path: root/gcc/testsuite/ada/acats/tests/c7/c760002.a
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Diffstat (limited to 'gcc/testsuite/ada/acats/tests/c7/c760002.a')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 489 deletions
diff --git a/gcc/testsuite/ada/acats/tests/c7/c760002.a b/gcc/testsuite/ada/acats/tests/c7/c760002.a
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--- C760002.A
--- Grant of Unlimited Rights
--- Under contracts F33600-87-D-0337, F33600-84-D-0280, MDA903-79-C-0687,
--- F08630-91-C-0015, and DCA100-97-D-0025, the U.S. Government obtained
--- unlimited rights in the software and documentation contained herein.
--- Unlimited rights are defined in DFAR 252.227-7013(a)(19). By making
--- this public release, the Government intends to confer upon all
--- recipients unlimited rights equal to those held by the Government.
--- These rights include rights to use, duplicate, release or disclose the
--- released technical data and computer software in whole or in part, in
--- any manner and for any purpose whatsoever, and to have or permit others
--- to do so.
--- Check that assignment to an object of a (non-limited) controlled
--- type causes the Adjust operation of the type to be called.
--- Check that Adjust is called after copying the value of the
--- source expression to the target object.
--- Check that Adjust is called for all controlled components when
--- the containing object is assigned. (Test this for the cases
--- where the type of the containing object is controlled and
--- noncontrolled; test this for initialization as well as
--- assignment statements.)
--- Check that for an object of a controlled type with controlled
--- components, Adjust for each of the components is called before
--- the containing object is adjusted.
--- Check that an Adjust procedure for a Limited_Controlled type is
--- not called by the implementation.
--- This test is loosely "derived" from C760001.
--- Visit Tags:
--- D - Default value at declaration
--- d - Default value at declaration, limited root
--- I - initialize at root controlled
--- i - initialize at root limited controlled
--- A - adjust at root controlled
--- X,Y,Z,x,y,z - used in test body
--- 06 Dec 94 SAIC ACVC 2.0
--- 19 Dec 94 SAIC Correct test assertion logic for Sinister case
----------------------------------------------------------------- C760002_0
-with Ada.Finalization;
-package C760002_0 is
- subtype Unique_ID is Natural;
- function Unique_Value return Unique_ID;
- -- increments each time it's called
- function Most_Recent_Unique_Value return Unique_ID;
- -- returns the same value as the most recent call to Unique_Value
- type Root is tagged record
- My_ID : Unique_ID := Unique_Value;
- Visit_Tag : Character := 'D'; -- Default
- end record;
- procedure Initialize( R: in out Root );
- procedure Adjust ( R: in out Root );
- type Root_Controlled is new Ada.Finalization.Controlled with record
- My_ID : Unique_ID := Unique_Value;
- Visit_Tag : Character := 'D'; ---------------------------------------- D
- end record;
- procedure Initialize( R: in out Root_Controlled );
- procedure Adjust ( R: in out Root_Controlled );
- type Root_Limited_Controlled is
- new Ada.Finalization.Limited_Controlled with record
- My_ID : Unique_ID := Unique_Value;
- Visit_Tag : Character := 'd'; ---------------------------------------- d
- end record;
- procedure Initialize( R: in out Root_Limited_Controlled );
- procedure Adjust ( R: in out Root_Limited_Controlled );
-end C760002_0;
-with Report;
-package body C760002_0 is
- Global_Unique_Counter : Unique_ID := 0;
- function Unique_Value return Unique_ID is
- begin
- Global_Unique_Counter := Global_Unique_Counter +1;
- return Global_Unique_Counter;
- end Unique_Value;
- function Most_Recent_Unique_Value return Unique_ID is
- begin
- return Global_Unique_Counter;
- end Most_Recent_Unique_Value;
- procedure Initialize( R: in out Root ) is
- begin
- Report.Failed("Initialize called for Non_Controlled type");
- end Initialize;
- procedure Adjust ( R: in out Root ) is
- begin
- Report.Failed("Adjust called for Non_Controlled type");
- end Adjust;
- procedure Initialize( R: in out Root_Controlled ) is
- begin
- R.Visit_Tag := 'I'; --------------------------------------------------- I
- end Initialize;
- procedure Adjust( R: in out Root_Controlled ) is
- begin
- R.Visit_Tag := 'A'; --------------------------------------------------- A
- end Adjust;
- procedure Initialize( R: in out Root_Limited_Controlled ) is
- begin
- R.Visit_Tag := 'i'; --------------------------------------------------- i
- end Initialize;
- procedure Adjust( R: in out Root_Limited_Controlled ) is
- begin
- Report.Failed("Adjust called for Limited_Controlled type");
- end Adjust;
-end C760002_0;
----------------------------------------------------------------- C760002_1
-with Ada.Finalization;
-with C760002_0;
-package C760002_1 is
- type Proc_ID is (None, Init, Adj, Fin);
- type Test_Controlled is new C760002_0.Root_Controlled with record
- Last_Proc_Called: Proc_ID := None;
- end record;
- procedure Initialize( TC: in out Test_Controlled );
- procedure Adjust ( TC: in out Test_Controlled );
- procedure Finalize ( TC: in out Test_Controlled );
- type Nested_Controlled is new C760002_0.Root_Controlled with record
- Nested : C760002_0.Root_Controlled;
- Last_Proc_Called: Proc_ID := None;
- end record;
- procedure Initialize( TC: in out Nested_Controlled );
- procedure Adjust ( TC: in out Nested_Controlled );
- procedure Finalize ( TC: in out Nested_Controlled );
- type Test_Limited_Controlled is
- new C760002_0.Root_Limited_Controlled with record
- Last_Proc_Called: Proc_ID := None;
- end record;
- procedure Initialize( TC: in out Test_Limited_Controlled );
- procedure Adjust ( TC: in out Test_Limited_Controlled );
- procedure Finalize ( TC: in out Test_Limited_Controlled );
- type Nested_Limited_Controlled is
- new C760002_0.Root_Limited_Controlled with record
- Nested : C760002_0.Root_Limited_Controlled;
- Last_Proc_Called: Proc_ID := None;
- end record;
- procedure Initialize( TC: in out Nested_Limited_Controlled );
- procedure Adjust ( TC: in out Nested_Limited_Controlled );
- procedure Finalize ( TC: in out Nested_Limited_Controlled );
-end C760002_1;
-with Report;
-package body C760002_1 is
- procedure Initialize( TC: in out Test_Controlled ) is
- begin
- TC.Last_Proc_Called := Init;
- C760002_0.Initialize(C760002_0.Root_Controlled(TC));
- end Initialize;
- procedure Adjust ( TC: in out Test_Controlled ) is
- begin
- TC.Last_Proc_Called := Adj;
- C760002_0.Adjust(C760002_0.Root_Controlled(TC));
- end Adjust;
- procedure Finalize ( TC: in out Test_Controlled ) is
- begin
- TC.Last_Proc_Called := Fin;
- end Finalize;
- procedure Initialize( TC: in out Nested_Controlled ) is
- begin
- TC.Last_Proc_Called := Init;
- C760002_0.Initialize(C760002_0.Root_Controlled(TC));
- end Initialize;
- procedure Adjust ( TC: in out Nested_Controlled ) is
- begin
- TC.Last_Proc_Called := Adj;
- C760002_0.Adjust(C760002_0.Root_Controlled(TC));
- end Adjust;
- procedure Finalize ( TC: in out Nested_Controlled ) is
- begin
- TC.Last_Proc_Called := Fin;
- end Finalize;
- procedure Initialize( TC: in out Test_Limited_Controlled ) is
- begin
- TC.Last_Proc_Called := Init;
- C760002_0.Initialize(C760002_0.Root_Limited_Controlled(TC));
- end Initialize;
- procedure Adjust ( TC: in out Test_Limited_Controlled ) is
- begin
- Report.Failed("Adjust called for Test_Limited_Controlled");
- end Adjust;
- procedure Finalize ( TC: in out Test_Limited_Controlled ) is
- begin
- TC.Last_Proc_Called := Fin;
- end Finalize;
- procedure Initialize( TC: in out Nested_Limited_Controlled ) is
- begin
- TC.Last_Proc_Called := Init;
- C760002_0.Initialize(C760002_0.Root_Limited_Controlled(TC));
- end Initialize;
- procedure Adjust ( TC: in out Nested_Limited_Controlled ) is
- begin
- Report.Failed("Adjust called for Nested_Limited_Controlled");
- end Adjust;
- procedure Finalize ( TC: in out Nested_Limited_Controlled ) is
- begin
- TC.Last_Proc_Called := Fin;
- end Finalize;
-end C760002_1;
----------------------------------------------------------------- C760002
-with Report;
-with TCTouch;
-with C760002_0;
-with C760002_1;
-with Ada.Finalization;
-procedure C760002 is
- use type C760002_1.Proc_ID;
- -- in the first test, test the simple cases.
- -- Also check that assignment causes a call to Adjust for a controlled
- -- object. Check that assignment of a non-controlled object does not call
- -- an Adjust procedure.
- procedure Check_Simple_Objects is
- A,B : C760002_0.Root;
- S,T : C760002_1.Test_Controlled;
- Q : C760002_1.Test_Limited_Controlled; -- Adjust call shouldn't happen
- begin
- S := T;
- TCTouch.Assert((S.Last_Proc_Called = C760002_1.Adj),
- "Adjust for simple object");
- TCTouch.Assert((S.My_ID = T.My_ID),
- "Assignment failed for simple object");
- -- Check that adjust was called
- TCTouch.Assert((S.Visit_Tag = 'A'), "Adjust timing incorrect");
- -- Check that Adjust has not been called
- TCTouch.Assert_Not((T.Visit_Tag = 'A'), "Adjust incorrectly called");
- -- Check that Adjust does not get called
- A.My_ID := A.My_ID +1;
- B := A; -- see: Adjust: Report.Failed
- end Check_Simple_Objects;
- -- in the second test, test a more complex case, check that a controlled
- -- component of a controlled object gets processed correctly
- procedure Check_Nested_Objects is
- NO1 : C760002_1.Nested_Controlled;
- NO2 : C760002_1.Nested_Controlled := NO1;
- begin
- -- NO2 should be flagged with adjust markers
- TCTouch.Assert((NO2.Last_Proc_Called = C760002_1.Adj),
- "Adjust not called for NO2 enclosure declaration");
- TCTouch.Assert((NO2.Nested.Visit_Tag = 'A'),
- "Adjust not called for NO2 enclosed declaration");
- NO2.Visit_Tag := 'x';
- NO2.Nested.Visit_Tag := 'y';
- NO1 := NO2;
- -- NO1 should be flagged with adjust markers
- TCTouch.Assert((NO1.Visit_Tag = 'A'),
- "Adjust not called for NO1 enclosure declaration");
- TCTouch.Assert((NO1.Nested.Visit_Tag = 'A'),
- "Adjust not called for NO1 enclosed declaration");
- end Check_Nested_Objects;
- procedure Check_Array_Case is
- type Array_Simple is array(1..4) of C760002_1.Test_Controlled;
- type Array_Nested is array(1..4) of C760002_1.Nested_Controlled;
- Left,Right : Array_Simple;
- Overlap : Array_Simple := Left;
- Sinister,Dexter : Array_Nested;
- Underlap : Array_Nested := Sinister;
- Now : Natural;
- begin
- -- get a current unique value since initializations
- Now := C760002_0.Unique_Value;
- -- check results of declarations
- for N in 1..4 loop
- TCTouch.Assert(Left(N).My_Id < Now,
- "Initialize for array initial value");
- TCTouch.Assert(Overlap(N).My_Id < Now,
- "Adjust for nested array (outer) initial value");
- TCTouch.Assert(Sinister(N).Nested.My_Id < Now,
- "Initialize for nested array (inner) initial value");
- TCTouch.Assert(Sinister(N).My_Id < Sinister(N).Nested.My_Id,
- "Initialize for enclosure should be after enclosed");
- TCTouch.Assert(Overlap(N).Visit_Tag = 'A',"Adjust at declaration");
- TCTouch.Assert(Underlap(N).Nested.Visit_Tag = 'A',
- "Adjust at declaration, nested object");
- end loop;
- -- set visit tags
- for O in 1..4 loop
- Overlap(O).Visit_Tag := 'X';
- Underlap(O).Visit_Tag := 'Y';
- Underlap(O).Nested.Visit_Tag := 'y';
- end loop;
- -- check that overlapping assignments don't cause odd grief
- Overlap(1..3) := Overlap(2..4);
- Underlap(2..4) := Underlap(1..3);
- for M in 2..3 loop
- TCTouch.Assert(Overlap(M).Last_Proc_Called = C760002_1.Adj,
- "Adjust for overlap");
- TCTouch.Assert(Overlap(M).Visit_Tag = 'A',
- "Adjust for overlap ID");
- TCTouch.Assert(Underlap(M).Last_Proc_Called = C760002_1.Adj,
- "Adjust for Underlap");
- TCTouch.Assert(Underlap(M).Nested.Visit_Tag = 'A',
- "Adjust for Underlaps nested ID");
- end loop;
- end Check_Array_Case;
- procedure Check_Access_Case is
- type TC_Ref is access C760002_1.Test_Controlled;
- type NC_Ref is access C760002_1.Nested_Controlled;
- type TL_Ref is access C760002_1.Test_Limited_Controlled;
- type NL_Ref is access C760002_1.Nested_Limited_Controlled;
- A,B : TC_Ref;
- C,D : NC_Ref;
- E : TL_Ref;
- F : NL_Ref;
- begin
- A := new C760002_1.Test_Controlled;
- B := new C760002_1.Test_Controlled'( A.all );
- C := new C760002_1.Nested_Controlled;
- D := new C760002_1.Nested_Controlled'( C.all );
- E := new C760002_1.Test_Limited_Controlled;
- F := new C760002_1.Nested_Limited_Controlled;
- TCTouch.Assert(A.Visit_Tag = 'I',"TC Allocation");
- TCTouch.Assert(B.Visit_Tag = 'A',"TC Allocation, with value");
- TCTouch.Assert(C.Visit_Tag = 'I',"NC Allocation");
- TCTouch.Assert(C.Nested.Visit_Tag = 'I',"NC Allocation, Nested");
- TCTouch.Assert(D.Visit_Tag = 'A',"NC Allocation, with value");
- TCTouch.Assert(D.Nested.Visit_Tag = 'A',
- "NC Allocation, Nested, with value");
- TCTouch.Assert(E.Visit_Tag = 'i',"TL Allocation");
- TCTouch.Assert(F.Visit_Tag = 'i',"NL Allocation");
- A.all := B.all;
- C.all := D.all;
- TCTouch.Assert(A.Visit_Tag = 'A',"TC Assignment");
- TCTouch.Assert(C.Visit_Tag = 'A',"NC Assignment");
- TCTouch.Assert(C.Nested.Visit_Tag = 'A',"NC Assignment, Nested");
- end Check_Access_Case;
- procedure Check_Access_Limited_Array_Case is
- type Array_Simple is array(1..4) of C760002_1.Test_Limited_Controlled;
- type AS_Ref is access Array_Simple;
- type Array_Nested is array(1..4) of C760002_1.Nested_Limited_Controlled;
- type AN_Ref is access Array_Nested;
- Simple_Array_Limited : AS_Ref;
- Nested_Array_Limited : AN_Ref;
- begin
- Simple_Array_Limited := new Array_Simple;
- Nested_Array_Limited := new Array_Nested;
- for N in 1..4 loop
- TCTouch.Assert(Simple_Array_Limited(N).Last_Proc_Called
- = C760002_1.Init,
- "Initialize for array initial value");
- TCTouch.Assert(Nested_Array_Limited(N).Last_Proc_Called
- = C760002_1.Init,
- "Initialize for nested array (outer) initial value");
- TCTouch.Assert(Nested_Array_Limited(N).Nested.Visit_Tag = 'i',
- "Initialize for nested array (inner) initial value");
- end loop;
- end Check_Access_Limited_Array_Case;
-begin -- Main test procedure.
- Report.Test ("C760002", "Check that assignment causes the Adjust " &
- "operation of the type to be called. Check " &
- "that Adjust is called after copying the " &
- "value of the source expression to the target " &
- "object. Check that Adjust is called for all " &
- "controlled components when the containing " &
- "object is assigned. Check that Adjust is " &
- "called for components before the containing " &
- "object is adjusted. Check that Adjust is not " &
- "called for a Limited_Controlled type by the " &
- "implementation" );
- Check_Simple_Objects;
- Check_Nested_Objects;
- Check_Array_Case;
- Check_Access_Case;
- Check_Access_Limited_Array_Case;
- Report.Result;
-end C760002;