/* APPLE LOCAL file mainline */ /* All calls must be properly stubified. */ /* Testcase extracted from TextEdit:Document.m. */ /* { dg-do compile { target *-*-darwin* } } */ /* { dg-options "-mdynamic-no-pic -fdump-rtl-expand" } */ typedef struct objc_object { } *id ; int x = 41 ; extern id objc_msgSend(id self, char * op, ...); extern int bogonic (int, int, int) ; @interface Document {} - (Document *) window; - (Document *) class; - (Document *) close; @end @implementation Document - (Document *) class { } - (Document *) close { } - (Document *) window { } - (void)willEndCloseSheet:(void *)sheet returnCode:(int)returnCode contextInfo:(void *)contextInfo { [[self window] close]; ((void (*)(id, char *, int))objc_msgSend)([self class], (char *)contextInfo, 1); ((void (*)(id, char *, int))bogonic)([self class], (char *)contextInfo, 1); bogonic (3, 4, 5); x++; } @end /* Any symbol_ref of an un-stubified objc_msgSend is an error; look for "objc_msgSend" in quotes, without the $stub suffix. */ /* { dg-final { scan-file-not stubify-2.mm.00.expand "symbol_ref.*\"objc_msgSend\"" } } */