path: root/gcc/testsuite/obj-c++.dg/encode-7.mm
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Diffstat (limited to 'gcc/testsuite/obj-c++.dg/encode-7.mm')
1 files changed, 79 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/gcc/testsuite/obj-c++.dg/encode-7.mm b/gcc/testsuite/obj-c++.dg/encode-7.mm
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..00f4389eea1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gcc/testsuite/obj-c++.dg/encode-7.mm
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+/* APPLE LOCAL file mainline */
+/* Check if array arguments of ObjC methods are decayed to pointer types
+ in a proper fashion:
+ (1) The _encodings_ for the array arguments should remain to be '[4i]' and
+ such, since this has been the case since at least gcc 3.3.
+ (2) However, when building the static C functions out of ObjC method signatures,
+ we need to decay the arrays into pointers (as C does).
+ (3) If array size is not known (e.g., 'int a[]'), then the type shall be
+ encoded as a pointer. */
+/* Contributed by Alexander Malmberg <alexander@malmberg.org> */
+#include <objc/Object.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#define CHECK_IF(expr) if(!(expr)) abort()
+#ifdef __NEXT_RUNTIME__
+#define METHOD Method
+#define OBJC_GETCLASS objc_getClass
+#define CLASS_GETINSTANCEMETHOD class_getInstanceMethod
+#include <objc/objc-api.h>
+#define METHOD Method_t
+#define OBJC_GETCLASS objc_get_class
+#define CLASS_GETINSTANCEMETHOD class_get_instance_method
+@interface Test : Object
+{ float j; }
+-(void) test2: (int [5])a with: (int [])b;
+-(id) test3: (Test **)b; /* { dg-warning "previous declaration of .\\-\\(id\\)test3:\\(Test \\*\\*\\)b." } */
+@implementation Test
+-(void) test2: (int [5])a with: (int [])b
+ a[3] = *b;
+-(void) test3: (Test [3][4])b { /* { dg-warning "conflicting types for .\\-\\(void\\)test3:\\(Test \\\[3\\\]\\\[4\\\]\\)b." } */
+int bb[6] = { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 };
+int *b = bb;
+Test *cc[4];
+Test **c = cc;
+int offs1, offs2, offs3, offs4, offs5, offs6;
+int main(int argc, char **argv)
+ Class testClass = OBJC_GETCLASS("Test");
+ METHOD meth;
+ cc[0] = [Test new];
+ CHECK_IF (bb[3] == 3);
+ [*c test2: b with: bb + 4];
+ CHECK_IF (bb[3] == 4);
+ bb[3] = 0;
+ [*c test2: bb with: bb + 5];
+ CHECK_IF (bb[3] == 5);
+ meth = CLASS_GETINSTANCEMETHOD(testClass, @selector(test2:with:));
+ offs1 = offs2 = offs3 = offs4 = offs5 = offs6 = -1;
+ sscanf(meth->method_types, "v%d@%d:%d[%di]%d^i%d", &offs1, &offs2, &offs3,
+ &offs4, &offs5, &offs6);
+ CHECK_IF (!offs2 && offs4 == 5 && offs3 > 0);
+ CHECK_IF (offs5 == 2 * offs3 && offs6 == 3 * offs3 && offs1 == 4 * offs3);
+ meth = CLASS_GETINSTANCEMETHOD(testClass, @selector(test3:));
+ offs1 = offs2 = offs3 = offs4 = offs5 = offs6 = -1;
+ sscanf(meth->method_types, "v%d@%d:%d[%d[%d{Test=#f}]]%d", &offs1, &offs2, &offs3,
+ &offs4, &offs5, &offs6);
+ CHECK_IF (!offs2 && offs4 == 3 && offs5 == 4 && offs3 > 0);
+ CHECK_IF (offs6 == 2 * offs3 && offs1 == 3 * offs3);
+ return 0;