path: root/gcc/testsuite/ada/acats/tests/cxa/cxa4004.a
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--- CXA4004.A
--- Grant of Unlimited Rights
--- Under contracts F33600-87-D-0337, F33600-84-D-0280, MDA903-79-C-0687,
--- F08630-91-C-0015, and DCA100-97-D-0025, the U.S. Government obtained
--- unlimited rights in the software and documentation contained herein.
--- Unlimited rights are defined in DFAR 252.227-7013(a)(19). By making
--- this public release, the Government intends to confer upon all
--- recipients unlimited rights equal to those held by the Government.
--- These rights include rights to use, duplicate, release or disclose the
--- released technical data and computer software in whole or in part, in
--- any manner and for any purpose whatsoever, and to have or permit others
--- to do so.
--- Check that the subprograms defined in package Ada.Strings.Fixed are
--- available, and that they produce correct results. Specifically, check
--- the subprograms Count, Find_Token, Index, Index_Non_Blank, and Move.
--- This test, when combined with tests CXA4002,3, and 5 will provide
--- thorough coverage of the functionality found in Ada.Strings.Fixed.
--- This test contains many small, specific test cases, situations that
--- although common in user environments, are often difficult to generate
--- in large numbers in a application-based test.
--- 06 Dec 94 SAIC ACVC 2.0
--- 10 Apr 95 SAIC Corrected subtest for Move, Drop=Right.
-with Report;
-with Ada.Strings;
-with Ada.Strings.Fixed;
-with Ada.Strings.Maps;
-procedure CXA4004 is
- Report.Test("CXA4004", "Check that the subprograms defined in " &
- "package Ada.Strings.Fixed are available, " &
- "and that they produce correct results");
- Test_Block:
- declare
- package ASF renames Ada.Strings.Fixed;
- package Maps renames Ada.Strings.Maps;
- Result_String : String(1..10) := (others => Ada.Strings.Space);
- Source_String1 : String(1..5) := "abcde"; -- odd length string
- Source_String2 : String(1..6) := "abcdef"; -- even length string
- Source_String3 : String(1..12) := "abcdefghijkl";
- Source_String4 : String(1..12) := "abcdefghij "; -- last two ch pad
- Source_String5 : String(1..12) := " cdefghijkl"; -- first two ch pad
- Source_String6 : String(1..12) := "abcdefabcdef";
- Location : Natural := 0;
- Slice_Start : Positive;
- Slice_End,
- Slice_Count : Natural := 0;
- CD_Set : Maps.Character_Set := Maps.To_Set("cd");
- ABCD_Set : Maps.Character_Set := Maps.To_Set("abcd");
- A_to_F_Set : Maps.Character_Set := Maps.To_Set("abcdef");
- CD_to_XY_Map : Maps.Character_Mapping :=
- Maps.To_Mapping(From => "cd", To => "xy");
- begin
- -- Procedure Move
- -- Evaluate the Procedure Move with various combinations of
- -- parameters.
- -- Justify = Left (default case)
- ASF.Move(Source => Source_String1, -- "abcde"
- Target => Result_String);
- if Result_String /= "abcde " then
- Report.Failed("Incorrect result from Move with Justify = Left");
- end if;
- -- Justify = Right
- ASF.Move(Source => Source_String2, -- "abcdef"
- Target => Result_String,
- Drop => Ada.Strings.Error,
- Justify => Ada.Strings.Right);
- if Result_String /= " abcdef" then
- Report.Failed("Incorrect result from Move with Justify = Right");
- end if;
- -- Justify = Center (two cases, odd and even pad lengths)
- ASF.Move(Source_String1, -- "abcde"
- Result_String,
- Ada.Strings.Error,
- Ada.Strings.Center,
- 'x'); -- non-default padding.
- if Result_String /= "xxabcdexxx" then -- Unequal padding added right
- Report.Failed("Incorrect result from Move with Justify = Center-1");
- end if;
- ASF.Move(Source_String2, -- "abcdef"
- Result_String,
- Ada.Strings.Error,
- Ada.Strings.Center);
- if Result_String /= " abcdef " then -- Equal padding added on L/R.
- Report.Failed("Incorrect result from Move with Justify = Center-2");
- end if;
- -- When the source string is longer than the target string, several
- -- cases can be examined, with the results depending on the value of
- -- the Drop parameter.
- -- Drop = Left
- ASF.Move(Source => Source_String3, -- "abcdefghijkl"
- Target => Result_String,
- Drop => Ada.Strings.Left);
- if Result_String /= "cdefghijkl" then
- Report.Failed("Incorrect result from Move with Drop = Left");
- end if;
- -- Drop = Right
- ASF.Move(Source_String3, Result_String, Ada.Strings.Right);
- if Result_String /= "abcdefghij" then
- Report.Failed("Incorrect result from Move with Drop = Right");
- end if;
- -- Drop = Error
- -- The effect in this case depends on the value of the justify
- -- parameter, and on whether any characters in Source other than
- -- Pad would fail to be copied.
- -- Drop = Error, Justify = Left, right overflow characters are pad.
- ASF.Move(Source => Source_String4, -- "abcdefghij "
- Target => Result_String,
- Drop => Ada.Strings.Error,
- Justify => Ada.Strings.Left);
- if not(Result_String = "abcdefghij") then -- leftmost 10 characters
- Report.Failed("Incorrect result from Move with Drop = Error - 1");
- end if;
- -- Drop = Error, Justify = Right, left overflow characters are pad.
- ASF.Move(Source_String5, -- " cdefghijkl"
- Result_String,
- Ada.Strings.Error,
- Ada.Strings.Right);
- if Result_String /= "cdefghijkl" then -- rightmost 10 characters
- Report.Failed("Incorrect result from Move with Drop = Error - 2");
- end if;
- -- In other cases of Drop=Error, Length_Error is propagated, such as:
- begin
- ASF.Move(Source_String3, -- 12 characters, no Pad.
- Result_String, -- 10 characters
- Ada.Strings.Error,
- Ada.Strings.Left);
- Report.Failed("Length_Error not raised by Move - 1");
- exception
- when Ada.Strings.Length_Error => null; -- OK
- when others =>
- Report.Failed("Incorrect exception raised by Move - 1");
- end;
- -- Function Index
- -- (Other usage examples of this function found in CXA4002-3.)
- -- Check when the pattern is not found in the source.
- if ASF.Index("abcdef", "gh") /= 0 or
- ASF.Index("abcde", "abcdef") /= 0 or -- pattern > source
- ASF.Index("xyz",
- "abcde",
- Ada.Strings.Backward) /= 0 or
- ASF.Index("", "ab") /= 0 or -- null source string.
- ASF.Index("abcde", " ") /= 0 -- blank pattern.
- then
- Report.Failed("Incorrect result from Index, no pattern match");
- end if;
- -- Check that Pattern_Error is raised when the pattern is the
- -- null string.
- begin
- Location := ASF.Index(Source_String6, -- "abcdefabcdef"
- "", -- null pattern string.
- Ada.Strings.Forward);
- Report.Failed("Pattern_Error not raised by Index");
- exception
- when Ada.Strings.Pattern_Error => null; -- OK, expected exception.
- when others =>
- Report.Failed("Incorrect exception raised by Index, null pattern");
- end;
- -- Use the search direction "backward" to locate the particular
- -- pattern within the source string.
- Location := ASF.Index(Source_String6, -- "abcdefabcdef"
- "de", -- slice 4..5, 10..11
- Ada.Strings.Backward); -- search from right end.
- if Location /= 10 then
- Report.Failed("Incorrect result from Index going Backward");
- end if;
- -- Using the version of Index testing character set membership,
- -- check combinations of forward/backward, inside/outside parameter
- -- configurations.
- if ASF.Index(Source => Source_String1, -- "abcde"
- Set => CD_Set,
- Test => Ada.Strings.Inside,
- Going => Ada.Strings.Forward) /= 3 or -- 'c' at pos 3.
- ASF.Index(Source_String6, -- "abcdefabcdef"
- CD_Set,
- Ada.Strings.Outside,
- Ada.Strings.Backward) /= 12 or -- 'f' at position 12
- ASF.Index(Source_String6, -- "abcdefabcdef"
- CD_Set,
- Ada.Strings.Inside,
- Ada.Strings.Backward) /= 10 or -- 'd' at position 10
- ASF.Index("cdcdcdcdacdcdcdcd",
- CD_Set,
- Ada.Strings.Outside,
- Ada.Strings.Forward) /= 9 -- 'a' at position 9
- then
- Report.Failed("Incorrect result from function Index for sets - 1");
- end if;
- -- Additional interesting uses/combinations using Index for sets.
- if ASF.Index("cd", -- same size, str-set
- CD_Set,
- Ada.Strings.Inside,
- Ada.Strings.Forward) /= 1 or -- 'c' at position 1
- ASF.Index("abcd", -- same size, str-set,
- Maps.To_Set("efgh"), -- different contents.
- Ada.Strings.Outside,
- Ada.Strings.Forward) /= 1 or
- ASF.Index("abccd", -- set > string
- Maps.To_Set("acegik"),
- Ada.Strings.Inside,
- Ada.Strings.Backward) /= 4 or -- 'c' at position 4
- ASF.Index("abcde",
- Maps.Null_Set) /= 0 or
- ASF.Index("", -- Null string.
- CD_Set) /= 0 or
- ASF.Index("abc ab", -- blank included
- Maps.To_Set("e "), -- in string and set.
- Ada.Strings.Inside,
- Ada.Strings.Backward) /= 4 -- blank in string.
- then
- Report.Failed("Incorrect result from function Index for sets - 2");
- end if;
- -- Function Index_Non_Blank.
- -- (Other usage examples of this function found in CXA4002-3.)
- if ASF.Index_Non_Blank(Source => Source_String4, -- "abcdefghij "
- Going => Ada.Strings.Backward) /= 10 or
- ASF.Index_Non_Blank("abc def ghi jkl ",
- Ada.Strings.Backward) /= 15 or
- ASF.Index_Non_Blank(" abcdef") /= 3 or
- ASF.Index_Non_Blank(" ") /= 0
- then
- Report.Failed("Incorrect result from Index_Non_Blank");
- end if;
- -- Function Count
- -- (Other usage examples of this function found in CXA4002-3.)
- if ASF.Count("abababa", "aba") /= 2 or
- ASF.Count("abababa", "ab" ) /= 3 or
- ASF.Count("babababa", "ab") /= 3 or
- ASF.Count("abaabaaba", "aba") /= 3 or
- ASF.Count("xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxy", "xy") /= 1 or
- ASF.Count("xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", "x") /= 20
- then
- Report.Failed("Incorrect result from Function Count");
- end if;
- -- Determine the number of slices of Source that when mapped to a
- -- non-identity map, match the pattern string.
- Slice_Count := ASF.Count(Source_String6, -- "abcdefabcdef"
- "xy",
- CD_to_XY_Map); -- maps 'c' to 'x', 'd' to 'y'
- if Slice_Count /= 2 then -- two slices "xy" in "mapped" Source_String6
- Report.Failed("Incorrect result from Count with non-identity map");
- end if;
- -- If the pattern supplied to Function Count is the null string, then
- -- Pattern_Error is propagated.
- declare
- The_Null_String : constant String := "";
- begin
- Slice_Count := ASF.Count(Source_String6, The_Null_String);
- Report.Failed("Pattern_Error not raised by Function Count");
- exception
- when Ada.Strings.Pattern_Error => null; -- OK
- when others =>
- Report.Failed("Incorrect exception from Count with null pattern");
- end;
- -- Function Count returning the number of characters in a particular
- -- set that are found in source string.
- if ASF.Count(Source_String6, CD_Set) /= 4 then -- 2 'c' and 'd' chars.
- Report.Failed("Incorrect result from Count with set");
- end if;
- -- Function Find_Token.
- -- (Other usage examples of this function found in CXA4002-3.)
- ASF.Find_Token(Source => Source_String6, -- First slice with no
- Set => ABCD_Set, -- 'a', 'b', 'c', or 'd'
- Test => Ada.Strings.Outside, -- is "ef" at 5..6.
- First => Slice_Start,
- Last => Slice_End);
- if Slice_Start /= 5 or Slice_End /= 6 then
- Report.Failed("Incorrect result from Find_Token - 1");
- end if;
- -- If no appropriate slice is contained by the source string, then the
- -- value returned in Last is zero, and the value in First is
- -- Source'First.
- ASF.Find_Token(Source_String6, -- "abcdefabcdef"
- A_to_F_Set, -- Set of characters 'a' thru 'f'.
- Ada.Strings.Outside, -- No characters outside this set.
- Slice_Start,
- Slice_End);
- if Slice_Start /= Source_String6'First or Slice_End /= 0 then
- Report.Failed("Incorrect result from Find_Token - 2");
- end if;
- -- Additional testing of Find_Token.
- ASF.Find_Token("eabcdabcddcab",
- ABCD_Set,
- Ada.Strings.Inside,
- Slice_Start,
- Slice_End);
- if Slice_Start /= 2 or Slice_End /= 13 then
- Report.Failed("Incorrect result from Find_Token - 3");
- end if;
- ASF.Find_Token("efghijklabcdabcd",
- ABCD_Set,
- Ada.Strings.Outside,
- Slice_Start,
- Slice_End);
- if Slice_Start /= 1 or Slice_End /= 8 then
- Report.Failed("Incorrect result from Find_Token - 4");
- end if;
- ASF.Find_Token("abcdefgabcdabcd",
- ABCD_Set,
- Ada.Strings.Outside,
- Slice_Start,
- Slice_End);
- if Slice_Start /= 5 or Slice_End /= 7 then
- Report.Failed("Incorrect result from Find_Token - 5");
- end if;
- ASF.Find_Token("abcdcbabcdcba",
- ABCD_Set,
- Ada.Strings.Inside,
- Slice_Start,
- Slice_End);
- if Slice_Start /= 1 or Slice_End /= 13 then
- Report.Failed("Incorrect result from Find_Token - 6");
- end if;
- exception
- when others => Report.Failed("Exception raised in Test_Block");
- end Test_Block;
- Report.Result;
-end CXA4004;