path: root/libjava/java/lang/natClass.cc
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Diffstat (limited to 'libjava/java/lang/natClass.cc')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 785 deletions
diff --git a/libjava/java/lang/natClass.cc b/libjava/java/lang/natClass.cc
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index 1768df5ecb2..00000000000
--- a/libjava/java/lang/natClass.cc
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-// natClass.cc - Implementation of java.lang.Class native methods.
-/* Copyright (C) 1998, 1999 Cygnus Solutions
- This file is part of libgcj.
-This software is copyrighted work licensed under the terms of the
-Libgcj License. Please consult the file "LIBGCJ_LICENSE" for
-details. */
-#include <config.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#pragma implementation "Class.h"
-#include <cni.h>
-#include <jvm.h>
-#include <java/lang/Class.h>
-#include <java/lang/ClassLoader.h>
-#include <java/lang/String.h>
-#include <java/lang/reflect/Modifier.h>
-#include <java/lang/reflect/Member.h>
-#include <java/lang/reflect/Method.h>
-#include <java/lang/reflect/Field.h>
-#include <java/lang/reflect/Constructor.h>
-#include <java/lang/AbstractMethodError.h>
-#include <java/lang/ClassNotFoundException.h>
-#include <java/lang/IllegalAccessException.h>
-#include <java/lang/IllegalAccessError.h>
-#include <java/lang/IncompatibleClassChangeError.h>
-#include <java/lang/InstantiationException.h>
-#include <java/lang/NoClassDefFoundError.h>
-#include <java/lang/NoSuchFieldException.h>
-#include <java/lang/NoSuchMethodException.h>
-#include <java/lang/Thread.h>
-#include <java/lang/NullPointerException.h>
-#include <java/lang/System.h>
-#include <java/lang/SecurityManager.h>
-#define CloneableClass _CL_Q34java4lang9Cloneable
-extern java::lang::Class CloneableClass;
-#define ObjectClass _CL_Q34java4lang6Object
-extern java::lang::Class ObjectClass;
-#define ErrorClass _CL_Q34java4lang5Error
-extern java::lang::Class ErrorClass;
-#define ClassClass _CL_Q34java4lang5Class
-extern java::lang::Class ClassClass;
-#define MethodClass _CL_Q44java4lang7reflect6Method
-extern java::lang::Class MethodClass;
-#define FieldClass _CL_Q44java4lang7reflect5Field
-extern java::lang::Class FieldClass;
-// Some constants we use to look up the class initializer.
-static _Jv_Utf8Const *void_signature = _Jv_makeUtf8Const ("()V", 3);
-static _Jv_Utf8Const *clinit_name = _Jv_makeUtf8Const ("<clinit>", 8);
-static _Jv_Utf8Const *init_name = _Jv_makeUtf8Const ("<init>", 6);
-// These are the possible values for the `state' field. They more or
-// less follow the section numbers in the Java Language Spec. Right
-// now we don't bother to represent other interesting states, e.g. the
-// states a class might inhabit before it is prepared. Note that
-// ordering is important here; in particular `resolved' must come
-// between `nothing' and the other states.
-#define STATE_NOTHING 0
-#define STATE_DONE 9
-#define STATE_ERROR 10
-// Size of local hash table.
-#define HASH_LEN 256
-// Hash function for Utf8Consts.
-#define HASH_UTF(Utf) (((Utf)->hash) % HASH_LEN)
-// This is the table we use to keep track of loaded classes. See Spec
-// section 12.2.
-static jclass loaded_classes[HASH_LEN];
-java::lang::Class::forName (jstring className)
- if (! className)
- JvThrow (new java::lang::NullPointerException);
-#if 0
- // FIXME: should check syntax of CLASSNAME and throw
- // IllegalArgumentException on failure.
- // FIXME: should use class loader from calling method.
- jclass klass = _Jv_FindClass (className, NULL);
- jsize length = _Jv_GetStringUTFLength (className);
- char buffer[length];
- _Jv_GetStringUTFRegion (className, 0, length, buffer);
- // FIXME: should check syntax of CLASSNAME and throw
- // IllegalArgumentException on failure.
- _Jv_Utf8Const *name = _Jv_makeUtf8Const (buffer, length);
- // FIXME: should use class loader from calling method.
- jclass klass = (buffer[0] == '['
- ? _Jv_FindClassFromSignature (name->data, NULL)
- : _Jv_FindClass (name, NULL));
- if (! klass)
- JvThrow (new java::lang::ClassNotFoundException (className));
- return klass;
-java::lang::reflect::Constructor *
-java::lang::Class::getConstructor (JArray<jclass> *)
- JvFail ("java::lang::Class::getConstructor not implemented");
-JArray<java::lang::reflect::Constructor *> *
-java::lang::Class::getConstructors (void)
- JvFail ("java::lang::Class::getConstructors not implemented");
-java::lang::reflect::Constructor *
-java::lang::Class::getDeclaredConstructor (JArray<jclass> *)
- JvFail ("java::lang::Class::getDeclaredConstructor not implemented");
-JArray<java::lang::reflect::Constructor *> *
-java::lang::Class::getDeclaredConstructors (void)
- JvFail ("java::lang::Class::getDeclaredConstructors not implemented");
-java::lang::reflect::Field *
-java::lang::Class::getField (jstring name, jint hash)
- java::lang::reflect::Field* rfield;
- for (int i = 0; i < field_count; i++)
- {
- _Jv_Field *field = &fields[i];
- if (! _Jv_equal (field->name, name, hash))
- continue;
- if (! (field->getModifiers() & java::lang::reflect::Modifier::PUBLIC))
- continue;
- rfield = new java::lang::reflect::Field ();
- rfield->offset = (char*) field - (char*) fields;
- rfield->declaringClass = this;
- rfield->name = name;
- return rfield;
- }
- jclass superclass = getSuperclass();
- if (superclass == NULL)
- return NULL;
- rfield = superclass->getField(name, hash);
- for (int i = 0; i < interface_count && rfield == NULL; ++i)
- rfield = interfaces[i]->getField (name, hash);
- return rfield;
-java::lang::reflect::Field *
-java::lang::Class::getDeclaredField (jstring name)
- java::lang::SecurityManager *s = java::lang::System::getSecurityManager();
- if (s != NULL)
- s->checkMemberAccess (this, java::lang::reflect::Member::DECLARED);
- int hash = name->hashCode();
- for (int i = 0; i < field_count; i++)
- {
- _Jv_Field *field = &fields[i];
- if (! _Jv_equal (field->name, name, hash))
- continue;
- java::lang::reflect::Field* rfield = new java::lang::reflect::Field ();
- rfield->offset = (char*) field - (char*) fields;
- rfield->declaringClass = this;
- rfield->name = name;
- return rfield;
- }
- JvThrow (new java::lang::NoSuchFieldException (name));
-JArray<java::lang::reflect::Field *> *
-java::lang::Class::getDeclaredFields (void)
- java::lang::SecurityManager *s = java::lang::System::getSecurityManager();
- if (s != NULL)
- s->checkMemberAccess (this, java::lang::reflect::Member::DECLARED);
- JArray<java::lang::reflect::Field *> *result
- = (JArray<java::lang::reflect::Field *> *)
- JvNewObjectArray (field_count, &FieldClass, NULL);
- java::lang::reflect::Field** fptr = elements (result);
- for (int i = 0; i < field_count; i++)
- {
- _Jv_Field *field = &fields[i];
- java::lang::reflect::Field* rfield = new java::lang::reflect::Field ();
- rfield->offset = (char*) field - (char*) fields;
- rfield->declaringClass = this;
- *fptr++ = rfield;
- }
- return result;
-java::lang::reflect::Method *
-java::lang::Class::getDeclaredMethod (jstring, JArray<jclass> *)
- JvFail ("java::lang::Class::getDeclaredMethod not implemented");
-JArray<java::lang::reflect::Method *> *
-java::lang::Class::getDeclaredMethods (void)
- int numMethods = 0;
- int i;
- for (i = method_count; --i >= 0; )
- {
- _Jv_Method *method = &methods[i];
- if (method->name == NULL
- || _Jv_equalUtf8Consts (method->name, clinit_name)
- || _Jv_equalUtf8Consts (method->name, init_name))
- continue;
- numMethods++;
- }
- JArray<java::lang::reflect::Method *> *result
- = (JArray<java::lang::reflect::Method *> *)
- JvNewObjectArray (numMethods, &MethodClass, NULL);
- java::lang::reflect::Method** mptr = elements (result);
- for (i = 0; i < method_count; i++)
- {
- _Jv_Method *method = &methods[i];
- if (method->name == NULL
- || _Jv_equalUtf8Consts (method->name, clinit_name)
- || _Jv_equalUtf8Consts (method->name, init_name))
- continue;
- java::lang::reflect::Method* rmethod = new java::lang::reflect::Method ();
- rmethod->offset = (char*) mptr - (char*) elements (result);
- rmethod->declaringClass = this;
- *mptr++ = rmethod;
- }
- return result;
-java::lang::Class::getName (void)
- char buffer[name->length + 1];
- memcpy (buffer, name->data, name->length);
- buffer[name->length] = '\0';
- return _Jv_NewStringUTF (buffer);
-JArray<jclass> *
-java::lang::Class::getClasses (void)
- // FIXME: implement.
- return NULL;
-JArray<jclass> *
-java::lang::Class::getDeclaredClasses (void)
- checkMemberAccess (java::lang::reflect::Member::DECLARED);
- JvFail ("java::lang::Class::getDeclaredClasses not implemented");
- return NULL; // Placate compiler.
-// This is marked as unimplemented in the JCL book.
-java::lang::Class::getDeclaringClass (void)
- JvFail ("java::lang::Class::getDeclaringClass unimplemented");
- return NULL; // Placate compiler.
-JArray<java::lang::reflect::Field *> *
-java::lang::Class::getFields (void)
- JvFail ("java::lang::Class::getFields not implemented");
-JArray<jclass> *
-java::lang::Class::getInterfaces (void)
- jobjectArray r = JvNewObjectArray (interface_count, getClass (), NULL);
- jobject *data = elements (r);
- for (int i = 0; i < interface_count; ++i)
- data[i] = interfaces[i];
- return reinterpret_cast<JArray<jclass> *> (r);
-java::lang::reflect::Method *
-java::lang::Class::getMethod (jstring, JArray<jclass> *)
- JvFail ("java::lang::Class::getMethod not implemented");
-JArray<java::lang::reflect::Method *> *
-java::lang::Class::getMethods (void)
- JvFail ("java::lang::Class::getMethods not implemented");
-java::lang::Class::isAssignableFrom (jclass klass)
- if (this == klass)
- return true;
- // Primitive types must be equal, which we just tested for.
- if (isPrimitive () || ! klass || klass->isPrimitive())
- return false;
- // If target is array, so must source be.
- if (isArray ())
- {
- if (! klass->isArray())
- return false;
- return getComponentType()->isAssignableFrom(klass->getComponentType());
- }
- if (isAssignableFrom (klass->getSuperclass()))
- return true;
- if (isInterface())
- {
- // See if source implements this interface.
- for (int i = 0; i < klass->interface_count; ++i)
- {
- jclass interface = klass->interfaces[i];
- // FIXME: ensure that class is prepared here.
- // See Spec 12.3.2.
- if (isAssignableFrom (interface))
- return true;
- }
- }
- return false;
-java::lang::Class::isInstance (jobject obj)
- if (! obj || isPrimitive ())
- return false;
- return isAssignableFrom (obj->getClass());
-java::lang::Class::isInterface (void)
- return (accflags & java::lang::reflect::Modifier::INTERFACE) != 0;
-java::lang::Class::newInstance (void)
- // FIXME: do accessibility checks here. There currently doesn't
- // seem to be any way to do these.
- // FIXME: we special-case one check here just to pass a Plum Hall
- // test. Once access checking is implemented, remove this.
- if (this == &ClassClass)
- JvThrow (new java::lang::IllegalAccessException);
- if (isPrimitive ()
- || isInterface ()
- || isArray ()
- || java::lang::reflect::Modifier::isAbstract(accflags))
- JvThrow (new java::lang::InstantiationException);
- _Jv_Method *meth = _Jv_GetMethodLocal (this, init_name, void_signature);
- if (! meth)
- JvThrow (new java::lang::NoSuchMethodException);
- jobject r = JvAllocObject (this);
- ((void (*) (jobject)) meth->ncode) (r);
- return r;
-// Initialize the constants.
-java::lang::Class::resolveConstants (void)
- for (int i = 0; i < constants.size; ++i)
- {
- if (constants.tags[i] == CONSTANT_String)
- {
- jstring str;
- str = _Jv_NewStringUtf8Const ((_Jv_Utf8Const *) constants.data[i]);
- constants.data[i] = (void *) str;
- constants.tags[i] = CONSTANT_ResolvedString;
- }
- else if (constants.tags[i] == CONSTANT_Class)
- {
- _Jv_Utf8Const *name = (_Jv_Utf8Const *) constants.data[i];
- jclass klass = _Jv_FindClassFromSignature (name->data, loader);
- if (! klass)
- {
- jstring str = _Jv_NewStringUtf8Const (name);
- JvThrow (new java::lang::ClassNotFoundException (str));
- }
- constants.data[i] = (void *) klass;
- constants.tags[i] = CONSTANT_ResolvedClass;
- }
- }
-// FIXME.
-java::lang::Class::hackRunInitializers (void)
- _Jv_Method *meth = _Jv_GetMethodLocal (this, clinit_name, void_signature);
- if (meth)
- ((void (*) (void)) meth->ncode) ();
-// This implements the initialization process for a class. From Spec
-// section 12.4.2.
-java::lang::Class::initializeClass (void)
- // Short-circuit to avoid needless locking.
- if (state == STATE_DONE)
- return;
- // Step 1.
- _Jv_MonitorEnter (this);
- // FIXME: This should actually be handled by calling into the class
- // loader. For now we put it here.
- if (state < STATE_RESOLVED)
- {
- // We set the state before calling resolveConstants to avoid
- // infinite recursion when processing String or Class.
- resolveConstants ();
- }
- // Step 2.
- java::lang::Thread *self = java::lang::Thread::currentThread();
- // FIXME: `self' can be null at startup. Hence this nasty trick.
- self = (java::lang::Thread *) ((long) self | 1);
- while (state == STATE_IN_PROGRESS && thread && thread != self)
- wait ();
- // Steps 3 & 4.
- if (state == STATE_DONE || state == STATE_IN_PROGRESS || thread == self)
- {
- _Jv_MonitorExit (this);
- return;
- }
- // Step 5.
- if (state == STATE_ERROR)
- {
- _Jv_MonitorExit (this);
- JvThrow (new java::lang::NoClassDefFoundError);
- }
- // Step 6.
- thread = self;
- _Jv_MonitorExit (this);
- // Step 7.
- if (! isInterface () && superclass)
- {
- // FIXME: We can't currently catch a Java exception in C++ code.
- // So instead we call a Java trampoline. It returns an
- // exception, or null.
- jobject except = superclass->hackTrampoline(0, NULL);
- if (except)
- {
- // Caught an exception.
- _Jv_MonitorEnter (this);
- state = STATE_ERROR;
- notify ();
- _Jv_MonitorExit (this);
- JvThrow (except);
- }
- }
- // Step 8.
- // FIXME: once again we have to go through a trampoline.
- java::lang::Throwable *except = hackTrampoline (1, NULL);
- // Steps 9, 10, 11.
- if (! except)
- {
- _Jv_MonitorEnter (this);
- state = STATE_DONE;
- }
- else
- {
- if (! ErrorClass.isInstance(except))
- {
- // Once again we must use the trampoline. In this case we
- // have to detect an OutOfMemoryError.
- except = hackTrampoline(2, except);
- }
- _Jv_MonitorEnter (this);
- state = STATE_ERROR;
- }
- notify ();
- _Jv_MonitorExit (this);
- if (except)
- JvThrow (except);
-// Some class-related convenience functions.
-_Jv_Method *
-_Jv_GetMethodLocal (jclass klass, _Jv_Utf8Const *name,
- _Jv_Utf8Const *signature)
- for (int i = 0; i < klass->method_count; ++i)
- {
- if (_Jv_equalUtf8Consts (name, klass->methods[i].name)
- && _Jv_equalUtf8Consts (signature, klass->methods[i].signature))
- return &klass->methods[i];
- }
- return NULL;
-void *
-_Jv_LookupInterfaceMethod (jclass klass, _Jv_Utf8Const *name,
- _Jv_Utf8Const *signature)
- // FIXME: can't do this until we have a working class loader.
- // This probably isn't the right thing to do anyway, since we can't
- // call a method of a class until the class is linked. But this
- // captures the general idea.
- // klass->getClassLoader()->resolveClass(klass);
- for (; klass; klass = klass->getSuperclass())
- {
- _Jv_Method *meth = _Jv_GetMethodLocal (klass, name, signature);
- if (! meth)
- continue;
- if (java::lang::reflect::Modifier::isStatic(meth->accflags))
- JvThrow (new java::lang::IncompatibleClassChangeError);
- if (java::lang::reflect::Modifier::isAbstract(meth->accflags))
- JvThrow (new java::lang::AbstractMethodError);
- if (! java::lang::reflect::Modifier::isPublic(meth->accflags))
- JvThrow (new java::lang::IllegalAccessError);
- return meth->ncode;
- }
- JvThrow (new java::lang::IncompatibleClassChangeError);
- return NULL; // Placate compiler.
-_Jv_InitClass (jclass klass)
- klass->initializeClass();
-// This function is called many times during startup, before main() is
-// run. We do our runtime initialization here the very first time we
-// are called. At that point in time we know for certain we are
-// running single-threaded, so we don't need to lock when modifying
-// `init'. CLASSES is NULL-terminated.
-_Jv_RegisterClasses (jclass *classes)
- static bool init = false;
- if (! init)
- {
- init = true;
- _Jv_InitThreads ();
- _Jv_InitGC ();
- _Jv_InitializeSyncMutex ();
- }
- JvSynchronize sync (&ClassClass);
- for (; *classes; ++classes)
- {
- jclass klass = *classes;
- jint hash = HASH_UTF (klass->name);
- klass->next = loaded_classes[hash];
- loaded_classes[hash] = klass;
- }
-_Jv_RegisterClass (jclass klass)
- jclass classes[2];
- classes[0] = klass;
- classes[1] = NULL;
- _Jv_RegisterClasses (classes);
-_Jv_FindClassInCache (_Jv_Utf8Const *name, java::lang::ClassLoader *loader)
- JvSynchronize sync (&ClassClass);
- jint hash = HASH_UTF (name);
- jclass klass;
- for (klass = loaded_classes[hash]; klass; klass = klass->next)
- {
- if (loader == klass->loader && _Jv_equalUtf8Consts (name, klass->name))
- break;
- }
- return klass;
-#if 0
-_Jv_FindClassInCache (jstring name, java::lang::ClassLoader *loader)
- JvSynchronize sync (&ClassClass);
- jint hash = name->hashCode();
- jclass klass = loaded_classes[(_Jv_ushort) hash % HASH_LEN];
- for ( ; klass; klass = klass->next)
- {
- if (loader == klass->loader
- && _Jv_equalUtf8Consts (klass->name, name, hash))
- break;
- }
- return klass;
-_Jv_FindClass (_Jv_Utf8Const* name, java::lang::ClassLoader *loader)
- jclass klass = _Jv_FindClassInCache (name, loader);
- if (loader && ! klass)
- {
- klass = loader->loadClass(_Jv_NewStringUtf8Const (name));
- if (klass)
- _Jv_RegisterClass (klass);
- }
- return klass;
-#if 0
-_Jv_FindClass (jstring name, java::lang::ClassLoader *loader)
- jclass klass = _Jv_FindClassInCache (name, loader);
- if (loader && ! klass)
- {
- klass = loader->loadClass(name);
- if (klass)
- _Jv_RegisterClass (klass);
- }
- return klass;
-_Jv_NewClass (_Jv_Utf8Const *name, jclass superclass,
- java::lang::ClassLoader *loader)
- jclass ret = (jclass) JvAllocObject (&ClassClass);
- ret->next = NULL;
- ret->name = name;
- ret->accflags = 0;
- ret->superclass = superclass;
- ret->constants.size = 0;
- ret->constants.tags = NULL;
- ret->constants.data = NULL;
- ret->methods = NULL;
- ret->method_count = 0;
- ret->vtable_method_count = 0;
- ret->fields = NULL;
- ret->size_in_bytes = 0;
- ret->field_count = 0;
- ret->static_field_count = 0;
- ret->vtable = NULL;
- ret->interfaces = NULL;
- ret->loader = loader;
- ret->interface_count = 0;
- ret->state = 0;
- ret->thread = NULL;
- _Jv_RegisterClass (ret);
- return ret;
-_Jv_FindArrayClass (jclass element)
- _Jv_Utf8Const *array_name;
- int len;
- if (element->isPrimitive())
- {
- // For primitive types the array is cached in the class.
- jclass ret = (jclass) element->methods;
- if (ret)
- return ret;
- len = 3;
- }
- else
- len = element->name->length + 5;
- {
- char signature[len];
- int index = 0;
- signature[index++] = '[';
- // Compute name of array class to see if we've already cached it.
- if (element->isPrimitive())
- {
- signature[index++] = (char) element->method_count;
- }
- else
- {
- size_t length = element->name->length;
- const char *const name = element->name->data;
- if (name[0] != '[')
- signature[index++] = 'L';
- memcpy (&signature[index], name, length);
- index += length;
- if (name[0] != '[')
- signature[index++] = ';';
- }
- array_name = _Jv_makeUtf8Const (signature, index);
- }
- jclass array_class = _Jv_FindClassInCache (array_name, element->loader);
- if (! array_class)
- {
- // Create new array class.
- array_class = _Jv_NewClass (array_name, &ObjectClass, element->loader);
- // Note that `vtable_method_count' doesn't include the initial
- // NULL slot.
- int dm_count = ObjectClass.vtable_method_count + 1;
- // Create a new vtable by copying Object's vtable (except the
- // class pointer, of course). Note that we allocate this as
- // unscanned memory -- the vtables are handled specially by the
- // GC.
- int size = (sizeof (_Jv_VTable) +
- ((dm_count - 1) * sizeof (void *)));
- _Jv_VTable *vtable = (_Jv_VTable *) _Jv_AllocBytes (size);
- vtable->clas = array_class;
- memcpy (vtable->method, ObjectClass.vtable->method,
- dm_count * sizeof (void *));
- array_class->vtable = vtable;
- array_class->vtable_method_count = ObjectClass.vtable_method_count;
- // Stash the pointer to the element type.
- array_class->methods = (_Jv_Method *) element;
- // Register our interfaces.
- // FIXME: for JDK 1.2 we need Serializable.
- static jclass interfaces[] = { &CloneableClass };
- array_class->interfaces = interfaces;
- array_class->interface_count = 1;
- // FIXME: initialize other Class instance variables,
- // e.g. `fields'.
- array_class->state = STATE_DONE;
- }
- // For primitive types, point back at this array.
- if (element->isPrimitive())
- element->methods = (_Jv_Method *) array_class;
- return array_class;
-_Jv_IsInstanceOf(jobject obj, jclass cl)
- return cl->isInstance(obj);