path: root/gcc/testsuite/ada/acats/tests/cxa/cxa4019.a
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Diffstat (limited to 'gcc/testsuite/ada/acats/tests/cxa/cxa4019.a')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 1027 deletions
diff --git a/gcc/testsuite/ada/acats/tests/cxa/cxa4019.a b/gcc/testsuite/ada/acats/tests/cxa/cxa4019.a
deleted file mode 100644
index 943e3e73b88..00000000000
--- a/gcc/testsuite/ada/acats/tests/cxa/cxa4019.a
+++ /dev/null
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--- CXA4019.A
--- Grant of Unlimited Rights
--- Under contracts F33600-87-D-0337, F33600-84-D-0280, MDA903-79-C-0687,
--- F08630-91-C-0015, and DCA100-97-D-0025, the U.S. Government obtained
--- unlimited rights in the software and documentation contained herein.
--- Unlimited rights are defined in DFAR 252.227-7013(a)(19). By making
--- this public release, the Government intends to confer upon all
--- recipients unlimited rights equal to those held by the Government.
--- These rights include rights to use, duplicate, release or disclose the
--- released technical data and computer software in whole or in part, in
--- any manner and for any purpose whatsoever, and to have or permit others
--- to do so.
--- Check that the subprograms defined in package Ada.Strings.Wide_Bounded
--- are available, and that they produce correct results, especially
--- under conditions where truncation of the result is required.
--- Specifically, check the subprograms Append, Count with non-Identity
--- maps, Index with non-Identity maps, Index with Set parameters,
--- Insert (function and procedure), Replace_Slice (function and
--- procedure), To_Bounded_Wide_String, and Translate (function and
--- procedure).
--- This test, in conjunction with tests CXA4017, CXA4018, and CXA4020,
--- will provide coverage of the most common usages of the functionality
--- found in the Ada.Strings.Wide_Bounded package. It deals in large part
--- with truncation effects and options. This test contains many small,
--- specific test cases, situations that are often difficult to generate
--- in large numbers in an application-based test. These cases represent
--- specific usage paradigms in-the-small.
--- 06 Dec 94 SAIC ACVC 2.0
--- 06 Nov 95 SAIC Corrected expected result string in subtest for
--- ACVC 2.0.1.
--- Moved function Dog_to_Cat_Mapping to library
--- level to correct accessibility problem in test.
--- 22 Aug 96 SAIC Corrected three subtests identified in reviewer
--- comments.
--- 17 Feb 97 PWB.CTA Corrected result strings for Translate and Insert
-package CXA40190 is
- -- Wide Character mapping function defined for use with specific
- -- versions of functions Index and Count.
- function Dog_to_Cat_Mapping (From : Wide_Character)
- return Wide_Character;
-end CXA40190;
-package body CXA40190 is
- -- Translates "dog" to "cat".
- function Dog_to_Cat_Mapping (From : Wide_Character)
- return Wide_Character is
- begin
- if From = 'd' then
- return 'c';
- elsif From = 'o' then
- return 'a';
- elsif From = 'g' then
- return 't';
- else
- return From;
- end if;
- end Dog_to_Cat_Mapping;
-end CXA40190;
-with CXA40190;
-with Report;
-with Ada.Characters.Handling;
-with Ada.Strings.Wide_Bounded;
-with Ada.Strings.Wide_Maps;
-with Ada.Strings.Wide_Maps.Wide_Constants;
-procedure CXA4019 is
- -- The following two functions are used to translate character and string
- -- values to "Wide" values. They will be applied to all the Wide_Bounded
- -- subprogram parameters to simulate the use of Wide_Characters and
- -- Wide_Strings in actual practice.
- function Equiv (Ch : Character) return Wide_Character is
- C : Character := Ch;
- begin
- if Ch = ' ' then
- return Ada.Characters.Handling.To_Wide_Character(C);
- else
- return Wide_Character'Val(Character'Pos(Ch) +
- Character'Pos(Character'Last) + 1);
- end if;
- end Equiv;
- function Equiv (Str : String) return Wide_String is
- WS : Wide_String(Str'First..Str'Last);
- begin
- for i in Str'First..Str'Last loop
- WS(i) := Equiv(Str(i));
- end loop;
- return WS;
- end Equiv;
- Report.Test("CXA4019", "Check that the subprograms defined in " &
- "package Ada.Strings.Wide_Bounded are " &
- "available, and that they produce correct " &
- "results, especially under conditions where " &
- "truncation of the result is required");
- Test_Block:
- declare
- use CXA40190;
- package AS renames Ada.Strings;
- package ASB renames Ada.Strings.Wide_Bounded;
- package ASWC renames Ada.Strings.Wide_Maps.Wide_Constants;
- package Maps renames Ada.Strings.Wide_Maps;
- package B10 is new ASB.Generic_Bounded_Length(Max => 10);
- use type B10.Bounded_Wide_String;
- Result_String : B10.Bounded_Wide_String;
- Test_String : B10.Bounded_Wide_String;
- AtoE_Bnd_Str : B10.Bounded_Wide_String :=
- B10.To_Bounded_Wide_String(Equiv("abcde"));
- FtoJ_Bnd_Str : B10.Bounded_Wide_String :=
- B10.To_Bounded_Wide_String(Equiv("fghij"));
- AtoJ_Bnd_Str : B10.Bounded_Wide_String :=
- B10.To_Bounded_Wide_String(Equiv("abcdefghij"));
- Location : Natural := 0;
- Total_Count : Natural := 0;
- CD_Set : Maps.Wide_Character_Set := Maps.To_Set("cd");
- Wide_CD_Set : Maps.Wide_Character_Set := Maps.To_Set(Equiv("cd"));
- AB_to_YZ_Map : Maps.Wide_Character_Mapping :=
- Maps.To_Mapping(From => "ab", To => "yz");
- Wide_AB_to_YZ_Map : Maps.Wide_Character_Mapping :=
- Maps.To_Mapping(From => Equiv("ab"),
- To => Equiv("yz"));
- CD_to_XY_Map : Maps.Wide_Character_Mapping :=
- Maps.To_Mapping(From => "cd", To => "xy");
- Wide_CD_to_XY_Map : Maps.Wide_Character_Mapping :=
- Maps.To_Mapping(From => Equiv("cd"),
- To => Equiv("xy"));
- -- Access-to-Subprogram object defined for use with specific versions of
- -- functions Index, Count Translate, and procedure Translate.
- Map_Ptr : Maps.Wide_Character_Mapping_Function :=
- Dog_to_Cat_Mapping'Access;
- begin
- -- Function To_Bounded_Wide_String with Truncation
- -- Evaluate the function Append with parameters that will
- -- cause the truncation of the result.
- -- Drop = Error (default case, Length_Error will be raised)
- begin
- Test_String :=
- B10.To_Bounded_Wide_String
- (Equiv("Much too long for this bounded wide string"));
- Report.Failed("Length Error not raised by To_Bounded_Wide_String");
- exception
- when AS.Length_Error => null; -- Expected exception raised.
- when others =>
- Report.Failed
- ("Incorrect exception raised by To_Bounded_Wide_String");
- end;
- -- Drop = Left
- Test_String :=
- B10.To_Bounded_Wide_String(Source => Equiv("abcdefghijklmn"),
- Drop => Ada.Strings.Left);
- if Test_String /= B10.To_Bounded_Wide_String(Equiv("efghijklmn")) then
- Report.Failed
- ("Incorrect result from To_Bounded_Wide_String, Drop = Left");
- end if;
- -- Drop = Right
- Test_String :=
- B10.To_Bounded_Wide_String(Source => Equiv("abcdefghijklmn"),
- Drop => Ada.Strings.Right);
- if not(Test_String = AtoJ_Bnd_Str) then
- Report.Failed
- ("Incorrect result from To_Bounded_Wide_String, Drop = Right");
- end if;
- -- Function Append with Truncation
- -- Evaluate the function Append with parameters that will
- -- cause the truncation of the result.
- -- Drop = Error (default case, Length_Error will be raised)
- begin
- -- Append (Bnd Str, Bnd Str);
- Result_String :=
- B10.Append(B10.To_Bounded_Wide_String(Equiv("abcde")),
- B10.To_Bounded_Wide_String(Equiv("fghijk"))); -- 11 char
- Report.Failed("Length_Error not raised by Append - 1");
- exception
- when AS.Length_Error => null; -- OK, correct exception raised.
- when others =>
- Report.Failed("Incorrect exception raised by Append - 1");
- end;
- begin
- -- Append (Str, Bnd Str);
- Result_String :=
- B10.Append(B10.To_Wide_String(AtoE_Bnd_Str),
- B10.To_Bounded_Wide_String(Equiv("fghijk")),
- AS.Error);
- Report.Failed("Length_Error not raised by Append - 2");
- exception
- when AS.Length_Error => null; -- OK, correct exception raised.
- when others =>
- Report.Failed("Incorrect exception raised by Append - 2");
- end;
- begin
- -- Append (Bnd Str, Char);
- Result_String :=
- B10.Append(B10.To_Bounded_Wide_String("abcdefghij"), 'k');
- Report.Failed("Length_Error not raised by Append - 3");
- exception
- when AS.Length_Error => null; -- OK, correct exception raised.
- when others =>
- Report.Failed("Incorrect exception raised by Append - 3");
- end;
- -- Drop = Left
- -- Append (Bnd Str, Bnd Str)
- Result_String :=
- B10.Append(B10.To_Bounded_Wide_String(Equiv("abcdefgh")), -- 8 chs
- B10.To_Bounded_Wide_String(Equiv("ijklmn")), -- 6 chs
- Ada.Strings.Left);
- if Result_String /=
- B10.To_Bounded_Wide_String(Equiv("efghijklmn")) -- 10 chars
- then
- Report.Failed("Incorrect truncation performed by Append - 4");
- end if;
- -- Append (Bnd Str, Str)
- Result_String :=
- B10.Append(B10.To_Bounded_Wide_String("abcdefghij"),
- "xyz",
- Ada.Strings.Left);
- if Result_String /= B10.To_Bounded_Wide_String("defghijxyz") then
- Report.Failed("Incorrect truncation performed by Append - 5");
- end if;
- -- Append (Char, Bnd Str)
- Result_String :=
- B10.Append(Equiv('A'),
- B10.To_Bounded_Wide_String(Equiv("abcdefghij")),
- Ada.Strings.Left);
- if Result_String /= B10.To_Bounded_Wide_String(Equiv("abcdefghij"))
- then
- Report.Failed("Incorrect truncation performed by Append - 6");
- end if;
- -- Drop = Right
- -- Append (Bnd Str, Bnd Str)
- Result_String := B10.Append(FtoJ_Bnd_Str,
- AtoJ_Bnd_Str,
- Ada.Strings.Right);
- if Result_String /=
- B10.To_Bounded_Wide_String(Equiv("fghijabcde"))
- then
- Report.Failed("Incorrect truncation performed by Append - 7");
- end if;
- -- Append (Str, Bnd Str)
- Result_String := B10.Append(B10.To_Wide_String(AtoE_Bnd_Str),
- AtoJ_Bnd_Str,
- Ada.Strings.Right);
- if Result_String /=
- B10.To_Bounded_Wide_String(Equiv("abcdeabcde"))
- then
- Report.Failed("Incorrect truncation performed by Append - 8");
- end if;
- -- Append (Char, Bnd Str)
- Result_String := B10.Append(Equiv('A'), AtoJ_Bnd_Str, Ada.Strings.Right);
- if Result_String /= B10.To_Bounded_Wide_String(Equiv("Aabcdefghi")) then
- Report.Failed("Incorrect truncation performed by Append - 9");
- end if;
- -- Function Index with non-Identity map.
- -- Evaluate the function Index with a non-identity map
- -- parameter which will cause mapping of the source parameter
- -- prior to the evaluation of the index position search.
- Location :=
- B10.Index(Source => B10.To_Bounded_Wide_String("foxy fox 2"),
- Pattern => "FOX",
- Going => Ada.Strings.Backward,
- Mapping => ASWC.Upper_Case_Map);
- if Location /= 6 then
- Report.Failed("Incorrect result from Index, non-Identity map - 1");
- end if;
- Location :=
- B10.Index(B10.To_Bounded_Wide_String("THE QUICK "),
- "quick",
- Ada.Strings.Forward,
- Ada.Strings.Wide_Maps.Wide_Constants.Lower_Case_Map);
- if Location /= 5 then
- Report.Failed("Incorrect result from Index, non-Identity map - 2");
- end if;
- Location := B10.Index(Source => B10.To_Bounded_Wide_String("The the"),
- Pattern => "the",
- Going => Ada.Strings.Forward,
- Mapping => ASWC.Lower_Case_Map);
- if Location /= 1 then
- Report.Failed("Incorrect result from Index, non-Identity map - 3");
- end if;
- if B10.Index(B10.To_Bounded_Wide_String("abcd"), -- Pattern = Source
- "abcd") /= 1 or
- B10.Index(B10.To_Bounded_Wide_String("abc"), -- Pattern < Source
- "abcd") /= 0 or
- B10.Index(B10.Null_Bounded_Wide_String, -- Source = Null
- "abc") /= 0
- then
- Report.Failed("Incorrect result from Index with string patterns");
- end if;
- -- Function Index with access-to-subprogram mapping value.
- -- Evaluate the function Index with a wide character mapping function
- -- object that performs the mapping operation.
- Location := B10.Index(Source => B10.To_Bounded_Wide_String("My dog"),
- Pattern => "cat",
- Going => Ada.Strings.Forward,
- Mapping => Map_Ptr); -- change "dog" to "cat"
- if Location /= 4 then
- Report.Failed("Incorrect result from Index, w/map ptr - 1");
- end if;
- Location := B10.Index(B10.To_Bounded_Wide_String("cat or dog"),
- "cat",
- Ada.Strings.Backward,
- Map_Ptr);
- if Location /= 8 then
- Report.Failed("Incorrect result from Index, w/map ptr - 2");
- end if;
- if B10.Index(B10.To_Bounded_Wide_String("dog"), -- Pattern = Source
- "cat",
- Ada.Strings.Forward,
- Map_Ptr) /= 1 or
- B10.Index(B10.To_Bounded_Wide_String("dog"), -- Pattern < Source
- "cats",
- Ada.Strings.Backward,
- Map_Ptr) /= 0 or
- B10.Index(B10.Null_Bounded_Wide_String, -- Source = Null
- "cat",
- Ada.Strings.Forward,
- Map_Ptr) /= 0 or
- B10.Index(B10.To_Bounded_Wide_String("hot dog"),
- "dog",
- Ada.Strings.Backward,
- Map_Ptr) /= 0 or
- B10.Index(B10.To_Bounded_Wide_String(" cat dog "),
- " cat",
- Ada.Strings.Backward,
- Map_Ptr) /= 5 or
- B10.Index(B10.To_Bounded_Wide_String("dog CatDog"),
- "cat",
- Ada.Strings.Backward,
- Map_Ptr) /= 1 or
- B10.Index(B10.To_Bounded_Wide_String("CatandDog"),
- "cat",
- Ada.Strings.Forward,
- Map_Ptr) /= 0 or
- B10.Index(B10.To_Bounded_Wide_String("dddd"),
- "ccccc",
- Ada.Strings.Backward,
- Map_Ptr) /= 0
- then
- Report.Failed("Incorrect result from Index w/map ptr - 3");
- end if;
- -- Function Index (for Sets).
- -- This version of Index uses Sets as the basis of the search.
- -- Test = Inside, Going = Forward (Default case).
- Location :=
- B10.Index(Source => B10.To_Bounded_Wide_String(Equiv("abcdeabcde")),
- Set => Wide_CD_Set,
- Test => Ada.Strings.Inside,
- Going => Ada.Strings.Forward);
- if not (Location = 3) then -- position of first 'c' equivalent in source.
- Report.Failed("Incorrect result from Index using Sets - 1");
- end if;
- -- Test = Inside, Going = Backward.
- Location :=
- B10.Index(Source => B10."&"(AtoE_Bnd_Str, AtoE_Bnd_Str),
- Set => Wide_CD_Set,
- Test => Ada.Strings.Inside,
- Going => Ada.Strings.Backward);
- if not (Location = 9) then -- position of last 'd' in source.
- Report.Failed("Incorrect result from Index using Sets - 2");
- end if;
- -- Test = Outside, Going = Forward.
- Location := B10.Index(B10.To_Bounded_Wide_String("deddacd"),
- CD_Set,
- Test => Ada.Strings.Outside,
- Going => Ada.Strings.Forward);
- if Location /= 2 then -- position of 'e' in source.
- Report.Failed("Incorrect result from Index using Sets - 3");
- end if;
- -- Test = Outside, Going = Backward.
- Location := B10.Index(B10.To_Bounded_Wide_String(Equiv("deddacd")),
- Wide_CD_Set,
- Ada.Strings.Outside,
- Ada.Strings.Backward);
- if Location /= 5 then -- position of 'a', correct.
- Report.Failed("Incorrect result from Index using Sets - 4");
- end if;
- if B10.Index(B10.To_Bounded_Wide_String("cd"), -- Source = Set
- CD_Set) /= 1 or
- B10.Index(B10.To_Bounded_Wide_String("c"), -- Source < Set
- CD_Set) /= 1 or
- B10.Index(B10.Null_Bounded_Wide_String, -- Source = Null
- Wide_CD_Set) /= 0 or
- B10.Index(AtoE_Bnd_Str,
- Maps.To_Set('x')) /= 0 -- No match.
- then
- Report.Failed("Incorrect result from Index using Sets - 5");
- end if;
- -- Function Count with non-Identity mapping.
- -- Evaluate the function Count with a non-identity map
- -- parameter which will cause mapping of the source parameter
- -- prior to the evaluation of the number of matching patterns.
- Total_Count :=
- B10.Count(Source => B10.To_Bounded_Wide_String("THE THE TH"),
- Pattern => "th",
- Mapping => ASWC.Lower_Case_Map);
- if Total_Count /= 3 then
- Report.Failed
- ("Incorrect result from function Count, non-Identity map - 1");
- end if;
- -- And a few with identity maps as well.
- if B10.Count(B10.To_Bounded_Wide_String(Equiv("ABABABABAB")),
- Equiv("ABA"),
- Maps.Identity) /= 2 or
- B10.Count(B10.To_Bounded_Wide_String("ADCBADABCD"),
- "AB",
- Maps.To_Mapping("CD", "AB")) /= 5 or
- B10.Count(B10.To_Bounded_Wide_String(Equiv("aaaaaaaaaa")),
- Equiv("aaa")) /= 3 or
- B10.Count(B10.To_Bounded_Wide_String(Equiv("XX")),
- Equiv("XXX"),
- Maps.Identity) /= 0 or
- B10.Count(AtoE_Bnd_Str, -- Source = Pattern
- Equiv("abcde")) /= 1 or
- B10.Count(B10.Null_Bounded_Wide_String, -- Source = Null
- " ") /= 0
- then
- Report.Failed
- ("Incorrect result from function Count, w,w/o mapping");
- end if;
- -- Function Count with access-to-subprogram mapping.
- -- Evaluate the version function Count that uses an access-to-subprogram
- -- map parameter.
- Total_Count :=
- B10.Count(Source => B10.To_Bounded_Wide_String("dogdogdo"),
- Pattern => "ca",
- Mapping => Map_Ptr);
- if Total_Count /= 3 then
- Report.Failed
- ("Incorrect result from function Count, w/map ptr - 1");
- end if;
- if B10.Count(B10.To_Bounded_Wide_String("DdOoGgod"),
- "c",
- Map_Ptr) /= 2 or
- B10.Count(B10.To_Bounded_Wide_String("dododododo"),
- "do",
- Map_Ptr) /= 0 or
- B10.Count(B10.To_Bounded_Wide_String("Dog or dog"),
- "cat",
- Map_Ptr) /= 1 or
- B10.Count(B10.To_Bounded_Wide_String("dddddddddd"),
- "ccccc",
- Map_Ptr) /= 2 or
- B10.Count(B10.To_Bounded_Wide_String("do"), -- Source < Pattern
- "cat",
- Map_Ptr) /= 0 or
- B10.Count(B10.To_Bounded_Wide_String(" dog "), -- Source = Pattern
- " cat ",
- Map_Ptr) /= 1 or
- B10.Count(B10.Null_Bounded_Wide_String, -- Source = Null
- " ",
- Map_Ptr) /= 0
- then
- Report.Failed
- ("Incorrect result from function Count, w/map ptr - 2");
- end if;
- -- Procedure Translate
- -- Partial mapping of source.
- Test_String := B10.To_Bounded_Wide_String("abcdeabcab");
- B10.Translate(Source => Test_String, Mapping => AB_to_YZ_Map);
- if Test_String /= B10.To_Bounded_Wide_String("yzcdeyzcyz") then
- Report.Failed("Incorrect result from procedure Translate - 1");
- end if;
- -- Total mapping of source.
- Test_String := B10.To_Bounded_Wide_String("abbaaababb");
- B10.Translate(Source => Test_String, Mapping => ASWC.Upper_Case_Map);
- if Test_String /= B10.To_Bounded_Wide_String("ABBAAABABB") then
- Report.Failed("Incorrect result from procedure Translate - 2");
- end if;
- -- No mapping of source.
- Test_String := B10.To_Bounded_Wide_String(Equiv("xyzsypcc"));
- B10.Translate(Source => Test_String, Mapping => Wide_AB_to_YZ_Map);
- if Test_String /= B10.To_Bounded_Wide_String(Equiv("xyzsypcc")) then
- Report.Failed("Incorrect result from procedure Translate - 3");
- end if;
- -- Map > 2 characters, partial mapping.
- Test_String := B10.To_Bounded_Wide_String("opabcdelmn");
- B10.Translate(Test_String,
- Maps.To_Mapping("abcde", "lmnop"));
- if Test_String /= B10.To_Bounded_Wide_String("oplmnoplmn") then
- Report.Failed("Incorrect result from procedure Translate - 4");
- end if;
- -- Procedure Translate with access-to-subprogram mapping.
- -- Use the version of Procedure Translate that takes an
- -- access-to-subprogram parameter to perform the Source mapping.
- -- Partial mapping of source.
- Test_String := B10.To_Bounded_Wide_String("dogeatdog");
- B10.Translate(Source => Test_String, Mapping => Map_Ptr);
- if Test_String /= B10.To_Bounded_Wide_String("cateatcat") then
- Report.Failed
- ("Incorrect result from procedure Translate w/map ptr - 1");
- end if;
- Test_String := B10.To_Bounded_Wide_String("odogcatlmn");
- B10.Translate(Test_String, Map_Ptr);
- if Test_String /= B10.To_Bounded_Wide_String("acatcatlmn") then
- Report.Failed
- ("Incorrect result from procedure Translate w/map ptr - 2");
- end if;
- -- Total mapping of source.
- Test_String := B10.To_Bounded_Wide_String("gggooooddd");
- B10.Translate(Source => Test_String, Mapping => Map_Ptr);
- if Test_String /= B10.To_Bounded_Wide_String("tttaaaaccc") then
- Report.Failed
- ("Incorrect result from procedure Translate w/map ptr- 3");
- end if;
- -- No mapping of source.
- Test_String := B10.To_Bounded_Wide_String(" DOG cat ");
- B10.Translate(Source => Test_String, Mapping => Map_Ptr);
- if Test_String /= B10.To_Bounded_Wide_String(" DOG cat ") then
- Report.Failed
- ("Incorrect result from procedure Translate w/map ptr - 4");
- end if;
- Test_String := B10.Null_Bounded_Wide_String;
- B10.Translate(Source => Test_String, Mapping => Map_Ptr);
- if Test_String /= B10.To_Bounded_Wide_String("") then
- Report.Failed
- ("Incorrect result from procedure Translate w/map ptr - 5");
- end if;
- -- Function Translate with access-to-subprogram mapping.
- -- Use the version of Function Translate that takes an
- -- access-to-subprogram parameter to perform the Source mapping.
- -- Partial mapping of source.
- if B10.Translate(Source => B10.To_Bounded_Wide_String("cateatdog"),
- Mapping => Map_Ptr) /=
- B10.To_Bounded_Wide_String("cateatcat")
- then
- Report.Failed
- ("Incorrect result from function Translate w/map ptr - 1");
- end if;
- if B10.Translate(B10.To_Bounded_Wide_String("cadogtac"),
- Map_Ptr) /=
- B10.To_Bounded_Wide_String("cacattac")
- then
- Report.Failed
- ("Incorrect result from function Translate w/map ptr - 2");
- end if;
- -- Total mapping of source.
- if B10.Translate(Source => B10.To_Bounded_Wide_String("dogodggdo"),
- Mapping => Map_Ptr) /=
- B10.To_Bounded_Wide_String("catacttca")
- then
- Report.Failed
- ("Incorrect result from function Translate w/map ptr- 3");
- end if;
- -- No mapping of source.
- if B10.Translate(Source => B10.To_Bounded_Wide_String(" DOG cat "),
- Mapping => Map_Ptr) /=
- B10.To_Bounded_Wide_String(" DOG cat ")
- then
- Report.Failed
- ("Incorrect result from function Translate w/map ptr - 4");
- end if;
- if B10.Translate(B10.To_Bounded_Wide_String("d "), Map_Ptr) /=
- B10.To_Bounded_Wide_String("c ") or
- B10.Translate(B10.To_Bounded_Wide_String(" god"), Map_Ptr) /=
- B10.To_Bounded_Wide_String(" tac") or
- B10.Translate(B10.To_Bounded_Wide_String("d o g D og"), Map_Ptr) /=
- B10.To_Bounded_Wide_String("c a t D at") or
- B10.Translate(B10.To_Bounded_Wide_String(" "), Map_Ptr) /=
- B10.To_Bounded_Wide_String(" ") or
- B10.Translate(B10.To_Bounded_Wide_String("dddddddddd"), Map_Ptr) /=
- B10.To_Bounded_Wide_String("cccccccccc")
- then
- Report.Failed
- ("Incorrect result from function Translate w/map ptr - 5");
- end if;
- if B10.Translate(Source => B10.Null_Bounded_Wide_String,
- Mapping => Map_Ptr) /=
- B10.To_Bounded_Wide_String("")
- then
- Report.Failed
- ("Incorrect result from function Translate w/map ptr - 6");
- end if;
- -- Function Replace_Slice
- -- Evaluate function Replace_Slice with
- -- a variety of Truncation options.
- -- Drop = Error (Default)
- begin
- Test_String := AtoJ_Bnd_Str;
- Result_String :=
- B10.Replace_Slice(Source => Test_String,
- Low => 3,
- High => 5, -- 3-5, 3 chars.
- By => Equiv("xxxxxx")); -- more than 3.
- Report.Failed("Length_Error not raised by Function Replace_Slice");
- exception
- when AS.Length_Error => null; -- Correct exception raised.
- when others =>
- Report.Failed
- ("Incorrect exception raised by Function Replace_Slice");
- end;
- -- Drop = Left
- Result_String :=
- B10.Replace_Slice(Source => Test_String,
- Low => 7,
- High => 10, -- 7-10, 4 chars.
- By => Equiv("xxxxxx"), -- 6 chars.
- Drop => Ada.Strings.Left);
- if Result_String /=
- B10.To_Bounded_Wide_String(Equiv("cdefxxxxxx")) -- drop a,b
- then
- Report.Failed
- ("Incorrect result from Function Replace Slice, Drop = Left");
- end if;
- -- Drop = Right
- Result_String :=
- B10.Replace_Slice(Source => Test_String,
- Low => 2,
- High => 5, -- 2-5, 4 chars.
- By => Equiv("xxxxxx"), -- 6 chars.
- Drop => Ada.Strings.Right);
- if Result_String /=
- B10.To_Bounded_Wide_String(Equiv("axxxxxxfgh")) -- drop i,j
- then
- Report.Failed
- ("Incorrect result from Function Replace Slice, Drop = Right");
- end if;
- -- Low = High = Source'Last, "By" length = 1.
- if B10.Replace_Slice(AtoE_Bnd_Str,
- B10.To_Wide_String(AtoE_Bnd_Str)'Last,
- B10.To_Wide_String(AtoE_Bnd_Str)'Last,
- Equiv("X"),
- Ada.Strings.Error) /=
- B10.To_Bounded_Wide_String(Equiv("abcdX"))
- then
- Report.Failed("Incorrect result from Function Replace_Slice");
- end if;
- -- Index_Error raised when High < Source'First - 1.
- begin
- Test_String :=
- B10.Replace_Slice(AtoE_Bnd_Str,
- B10.To_Wide_String(AtoE_Bnd_Str)'First,
- B10.To_Wide_String(AtoE_Bnd_Str)'First - 2,
- Equiv("hijklm"));
- Report.Failed("Index_Error not raised by Function Replace_Slice");
- exception
- when AS.Index_Error => null; -- OK, expected exception
- when Constraint_Error => null; -- Also OK, since RM is not clear
- when others =>
- Report.Failed
- ("Incorrect exception raised by Function Replace_Slice");
- end;
- -- Procedure Replace_Slice
- -- Evaluate procedure Replace_Slice with
- -- a variety of Truncation options.
- -- Drop = Error (Default)
- begin
- Test_String := AtoJ_Bnd_Str;
- B10.Replace_Slice(Source => Test_String,
- Low => 3,
- High => 5, -- 3-5, 3 chars.
- By => Equiv("xxxxxx")); -- more than 3.
- Report.Failed("Length_Error not raised by Procedure Replace_Slice");
- exception
- when AS.Length_Error => null; -- Correct exception raised.
- when others =>
- Report.Failed
- ("Incorrect exception raised by Procedure Replace_Slice");
- end;
- -- Drop = Left
- Test_String := AtoJ_Bnd_Str;
- B10.Replace_Slice(Source => Test_String,
- Low => 7,
- High => 9, -- 7-9, 3 chars.
- By => Equiv("xxxxx"), -- 5 chars.
- Drop => Ada.Strings.Left);
- if Test_String /=
- B10.To_Bounded_Wide_String(Equiv("cdefxxxxxj")) -- drop a,b
- then
- Report.Failed
- ("Incorrect result from Procedure Replace Slice, Drop = Left");
- end if;
- -- Drop = Right
- Test_String := AtoJ_Bnd_Str;
- B10.Replace_Slice(Source => Test_String,
- Low => 1,
- High => 3, -- 1-3, 3chars.
- By => Equiv("xxxx"), -- 4 chars.
- Drop => Ada.Strings.Right);
- if Test_String /=
- B10.To_Bounded_Wide_String(Equiv("xxxxdefghi")) -- drop j
- then
- Report.Failed
- ("Incorrect result from Procedure Replace Slice, Drop = Right");
- end if;
- -- High = Source'First, Low > High (Insert before Low).
- Test_String := AtoE_Bnd_Str;
- B10.Replace_Slice(Source => Test_String,
- Low => B10.To_Wide_String(Test_String)'Last,
- High => B10.To_Wide_String(Test_String)'First,
- By => Equiv("XXXX"), -- 4 chars.
- Drop => Ada.Strings.Right);
- if Test_String /= B10.To_Bounded_Wide_String(Equiv("abcdXXXXe")) then
- Report.Failed
- ("Incorrect result from Procedure Replace Slice");
- end if;
- -- Function Insert with Truncation
- -- Drop = Error (Default).
- begin
- Result_String :=
- B10.Insert(Source => AtoJ_Bnd_Str, -- "abcdefghij"
- Before => 2,
- New_Item => Equiv("xyz"));
- Report.Failed("Length_Error not raised by Function Insert");
- exception
- when AS.Length_Error => null; -- Correct exception raised.
- when others =>
- Report.Failed("Incorrect exception raised by Function Insert");
- end;
- -- Drop = Left
- Result_String :=
- B10.Insert(Source => AtoJ_Bnd_Str, -- "abcdefghij"
- Before => 5,
- New_Item => Equiv("xyz"), -- 3 additional chars.
- Drop => Ada.Strings.Left);
- if B10.To_Wide_String(Result_String) /= Equiv("dxyzefghij") then
- Report.Failed("Incorrect result from Function Insert, Drop = Left");
- end if;
- -- Drop = Right
- Result_String :=
- B10.Insert(Source => B10.To_Bounded_Wide_String("abcdef"),
- Before => 2,
- New_Item => "vwxyz", -- 5 additional chars.
- Drop => Ada.Strings.Right);
- if B10.To_Wide_String(Result_String) /= "avwxyzbcde" then -- drop f.
- Report.Failed("Incorrect result from Function Insert, Drop = Right");
- end if;
- -- Additional cases.
- if B10.Insert(B10.To_Bounded_Wide_String("a"), 1, " B") /=
- B10.To_Bounded_Wide_String(" Ba") or
- B10.Insert(B10.Null_Bounded_Wide_String, 1, Equiv("abcde")) /=
- AtoE_Bnd_Str or
- B10.Insert(B10.To_Bounded_Wide_String("ab"), 2, "") /=
- B10.To_Bounded_Wide_String("ab")
- then
- Report.Failed("Incorrect result from Function Insert");
- end if;
- -- Procedure Insert
- -- Drop = Error (Default).
- begin
- Test_String := AtoJ_Bnd_Str;
- B10.Insert(Source => Test_String,
- Before => 9,
- New_Item => Equiv("wxyz"),
- Drop => Ada.Strings.Error);
- Report.Failed("Length_Error not raised by Procedure Insert");
- exception
- when AS.Length_Error => null; -- Correct exception raised.
- when others =>
- Report.Failed("Incorrect exception raised by Procedure Insert");
- end;
- -- Drop = Left
- Test_String := AtoJ_Bnd_Str;
- B10.Insert(Source => Test_String,
- Before => B10.Length(Test_String), -- before last char
- New_Item => Equiv("xyz"), -- 3 additional chars.
- Drop => Ada.Strings.Left);
- if B10.To_Wide_String(Test_String) /= Equiv("defghixyzj") then
- Report.Failed("Incorrect result from Procedure Insert, Drop = Left");
- end if;
- -- Drop = Right
- Test_String := AtoJ_Bnd_Str;
- B10.Insert(Source => Test_String,
- Before => 4,
- New_Item => Equiv("yz"), -- 2 additional chars.
- Drop => Ada.Strings.Right);
- if B10.To_Wide_String(Test_String) /= Equiv("abcyzdefgh") then
- Report.Failed
- ("Incorrect result from Procedure Insert, Drop = Right");
- end if;
- -- Before = Source'First, New_Item length = 1.
- Test_String := B10.To_Bounded_Wide_String(" abc ");
- B10.Insert(Test_String,
- B10.To_Wide_String(Test_String)'First,
- "Z");
- if Test_String /= B10.To_Bounded_Wide_String("Z abc ") then
- Report.Failed("Incorrect result from Procedure Insert");
- end if;
- exception
- when others => Report.Failed("Exception raised in Test_Block");
- end Test_Block;
- Report.Result;
-end CXA4019;