diff options
authorLuis Lozano <llozano@google.com>2012-06-12 00:33:30 +0000
committerLuis Lozano <llozano@google.com>2012-06-12 00:33:30 +0000
commited46ad59b5231719615197de844d17993d612e4f (patch)
parenta8585bbc0f7b0497478c8ddd9c58bc287bd41437 (diff)
Removed file entries for files that were moved to libsupc. I should have used "mv" but it is too late now.
git-svn-id: https://gcc.gnu.org/svn/gcc/branches/google/gcc-4_6-mobile@188410 138bc75d-0d04-0410-961f-82ee72b054a4
5 files changed, 0 insertions, 790 deletions
diff --git a/vtable-security/gcc/temp-libgcc.cc b/vtable-security/gcc/temp-libgcc.cc
deleted file mode 100644
index 3fe904af695..00000000000
--- a/vtable-security/gcc/temp-libgcc.cc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,207 +0,0 @@
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <execinfo.h>
-#include "threaded-hash.h"
-#include "vtv_memory_pool/vtvmalloc.h"
-/* TODO: review the reason for this */
-#ifndef __cplusplus
-#error "This file must be compiled with a C++ compiler"
-static int debug_hash = 0;
-static int debug_functions = 0;
-static int debug_register_pairs = 0;
-static int row_length = 30;
-static FILE *log_file_fp =NULL;
-/* TODO: why is this returning a value ? */
-void *
-__VLTChangePermission (const char *arg1, int len)
- const char *perm = arg1;
- if (debug_functions)
- {
- if (strncmp (perm, "rw", 2) == 0)
- fprintf (stdout, "Changing VLT permisisons to Read-Write.\n");
- else if (strncmp (perm, "ro", 2) == 0)
- fprintf (stdout, "Changing VLT permissions to Read-only.\n");
- else
- fprintf (stdout, "Unrecognized permission string: %s\n", perm);
- }
- if (strncmp (perm, "rw", 2) == 0)
- {
- VTV_malloc_init ();
- VTV_unprotect ();
- }
- else if (strncmp (perm, "ro", 2) == 0)
- VTV_protect ();
- if (debug_register_pairs)
- {
- if (strncmp (perm, "rw", 2) == 0)
- {
- if (!log_file_fp)
- log_file_fp = fopen ("/tmp/vlt_register_pairs.log", "a");
- }
- /* -- If we close the log file here, we can't access if in
- __VLTVerifyVtablePointer. --
- else
- {
- if (log_file_fp)
- fclose (log_file_fp);
- }
- */
- }
- return NULL;
-typedef int * vptr;
- /* For some reason, when the char * names get passed into these
- functions, they are missing the '\0' at the end; therefore we
- also pass in the length of the string and make sure, when writing
- out the names, that we only write out the correct number of
- bytes. */
-log_register_pairs (FILE *fp, const char *format_string_dummy, int format_arg1,
- int format_arg2, char *base_var_name, char *vtable_name,
- vptr vtbl_ptr)
- char format_string[50];
- /* format_string needs to contain something like "%.10s" (for
- example) to write a vtable_name that is of length
- 10. Unfortunately the length varies with every name, so we need to
- generate a new format string, with the correct length, EACH TIME.
- That is what the 'format_string_dummy' parameter is for. It
- contains something like '%%.%ds', and we then use that plus the
- length argument to generate the correct format_string, to allow
- us to write out the string that is missing the '\0' at it's
- end. */
- sprintf (format_string, format_string_dummy, format_arg1, format_arg2);
- fprintf (fp, format_string, base_var_name, vtable_name, vtbl_ptr);
- /* For some reason, when the char * names get passed into these
- functions, they are missing the '\0' at the end; therefore we
- also pass in the length of the string and make sure, when writing
- out the names, that we only write out the correct number of
- bytes. */
-print_debugging_message (const char *format_string_dummy, int format_arg1,
- int format_arg2,
- char *str_arg1, char *str_arg2)
- char format_string[50];
- /* format_string needs to contain something like "%.10s" (for
- example) to write a vtable_name that is of length
- 10. Unfortunately the length varies with every name, so we need to
- generate a new format string, with the correct length, EACH TIME.
- That is what the 'format_string_dummy' parameter is for. It
- contains something like '%%.%ds', and we then use that plus the
- length argument to generate the correct format_string, to allow
- us to write out the string that is missing the '\0' at it's
- end. */
- snprintf (format_string, sizeof(format_string), format_string_dummy, format_arg1, format_arg2);
- fprintf (stdout, format_string, str_arg1, str_arg2);
-void *
-__VLTRegisterPair (void **data_pointer, void *test_value,
- char *base_ptr_var_name, int len1, char *vtable_name,
- int len2)
- struct vlt_hashtable **base_vtbl_row_ptr = (struct vlt_hashtable **) data_pointer;
- vptr vtbl_ptr = (vptr) test_value;
- if ((*base_vtbl_row_ptr) == NULL)
- *base_vtbl_row_ptr = vlt_hash_init_table ();
- if (base_ptr_var_name && vtable_name && debug_functions)
- print_debugging_message ("Registering %%.%ds : %%.%ds\n", len1, len2,
- base_ptr_var_name, vtable_name);
- if (debug_register_pairs)
- {
- if (!log_file_fp)
- log_file_fp = fopen ("/tmp/vlt_register_pairs.log", "a");
- log_register_pairs (log_file_fp, "Registering %%.%ds : %%.%ds (%%p)\n",
- len1, len2,
- base_ptr_var_name, vtable_name, vtbl_ptr);
- if (*base_vtbl_row_ptr == NULL)
- fprintf (log_file_fp, " vtable map variable is NULL.\n");
- }
- vlt_hash_insert (*base_vtbl_row_ptr, test_value);
-static void PrintStackTrace()
- #define STACK_DEPTH 20
- void * callers[STACK_DEPTH];
- int actual_depth = backtrace(callers, STACK_DEPTH);
- char ** symbols = backtrace_symbols(callers, actual_depth);
- if (symbols == NULL )
- {
- fprintf(stderr, "Could not get backtrace\n");
- return;
- }
- for (int i = 0; i < actual_depth; i++)
- fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", symbols[i]);
- free(symbols);
-void *
-__VLTVerifyVtablePointer (void **data_pointer, void *test_value,
- char *base_vtbl_var_name, int len1, char *vtable_name,
- int len2)
- struct vlt_hashtable **base_vtbl_ptr = (vlt_hashtable **) data_pointer;
- vptr obj_vptr = (vptr) test_value;
- static bool first_time = true;
- if ((*data_pointer) == NULL)
- return test_value;
- if (first_time && debug_hash)
- {
- dump_hashing_statistics ();
- first_time = false;
- }
- if (vlt_hash_find ((*base_vtbl_ptr), test_value))
- {
- if (debug_functions)
- fprintf (stdout, "Verified object vtable pointer = %p\n", obj_vptr);
- }
- else
- {
- /* The data structure is not NULL, but we failed to find our
- object's vtpr in it. Write out information and call abort.*/
- if (base_vtbl_var_name && vtable_name)
- print_debugging_message ("Looking for %%.%ds in %%.%ds \n", len2, len1,
- vtable_name, base_vtbl_var_name);
- fprintf (stderr, "FAILED to verify object vtable pointer=%p!!!\n",
- obj_vptr);
- dump_table_to_vtbl_map_file (*base_vtbl_ptr, 1, base_vtbl_var_name,
- len1);
- /* Eventually we should call __stack_chk_fail (or something similar)
- rather than just abort. */
- PrintStackTrace();
- abort ();
- }
- return test_value;
diff --git a/vtable-security/gcc/threaded-hash.c b/vtable-security/gcc/threaded-hash.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 59d09d5a1e2..00000000000
--- a/vtable-security/gcc/threaded-hash.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,360 +0,0 @@
-/* TO DO: Add copyright notices etc. */
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <math.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include "threaded-hash.h"
-#include "vtv_memory_pool/vtvmalloc.h"
-#define my_malloc VTV_malloc
-#define my_free VTV_free
-#define INITIAL_SIZE 16
-#define INITIAL_POWER 4
-#define REHASH_LIMIT 0.8
-/* Statistics/Profiling numbers (for debugging) */
-static unsigned num_tables_allocated = 0;
-static unsigned num_bucket_pointers_allocated = 0;
-static unsigned num_buckets_created = 0;
-static unsigned num_slots_filled = 0;
-static unsigned num_rehashes = 0;
-static unsigned num_rehashed_elements = 0;
-static unsigned size_of_bucket = sizeof (struct vlt_hash_bucket);
-static unsigned size_of_pointer = sizeof (void *);
-static uint32_t
-hash_pointer (void *pointer)
- uint32_t result;
- intptr_t numeric = (intptr_t) pointer;
-#if __SIZEOF_POINTER__ == 8
- numeric += numeric >> 32;
-#elif __SIZEOF_POINTER__ != 4
-#error "Unsupported pointer size."
- result = numeric;
- result += result >> 15;
- result += result >> 10;
- result += result >> 6;
- result += result >> 3;
- result *= 0x953653a5u;
- result += result >> 11;
- return result;
-static void
-bucket_insert (struct vlt_hash_bucket **slot, void *value)
- struct vlt_hash_bucket *new_bucket =
- (struct vlt_hash_bucket *) my_malloc (sizeof (struct vlt_hash_bucket));
- new_bucket->data = value;
- new_bucket->next = *slot;
- num_buckets_created++; /* Debug */
- if ((*slot) == NULL) /* Debug */
- num_slots_filled++; /* Debug */
- *slot = new_bucket;
-static uint32_t
-rehash_elements (struct vlt_hash_bucket **old_data,
- struct vlt_hash_bucket **new_data,
- uint32_t old_size, uint32_t new_size, uint32_t num_bits)
- uint32_t i;
- uint32_t mask = 0xffffffff >> (32 - num_bits);
- struct vlt_hash_bucket *cur_bucket;
- uint32_t num_elements = 0;
- num_rehashes++; /* Debug */
- num_rehashed_elements += old_size; /* Debug */
- for (i = 0; i < old_size; ++i)
- {
- if (old_data[i] != 0)
- {
- struct vlt_hash_bucket *bucket_list = old_data[i];
- for (cur_bucket = bucket_list; cur_bucket;
- cur_bucket = cur_bucket->next)
- {
- void *value = cur_bucket->data;
- if (value != NULL)
- {
- uint32_t hash = hash_pointer (value);
- uint32_t new_index = hash & mask;
- bucket_insert (&(new_data[new_index]), value);
- num_elements++;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return num_elements;
-static void
-grow_table (struct vlt_hashtable *table)
- uint32_t old_size = table->data_size;
- uint32_t new_size = 2 * old_size;
- uint32_t new_power_size = table->power_of_2 + 1;
- struct vlt_hash_bucket **new_data =
- (struct vlt_hash_bucket **)
- my_malloc (new_size * sizeof (struct vlt_hash_bucket *));
- struct vlt_hash_bucket **old_data = table->data;
- num_bucket_pointers_allocated += new_size;
- memset (new_data, 0, (new_size * sizeof (struct vlt_hash_bucket *)));
- table->num_elts = rehash_elements (old_data, new_data, old_size, new_size,
- new_power_size);
- pthread_mutex_lock (&(table->mutex));
- table->data = new_data;
- table->data_size = new_size;
- table->power_of_2 = new_power_size;
- table->hash_mask = 0xffffffff >> (32 - new_power_size);
- pthread_mutex_unlock (&(table->mutex));
- my_free (old_data);
- /* To do: need to 'my_free' each allocated bucket in old_data... */
-static void *
-bucket_find (struct vlt_hash_bucket *slot, void * value)
- struct vlt_hash_bucket *current;
- if (slot == NULL)
- return NULL;
- for (current = slot; current; current = current->next)
- if (current->data == value)
- return current;
- return NULL;
-static void *
-access (struct vlt_hashtable *table, void *value,
- enum vlt_hash_access_kind access)
- uint32_t hash = hash_pointer (value);
- uint32_t new_index = hash & table->hash_mask;
- void *ret_val = NULL;
- /* pthread_mutex_lock (&(table->mutex));*/
- ret_val = bucket_find (table->data[new_index], value);
- if (access == TABLE_INSERT)
- {
- if (!ret_val)
- {
- if (table->num_elts >= (REHASH_LIMIT * table->data_size))
- {
- grow_table (table);
- new_index = hash & table->hash_mask;
- }
- bucket_insert ( &(table->data[new_index]), value);
- table->num_elts++;
- }
- ret_val = NULL;
- }
- /* pthread_mutex_unlock (&(table.mutex)); */
- return ret_val;
-/* Externally Visible Functions */
-struct vlt_hashtable*
-vlt_hash_init_table (void)
- struct vlt_hashtable *new_table =
- (struct vlt_hashtable *) my_malloc (sizeof (struct vlt_hashtable));
- new_table->data_size = INITIAL_SIZE;
- new_table->power_of_2 = INITIAL_POWER;
- new_table->hash_mask = 0xffffffff >> (32 - INITIAL_POWER);
- new_table->num_elts = 0;
- pthread_mutex_init (&(new_table->mutex), NULL);
- num_tables_allocated++; /* Debug */
- num_bucket_pointers_allocated += INITIAL_SIZE; /* Debug */
- new_table->data =
- (struct vlt_hash_bucket **)
- my_malloc (INITIAL_SIZE * sizeof (struct vlt_hash_bucket *));
- memset (new_table->data, 0,
- (INITIAL_SIZE * sizeof (struct vlt_hash_bucket *)));
- return new_table;
-vlt_hash_insert (struct vlt_hashtable *table, void *value)
- access (table, value, TABLE_INSERT);
-void *
-vlt_hash_find (struct vlt_hashtable *table, void *value)
- access (table, value, TABLE_FIND);
-/* Debugging Functions */
-/* Outputs the contents of a single SLOT in the hashtable. A slot
- consists of a linked list of entries that all hashed to the same
- entry in the table. IDX is the index of the SLOT in the hash table.
- MAX_SIZE is the length of the longest linked list seen in any slot so
- far (going through all the slots, from dump_table_to_file). DUMP_FILE
- is where the output gets sent. */
-dump_bucket_info (struct vlt_hash_bucket *slot, uint32_t idx,
- uint32_t *max_size, FILE *dump_file)
- struct vlt_hash_bucket *cur;
- int num_buckets = 0;
- if (slot == NULL)
- {
- fprintf (dump_file, "slot[%2d]: empty\n", idx);
- return;
- }
- for (cur = slot; cur; cur = cur->next)
- num_buckets++;
- if (num_buckets > *max_size)
- *max_size = num_buckets;
- fprintf (dump_file, "slot[%2d]: %d elements, ", idx, num_buckets);
- for (cur = slot; cur; cur = cur->next)
- fprintf (dump_file, " %p ", cur->data);
- fprintf (dump_file, "\n");
-/* Outputs the main information about the hashtable TABLE. DUMP_BUCKETS
- is a boolean indicating whether or not to output the contents of all the
- hashtable buckets. DUMP_FILE is where the output gets sent. */
-dump_table_to_file (struct vlt_hashtable *table, uint32_t dump_buckets,
- FILE *dump_file)
- uint32_t i;
- uint32_t max_bucket_size = 0;
- fprintf (dump_file, "Table Stats:\n");
- fprintf (dump_file, " Max Array Size: %d (2^%d) \n", table->data_size,
- table->power_of_2);
- fprintf (dump_file, " Hash Mask: 0x%x\n", table->hash_mask);
- fprintf (dump_file, " Current Number of Elements: %d\n\n", table->num_elts);
- if (dump_buckets)
- {
- fprintf (dump_file, "Bucket Data:\n");
- for (i = 0; i < table->data_size; ++i)
- dump_bucket_info (table->data[i], i, &max_bucket_size, dump_file);
- fprintf (dump_file, "Max bucket size is: %d\n", max_bucket_size);
- }
- fprintf (dump_file, "\n");
-/* Outputs the main information about the hashtable TABLE. DUMP_BUCKETS
- is a boolean indicating whether or not to output the contents of all the
- hashtable buckets. Output gets sent to stdout. */
-dump_table (struct vlt_hashtable *table, uint32_t dump_buckets)
- dump_table_to_file (table, dump_buckets, stdout);
-/* Outputs the main information about the hashtable TABLE. DUMP_BUCKETS
- is a boolean indicating whether or not to output the contents of all the
- hashtable buckets. Very similar to dump_table, except output is
- send to a newly created file named FILENAME, if we can open it. */
-dump_table_to_filename (struct vlt_hashtable *table, uint32_t dump_buckets,
- char *filename)
- FILE *fp;
- if (!filename)
- return;
- fp = fopen (filename, "w");
- if (fp)
- {
- dump_table_to_file (table, dump_buckets, fp);
- fclose (fp);
- }
-dump_table_to_vtbl_map_file (struct vlt_hashtable *table,
- uint32_t dump_buckets,
- char *var_name, uint32_t name_len)
- char *filename = (char *) malloc ((name_len + 11) * sizeof (char));
- char *real_name = (char *) malloc ((name_len + 1) * sizeof (char));
- FILE *dump_file_fp = NULL;
- strncpy (real_name, var_name, name_len);
- real_name[name_len] = '\0';
- sprintf (filename, "/tmp/%s.log", real_name);
- dump_file_fp = fopen (filename, "w");
- if (dump_file_fp)
- {
- dump_table_to_file (table, dump_buckets, dump_file_fp);
- fclose (dump_file_fp);
- }
- free (real_name);
- free (filename);
-dump_hashing_statistics (void)
- FILE *fp = fopen("/tmp/threaded-hash-statistics.log", "w");
- if (fp)
- {
- fprintf (fp, "Threaded Hash Table Statistics\n\n");
- fprintf (fp, "# Hash Tables Created: %d\n", num_tables_allocated);
- fprintf (fp, "# Slots Created: %d\n", num_bucket_pointers_allocated);
- fprintf (fp, "# Slots Filled: %d\n", num_slots_filled);
- fprintf (fp, "# Unused Slots: %d\n",
- num_bucket_pointers_allocated - num_slots_filled);
- fprintf (fp, "Slot Size (in bytes): %d\n\n", size_of_pointer);
- fprintf (fp, "# Buckets Created: %d\n", num_buckets_created);
- fprintf (fp, "# Non-slot buckets (in collision chains): %d\n",
- num_buckets_created - num_slots_filled);
- fprintf (fp, "Bucket Size (in bytes): %d\n\n", size_of_bucket);
- fprintf (fp, "# of re-hashes that occurred: %d\n", num_rehashes);
- fprintf (fp, "# of re-hashed elements: %d\n", num_rehashed_elements);
- fclose (fp);
- }
diff --git a/vtable-security/gcc/threaded-hash.h b/vtable-security/gcc/threaded-hash.h
deleted file mode 100644
index f5622557c00..00000000000
--- a/vtable-security/gcc/threaded-hash.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
-/* TO DO: Add copyright, etc. */
-#define _THREADED_HASH_H 1
-#include <pthread.h>
-#include <inttypes.h>
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C" {
-struct vlt_hash_bucket {
- void *data;
- struct vlt_hash_bucket *next;
-struct vlt_hashtable {
- uint32_t data_size;
- uint32_t num_elts;
- uint32_t power_of_2;
- uint32_t hash_mask;
- pthread_mutex_t mutex;
- struct vlt_hash_bucket **data;
-enum vlt_hash_access_kind {
-/* Main hash table interface */
-extern struct vlt_hashtable *vlt_hash_init_table (void);
-extern void vlt_hash_insert (struct vlt_hashtable *, void *);
-extern void *vlt_hash_find (struct vlt_hashtable *, void *);
-/* for debugging purposes... */
-extern void dump_hashing_statistics (void);
-extern void dump_bucket_info (struct vlt_hash_bucket *, uint32_t, uint32_t *, FILE *);
-extern void dump_table_to_file (struct vlt_hashtable *, uint32_t, FILE *);
-extern void dump_table (struct vlt_hashtable *, uint32_t);
-extern void dump_table_to_filename (struct vlt_hashtable *, uint32_t, char *);
-extern void dump_table_to_vtbl_map_file (struct vlt_hashtable *,uint32_t,
- char *, uint32_t);
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-} /* extern "C" */
-#endif /* _THREADED_HASH_H */
diff --git a/vtable-security/gcc/vtv_memory_pool/vtvmalloc.c b/vtable-security/gcc/vtv_memory_pool/vtvmalloc.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 3bc061a3e85..00000000000
--- a/vtable-security/gcc/vtv_memory_pool/vtvmalloc.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,138 +0,0 @@
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include <sys/mman.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include "vtvmalloc.h"
-#include <obstack.h>
-/* Set the following macro to 1 to get internal debugging messages */
-#define VTV_DEBUG 1
-/* TODO: Need to protect the following variables */
-static struct obstack VTV_obstack;
-static unsigned long page_size = 0;
-static void * current_chunk = 0;
-static size_t current_chunk_size = 0;
-/* TODO: Define what is the expected behavior of assert and error */
-/* Handling of runtime error */
-static void
-VTV_error (void)
- abort();
-#define VTV_assert(EXPR) ((void)(!(EXPR) ? VTV_error() : (void) 0))
-VTV_protect (void)
- struct _obstack_chunk * ci;
- ci = (struct _obstack_chunk *) current_chunk;
- while (ci)
- {
- VTV_assert(((unsigned long)ci & (page_size - 1)) == 0);
- if (mprotect(ci, (ci->limit - (char *)ci), PROT_READ) == -1)
- VTV_error();
- ci = ci->prev;
- }
-#if (VTV_DEBUG == 1)
- {
- int count = 0;
- ci = (struct _obstack_chunk *) current_chunk;
- while (ci)
- {
- count++;
- ci = ci->prev;
- }
- fprintf(stderr, "VTV_protect(): protected %d pages\n", count);
- }
-VTV_unprotect (void)
- struct _obstack_chunk * ci;
- ci = (struct _obstack_chunk *) current_chunk;
- while (ci)
- {
- VTV_assert(((unsigned long)ci & (page_size - 1)) == 0);
- if (mprotect(ci, (ci->limit - (char *)ci), PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE) == -1)
- VTV_error();
- ci = ci->prev;
- }
-/* Allocates a chunk of memory that is aligned to a page boundary.
- The amount of memory requested must be a multiple of the page size */
-static void *
-obstack_chunk_alloc (size_t size)
- /* TODO: Why do we need to support chunk sizes less that page size? */
- /* Get size to next multiple of page_size */
- size = (size + (page_size - 1)) & (~(page_size - 1));
- VTV_assert((size & (page_size - 1)) == 0);
- void * allocated;
- if ((allocated = mmap (NULL, size, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE,
- MAP_PRIVATE | MAP_ANONYMOUS, -1, 0)) == 0)
- VTV_error();
- VTV_assert(((unsigned long) allocated & (page_size - 1)) == 0);
- current_chunk = allocated;
- current_chunk_size = size;
- return allocated;
-static void
-obstack_chunk_free (size_t size)
- /* Do nothing. For our purposes there should be very little de-allocation. */
-VTV_malloc_init (void)
- static int initialized = 0;
- /* Make sure we only execute the main body of this function ONCE. */
- if (initialized)
- return;
- page_size = sysconf(_SC_PAGE_SIZE);
- obstack_chunk_size (&VTV_obstack) = page_size;
- obstack_alignment_mask(&VTV_obstack) = sizeof(long) - 1;
- /* We guarantee that the obstack alloc failed handler will never be called because
- in case the allocation of the chunk fails, it will never return */
- obstack_alloc_failed_handler = NULL;
- obstack_init(&VTV_obstack);
- initialized = 1;
-void *
-VTV_malloc (size_t size)
- return obstack_alloc (&VTV_obstack, size);
-VTV_free (void * ptr)
- /* Do nothing. We dont care about recovering unneded memory */
-VTV_malloc_stats (void)
- int count = 0;
- struct _obstack_chunk * ci = (struct _obstack_chunk *) current_chunk;
- while (ci)
- {
- count++;
- ci = ci->prev;
- }
- fprintf(stderr, "VTV_malloc_stats:\n Page Size = %d bytes\n Number of pages = %d\n", page_size, count);
diff --git a/vtable-security/gcc/vtv_memory_pool/vtvmalloc.h b/vtable-security/gcc/vtv_memory_pool/vtvmalloc.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 416a4e68104..00000000000
--- a/vtable-security/gcc/vtv_memory_pool/vtvmalloc.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
-/* TODO: add copyright and comments */
-#ifndef _VTVMALLOC_H
-#define _VTVMALLOC_H 1
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C" {
-#include <stdlib.h>
-/* Alignment mask for any object returned by the VTV memory pool */
-#ifdef __LP64__
-#define VTV_ALIGNMENT_MASK (0x7)
-#define VTV_ALIGNMENT_MASK (0x3)
-extern void VTV_malloc_init ();
-/* TODO: Do we need an interface that destroys everything? */
-extern void * VTV_malloc (size_t size);
-extern void VTV_free (void * ptr);
-extern void VTV_malloc_stats (void);
-extern void VTV_protect (void);
-extern void VTV_unprotect (void);
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-} /* extern "C" */
-#endif /* vtvmalloc.h */