_iter5(x, 0, f1, CORD_NO_FN, cd)
+/* Similar to CORD_iter5, but end-to-beginning. No provisions for */
+/* CORD_batched_iter_fn. */
+int CORD_riter4(CORD x, size_t i, CORD_iter_fn f1, void * client_data);
+/* A simpler version that starts at the end: */
+int CORD_riter(CORD x, CORD_iter_fn f1, void * client_data);
+/* Functions that operate on cord positions. The easy way to traverse */
+/* cords. A cord position is logically a pair consisting of a cord */
+/* and an index into that cord. But it is much faster to retrieve a */
+/* charcter based on a position than on an index. Unfortunately, */
+/* positions are big (order of a few 100 bytes), so allocate them with */
+/* caution. */
+/* Things in cord_pos.h should be treated as opaque, except as */
+/* described below. Also note that */
+/* CORD_pos_fetch, CORD_next and CORD_prev have both macro and function */
+/* definitions. The former may evaluate their argument more than once. */
+# include "private/cord_pos.h"
+ Visible definitions from above:
+ typedef <OPAQUE but fairly big> CORD_pos[1];
+ * Extract the cord from a position:
+ CORD CORD_pos_to_cord(CORD_pos p);
+ * Extract the current index from a position:
+ size_t CORD_pos_to_index(CORD_pos p);
+ * Fetch the character located at the given position:
+ char CORD_pos_fetch(CORD_pos p);
+ * Initialize the position to refer to the given cord and index.
+ * Note that this is the most expensive function on positions:
+ void CORD_set_pos(CORD_pos p, CORD x, size_t i);
+ * Advance the position to the next character.
+ * P must be initialized and valid.
+ * Invalidates p if past end:
+ void CORD_next(CORD_pos p);
+ * Move the position to the preceding character.
+ * P must be initialized and valid.
+ * Invalidates p if past beginning:
+ void CORD_prev(CORD_pos p);
+ * Is the position valid, i.e. inside the cord?
+ int CORD_pos_valid(CORD_pos p);
+# define CORD_FOR(pos, cord) \
+ for (CORD_set_pos(pos, cord, 0); CORD_pos_valid(pos); CORD_next(pos))
+/* An out of memory handler to call. May be supplied by client. */
+/* Must not return. */
+extern void (* CORD_oom_fn)(void);
+/* Dump the representation of x to stdout in an implementation defined */
+/* manner. Intended for debugging only. */
+void CORD_dump(CORD x);
+/* The following could easily be implemented by the client. They are */
+/* provided in cordxtra.c for convenience. */
+/* Concatenate a character to the end of a cord. */
+CORD CORD_cat_char(CORD x, char c);
+/* Concatenate n cords. */
+CORD CORD_catn(int n, /* CORD */ ...);
+/* Return the character in CORD_substr(x, i, 1) */
+char CORD_fetch(CORD x, size_t i);
+/* Return < 0, 0, or > 0, depending on whether x < y, x = y, x > y */
+int CORD_cmp(CORD x, CORD y);
+/* A generalization that takes both starting positions for the */
+/* comparison, and a limit on the number of characters to be compared. */
+int CORD_ncmp(CORD x, size_t x_start, CORD y, size_t y_start, size_t len);
+/* Find the first occurrence of s in x at position start or later. */
+/* Return the position of the first character of s in x, or */
+/* CORD_NOT_FOUND if there is none. */
+size_t CORD_str(CORD x, size_t start, CORD s);
+/* Return a cord consisting of i copies of (possibly NUL) c. Dangerous */
+/* in conjunction with CORD_to_char_star. */
+/* The resulting representation takes constant space, independent of i. */
+CORD CORD_chars(char c, size_t i);
+# define CORD_nul(i) CORD_chars('\0', (i))
+/* Turn a file into cord. The file must be seekable. Its contents */
+/* must remain constant. The file may be accessed as an immediate */
+/* result of this call and/or as a result of subsequent accesses to */
+/* the cord. Short files are likely to be immediately read, but */
+/* long files are likely to be read on demand, possibly relying on */
+/* stdio for buffering. */
+/* We must have exclusive access to the descriptor f, i.e. we may */
+/* read it at any time, and expect the file pointer to be */
+/* where we left it. Normally this should be invoked as */
+/* CORD_from_file(fopen(...)) */
+/* CORD_from_file arranges to close the file descriptor when it is no */
+/* longer needed (e.g. when the result becomes inaccessible). */
+/* The file f must be such that ftell reflects the actual character */
+/* position in the file, i.e. the number of characters that can be */
+/* or were read with fread. On UNIX systems this is always true. On */
+/* MS Windows systems, f must be opened in binary mode. */
+CORD CORD_from_file(FILE * f);
+/* Equivalent to the above, except that the entire file will be read */
+/* and the file pointer will be closed immediately. */
+/* The binary mode restriction from above does not apply. */
+CORD CORD_from_file_eager(FILE * f);
+/* Equivalent to the above, except that the file will be read on demand.*/
+/* The binary mode restriction applies. */
+CORD CORD_from_file_lazy(FILE * f);
+/* Turn a cord into a C string. The result shares no structure with */
+/* x, and is thus modifiable. */
+char * CORD_to_char_star(CORD x);
+/* Turn a C string into a CORD. The C string is copied, and so may */
+/* subsequently be modified. */
+CORD CORD_from_char_star(const char *s);
+/* Identical to the above, but the result may share structure with */
+/* the argument and is thus not modifiable. */
+const char * CORD_to_const_char_star(CORD x);
+/* Write a cord to a file, starting at the current position. No */
+/* trailing NULs are newlines are added. */
+/* Returns EOF if a write error occurs, 1 otherwise. */
+int CORD_put(CORD x, FILE * f);
+/* "Not found" result for the following two functions. */
+# define CORD_NOT_FOUND ((size_t)(-1))
+/* A vague analog of strchr. Returns the position (an integer, not */
+/* a pointer) of the first occurrence of (char) c inside x at position */
+/* i or later. The value i must be < CORD_len(x). */
+size_t CORD_chr(CORD x, size_t i, int c);
+/* A vague analog of strrchr. Returns index of the last occurrence */
+/* of (char) c inside x at position i or earlier. The value i */
+/* must be < CORD_len(x). */
+size_t CORD_rchr(CORD x, size_t i, int c);
+/* The following are also not primitive, but are implemented in */
+/* cordprnt.c. They provide functionality similar to the ANSI C */
+/* functions with corresponding names, but with the following */
+/* additions and changes: */
+/* 1. A %r conversion specification specifies a CORD argument. Field */
+/* width, precision, etc. have the same semantics as for %s. */
+/* (Note that %c,%C, and %S were already taken.) */
+/* 2. The format string is represented as a CORD. */
+/* 3. CORD_sprintf and CORD_vsprintf assign the result through the 1st */ /* argument. Unlike their ANSI C versions, there is no need to guess */
+/* the correct buffer size. */
+/* 4. Most of the conversions are implement through the native */
+/* vsprintf. Hence they are usually no faster, and */
+/* idiosyncracies of the native printf are preserved. However, */
+/* CORD arguments to CORD_sprintf and CORD_vsprintf are NOT copied; */
+/* the result shares the original structure. This may make them */
+/* very efficient in some unusual applications. */
+/* The format string is copied. */
+/* All functions return the number of characters generated or -1 on */
+/* error. This complies with the ANSI standard, but is inconsistent */
+/* with some older implementations of sprintf. */
+/* The implementation of these is probably less portable than the rest */
+/* of this package. */
+#ifndef CORD_NO_IO
+#include <stdarg.h>
+int CORD_sprintf(CORD * out, CORD format, ...);
+int CORD_vsprintf(CORD * out, CORD format, va_list args);
+int CORD_fprintf(FILE * f, CORD format, ...);
+int CORD_vfprintf(FILE * f, CORD format, va_list args);
+int CORD_printf(CORD format, ...);
+int CORD_vprintf(CORD format, va_list args);
+#endif /* CORD_NO_IO */
+# endif /* CORD_H */
diff --git a/boehm-gc/cord/ec.h b/boehm-gc/cord/ec.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..c829b83ad11
--- /dev/null
+++ b/boehm-gc/cord/ec.h
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+# ifndef EC_H
+# define EC_H
+# ifndef CORD_H
+# include "cord.h"
+# endif
+/* Extensible cords are strings that may be destructively appended to. */
+/* They allow fast construction of cords from characters that are */
+/* being read from a stream. */
+ * A client might look like:
+ *
+ * {
+ * CORD_ec x;
+ * CORD result;
+ * char c;
+ * FILE *f;
+ *
+ * ...
+ * CORD_ec_init(x);
+ * while(...) {
+ * c = getc(f);
+ * ...
+ * CORD_ec_append(x, c);
+ * }
+ * result = CORD_balance(CORD_ec_to_cord(x));
+ *
+ * If a C string is desired as the final result, the call to CORD_balance
+ * may be replaced by a call to CORD_to_char_star.
+ */
+# ifndef CORD_BUFSZ
+# define CORD_BUFSZ 128
+# endif
+typedef struct CORD_ec_struct {
+ CORD ec_cord;
+ char * ec_bufptr;
+ char ec_buf[CORD_BUFSZ+1];
+} CORD_ec[1];
+/* This structure represents the concatenation of ec_cord with */
+/* ec_buf[0 ... (ec_bufptr-ec_buf-1)] */
+/* Flush the buffer part of the extended chord into ec_cord. */
+/* Note that this is almost the only real function, and it is */
+/* implemented in 6 lines in cordxtra.c */
+void CORD_ec_flush_buf(CORD_ec x);
+/* Convert an extensible cord to a cord. */
+# define CORD_ec_to_cord(x) (CORD_ec_flush_buf(x), (x)[0].ec_cord)
+/* Initialize an extensible cord. */
+# define CORD_ec_init(x) ((x)[0].ec_cord = 0, (x)[0].ec_bufptr = (x)[0].ec_buf)
+/* Append a character to an extensible cord. */
+# define CORD_ec_append(x, c) \
+ { \
+ if ((x)[0].ec_bufptr == (x)[0].ec_buf + CORD_BUFSZ) { \
+ CORD_ec_flush_buf(x); \
+ } \
+ *((x)[0].ec_bufptr)++ = (c); \
+ }
+/* Append a cord to an extensible cord. Structure remains shared with */
+/* original. */
+void CORD_ec_append_cord(CORD_ec x, CORD s);
+# endif /* EC_H */
diff --git a/boehm-gc/cord/gc.h b/boehm-gc/cord/gc.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..3ac0d4403df
--- /dev/null
+++ b/boehm-gc/cord/gc.h
@@ -0,0 +1,767 @@
+ * Copyright 1988, 1989 Hans-J. Boehm, Alan J. Demers
+ * Copyright (c) 1991-1995 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright 1996-1999 by Silicon Graphics. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright 1999 by Hewlett-Packard Company. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ *
+ * Permission is hereby granted to use or copy this program
+ * for any purpose, provided the above notices are retained on all copies.
+ * Permission to modify the code and to distribute modified code is granted,
+ * provided the above notices are retained, and a notice that the code was
+ * modified is included with the above copyright notice.
+ */
+ * Note that this defines a large number of tuning hooks, which can
+ * safely be ignored in nearly all cases. For normal use it suffices
+ * to call only GC_MALLOC and perhaps GC_REALLOC.
+ * For better performance, also look at GC_MALLOC_ATOMIC, and
+ * GC_enable_incremental. If you need an action to be performed
+ * immediately before an object is collected, look at GC_register_finalizer.
+ * If you are using Solaris threads, look at the end of this file.
+ * Everything else is best ignored unless you encounter performance
+ * problems.
+ */
+#ifndef _GC_H
+# define _GC_H
+# define __GC
+# include <stddef.h>
+#if defined(__CYGWIN32__) && defined(GC_USE_DLL)
+#include "libgc_globals.h"
+#if defined(_MSC_VER) && defined(_DLL)
+# ifdef GC_BUILD
+# define GC_API __declspec(dllexport)
+# else
+# define GC_API __declspec(dllimport)
+# endif
+#if defined(__WATCOMC__) && defined(GC_DLL)
+# ifdef GC_BUILD
+# define GC_API extern __declspec(dllexport)
+# else
+# define GC_API extern __declspec(dllimport)
+# endif
+#ifndef GC_API
+#define GC_API extern
+# if defined(__STDC__) || defined(__cplusplus)
+# define GC_PROTO(args) args
+ typedef void * GC_PTR;
+# define GC_CONST const
+# else
+# define GC_PROTO(args) ()
+ typedef char * GC_PTR;
+# define GC_CONST
+# endif
+# ifdef __cplusplus
+ extern "C" {
+# endif
+/* Define word and signed_word to be unsigned and signed types of the */
+/* size as char * or void *. There seems to be no way to do this */
+/* even semi-portably. The following is probably no better/worse */
+/* than almost anything else. */
+/* The ANSI standard suggests that size_t and ptr_diff_t might be */
+/* better choices. But those appear to have incorrect definitions */
+/* on may systems. Notably "typedef int size_t" seems to be both */
+/* frequent and WRONG. */
+typedef unsigned long GC_word;
+typedef long GC_signed_word;
+/* Public read-only variables */
+GC_API GC_word GC_gc_no;/* Counter incremented per collection. */
+ /* Includes empty GCs at startup. */
+/* Public R/W variables */
+GC_API GC_PTR (*GC_oom_fn) GC_PROTO((size_t bytes_requested));
+ /* When there is insufficient memory to satisfy */
+ /* an allocation request, we return */
+ /* (*GC_oom_fn)(). By default this just */
+ /* returns 0. */
+ /* If it returns, it must return 0 or a valid */
+ /* pointer to a previously allocated heap */
+ /* object. */
+GC_API int GC_find_leak;
+ /* Do not actually garbage collect, but simply */
+ /* report inaccessible memory that was not */
+ /* deallocated with GC_free. Initial value */
+ /* is determined by FIND_LEAK macro. */
+GC_API int GC_quiet; /* Disable statistics output. Only matters if */
+ /* collector has been compiled with statistics */
+ /* enabled. This involves a performance cost, */
+ /* and is thus not the default. */
+GC_API int GC_finalize_on_demand;
+ /* If nonzero, finalizers will only be run in */
+ /* response to an eplit GC_invoke_finalizers */
+ /* call. The default is determined by whether */
+ /* the FINALIZE_ON_DEMAND macro is defined */
+ /* when the collector is built. */
+GC_API int GC_java_finalization;
+ /* Mark objects reachable from finalizable */
+ /* objects in a separate postpass. This makes */
+ /* it a bit safer to use non-topologically- */
+ /* ordered finalization. Default value is */
+ /* determined by JAVA_FINALIZATION macro. */
+GC_API int GC_dont_gc; /* Dont collect unless explicitly requested, e.g. */
+ /* because it's not safe. */
+GC_API int GC_dont_expand;
+ /* Dont expand heap unless explicitly requested */
+ /* or forced to. */
+GC_API int GC_full_freq; /* Number of partial collections between */
+ /* full collections. Matters only if */
+ /* GC_incremental is set. */
+ /* Full collections are also triggered if */
+ /* the collector detects a substantial */
+ /* increase in the number of in-use heap */
+ /* blocks. Values in the tens are now */
+ /* perfectly reasonable, unlike for */
+ /* earlier GC versions. */
+GC_API GC_word GC_non_gc_bytes;
+ /* Bytes not considered candidates for collection. */
+ /* Used only to control scheduling of collections. */
+GC_API GC_word GC_free_space_divisor;
+ /* We try to make sure that we allocate at */
+ /* least N/GC_free_space_divisor bytes between */
+ /* collections, where N is the heap size plus */
+ /* a rough estimate of the root set size. */
+ /* Initially, GC_free_space_divisor = 4. */
+ /* Increasing its value will use less space */
+ /* but more collection time. Decreasing it */
+ /* will appreciably decrease collection time */
+ /* at the expense of space. */
+ /* GC_free_space_divisor = 1 will effectively */
+ /* disable collections. */
+GC_API GC_word GC_max_retries;
+ /* The maximum number of GCs attempted before */
+ /* reporting out of memory after heap */
+ /* expansion fails. Initially 0. */
+GC_API char *GC_stackbottom; /* Cool end of user stack. */
+ /* May be set in the client prior to */
+ /* calling any GC_ routines. This */
+ /* avoids some overhead, and */
+ /* potentially some signals that can */
+ /* confuse debuggers. Otherwise the */
+ /* collector attempts to set it */
+ /* automatically. */
+ /* For multithreaded code, this is the */
+ /* cold end of the stack for the */
+ /* primordial thread. */
+/* Public procedures */
+ * general purpose allocation routines, with roughly malloc calling conv.
+ * The atomic versions promise that no relevant pointers are contained
+ * in the object. The nonatomic versions guarantee that the new object
+ * is cleared. GC_malloc_stubborn promises that no changes to the object
+ * will occur after GC_end_stubborn_change has been called on the
+ * result of GC_malloc_stubborn. GC_malloc_uncollectable allocates an object
+ * that is scanned for pointers to collectable objects, but is not itself
+ * collectable. GC_malloc_uncollectable and GC_free called on the resulting
+ * object implicitly update GC_non_gc_bytes appropriately.
+ */
+GC_API GC_PTR GC_malloc GC_PROTO((size_t size_in_bytes));
+GC_API GC_PTR GC_malloc_atomic GC_PROTO((size_t size_in_bytes));
+GC_API GC_PTR GC_malloc_uncollectable GC_PROTO((size_t size_in_bytes));
+GC_API GC_PTR GC_malloc_stubborn GC_PROTO((size_t size_in_bytes));
+/* The following is only defined if the library has been suitably */
+/* compiled: */
+GC_API GC_PTR GC_malloc_atomic_uncollectable GC_PROTO((size_t size_in_bytes));
+/* Explicitly deallocate an object. Dangerous if used incorrectly. */
+/* Requires a pointer to the base of an object. */
+/* If the argument is stubborn, it should not be changeable when freed. */
+/* An object should not be enable for finalization when it is */
+/* explicitly deallocated. */
+/* GC_free(0) is a no-op, as required by ANSI C for free. */
+GC_API void GC_free GC_PROTO((GC_PTR object_addr));
+ * Stubborn objects may be changed only if the collector is explicitly informed.
+ * The collector is implicitly informed of coming change when such
+ * an object is first allocated. The following routines inform the
+ * collector that an object will no longer be changed, or that it will
+ * once again be changed. Only nonNIL pointer stores into the object
+ * are considered to be changes. The argument to GC_end_stubborn_change
+ * must be exacly the value returned by GC_malloc_stubborn or passed to
+ * GC_change_stubborn. (In the second case it may be an interior pointer
+ * within 512 bytes of the beginning of the objects.)
+ * There is a performance penalty for allowing more than
+ * one stubborn object to be changed at once, but it is acceptable to
+ * do so. The same applies to dropping stubborn objects that are still
+ * changeable.
+ */
+GC_API void GC_change_stubborn GC_PROTO((GC_PTR));
+GC_API void GC_end_stubborn_change GC_PROTO((GC_PTR));
+/* Return a pointer to the base (lowest address) of an object given */
+/* a pointer to a location within the object. */
+/* Return 0 if displaced_pointer doesn't point to within a valid */
+/* object. */
+GC_API GC_PTR GC_base GC_PROTO((GC_PTR displaced_pointer));
+/* Given a pointer to the base of an object, return its size in bytes. */
+/* The returned size may be slightly larger than what was originally */
+/* requested. */
+GC_API size_t GC_size GC_PROTO((GC_PTR object_addr));
+/* For compatibility with C library. This is occasionally faster than */
+/* a malloc followed by a bcopy. But if you rely on that, either here */
+/* or with the standard C library, your code is broken. In my */
+/* opinion, it shouldn't have been invented, but now we're stuck. -HB */
+/* The resulting object has the same kind as the original. */
+/* If the argument is stubborn, the result will have changes enabled. */
+/* It is an error to have changes enabled for the original object. */
+/* Follows ANSI comventions for NULL old_object. */
+GC_API GC_PTR GC_realloc
+ GC_PROTO((GC_PTR old_object, size_t new_size_in_bytes));
+/* Explicitly increase the heap size. */
+/* Returns 0 on failure, 1 on success. */
+GC_API int GC_expand_hp GC_PROTO((size_t number_of_bytes));
+/* Limit the heap size to n bytes. Useful when you're debugging, */
+/* especially on systems that don't handle running out of memory well. */
+/* n == 0 ==> unbounded. This is the default. */
+GC_API void GC_set_max_heap_size GC_PROTO((GC_word n));
+/* Inform the collector that a certain section of statically allocated */
+/* memory contains no pointers to garbage collected memory. Thus it */
+/* need not be scanned. This is sometimes important if the application */
+/* maps large read/write files into the address space, which could be */
+/* mistaken for dynamic library data segments on some systems. */
+GC_API void GC_exclude_static_roots GC_PROTO((GC_PTR start, GC_PTR finish));
+/* Clear the set of root segments. Wizards only. */
+GC_API void GC_clear_roots GC_PROTO((void));
+/* Add a root segment. Wizards only. */
+GC_API void GC_add_roots GC_PROTO((char * low_address,
+ char * high_address_plus_1));
+/* Add a displacement to the set of those considered valid by the */
+/* collector. GC_register_displacement(n) means that if p was returned */
+/* by GC_malloc, then (char *)p + n will be considered to be a valid */
+/* pointer to n. N must be small and less than the size of p. */
+/* (All pointers to the interior of objects from the stack are */
+/* considered valid in any case. This applies to heap objects and */
+/* static data.) */
+/* Preferably, this should be called before any other GC procedures. */
+/* Calling it later adds to the probability of excess memory */
+/* retention. */
+/* This is a no-op if the collector was compiled with recognition of */
+/* arbitrary interior pointers enabled, which is now the default. */
+GC_API void GC_register_displacement GC_PROTO((GC_word n));
+/* The following version should be used if any debugging allocation is */
+/* being done. */
+GC_API void GC_debug_register_displacement GC_PROTO((GC_word n));
+/* Explicitly trigger a full, world-stop collection. */
+GC_API void GC_gcollect GC_PROTO((void));
+/* Trigger a full world-stopped collection. Abort the collection if */
+/* and when stop_func returns a nonzero value. Stop_func will be */
+/* called frequently, and should be reasonably fast. This works even */
+/* if virtual dirty bits, and hence incremental collection is not */
+/* available for this architecture. Collections can be aborted faster */
+/* than normal pause times for incremental collection. However, */
+/* aborted collections do no useful work; the next collection needs */
+/* to start from the beginning. */
+/* Return 0 if the collection was aborted, 1 if it succeeded. */
+typedef int (* GC_stop_func) GC_PROTO((void));
+GC_API int GC_try_to_collect GC_PROTO((GC_stop_func stop_func));
+/* Return the number of bytes in the heap. Excludes collector private */
+/* data structures. Includes empty blocks and fragmentation loss. */
+/* Includes some pages that were allocated but never written. */
+GC_API size_t GC_get_heap_size GC_PROTO((void));
+/* Return a lower bound on the number of free bytes in the heap. */
+GC_API size_t GC_get_free_bytes GC_PROTO((void));
+/* Return the number of bytes allocated since the last collection. */
+GC_API size_t GC_get_bytes_since_gc GC_PROTO((void));
+/* Enable incremental/generational collection. */
+/* Not advisable unless dirty bits are */
+/* available or most heap objects are */
+/* pointerfree(atomic) or immutable. */
+/* Don't use in leak finding mode. */
+/* Ignored if GC_dont_gc is true. */
+GC_API void GC_enable_incremental GC_PROTO((void));
+/* Perform some garbage collection work, if appropriate. */
+/* Return 0 if there is no more work to be done. */
+/* Typically performs an amount of work corresponding roughly */
+/* to marking from one page. May do more work if further */
+/* progress requires it, e.g. if incremental collection is */
+/* disabled. It is reasonable to call this in a wait loop */
+/* until it returns 0. */
+GC_API int GC_collect_a_little GC_PROTO((void));
+/* Allocate an object of size lb bytes. The client guarantees that */
+/* as long as the object is live, it will be referenced by a pointer */
+/* that points to somewhere within the first 256 bytes of the object. */
+/* (This should normally be declared volatile to prevent the compiler */
+/* from invalidating this assertion.) This routine is only useful */
+/* if a large array is being allocated. It reduces the chance of */
+/* accidentally retaining such an array as a result of scanning an */
+/* integer that happens to be an address inside the array. (Actually, */
+/* it reduces the chance of the allocator not finding space for such */
+/* an array, since it will try hard to avoid introducing such a false */
+/* reference.) On a SunOS 4.X or MS Windows system this is recommended */
+/* for arrays likely to be larger than 100K or so. For other systems, */
+/* or if the collector is not configured to recognize all interior */
+/* pointers, the threshold is normally much higher. */
+GC_API GC_PTR GC_malloc_ignore_off_page GC_PROTO((size_t lb));
+GC_API GC_PTR GC_malloc_atomic_ignore_off_page GC_PROTO((size_t lb));
+#if defined(__sgi) && !defined(__GNUC__) && _COMPILER_VERSION >= 720
+# define GC_ADD_CALLER
+# define GC_RETURN_ADDR (GC_word)__return_address
+# define GC_EXTRA_PARAMS GC_word ra, GC_CONST char * s,
+ int i
+# define GC_EXTRAS __FILE__, __LINE__
+# define GC_EXTRA_PARAMS GC_CONST char * s, int i
+/* Debugging (annotated) allocation. GC_gcollect will check */
+/* objects allocated in this way for overwrites, etc. */
+GC_API GC_PTR GC_debug_malloc
+ GC_PROTO((size_t size_in_bytes, GC_EXTRA_PARAMS));
+GC_API GC_PTR GC_debug_malloc_atomic
+ GC_PROTO((size_t size_in_bytes, GC_EXTRA_PARAMS));
+GC_API GC_PTR GC_debug_malloc_uncollectable
+ GC_PROTO((size_t size_in_bytes, GC_EXTRA_PARAMS));
+GC_API GC_PTR GC_debug_malloc_stubborn
+ GC_PROTO((size_t size_in_bytes, GC_EXTRA_PARAMS));
+GC_API void GC_debug_free GC_PROTO((GC_PTR object_addr));
+GC_API GC_PTR GC_debug_realloc
+ GC_PROTO((GC_PTR old_object, size_t new_size_in_bytes,
+GC_API void GC_debug_change_stubborn GC_PROTO((GC_PTR));
+GC_API void GC_debug_end_stubborn_change GC_PROTO((GC_PTR));
+# ifdef GC_DEBUG
+# define GC_MALLOC(sz) GC_debug_malloc(sz, GC_EXTRAS)
+# define GC_MALLOC_ATOMIC(sz) GC_debug_malloc_atomic(sz, GC_EXTRAS)
+# define GC_MALLOC_UNCOLLECTABLE(sz) GC_debug_malloc_uncollectable(sz, \
+# define GC_REALLOC(old, sz) GC_debug_realloc(old, sz, GC_EXTRAS)
+# define GC_FREE(p) GC_debug_free(p)
+# define GC_REGISTER_FINALIZER(p, f, d, of, od) \
+ GC_debug_register_finalizer(p, f, d, of, od)
+# define GC_REGISTER_FINALIZER_IGNORE_SELF(p, f, d, of, od) \
+ GC_debug_register_finalizer_ignore_self(p, f, d, of, od)
+# define GC_MALLOC_STUBBORN(sz) GC_debug_malloc_stubborn(sz, GC_EXTRAS);
+# define GC_CHANGE_STUBBORN(p) GC_debug_change_stubborn(p)
+# define GC_END_STUBBORN_CHANGE(p) GC_debug_end_stubborn_change(p)
+ GC_general_register_disappearing_link(link, GC_base(obj))
+# define GC_REGISTER_DISPLACEMENT(n) GC_debug_register_displacement(n)
+# else
+# define GC_MALLOC(sz) GC_malloc(sz)
+# define GC_MALLOC_ATOMIC(sz) GC_malloc_atomic(sz)
+# define GC_MALLOC_UNCOLLECTABLE(sz) GC_malloc_uncollectable(sz)
+# define GC_REALLOC(old, sz) GC_realloc(old, sz)
+# define GC_FREE(p) GC_free(p)
+# define GC_REGISTER_FINALIZER(p, f, d, of, od) \
+ GC_register_finalizer(p, f, d, of, od)
+# define GC_REGISTER_FINALIZER_IGNORE_SELF(p, f, d, of, od) \
+ GC_register_finalizer_ignore_self(p, f, d, of, od)
+# define GC_MALLOC_STUBBORN(sz) GC_malloc_stubborn(sz)
+# define GC_CHANGE_STUBBORN(p) GC_change_stubborn(p)
+# define GC_END_STUBBORN_CHANGE(p) GC_end_stubborn_change(p)
+ GC_general_register_disappearing_link(link, obj)
+# define GC_REGISTER_DISPLACEMENT(n) GC_register_displacement(n)
+# endif
+/* The following are included because they are often convenient, and */
+/* reduce the chance for a misspecifed size argument. But calls may */
+/* expand to something syntactically incorrect if t is a complicated */
+/* type expression. */
+# define GC_NEW(t) (t *)GC_MALLOC(sizeof (t))
+# define GC_NEW_ATOMIC(t) (t *)GC_MALLOC_ATOMIC(sizeof (t))
+# define GC_NEW_STUBBORN(t) (t *)GC_MALLOC_STUBBORN(sizeof (t))
+/* Finalization. Some of these primitives are grossly unsafe. */
+/* The idea is to make them both cheap, and sufficient to build */
+/* a safer layer, closer to PCedar finalization. */
+/* The interface represents my conclusions from a long discussion */
+/* with Alan Demers, Dan Greene, Carl Hauser, Barry Hayes, */
+/* Christian Jacobi, and Russ Atkinson. It's not perfect, and */
+/* probably nobody else agrees with it. Hans-J. Boehm 3/13/92 */
+typedef void (*GC_finalization_proc)
+ GC_PROTO((GC_PTR obj, GC_PTR client_data));
+GC_API void GC_register_finalizer
+ GC_PROTO((GC_PTR obj, GC_finalization_proc fn, GC_PTR cd,
+ GC_finalization_proc *ofn, GC_PTR *ocd));
+GC_API void GC_debug_register_finalizer
+ GC_PROTO((GC_PTR obj, GC_finalization_proc fn, GC_PTR cd,
+ GC_finalization_proc *ofn, GC_PTR *ocd));
+ /* When obj is no longer accessible, invoke */
+ /* (*fn)(obj, cd). If a and b are inaccessible, and */
+ /* a points to b (after disappearing links have been */
+ /* made to disappear), then only a will be */
+ /* finalized. (If this does not create any new */
+ /* pointers to b, then b will be finalized after the */
+ /* next collection.) Any finalizable object that */
+ /* is reachable from itself by following one or more */
+ /* pointers will not be finalized (or collected). */
+ /* Thus cycles involving finalizable objects should */
+ /* be avoided, or broken by disappearing links. */
+ /* All but the last finalizer registered for an object */
+ /* is ignored. */
+ /* Finalization may be removed by passing 0 as fn. */
+ /* Finalizers are implicitly unregistered just before */
+ /* they are invoked. */
+ /* The old finalizer and client data are stored in */
+ /* *ofn and *ocd. */
+ /* Fn is never invoked on an accessible object, */
+ /* provided hidden pointers are converted to real */
+ /* pointers only if the allocation lock is held, and */
+ /* such conversions are not performed by finalization */
+ /* routines. */
+ /* If GC_register_finalizer is aborted as a result of */
+ /* a signal, the object may be left with no */
+ /* finalization, even if neither the old nor new */
+ /* finalizer were NULL. */
+ /* Obj should be the nonNULL starting address of an */
+ /* object allocated by GC_malloc or friends. */
+ /* Note that any garbage collectable object referenced */
+ /* by cd will be considered accessible until the */
+ /* finalizer is invoked. */
+/* Another versions of the above follow. It ignores */
+/* self-cycles, i.e. pointers from a finalizable object to */
+/* itself. There is a stylistic argument that this is wrong, */
+/* but it's unavoidable for C++, since the compiler may */
+/* silently introduce these. It's also benign in that specific */
+/* case. */
+GC_API void GC_register_finalizer_ignore_self
+ GC_PROTO((GC_PTR obj, GC_finalization_proc fn, GC_PTR cd,
+ GC_finalization_proc *ofn, GC_PTR *ocd));
+GC_API void GC_debug_register_finalizer_ignore_self
+ GC_PROTO((GC_PTR obj, GC_finalization_proc fn, GC_PTR cd,
+ GC_finalization_proc *ofn, GC_PTR *ocd));
+/* The following routine may be used to break cycles between */
+/* finalizable objects, thus causing cyclic finalizable */
+/* objects to be finalized in the correct order. Standard */
+/* use involves calling GC_register_disappearing_link(&p), */
+/* where p is a pointer that is not followed by finalization */
+/* code, and should not be considered in determining */
+/* finalization order. */
+GC_API int GC_register_disappearing_link GC_PROTO((GC_PTR * /* link */));
+ /* Link should point to a field of a heap allocated */
+ /* object obj. *link will be cleared when obj is */
+ /* found to be inaccessible. This happens BEFORE any */
+ /* finalization code is invoked, and BEFORE any */
+ /* decisions about finalization order are made. */
+ /* This is useful in telling the finalizer that */
+ /* some pointers are not essential for proper */
+ /* finalization. This may avoid finalization cycles. */
+ /* Note that obj may be resurrected by another */
+ /* finalizer, and thus the clearing of *link may */
+ /* be visible to non-finalization code. */
+ /* There's an argument that an arbitrary action should */
+ /* be allowed here, instead of just clearing a pointer. */
+ /* But this causes problems if that action alters, or */
+ /* examines connectivity. */
+ /* Returns 1 if link was already registered, 0 */
+ /* otherwise. */
+ /* Only exists for backward compatibility. See below: */
+GC_API int GC_general_register_disappearing_link
+ GC_PROTO((GC_PTR * /* link */, GC_PTR obj));
+ /* A slight generalization of the above. *link is */
+ /* cleared when obj first becomes inaccessible. This */
+ /* can be used to implement weak pointers easily and */
+ /* safely. Typically link will point to a location */
+ /* holding a disguised pointer to obj. (A pointer */
+ /* inside an "atomic" object is effectively */
+ /* disguised.) In this way soft */
+ /* pointers are broken before any object */
+ /* reachable from them are finalized. Each link */
+ /* May be registered only once, i.e. with one obj */
+ /* value. This was added after a long email discussion */
+ /* with John Ellis. */
+ /* Obj must be a pointer to the first word of an object */
+ /* we allocated. It is unsafe to explicitly deallocate */
+ /* the object containing link. Explicitly deallocating */
+ /* obj may or may not cause link to eventually be */
+ /* cleared. */
+GC_API int GC_unregister_disappearing_link GC_PROTO((GC_PTR * /* link */));
+ /* Returns 0 if link was not actually registered. */
+ /* Undoes a registration by either of the above two */
+ /* routines. */
+/* Auxiliary fns to make finalization work correctly with displaced */
+/* pointers introduced by the debugging allocators. */
+GC_API GC_PTR GC_make_closure GC_PROTO((GC_finalization_proc fn, GC_PTR data));
+GC_API void GC_debug_invoke_finalizer GC_PROTO((GC_PTR obj, GC_PTR data));
+GC_API int GC_invoke_finalizers GC_PROTO((void));
+ /* Run finalizers for all objects that are ready to */
+ /* be finalized. Return the number of finalizers */
+ /* that were run. Normally this is also called */
+ /* implicitly during some allocations. If */
+ /* GC-finalize_on_demand is nonzero, it must be called */
+ /* explicitly. */
+/* GC_set_warn_proc can be used to redirect or filter warning messages. */
+/* p may not be a NULL pointer. */
+typedef void (*GC_warn_proc) GC_PROTO((char *msg, GC_word arg));
+GC_API GC_warn_proc GC_set_warn_proc GC_PROTO((GC_warn_proc p));
+ /* Returns old warning procedure. */
+/* The following is intended to be used by a higher level */
+/* (e.g. cedar-like) finalization facility. It is expected */
+/* that finalization code will arrange for hidden pointers to */
+/* disappear. Otherwise objects can be accessed after they */
+/* have been collected. */
+/* Note that putting pointers in atomic objects or in */
+/* nonpointer slots of "typed" objects is equivalent to */
+/* disguising them in this way, and may have other advantages. */
+# if defined(I_HIDE_POINTERS) || defined(GC_I_HIDE_POINTERS)
+ typedef GC_word GC_hidden_pointer;
+# define HIDE_POINTER(p) (~(GC_hidden_pointer)(p))
+ /* Converting a hidden pointer to a real pointer requires verifying */
+ /* that the object still exists. This involves acquiring the */
+ /* allocator lock to avoid a race with the collector. */
+# endif /* I_HIDE_POINTERS */
+typedef GC_PTR (*GC_fn_type) GC_PROTO((GC_PTR client_data));
+GC_API GC_PTR GC_call_with_alloc_lock
+ GC_PROTO((GC_fn_type fn, GC_PTR client_data));
+/* Check that p and q point to the same object. */
+/* Fail conspicuously if they don't. */
+/* Returns the first argument. */
+/* Succeeds if neither p nor q points to the heap. */
+/* May succeed if both p and q point to between heap objects. */
+GC_API GC_PTR GC_same_obj GC_PROTO((GC_PTR p, GC_PTR q));
+/* Checked pointer pre- and post- increment operations. Note that */
+/* the second argument is in units of bytes, not multiples of the */
+/* object size. This should either be invoked from a macro, or the */
+/* call should be automatically generated. */
+GC_API GC_PTR GC_pre_incr GC_PROTO((GC_PTR *p, size_t how_much));
+GC_API GC_PTR GC_post_incr GC_PROTO((GC_PTR *p, size_t how_much));
+/* Check that p is visible */
+/* to the collector as a possibly pointer containing location. */
+/* If it isn't fail conspicuously. */
+/* Returns the argument in all cases. May erroneously succeed */
+/* in hard cases. (This is intended for debugging use with */
+/* untyped allocations. The idea is that it should be possible, though */
+/* slow, to add such a call to all indirect pointer stores.) */
+/* Currently useless for multithreaded worlds. */
+GC_API GC_PTR GC_is_visible GC_PROTO((GC_PTR p));
+/* Check that if p is a pointer to a heap page, then it points to */
+/* a valid displacement within a heap object. */
+/* Fail conspicuously if this property does not hold. */
+/* Uninteresting with ALL_INTERIOR_POINTERS. */
+/* Always returns its argument. */
+GC_API GC_PTR GC_is_valid_displacement GC_PROTO((GC_PTR p));
+/* Safer, but slow, pointer addition. Probably useful mainly with */
+/* a preprocessor. Useful only for heap pointers. */
+#ifdef GC_DEBUG
+# define GC_PTR_ADD3(x, n, type_of_result) \
+ ((type_of_result)GC_same_obj((x)+(n), (x)))
+# define GC_PRE_INCR3(x, n, type_of_result) \
+ ((type_of_result)GC_pre_incr(&(x), (n)*sizeof(*x))
+# define GC_POST_INCR2(x, type_of_result) \
+ ((type_of_result)GC_post_incr(&(x), sizeof(*x))
+# ifdef __GNUC__
+# define GC_PTR_ADD(x, n) \
+ GC_PTR_ADD3(x, n, typeof(x))
+# define GC_PRE_INCR(x, n) \
+ GC_PRE_INCR3(x, n, typeof(x))
+# define GC_POST_INCR(x, n) \
+ GC_POST_INCR3(x, typeof(x))
+# else
+ /* We can't do this right without typeof, which ANSI */
+ /* decided was not sufficiently useful. Repeatedly */
+ /* mentioning the arguments seems too dangerous to be */
+ /* useful. So does not casting the result. */
+# define GC_PTR_ADD(x, n) ((x)+(n))
+# endif
+#else /* !GC_DEBUG */
+# define GC_PTR_ADD3(x, n, type_of_result) ((x)+(n))
+# define GC_PTR_ADD(x, n) ((x)+(n))
+# define GC_PRE_INCR3(x, n, type_of_result) ((x) += (n))
+# define GC_PRE_INCR(x, n) ((x) += (n))
+# define GC_POST_INCR2(x, n, type_of_result) ((x)++)
+# define GC_POST_INCR(x, n) ((x)++)
+/* Safer assignment of a pointer to a nonstack location. */
+#ifdef GC_DEBUG
+# ifdef __STDC__
+# define GC_PTR_STORE(p, q) \
+ (*(void **)GC_is_visible(p) = GC_is_valid_displacement(q))
+# else
+# define GC_PTR_STORE(p, q) \
+ (*(char **)GC_is_visible(p) = GC_is_valid_displacement(q))
+# endif
+#else /* !GC_DEBUG */
+# define GC_PTR_STORE(p, q) *((p) = (q))
+/* Fynctions called to report pointer checking errors */
+GC_API void (*GC_same_obj_print_proc) GC_PROTO((GC_PTR p, GC_PTR q));
+GC_API void (*GC_is_valid_displacement_print_proc)
+GC_API void (*GC_is_visible_print_proc)
+#if defined(_SOLARIS_PTHREADS) && !defined(SOLARIS_THREADS)
+/* We need to intercept calls to many of the threads primitives, so */
+/* that we can locate thread stacks and stop the world. */
+/* Note also that the collector cannot see thread specific data. */
+/* Thread specific data should generally consist of pointers to */
+/* uncollectable objects, which are deallocated using the destructor */
+/* facility in thr_keycreate. */
+# include <thread.h>
+# include <signal.h>
+ int GC_thr_create(void *stack_base, size_t stack_size,
+ void *(*start_routine)(void *), void *arg, long flags,
+ thread_t *new_thread);
+ int GC_thr_join(thread_t wait_for, thread_t *departed, void **status);
+ int GC_thr_suspend(thread_t target_thread);
+ int GC_thr_continue(thread_t target_thread);
+ void * GC_dlopen(const char *path, int mode);
+# include <pthread.h>
+ extern int GC_pthread_create(pthread_t *new_thread,
+ const pthread_attr_t *attr,
+ void * (*thread_execp)(void *), void *arg);
+ extern int GC_pthread_join(pthread_t wait_for, void **status);
+# undef thread_t
+# define pthread_join GC_pthread_join
+# define pthread_create GC_pthread_create
+# define thr_create GC_thr_create
+# define thr_join GC_thr_join
+# define thr_suspend GC_thr_suspend
+# define thr_continue GC_thr_continue
+# define dlopen GC_dlopen
+# endif /* SOLARIS_THREADS */
+#if defined(IRIX_THREADS) || defined(LINUX_THREADS) || defined(HPUX_THREADS)
+/* We treat these similarly. */
+# include <pthread.h>
+# include <signal.h>
+ int GC_pthread_create(pthread_t *new_thread,
+ const pthread_attr_t *attr,
+ void *(*start_routine)(void *), void *arg);
+ int GC_pthread_sigmask(int how, const sigset_t *set, sigset_t *oset);
+ int GC_pthread_join(pthread_t thread, void **retval);
+# define pthread_create GC_pthread_create
+# define pthread_sigmask GC_pthread_sigmask
+# define pthread_join GC_pthread_join
+# if defined(PCR) || defined(SOLARIS_THREADS) || defined(WIN32_THREADS) || \
+ defined(IRIX_THREADS) || defined(LINUX_THREADS) || \
+ defined(IRIX_JDK_THREADS) || defined(HPUX_THREADS)
+ /* Any flavor of threads except SRC_M3. */
+/* This returns a list of objects, linked through their first */
+/* word. Its use can greatly reduce lock contention problems, since */
+/* the allocation lock can be acquired and released many fewer times. */
+/* lb must be large enough to hold the pointer field. */
+GC_PTR GC_malloc_many(size_t lb);
+#define GC_NEXT(p) (*(GC_PTR *)(p)) /* Retrieve the next element */
+ /* in returned list. */
+extern void GC_thr_init(); /* Needed for Solaris/X86 */
+#endif /* THREADS && !SRC_M3 */
+ * If you are planning on putting
+ * the collector in a SunOS 5 dynamic library, you need to call GC_INIT()
+ * from the statically loaded program section.
+ * This circumvents a Solaris 2.X (X<=4) linker bug.
+ */
+#if defined(sparc) || defined(__sparc)
+# define GC_INIT() { extern end, etext; \
+ GC_noop(&end, &etext); }
+# if defined(__CYGWIN32__) && defined(GC_USE_DLL)
+ /*
+ * Similarly gnu-win32 DLLs need explicit initialization
+ */
+# define GC_INIT() { GC_add_roots(DATASTART, DATAEND); }
+# else
+# define GC_INIT()
+# endif
+#if (defined(_MSDOS) || defined(_MSC_VER)) && (_M_IX86 >= 300) \
+ || defined(_WIN32)
+ /* win32S may not free all resources on process exit. */
+ /* This explicitly deallocates the heap. */
+ GC_API void GC_win32_free_heap ();
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+ } /* end of extern "C" */
+#endif /* _GC_H */
diff --git a/boehm-gc/cord/private/cord_pos.h b/boehm-gc/cord/private/cord_pos.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..d2b24bb8ab6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/boehm-gc/cord/private/cord_pos.h
@@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 1993-1994 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ *
+ * Permission is hereby granted to use or copy this program
+ * for any purpose, provided the above notices are retained on all copies.
+ * Permission to modify the code and to distribute modified code is granted,
+ * provided the above notices are retained, and a notice that the code was
+ * modified is included with the above copyright notice.
+ */
+/* Boehm, May 19, 1994 2:23 pm PDT */
+/* The representation of CORD_position. This is private to the */
+/* implementation, but the size is known to clients. Also */
+/* the implementation of some exported macros relies on it. */
+/* Don't use anything defined here and not in cord.h. */
+# define MAX_DEPTH 48
+ /* The maximum depth of a balanced cord + 1. */
+ /* We don't let cords get deeper than MAX_DEPTH. */
+struct CORD_pe {
+ CORD pe_cord;
+ size_t pe_start_pos;
+/* A structure describing an entry on the path from the root */
+/* to current position. */
+typedef struct CORD_Pos {
+ size_t cur_pos;
+ int path_len;
+# define CORD_POS_INVALID (0x55555555)
+ /* path_len == INVALID <==> position invalid */
+ const char *cur_leaf; /* Current leaf, if it is a string. */
+ /* If the current leaf is a function, */
+ /* then this may point to function_buf */
+ /* containing the next few characters. */
+ /* Always points to a valid string */
+ /* containing the current character */
+ /* unless cur_end is 0. */
+ size_t cur_start; /* Start position of cur_leaf */
+ size_t cur_end; /* Ending position of cur_leaf */
+ /* 0 if cur_leaf is invalid. */
+ struct CORD_pe path[MAX_DEPTH + 1];
+ /* path[path_len] is the leaf corresponding to cur_pos */
+ /* path[0].pe_cord is the cord we point to. */
+# define FUNCTION_BUF_SZ 8
+ char function_buf[FUNCTION_BUF_SZ]; /* Space for next few chars */
+ /* from function node. */
+} CORD_pos[1];
+/* Extract the cord from a position: */
+CORD CORD_pos_to_cord(CORD_pos p);
+/* Extract the current index from a position: */
+size_t CORD_pos_to_index(CORD_pos p);
+/* Fetch the character located at the given position: */
+char CORD_pos_fetch(CORD_pos p);
+/* Initialize the position to refer to the give cord and index. */
+/* Note that this is the most expensive function on positions: */
+void CORD_set_pos(CORD_pos p, CORD x, size_t i);
+/* Advance the position to the next character. */
+/* P must be initialized and valid. */
+/* Invalidates p if past end: */
+void CORD_next(CORD_pos p);
+/* Move the position to the preceding character. */
+/* P must be initialized and valid. */
+/* Invalidates p if past beginning: */
+void CORD_prev(CORD_pos p);
+/* Is the position valid, i.e. inside the cord? */
+int CORD_pos_valid(CORD_pos p);
+char CORD__pos_fetch(CORD_pos);
+void CORD__next(CORD_pos);
+void CORD__prev(CORD_pos);
+#define CORD_pos_fetch(p) \
+ (((p)[0].cur_end != 0)? \
+ (p)[0].cur_leaf[(p)[0].cur_pos - (p)[0].cur_start] \
+ : CORD__pos_fetch(p))
+#define CORD_next(p) \
+ (((p)[0].cur_pos + 1 < (p)[0].cur_end)? \
+ (p)[0].cur_pos++ \
+ : (CORD__next(p), 0))
+#define CORD_prev(p) \
+ (((p)[0].cur_end != 0 && (p)[0].cur_pos > (p)[0].cur_start)? \
+ (p)[0].cur_pos-- \
+ : (CORD__prev(p), 0))
+#define CORD_pos_to_index(p) ((p)[0].cur_pos)
+#define CORD_pos_to_cord(p) ((p)[0].path[0].pe_cord)
+#define CORD_pos_valid(p) ((p)[0].path_len != CORD_POS_INVALID)
+/* Some grubby stuff for performance-critical friends: */
+#define CORD_pos_chars_left(p) ((long)((p)[0].cur_end) - (long)((p)[0].cur_pos))
+ /* Number of characters in cache. <= 0 ==> none */
+#define CORD_pos_advance(p,n) ((p)[0].cur_pos += (n) - 1, CORD_next(p))
+ /* Advance position by n characters */
+ /* 0 < n < CORD_pos_chars_left(p) */
+#define CORD_pos_cur_char_addr(p) \
+ (p)[0].cur_leaf + ((p)[0].cur_pos - (p)[0].cur_start)
+ /* address of current character in cache. */