path: root/libjava/gcj/javaprims.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'libjava/gcj/javaprims.h')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 325 deletions
diff --git a/libjava/gcj/javaprims.h b/libjava/gcj/javaprims.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 059292269ef..00000000000
--- a/libjava/gcj/javaprims.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,325 +0,0 @@
-// javaprims.h - Main external header file for libgcj. -*- c++ -*-
-/* Copyright (C) 1998, 1999, 2000 Free Software Foundation
- This file is part of libgcj.
-This software is copyrighted work licensed under the terms of the
-Libgcj License. Please consult the file "LIBGCJ_LICENSE" for
-details. */
-#ifndef __JAVAPRIMS_H__
-#define __JAVAPRIMS_H__
-// FIXME: this is a hack until we get a proper gcjh.
-// It is needed to work around system header files that define TRUE
-// and FALSE.
-#undef TRUE
-#define TRUE TRUE
-#undef FALSE
-#define FALSE FALSE
-// To force selection of correct types that will mangle consistently
-// across platforms.
-extern "Java"
- typedef __java_byte jbyte;
- typedef __java_short jshort;
- typedef __java_int jint;
- typedef __java_long jlong;
- typedef __java_float jfloat;
- typedef __java_double jdouble;
- typedef __java_char jchar;
- typedef __java_boolean jboolean;
- typedef jint jsize;
- // The following class declarations are automatically generated by
- // the `classes.pl' script.
- namespace java
- {
- namespace io
- {
- class BlockDataException;
- class BufferedInputStream;
- class BufferedOutputStream;
- class BufferedReader;
- class BufferedWriter;
- class ByteArrayInputStream;
- class ByteArrayOutputStream;
- class CharArrayReader;
- class CharArrayWriter;
- class CharConversionException;
- class DataInput;
- class DataInputStream;
- class DataOutput;
- class DataOutputStream;
- class EOFException;
- class Externalizable;
- class File;
- class FileDescriptor;
- class FileInputStream;
- class FileNotFoundException;
- class FileOutputStream;
- class FileReader;
- class FileWriter;
- class FilenameFilter;
- class FilterInputStream;
- class FilterOutputStream;
- class FilterReader;
- class FilterWriter;
- class IOException;
- class InputStream;
- class InputStreamReader;
- class InterfaceComparator;
- class InterruptedIOException;
- class InvalidClassException;
- class InvalidObjectException;
- class LineNumberInputStream;
- class LineNumberReader;
- class MemberComparator;
- class NotActiveException;
- class NotSerializableException;
- class ObjectInput;
- class ObjectInputStream;
- class ObjectInputStream$GetField;
- class ObjectInputValidation;
- class ObjectOutput;
- class ObjectOutputStream;
- class ObjectOutputStream$PutField;
- class ObjectStreamClass;
- class ObjectStreamConstants;
- class ObjectStreamException;
- class ObjectStreamField;
- class OptionalDataException;
- class OutputStream;
- class OutputStreamWriter;
- class PipedInputStream;
- class PipedOutputStream;
- class PipedReader;
- class PipedWriter;
- class PrintStream;
- class PrintWriter;
- class PushbackInputStream;
- class PushbackReader;
- class RandomAccessFile;
- class Reader;
- class Replaceable;
- class Resolvable;
- class SequenceInputStream;
- class Serializable;
- class SerializablePermission;
- class StreamCorruptedException;
- class StreamTokenizer;
- class StringBufferInputStream;
- class StringReader;
- class StringWriter;
- class SyncFailedException;
- class UTFDataFormatException;
- class UnsupportedEncodingException;
- class ValidatorAndPriority;
- class WriteAbortedException;
- class Writer;
- };
- namespace lang
- {
- class AbstractMethodError;
- class ArithmeticException;
- class ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException;
- class ArrayStoreException;
- class Boolean;
- class Byte;
- class CPlusPlusDemangler;
- class Character;
- class Class;
- class ClassCastException;
- class ClassCircularityError;
- class ClassFormatError;
- class ClassLoader;
- class ClassNotFoundException;
- class CloneNotSupportedException;
- class Cloneable;
- class Comparable;
- class Compiler;
- class ConcreteProcess;
- class Double;
- class Error;
- class Exception;
- class ExceptionInInitializerError;
- class Float;
- class IllegalAccessError;
- class IllegalAccessException;
- class IllegalArgumentException;
- class IllegalMonitorStateException;
- class IllegalStateException;
- class IllegalThreadStateException;
- class IncompatibleClassChangeError;
- class IndexOutOfBoundsException;
- class InstantiationError;
- class InstantiationException;
- class Integer;
- class InternalError;
- class InterruptedException;
- class LinkageError;
- class Long;
- class Math;
- class NegativeArraySizeException;
- class NoClassDefFoundError;
- class NoSuchFieldError;
- class NoSuchFieldException;
- class NoSuchMethodError;
- class NoSuchMethodException;
- class NullPointerException;
- class Number;
- class NumberFormatException;
- class Object;
- class OutOfMemoryError;
- class Process;
- class Runnable;
- class Runtime;
- class RuntimeException;
- class SecurityException;
- class SecurityManager;
- class Short;
- class StackOverflowError;
- class String;
- class StringBuffer;
- class StringIndexOutOfBoundsException;
- class System;
- class Thread;
- class ThreadDeath;
- class ThreadGroup;
- class Throwable;
- class UnknownError;
- class UnsatisfiedLinkError;
- class UnsupportedOperationException;
- class VerifyError;
- class VirtualMachineError;
- class Void;
- namespace reflect
- {
- class AccessibleObject;
- class Array;
- class Constructor;
- class Field;
- class InvocationTargetException;
- class Member;
- class Method;
- class Modifier;
- };
- };
- namespace util
- {
- class AbstractCollection;
- class AbstractList;
- class AbstractList$SubList;
- class Arrays;
- class Arrays$ListImpl;
- class BitSet;
- class Calendar;
- class Collection;
- class Comparator;
- class ConcurrentModificationException;
- class Date;
- class Dictionary;
- class EmptyStackException;
- class Enumeration;
- class EventListener;
- class EventObject;
- class GregorianCalendar;
- class Hashtable;
- class HashtableEntry;
- class HashtableEnumeration;
- class Iterator;
- class List;
- class ListIterator;
- class ListResourceBundle;
- class Locale;
- class MissingResourceException;
- class NoSuchElementException;
- class Observable;
- class Observer;
- class Properties;
- class PropertyResourceBundle;
- class Random;
- class ResourceBundle;
- class SimpleTimeZone;
- class Stack;
- class StringTokenizer;
- class TimeZone;
- class TooManyListenersException;
- class Vector;
- class VectorEnumeration;
- namespace jar
- {
- class JarEntry;
- class JarFile;
- class JarInputStream;
- };
- namespace zip
- {
- class Adler32;
- class CRC32;
- class CheckedInputStream;
- class CheckedOutputStream;
- class Checksum;
- class DataFormatException;
- class Deflater;
- class DeflaterOutputStream;
- class GZIPInputStream;
- class GZIPOutputStream;
- class Inflater;
- class InflaterInputStream;
- class ZipConstants;
- class ZipEntry;
- class ZipEnumeration;
- class ZipException;
- class ZipFile;
- class ZipInputStream;
- class ZipOutputStream;
- };
- };
- };
-typedef struct java::lang::Object* jobject;
-typedef class java::lang::Class* jclass;
-typedef class java::lang::Throwable* jthrowable;
-typedef class java::lang::String* jstring;
-struct _Jv_JNIEnv;
-typedef struct _Jv_Field *jfieldID;
-typedef struct _Jv_Method *jmethodID;
-extern "C" jobject _Jv_AllocObject (jclass, jint) __attribute__((__malloc__));
-extern "C" jboolean _Jv_IsInstanceOf(jobject, jclass);
-extern "C" jstring _Jv_AllocString(jsize) __attribute__((__malloc__));
-extern "C" jstring _Jv_NewString (const jchar*, jsize)
- __attribute__((__malloc__));
-extern "C" jchar* _Jv_GetStringChars (jstring str);
-extern "C" jint _Jv_MonitorEnter (jobject);
-extern "C" jint _Jv_MonitorExit (jobject);
-extern "C" jstring _Jv_NewStringLatin1(const char*, jsize)
- __attribute__((__malloc__));
-extern "C" jsize _Jv_GetStringUTFLength (jstring);
-extern "C" jsize _Jv_GetStringUTFRegion (jstring, jsize, jsize, char *);
-extern "C" void _Jv_Throw (void *) __attribute__ ((__noreturn__));
-extern "C" void _Jv_Sjlj_Throw (void *) __attribute__ ((__noreturn__));
-extern "C" void* _Jv_Malloc (jsize) __attribute__((__malloc__));
-extern "C" void* _Jv_Realloc (void *, jsize);
-extern "C" void _Jv_Free (void*);
-typedef unsigned short _Jv_ushort __attribute__((__mode__(__HI__)));
-typedef unsigned int _Jv_uint __attribute__((__mode__(__SI__)));
-struct _Jv_Utf8Const
- _Jv_ushort hash;
- _Jv_ushort length; /* In bytes, of data portion, without final '\0'. */
- char data[1]; /* In Utf8 format, with final '\0'. */
-#endif /* __JAVAPRIMS_H__ */