path: root/gcc/testsuite/ada/acats/tests/cxa/cxa5012.a
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--- CXA5012.A
--- Grant of Unlimited Rights
--- Under contracts F33600-87-D-0337, F33600-84-D-0280, MDA903-79-C-0687,
--- F08630-91-C-0015, and DCA100-97-D-0025, the U.S. Government obtained
--- unlimited rights in the software and documentation contained herein.
--- Unlimited rights are defined in DFAR 252.227-7013(a)(19). By making
--- this public release, the Government intends to confer upon all
--- recipients unlimited rights equal to those held by the Government.
--- These rights include rights to use, duplicate, release or disclose the
--- released technical data and computer software in whole or in part, in
--- any manner and for any purpose whatsoever, and to have or permit others
--- to do so.
--- Check that, for both Float_Random and Discrete_Random packages,
--- the following are true:
--- 1) the procedures Save and Reset can be used to save the
--- specific state of a random number generator, and then restore
--- the specific state to the generator following some intermediate
--- generator activity.
--- 2) the Function Image can be used to obtain a string
--- representation of the state of a generator; and that the
--- Function Value will transform a string representation of the
--- state of a random number generator into the actual state object.
--- 3) a call to Function Value, with a string value that is
--- not the image of any generator state, is a bounded error. This
--- error either raises Constraint_Error or Program_Error, or is
--- accepted. (See Technical Corrigendum 1).
--- This test evaluates components of the Ada.Numerics.Float_Random and
--- Ada.Numerics.Discrete_Random packages.
--- The first objective block of this test uses Procedure Save to
--- save the particular state of a random number generator. The random
--- number generator then generates a series of random numbers. The
--- saved state variable is then used to reset (using Procedure Reset)
--- the generator back to the state it was in at the point of the call
--- to Save. Random values are then generated from this restored
--- generator, and compared with expected values.
--- The second objective block of this test uses Function Image to
--- provide a string representation of a state code. This string is
--- then transformed back to a state code value, and used to reset a
--- random number generator to the saved state. Random values are
--- likewise generated from this restored generator, and compared with
--- expected values.
--- 25 Apr 95 SAIC Initial prerelease version.
--- 17 Jul 95 SAIC Incorporated reviewer comments.
--- 17 Dec 97 EDS Change subtype upper limit from 100_000 to 10_000.
--- 16 Sep 99 RLB Updated objective 3 for Technical Corrigendum 1
--- changes.
-with Ada.Numerics.Float_Random;
-with Ada.Numerics.Discrete_Random;
-with Ada.Strings.Bounded;
-with ImpDef;
-with Report;
-procedure CXA5012 is
- Report.Test ("CXA5012", "Check the effect of Procedures Save and " &
- "Reset, and Functions Image and Value " &
- "from the Ada.Numerics.Discrete_Random " &
- "and Float_Random packages");
- Test_Block:
- declare
- use Ada.Numerics, Ada.Strings.Bounded;
- -- Declare an integer subtype and an enumeration subtype, and use them
- -- to instantiate the discrete random number generator generic package.
- subtype Discrete_Range is Integer range 1..10_000;
- type Suit_Of_Cards is (Ace, One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six,
- Seven, Eight, Nine, Ten, Jack, Queen, King);
- package Discrete_Pack is new Discrete_Random(Discrete_Range);
- package Card_Pack is new Discrete_Random(Suit_Of_Cards);
- -- Declaration of random number generator objects.
- DGen_1, DGen_2 : Discrete_Pack.Generator;
- EGen_1, EGen_2 : Card_Pack.Generator;
- FGen_1, FGen_2 : Float_Random.Generator;
- -- Variables declared to hold random numbers over the inclusive range
- -- of their corresponding type.
- DVal_1, DVal_2 : Discrete_Range;
- EVal_1, EVal_2 : Suit_Of_Cards;
- FVal_1, FVal_2 : Float_Random.Uniformly_Distributed;
- -- Declaration of State variables used to hold the state of the
- -- random number generators.
- DState_1, DState_2 : Discrete_Pack.State;
- EState_1, EState_2 : Card_Pack.State;
- FState_1, FState_2 : Float_Random.State;
- -- Declaration of bounded string packages instantiated with the
- -- value of Max_Image_Width constant, and bounded string variables
- -- used to hold the image of random number generator states.
- package DString_Pack is
- new Generic_Bounded_Length(Discrete_Pack.Max_Image_Width);
- package EString_Pack is
- new Generic_Bounded_Length(Card_Pack.Max_Image_Width);
- package FString_Pack is
- new Generic_Bounded_Length(Float_Random.Max_Image_Width);
- use DString_Pack, EString_Pack, FString_Pack;
- DString_1, DString_2 : DString_Pack.Bounded_String :=
- DString_Pack.Null_Bounded_String;
- EString_1, EString_2 : EString_Pack.Bounded_String :=
- EString_Pack.Null_Bounded_String;
- FString_1, FString_2 : FString_Pack.Bounded_String :=
- FString_Pack.Null_Bounded_String;
- -- Test variables.
- TC_Count : Natural;
- TC_Discrete_Check_Failed,
- TC_Enum_Check_Failed,
- TC_Float_Check_Failed : Boolean := False;
- TC_Seed : Integer;
- begin
- Objective_1:
- -- Check that the procedures Save and Reset can be used to save the
- -- specific state of a random number generator, and then restore the
- -- specific state to the generator following some intermediate
- -- generator activity.
- declare
- First_Row : constant := 1;
- Second_Row : constant := 2;
- TC_Max_Values : constant := 100;
- TC_Discrete_Array : array (First_Row..Second_Row, 1..TC_Max_Values)
- of Discrete_Range;
- TC_Enum_Array : array (First_Row..Second_Row, 1..TC_Max_Values)
- of Suit_Of_Cards;
- TC_Float_Array : array (First_Row..Second_Row, 1..TC_Max_Values)
- of Float_Random.Uniformly_Distributed;
- begin
- -- The state of the random number generators are saved to state
- -- variables using the procedure Save.
- Discrete_Pack.Save(Gen => DGen_1, To_State => DState_1);
- Card_Pack.Save (Gen => EGen_1, To_State => EState_1);
- Float_Random.Save (Gen => FGen_1, To_State => FState_1);
- -- Random number generators are used to fill the first half of the
- -- first row of the arrays with randomly generated values.
- for i in 1..TC_Max_Values/2 loop
- TC_Discrete_Array(First_Row, i) := Discrete_Pack.Random(DGen_1);
- TC_Enum_Array(First_Row, i) := Card_Pack.Random(EGen_1);
- TC_Float_Array(First_Row, i) := Float_Random.Random(FGen_1);
- end loop;
- -- The random number generators are reset to the states saved in the
- -- state variables, using the procedure Reset.
- Discrete_Pack.Reset(Gen => DGen_1, From_State => DState_1);
- Card_Pack.Reset (Gen => EGen_1, From_State => EState_1);
- Float_Random.Reset (Gen => FGen_1, From_State => FState_1);
- -- The same random number generators are used to fill the first half
- -- of the second row of the arrays with randomly generated values.
- for i in 1..TC_Max_Values/2 loop
- TC_Discrete_Array(Second_Row, i) := Discrete_Pack.Random(DGen_1);
- TC_Enum_Array(Second_Row, i) := Card_Pack.Random(EGen_1);
- TC_Float_Array(Second_Row, i) := Float_Random.Random(FGen_1);
- end loop;
- -- Run the random number generators many times (not using results).
- for i in Discrete_Range'Range loop
- DVal_1 := Discrete_Pack.Random(DGen_1);
- EVal_1 := Card_Pack.Random(EGen_1);
- FVal_1 := Float_Random.Random(FGen_1);
- end loop;
- -- The states of the random number generators are saved to state
- -- variables using the procedure Save.
- Discrete_Pack.Save(Gen => DGen_1, To_State => DState_1);
- Card_Pack.Save(Gen => EGen_1, To_State => EState_1);
- Float_Random.Save (Gen => FGen_1, To_State => FState_1);
- -- The last half of the first row of the arrays are filled with
- -- values generated from the same random number generators.
- for i in (TC_Max_Values/2 + 1)..TC_Max_Values loop
- TC_Discrete_Array(First_Row, i) := Discrete_Pack.Random(DGen_1);
- TC_Enum_Array(First_Row, i) := Card_Pack.Random(EGen_1);
- TC_Float_Array(First_Row, i) := Float_Random.Random(FGen_1);
- end loop;
- -- The random number generators are reset to the states saved in the
- -- state variables, using the procedure Reset.
- Discrete_Pack.Reset(Gen => DGen_1, From_State => DState_1);
- Card_Pack.Reset(Gen => EGen_1, From_State => EState_1);
- Float_Random.Reset (Gen => FGen_1, From_State => FState_1);
- -- The last half of the second row of the arrays are filled with
- -- values generated from the same random number generator.
- -- These values should exactly mirror the values in the last half
- -- of the first row of the arrays that had been previously generated.
- for i in (TC_Max_Values/2 + 1)..TC_Max_Values loop
- TC_Discrete_Array(Second_Row, i) := Discrete_Pack.Random(DGen_1);
- TC_Enum_Array(Second_Row, i) := Card_Pack.Random(EGen_1);
- TC_Float_Array(Second_Row, i) := Float_Random.Random(FGen_1);
- end loop;
- -- Check that the values in the two rows of the arrays are identical.
- for i in 1..TC_Max_Values loop
- if TC_Discrete_Array(First_Row,i) /=
- TC_Discrete_Array(Second_Row,i)
- then
- TC_Discrete_Check_Failed := True;
- exit;
- end if;
- end loop;
- for i in 1..TC_Max_Values loop
- if TC_Enum_Array(First_Row,i) /= TC_Enum_Array(Second_Row,i) then
- TC_Enum_Check_Failed := True;
- exit;
- end if;
- end loop;
- for i in 1..TC_Max_Values loop
- if TC_Float_Array(First_Row,i) /= TC_Float_Array(Second_Row,i)
- then
- TC_Float_Check_Failed := True;
- exit;
- end if;
- end loop;
- if TC_Discrete_Check_Failed then
- Report.Failed("Discrete random values generated following use " &
- "of procedures Save and Reset were not the same");
- TC_Discrete_Check_Failed := False;
- end if;
- if TC_Enum_Check_Failed then
- Report.Failed("Enumeration random values generated following " &
- "use of procedures Save and Reset were not the " &
- "same");
- TC_Enum_Check_Failed := False;
- end if;
- if TC_Float_Check_Failed then
- Report.Failed("Float random values generated following use " &
- "of procedures Save and Reset were not the same");
- TC_Float_Check_Failed := False;
- end if;
- end Objective_1;
- Objective_2:
- -- Check that the Function Image can be used to obtain a string
- -- representation of the state of a generator.
- -- Check that the Function Value will transform a string
- -- representation of the state of a random number generator
- -- into the actual state object.
- begin
- -- Use two discrete and float random number generators to generate
- -- a series of values (so that the generators are no longer in their
- -- initial states, and they have generated the same number of
- -- random values).
- TC_Seed := Integer(Discrete_Pack.Random(DGen_1));
- Discrete_Pack.Reset(DGen_1, TC_Seed);
- Discrete_Pack.Reset(DGen_2, TC_Seed);
- Card_Pack.Reset (EGen_1, TC_Seed);
- Card_Pack.Reset (EGen_2, TC_Seed);
- Float_Random.Reset (FGen_1, TC_Seed);
- Float_Random.Reset (FGen_2, TC_Seed);
- for i in 1..1000 loop
- DVal_1 := Discrete_Pack.Random(DGen_1);
- DVal_2 := Discrete_Pack.Random(DGen_2);
- EVal_1 := Card_Pack.Random(EGen_1);
- EVal_2 := Card_Pack.Random(EGen_2);
- FVal_1 := Float_Random.Random(FGen_1);
- FVal_2 := Float_Random.Random(FGen_2);
- end loop;
- -- Use the Procedure Save to save the states of the generators
- -- to state variables.
- Discrete_Pack.Save(Gen => DGen_1, To_State => DState_1);
- Discrete_Pack.Save(DGen_2, To_State => DState_2);
- Card_Pack.Save (Gen => EGen_1, To_State => EState_1);
- Card_Pack.Save (EGen_2, To_State => EState_2);
- Float_Random.Save (FGen_1, To_State => FState_1);
- Float_Random.Save (FGen_2, FState_2);
- -- Use the Function Image to produce a representation of the state
- -- codes as (bounded) string objects.
- DString_1 := DString_Pack.To_Bounded_String(
- Discrete_Pack.Image(Of_State => DState_1));
- DString_2 := DString_Pack.To_Bounded_String(
- Discrete_Pack.Image(DState_2));
- EString_1 := EString_Pack.To_Bounded_String(
- Card_Pack.Image(Of_State => EState_1));
- EString_2 := EString_Pack.To_Bounded_String(
- Card_Pack.Image(EState_2));
- FString_1 := FString_Pack.To_Bounded_String(
- Float_Random.Image(Of_State => FState_1));
- FString_2 := FString_Pack.To_Bounded_String(
- Float_Random.Image(FState_2));
- -- Compare the bounded string objects for equality.
- if DString_1 /= DString_2 then
- Report.Failed("String values returned from Function Image " &
- "depict different states of Discrete generators");
- end if;
- if EString_1 /= EString_2 then
- Report.Failed("String values returned from Function Image " &
- "depict different states of Enumeration " &
- "generators");
- end if;
- if FString_1 /= FString_2 then
- Report.Failed("String values returned from Function Image " &
- "depict different states of Float generators");
- end if;
- -- The string representation of a state code is transformed back
- -- to a state code variable using the Function Value.
- DState_1 := Discrete_Pack.Value(Coded_State =>
- DString_Pack.To_String(DString_1));
- EState_1 := Card_Pack.Value(EString_Pack.To_String(EString_1));
- FState_1 := Float_Random.Value(FString_Pack.To_String(FString_1));
- -- One of the (pair of each type of ) generators is used to generate
- -- a series of random values, getting them "out of synch" with the
- -- specific generation sequence of the other generators.
- for i in 1..100 loop
- DVal_1 := Discrete_Pack.Random(DGen_1);
- EVal_1 := Card_Pack.Random(EGen_1);
- FVal_1 := Float_Random.Random (FGen_1);
- end loop;
- -- The "out of synch" generators are reset to the previous state they
- -- had when their states were saved, and they should now have the same
- -- states as the generators that did not generate the values above.
- Discrete_Pack.Reset(Gen => DGen_1, From_State => DState_1);
- Card_Pack.Reset (Gen => EGen_1, From_State => EState_1);
- Float_Random.Reset (Gen => FGen_1, From_State => FState_1);
- -- All generators should now be in the same state, so the
- -- random values they produce should be the same.
- for i in 1..1000 loop
- if Discrete_Pack.Random(DGen_1) /= Discrete_Pack.Random(DGen_2)
- then
- TC_Discrete_Check_Failed := True;
- exit;
- end if;
- end loop;
- for i in 1..1000 loop
- if Card_Pack.Random(EGen_1) /= Card_Pack.Random(EGen_2) then
- TC_Enum_Check_Failed := True;
- exit;
- end if;
- end loop;
- for i in 1..1000 loop
- if Float_Random.Random(FGen_1) /= Float_Random.Random(FGen_2)
- then
- TC_Float_Check_Failed := True;
- exit;
- end if;
- end loop;
- if TC_Discrete_Check_Failed then
- Report.Failed("Random values generated following use of " &
- "procedures Image and Value were not the same " &
- "for Discrete generator");
- end if;
- if TC_Enum_Check_Failed then
- Report.Failed("Random values generated following use of " &
- "procedures Image and Value were not the same " &
- "for Enumeration generator");
- end if;
- if TC_Float_Check_Failed then
- Report.Failed("Random values generated following use of " &
- "procedures Image and Value were not the same " &
- "for Float generator");
- end if;
- end Objective_2;
- Objective_3:
- -- Check that a call to Function Value, with a string value that is
- -- not the image of any generator state, is a bounded error. This
- -- error either raises Constraint_Error or Program_Error, or is
- -- accepted. (See Technical Corrigendum 1).
- declare
- Not_A_State : constant String := ImpDef.Non_State_String;
- begin
- begin
- DState_1 := Discrete_Pack.Value(Not_A_State);
- if Not_A_State /= "**NONE**" then
- Report.Failed("Exception not raised by Function " &
- "Ada.Numerics.Discrete_Random.Value when " &
- "provided a string input that does not " &
- "represent the state of a random number " &
- "generator");
- else
- Report.Comment("All strings represent states for Function " &
- "Ada.Numerics.Discrete_Random.Value");
- end if;
- Discrete_Pack.Reset(DGen_1, DState_1);
- exception
- when Constraint_Error => null; -- OK, expected exception.
- Report.Comment("Constraint_Error raised by Function " &
- "Ada.Numerics.Discrete_Random.Value when " &
- "provided a string input that does not " &
- "represent the state of a random number " &
- "generator");
- when Program_Error => -- OK, expected exception.
- Report.Comment("Program_Error raised by Function " &
- "Ada.Numerics.Discrete_Random.Value when " &
- "provided a string input that does not " &
- "represent the state of a random number " &
- "generator");
- when others =>
- Report.Failed("Unexpected exception raised by Function " &
- "Ada.Numerics.Discrete_Random.Value when " &
- "provided a string input that does not " &
- "represent the state of a random number " &
- "generator");
- end;
- begin
- EState_1 := Card_Pack.Value(Not_A_State);
- if Not_A_State /= "**NONE**" then
- Report.Failed("Exception not raised by Function " &
- "Ada.Numerics.Discrete_Random.Value when " &
- "provided a string input that does not " &
- "represent the state of an enumeration " &
- "random number generator");
- else
- Report.Comment("All strings represent states for Function " &
- "Ada.Numerics.Discrete_Random.Value");
- end if;
- Card_Pack.Reset(EGen_1, EState_1);
- exception
- when Constraint_Error => null; -- OK, expected exception.
- when Program_Error => null; -- OK, expected exception.
- when others =>
- Report.Failed("Unexpected exception raised by Function " &
- "Ada.Numerics.Discrete_Random.Value when " &
- "provided a string input that does not " &
- "represent the state of an enumeration " &
- "random number generator");
- end;
- begin
- FState_1 := Float_Random.Value(Not_A_State);
- if Not_A_State /= "**NONE**" then
- Report.Failed("Exception not raised by an " &
- "instantiated version of " &
- "Ada.Numerics.Float_Random.Value when " &
- "provided a string input that does not " &
- "represent the state of a random number " &
- "generator");
- else
- Report.Comment("All strings represent states for Function " &
- "Ada.Numerics.Float_Random.Value");
- end if;
- Float_Random.Reset(FGen_1, FState_1);
- exception
- when Constraint_Error => null; -- OK, expected exception.
- when Program_Error => null; -- OK, expected exception.
- when others =>
- Report.Failed("Unexpected exception raised by an " &
- "instantiated version of " &
- "Ada.Numerics.Float_Random.Value when " &
- "provided a string input that does not " &
- "represent the state of a random number " &
- "generator");
- end;
- end Objective_3;
- exception
- when others => Report.Failed ("Exception raised in Test_Block");
- end Test_Block;
- Report.Result;
-end CXA5012;