path: root/gcc/testsuite/ada/acats/tests/c4/c432001.a
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--- C432001.A
--- Grant of Unlimited Rights
--- Under contracts F33600-87-D-0337, F33600-84-D-0280, MDA903-79-C-0687,
--- F08630-91-C-0015, and DCA100-97-D-0025, the U.S. Government obtained
--- unlimited rights in the software and documentation contained herein.
--- Unlimited rights are defined in DFAR 252.227-7013(a)(19). By making
--- this public release, the Government intends to confer upon all
--- recipients unlimited rights equal to those held by the Government.
--- These rights include rights to use, duplicate, release or disclose the
--- released technical data and computer software in whole or in part, in
--- any manner and for any purpose whatsoever, and to have or permit others
--- to do so.
--- Check that extension aggregates may be used to specify values
--- for types that are record extensions. Check that the
--- type of the ancestor expression may be any nonlimited type that
--- is a record extension, including private types and private
--- extensions. Check that the type for the aggregate is
--- derived from the type of the ancestor expression.
--- Two progenitor nonlimited record types are declared, one
--- nonprivate and one private. Using these as parent types,
--- all possible combinations of record extensions are declared
--- (Nonprivate record extension of nonprivate type, private
--- extension of nonprivate type, nonprivate record extension of
--- private type, and private extension of private type). Finally,
--- each of these types is extended using nonprivate record
--- extensions.
--- Extension of private types is done in packages other than
--- the ones containing the parent declaration. This is done
--- to eliminate errors with extension of the partial view of
--- a type, which is not an objective of this test.
--- All components of private types and private extensions are given
--- default values. This eliminates the need for separate subprograms
--- whose sole purpose is to place a value into a private record type.
--- Types that have been extended are checked using an object of their
--- parent type as the ancestor expression. For those types that
--- have been extended twice, using only nonprivate record extensions,
--- a check is made using an object of their grandparent type as
--- the ancestor expression.
--- For each type, a subprogram is defined which checks the contents
--- of the parameter, which is a value of the record extension.
--- Components of nonprivate record extensions are checked against
--- passed-in parameters of the component type. Components of private
--- extensions are checked to ensure that they maintain their initial
--- values.
--- To check that the aggregate's type is derived from its ancestor,
--- each Check subprogram in turn calls the Check subprogram for
--- its parent type. Explicit conversion is used to convert the
--- record extension to the parent type.
--- 06 Dec 94 SAIC ACVC 2.0
-with Report;
-package C432001_0 is
- type Eras is (Precambrian, Paleozoic, Mesozoic, Cenozoic);
- type N is tagged record
- How_Long_Ago : Natural := Report.Ident_Int(1);
- Era : Eras := Cenozoic;
- end record;
- function Check (Rec : in N;
- N : in Natural;
- E : in Eras) return Boolean;
- type P is tagged private;
- function Check (Rec : in P) return Boolean;
- type P is tagged record
- How_Long_Ago : Natural := Report.Ident_Int(150);
- Era : Eras := Mesozoic;
- end record;
-end C432001_0;
-package body C432001_0 is
- function Check (Rec : in P) return Boolean is
- begin
- return Rec.How_Long_Ago = 150 and Rec.Era = Mesozoic;
- end Check;
- function Check (Rec : in N;
- N : in Natural;
- E : in Eras) return Boolean is
- begin
- return Rec.How_Long_Ago = N and Rec.Era = E;
- end Check;
-end C432001_0;
-with C432001_0;
-package C432001_1 is
- type Periods is
- (Aphebian, Helikian, Hadrynian,
- Cambrian, Ordovician, Silurian, Devonian, Carboniferous, Permian,
- Triassic, Jurassic, Cretaceous,
- Tertiary, Quaternary);
- type N_N is new C432001_0.N with record
- Period : Periods := C432001_1.Quaternary;
- end record;
- function Check (Rec : in N_N;
- N : in Natural;
- E : in C432001_0.Eras;
- P : in Periods) return Boolean;
- type N_P is new C432001_0.N with private;
- function Check (Rec : in N_P) return Boolean;
- type P_N is new C432001_0.P with record
- Period : Periods := C432001_1.Jurassic;
- end record;
- function Check (Rec : in P_N;
- P : in Periods) return Boolean;
- type P_P is new C432001_0.P with private;
- function Check (Rec : in P_P) return Boolean;
- type P_P_Null is new C432001_0.P with null record;
- type N_P is new C432001_0.N with record
- Period : Periods := C432001_1.Quaternary;
- end record;
- type P_P is new C432001_0.P with record
- Period : Periods := C432001_1.Jurassic;
- end record;
-end C432001_1;
-with Report;
-package body C432001_1 is
- function Check (Rec : in N_N;
- N : in Natural;
- E : in C432001_0.Eras;
- P : in Periods) return Boolean is
- begin
- if not C432001_0.Check (C432001_0.N (Rec), N, E) then
- Report.Failed ("Conversion to parent type of " &
- "nonprivate portion of " &
- "nonprivate extension failed");
- end if;
- return Rec.Period = P;
- end Check;
- function Check (Rec : in N_P) return Boolean is
- begin
- if not C432001_0.Check (C432001_0.N (Rec), 1, C432001_0.Cenozoic) then
- Report.Failed ("Conversion to parent type of " &
- "nonprivate portion of " &
- "private extension failed");
- end if;
- return Rec.Period = C432001_1.Quaternary;
- end Check;
- function Check (Rec : in P_N;
- P : in Periods) return Boolean is
- begin
- if not C432001_0.Check (C432001_0.P (Rec)) then
- Report.Failed ("Conversion to parent type of " &
- "private portion of " &
- "nonprivate extension failed");
- end if;
- return Rec.Period = P;
- end Check;
- function Check (Rec : in P_P) return Boolean is
- begin
- if not C432001_0.Check (C432001_0.P (Rec)) then
- Report.Failed ("Conversion to parent type of " &
- "private portion of " &
- "private extension failed");
- end if;
- return Rec.Period = C432001_1.Jurassic;
- end Check;
-end C432001_1;
-with C432001_0;
-with C432001_1;
-package C432001_2 is
- -- All types herein are nonprivate extensions, since aggregates
- -- cannot be given for private extensions
- type N_N_N is new C432001_1.N_N with record
- Sample_On_Loan : Boolean;
- end record;
- function Check (Rec : in N_N_N;
- N : in Natural;
- E : in C432001_0.Eras;
- P : in C432001_1.Periods;
- B : in Boolean) return Boolean;
- type N_P_N is new C432001_1.N_P with record
- Sample_On_Loan : Boolean;
- end record;
- function Check (Rec : in N_P_N;
- B : Boolean) return Boolean;
- type P_N_N is new C432001_1.P_N with record
- Sample_On_Loan : Boolean;
- end record;
- function Check (Rec : in P_N_N;
- P : in C432001_1.Periods;
- B : Boolean) return Boolean;
- type P_P_N is new C432001_1.P_P with record
- Sample_On_Loan : Boolean;
- end record;
- function Check (Rec : in P_P_N;
- B : Boolean) return Boolean;
-end C432001_2;
-with Report;
-package body C432001_2 is
- -- direct access to operator
- use type C432001_1.Periods;
- function Check (Rec : in N_N_N;
- N : in Natural;
- E : in C432001_0.Eras;
- P : in C432001_1.Periods;
- B : in Boolean) return Boolean is
- begin
- if not C432001_1.Check (C432001_1.N_N (Rec), N, E, P) then
- Report.Failed ("Conversion to parent " &
- "nonprivate type extension " &
- "failed");
- end if;
- return Rec.Sample_On_Loan = B;
- end Check;
- function Check (Rec : in N_P_N;
- B : Boolean) return Boolean is
- begin
- if not C432001_1.Check (C432001_1.N_P (Rec)) then
- Report.Failed ("Conversion to parent " &
- "private type extension " &
- "failed");
- end if;
- return Rec.Sample_On_Loan = B;
- end Check;
- function Check (Rec : in P_N_N;
- P : in C432001_1.Periods;
- B : Boolean) return Boolean is
- begin
- if not C432001_1.Check (C432001_1.P_N (Rec), P) then
- Report.Failed ("Conversion to parent " &
- "nonprivate type extension " &
- "failed");
- end if;
- return Rec.Sample_On_Loan = B;
- end Check;
- function Check (Rec : in P_P_N;
- B : Boolean) return Boolean is
- begin
- if not C432001_1.Check (C432001_1.P_P (Rec)) then
- Report.Failed ("Conversion to parent " &
- "private type extension " &
- "failed");
- end if;
- return Rec.Sample_On_Loan = B;
- end Check;
-end C432001_2;
-with C432001_0;
-with C432001_1;
-with C432001_2;
-with Report;
-procedure C432001 is
- N_Object : C432001_0.N := (How_Long_Ago => Report.Ident_Int(375),
- Era => C432001_0.Paleozoic);
- P_Object : C432001_0.P; -- default value is (150,
- -- C432001_0.Mesozoic)
- N_N_Object : C432001_1.N_N :=
- (N_Object with Period => C432001_1.Devonian);
- P_N_Object : C432001_1.P_N :=
- (P_Object with Period => C432001_1.Jurassic);
- N_P_Object : C432001_1.N_P; -- default is (1,
- -- C432001_0.Cenozoic,
- -- C432001_1.Quaternary)
- P_P_Object : C432001_1.P_P; -- default is (150,
- -- C432001_0.Mesozoic,
- -- C432001_1.Jurassic)
- P_P_Null_Ob:C432001_1.P_P_Null := (P_Object with null record);
- N_N_N_Object : C432001_2.N_N_N :=
- (N_N_Object with Sample_On_Loan => Report.Ident_Bool(True));
- N_P_N_Object : C432001_2.N_P_N :=
- (N_P_Object with Sample_On_Loan => Report.Ident_Bool(False));
- P_N_N_Object : C432001_2.P_N_N :=
- (P_N_Object with Sample_On_Loan => Report.Ident_Bool(True));
- P_P_N_Object : C432001_2.P_P_N :=
- (P_P_Object with Sample_On_Loan => Report.Ident_Bool(False));
- P_N_Object_2 : C432001_1.P_N := (C432001_0.P(P_N_N_Object)
- with C432001_1.Carboniferous);
- N_N_Object_2 : C432001_1.N_N := (C432001_0.N'(42,C432001_0.Precambrian)
- with C432001_1.Carboniferous);
- Report.Test ("C432001", "Extension aggregates");
- -- check ultimate ancestor types
- if not C432001_0.Check (N_Object,
- 375,
- C432001_0.Paleozoic) then
- Report.Failed ("Object of " &
- "nonprivate type " &
- "failed content check");
- end if;
- if not C432001_0.Check (P_Object) then
- Report.Failed ("Object of " &
- "private type " &
- "failed content check");
- end if;
- -- check direct type extensions
- if not C432001_1.Check (N_N_Object,
- 375,
- C432001_0.Paleozoic,
- C432001_1.Devonian) then
- Report.Failed ("Object of " &
- "nonprivate extension of nonprivate type " &
- "failed content check");
- end if;
- if not C432001_1.Check (N_P_Object) then
- Report.Failed ("Object of " &
- "private extension of nonprivate type " &
- "failed content check");
- end if;
- if not C432001_1.Check (P_N_Object,
- C432001_1.Jurassic) then
- Report.Failed ("Object of " &
- "nonprivate extension of private type " &
- "failed content check");
- end if;
- if not C432001_1.Check (P_P_Object) then
- Report.Failed ("Object of " &
- "private extension of private type " &
- "failed content check");
- end if;
- if not C432001_1.Check (P_P_Null_Ob) then
- Report.Failed ("Object of " &
- "private type " &
- "failed content check");
- end if;
- -- check direct extensions of extensions
- if not C432001_2.Check (N_N_N_Object,
- 375,
- C432001_0.Paleozoic,
- C432001_1.Devonian,
- True) then
- Report.Failed ("Object of " &
- "nonprivate extension of nonprivate extension " &
- "(of nonprivate parent) " &
- "failed content check");
- end if;
- if not C432001_2.Check (N_P_N_Object, False) then
- Report.Failed ("Object of " &
- "nonprivate extension of private extension " &
- "(of nonprivate parent) " &
- "failed content check");
- end if;
- if not C432001_2.Check (P_N_N_Object,
- C432001_1.Jurassic,
- True) then
- Report.Failed ("Object of " &
- "nonprivate extension of nonprivate extension " &
- "(of private parent) " &
- "failed content check");
- end if;
- if not C432001_2.Check (P_P_N_Object, False) then
- Report.Failed ("Object of " &
- "nonprivate extension of private extension " &
- "(of private parent) " &
- "failed content check");
- end if;
- -- check that the extension aggregate may specify an expression of
- -- a "grandparent" ancestor type
- -- types tested are derived through nonprivate extensions only
- -- (extension aggregates are not allowed if the path from the
- -- ancestor type wanders through a private extension)
- N_N_N_Object :=
- (N_Object with Period => C432001_1.Devonian,
- Sample_On_Loan => Report.Ident_Bool(True));
- if not C432001_2.Check (N_N_N_Object,
- 375,
- C432001_0.Paleozoic,
- C432001_1.Devonian,
- True) then
- Report.Failed ("Object of " &
- "nonprivate extension " &
- "of nonprivate ancestor " &
- "failed content check");
- end if;
- P_N_N_Object :=
- (P_Object with Period => C432001_1.Jurassic,
- Sample_On_Loan => Report.Ident_Bool(True));
- if not C432001_2.Check (P_N_N_Object,
- C432001_1.Jurassic,
- True) then
- Report.Failed ("Object of " &
- "nonprivate extension " &
- "of private ancestor " &
- "failed content check");
- end if;
- -- Check additional cases
- if not C432001_1.Check (P_N_Object_2,
- C432001_1.Carboniferous) then
- Report.Failed ("Additional Object of " &
- "nonprivate extension of private type " &
- "failed content check");
- end if;
- if not C432001_1.Check (N_N_Object_2,
- 42,
- C432001_0.Precambrian,
- C432001_1.Carboniferous) then
- Report.Failed ("Additional Object of " &
- "nonprivate extension of nonprivate type " &
- "failed content check");
- end if;
- Report.Result;
-end C432001;