path: root/libjava/classpath/doc/www.gnu.org/tasks.wml
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Diffstat (limited to 'libjava/classpath/doc/www.gnu.org/tasks.wml')
1 files changed, 13 insertions, 325 deletions
diff --git a/libjava/classpath/doc/www.gnu.org/tasks.wml b/libjava/classpath/doc/www.gnu.org/tasks.wml
index 00959bd9a48..34e36512f3d 100755
--- a/libjava/classpath/doc/www.gnu.org/tasks.wml
+++ b/libjava/classpath/doc/www.gnu.org/tasks.wml
@@ -1,326 +1,14 @@
-#include "include/layout.wml"
+<title>GNU Classpath Tasklist - GNU Project - Free Software Foundation (FSF)</title>
+ CONTENT="0; URL=http://developer.classpath.org/mediation/ClasspathOpenTasks">
+This page has moved. If your browser doesn't automatically redirect to
+its new location, click
+<a href="http://developer.classpath.org/mediation/ClasspathOpenTasks">
-# Special Tags
-# <task
-# title="task title"
-# contact="contact person"
-# skills="..."
-# estimation="..."
-# >
-# ... task description ...
-# </task>
-# the task counter
-<set-var __TASKSEQCNT=1>
-<define-tag task-section endtag=required>
- <preserve name>
- <set-var %attributes>
- <boxitem>
- <!---boxtitle--->
- <strong><get-var __TASKSEQCNT>. <get-var name></strong> <br>
- <!---/boxtitle--->
- <boxtitle><get-var __TASKSEQCNT>. <get-var name></boxtitle>
- <set-var __TASKCNT=1>
- %body
- </boxitem>
- <br>
- <increment __TASKSEQCNT>
- <restore name>
-<define-tag task endtag=required>
-<preserve title>
-<preserve contact>
-<preserve skills>
-<preserve estimation>
-<set-var %attributes>
- <!---strong--><a href="tasks.html#task<get-var __TASKSEQCNT>_<get-var __TASKCNT>"><get-var __TASKSEQCNT>.<get-var __TASKCNT> <get-var title></a><!---/strong--> (<get-var estimation>)<br>
- <boxitem>
- <h3><a name="task<get-var __TASKSEQCNT>_<get-var __TASKCNT>"><get-var __TASKSEQCNT>.<get-var __TASKCNT> <get-var title></a></h3>
- <table border="0">
- <tr><td valign="top"><strong>Description:</strong></td><td>%body</td></tr>
- <tr><td><strong>Skills:</strong></td><td><get-var skills></td></tr>
- <tr><td><strong>Estimated time:</strong></td><td><get-var estimation></td></tr>
- <tr><td><strong>Contact person:</strong></td><td><get-var contact></td></tr>
- </table>
- </boxitem>
-<increment __TASKCNT>
-<restore estimation>
-<restore skills>
-<restore contact>
-<restore title>
-<define-tag sb>
- Sascha Brawer
-<define-tag mw>
- Mark Wielaard
-<define-tag pr>
- Patrik Reali
-<define-tag cm>
- Casey Marshall
-<define-tag dt>
- Dalibor Topic
-<define-tag mk>
- Michael Koch
-<set-var last-modified-author="prk">
-<subject "GNU Classpath Tasklist">
-<h1>GNU Classpath Tasklist</h1>
-This list is a collection of tasks for helping GNU Classpath's progress. They are a good starting point if you would like to help in producing a complete and high-quality free Java implementation.
-<p>Another source of inspiration are GNU Classpath's <createlink name="task list" url="http://savannah.gnu.org/pm/?group=classpath"> and <createlink name="patch list" url="http://savannah.gnu.org/patch/?group=classpath"> on Savannah, though these are usually meant for the project members.
-<task-section name="Graphics">
- title="javax.imageio"
- estimation="2 weeks"
- skills=""
- contact="<sb> or <mk>"
-Write an implementation of the javax.imageio framework.
- title="Constructive Area Geometry"
- estimation="6 weeks (?)."
- skills="Computational geometry skills"
- contact="<sb>"
-Implement java.awt.geom.Area. This would be useful for some
-graphics applications.
- title="Composite Contexts"
- estimation="2 days for each operator"
- skills="It helps if you are familiar with the java.awt.image framework."
- contact="<sb>"
-Implement some CompositeContexts for Porter/Duff operators on raster
-images. This would be useful for supporting 2D graphics. See
-java.awt.AlphaComposite and its createContext method.
-<task-section name="CORBA">
- title="Help with CORBA implementation"
- estimation="This depends on the sub-task you pick."
- skills="Know or be ready to read the OMG documentation."
- contact="Audrius Meskauskas"
-The CORBA implementation in the Classpath project is
-now a working but incomplete prototype. A number of CORBA
-related tasks are available. If you are not a CORBA expert, you should be ready
-to learn by reading the <createlink name="OMG specifications"
-url="http://www.omg.org/cgi-bin/doc?formal/04-03-12"> and probably by writing some
-relatively simple classes.
-<task-section name="Testing">
- title="Make Mauve an application"
- estimation=""
- skills=""
- contact="<pr>"
-On some environments, it is not possible to run shell scripts
-because there is no shell. Make the Mauve test suite a self-contained
-application (one big JAR file).
- title="Write Mauve tests"
- estimation=""
- skills=""
- contact="<mw>"
-Write Mauve tests.
- title="Mauve tests for javax.image.io"
- estimation="1 week"
- skills=""
- contact="<sb>"
-<p>Write Mauve tests for reading in images. You could use the test images
-at libpng.org and write Mauve testlets that load each image from
-a file. Compute a hash (such as SHA-1) over the contents of the
-DataBuffer. If the hash matches, the test succeeds.
-Note that we don't have javax.imageio yet, so you'd have to develop
-this with the Sun JDK.
- title="Generator for Mauve tests"
- estimation="2 weeks (prototype) + 2 weeks (tuning)"
- skills=""
- contact="<dt>"
-Write a program which automatically generates basic Mauve tests.
-<task-section name="Automation">
- title="Script for running regression tests"
- estimation="1 week"
- skills="???"
- contact=""
-Write a script that once a night checks out Classpath from cvs,
-compiles it, runs the Mauve test suite (also from cvs) on it
-using some free JVM (e.g. Kissme), and posts the results to
-some web site. For comparison, it would be very helpful if the
-same Mauve testlets were also run with a current Sun JVM.
- title="Integrate Classpath testsuite into Mauve"
- estimation=""
- skills=""
- contact="<mw>"
-Classpath has a rather small number of tests in the subdirectories
-test/ and testsuite/. Look through these tests and check whether the
-same functionality is already tested by Mauve. If not, write a
-Mauve testlet and submit it to mauve-patches@sources.redhat.com <mailto:mauve-patches@sources.redhat.com>.
-The goal is to remove the test suite from Classpath.
- title="Script for running Japitools"
- estimation="1 week"
- skills=""
- contact="???"
-Write a script that once a night checks out Classpath from cvs,
-runs Japitools on it, and posts the results on some web site.
- title="Script for running gjdoc"
- estimation="1 week"
- skills=""
- contact=""
-Write a script that once a night checks out Classpath from cvs,
-runs gjdoc on it, and posts the generated documentation on some
-web site. While you're at it, fix gjdoc so it copies embedded
-documentation images (classpath-tools support request #102205).
- title="JAR file verification"
- estimation=""
- skills=""
- contact="<mw>"
-<task-section name="Native stuff">
- title="Libiconv Service Provider for java.nio.charset"
- estimation="2 weeks"
- skills=""
- contact=""
->Write a service provider for java.nio.charset that uses the
-libiconv library for converting character encodings to and
-from UTF-16. This would be a first step for replacing
-gnu.java.io.EncodingManager by the java.nio.charset framework,
-which is richer and not specific to Classpath.
-<task-section name="Security">
- title="Security Audit"
- estimation=""
- skills=""
- contact=""
->We need to make a pass over the Classpath Java source, making sure
-that all required calls to the SecurityManager are in place. At the same
-time we need to ensure that there is no way to get around
-SecurityManager by directly calling code in gnu.*.
- title="Security Testing"
- estimation=""
- skills=""
- contact=""
->We need Mauve tests for all the calls to SecurityManager.
-Additionally, enabling a security manager will probably reveal
-code in Classpath that needs to be wrapped in AccessController.doPrivileged().
-<task-section name="Related Projects">
- title="Help GNU Crypto"
- estimation=""
- skills=""
- contact="<cm>"
- title="Help Classpath-x"
- estimation=""
- skills=""
- contact=""
-??? (maybe this should be more specific, e.g. "Write an
-IMAP plug-in for javax.mail on top of inetlib" (if they want
-this at all)