path: root/libstdc++-v3/docs/html/24_iterators/howto.html
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diff --git a/libstdc++-v3/docs/html/24_iterators/howto.html b/libstdc++-v3/docs/html/24_iterators/howto.html
index a807cf3d8b9..5f647f31ae7 100644
--- a/libstdc++-v3/docs/html/24_iterators/howto.html
+++ b/libstdc++-v3/docs/html/24_iterators/howto.html
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<META NAME="GENERATOR" CONTENT="vi and eight fingers">
<TITLE>libstdc++-v3 HOWTO: Chapter 24</TITLE>
<LINK REL=StyleSheet HREF="../lib3styles.css">
-<!-- $Id: howto.html,v 1.5 2000/12/03 23:47:48 jsm28 Exp $ -->
+<!-- $Id: howto.html,v 2001/05/14 19:48:57 bkoz Exp $ -->
@@ -70,7 +70,98 @@
<H2><A NAME="2">It ends <EM>where?</EM></A></H2>
- <P>Blah.
+ <P>This starts off sounding complicated, but is actually very easy,
+ especially towards the end. Trust me.
+ </P>
+ <P>Beginners usually have a little trouble understand the whole
+ 'past-the-end' thing, until they remember their early algebra classes
+ (see, they </EM>told</EM> you that stuff would come in handy!) and
+ the concept of half-open ranges.
+ </P>
+ <P>First, some history, and a reminder of some of the funkier rules in
+ C and C++ for builtin arrays. The following rules have always been
+ true for both languages:
+ <OL>
+ <LI>You can point anywhere in the array, <EM>or to the first element
+ past the end of the array</EM>. A pointer that points to one
+ past the end of the array is guaranteed to be as unique as a
+ pointer to somewhere inside the array, so that you can compare
+ such pointers safely.
+ <LI>You can only dereference a pointer that points into an array.
+ If your array pointer points outside the array -- even to just
+ one past the end -- and you dereference it, Bad Things happen.
+ <LI>Strictly speaking, simply pointing anywhere else invokes
+ undefined behavior. Most programs won't puke until such a
+ pointer is actually dereferenced, but the standards leave that
+ up to the platform.
+ </OL>
+ The reason this past-the-end addressing was allowed is to make it
+ easy to write a loop to go over an entire array, e.g.,
+ while (*d++ = *s++);.
+ </P>
+ <P>So, when you think of two pointers delimiting an array, don't think
+ of them as indexing 0 through n-1. Think of them as <EM>boundary
+ markers</EM>:
+ <PRE>
+ beginning end
+ | |
+ | | This is bad. Always having to
+ | | remember to add or subtract one.
+ | | Off-by-one bugs very common here.
+ V V
+ array of N elements
+ |---|---|--...--|---|---|
+ | 0 | 1 | ... |N-2|N-1|
+ |---|---|--...--|---|---|
+ ^ ^
+ | |
+ | | This is good. This is safe. This
+ | | is guaranteed to work. Just don't
+ | | dereference 'end'.
+ beginning end
+ </PRE>
+ See? Everything between the boundary markers is part of the array.
+ Simple.
+ </P>
+ <P>Now think back to your junior-high school algebra course, when you
+ were learning how to draw graphs. Remember that a graph terminating
+ with a solid dot meant, &quot;Everything up through this point,&quot;
+ and a graph terminating with an open dot meant, &quot;Everything up
+ to, but not including, this point,&quot; respectively called closed
+ and open ranges? Remember how closed ranges were written with
+ brackets, <EM>[a,b]</EM>, and open ranges were written with parentheses,
+ <EM>(a,b)</EM>?
+ </P>
+ <P>The boundary markers for arrays describe a <EM>half-open range</EM>,
+ starting with (and including) the first element, and ending with (but
+ not including) the last element: <EM>[beginning,end)</EM>. See, I
+ told you it would be simple in the end.
+ </P>
+ <P>Iterators, and everything working with iterators, follows this same
+ time-honored tradition. A container's <TT>begin()</TT> method returns
+ an iterator referring to the first element, and its <TT>end()</TT>
+ method returns a past-the-end iterator, which is guaranteed to be
+ unique and comparable against any other iterator pointing into the
+ middle of the container.
+ </P>
+ <P>Container constructors, container methods, and algorithms, all take
+ pairs of iterators describing a range of values on which to operate.
+ All of these ranges are half-open ranges, so you pass the beginning
+ iterator as the starting parameter, and the one-past-the-end iterator
+ as the finishing parameter.
+ </P>
+ <P>This generalizes very well. You can operate on sub-ranges quite
+ easily this way; functions accepting a <EM>[first,last)</EM> range
+ don't know or care whether they are the boundaries of an entire {array,
+ sequence, container, whatever}, or whether they only enclose a few
+ elements from the center. This approach also makes zero-length
+ sequences very simple to recognize: if the two endpoints compare
+ equal, then the {array, sequence, container, whatever} is empty.
+ </P>
+ <P>Just don't dereference <TT>end()</TT>.
<P>Return <A HREF="#top">to top of page</A> or
<A HREF="../faq/index.html">to the FAQ</A>.
@@ -84,9 +175,8 @@
<P CLASS="fineprint"><EM>
Comments and suggestions are welcome, and may be sent to
-<A HREF="mailto:pme@sources.redhat.com">Phil Edwards</A> or
-<A HREF="mailto:gdr@gcc.gnu.org">Gabriel Dos Reis</A>.
-<BR> $Id: howto.html,v 1.5 2000/12/03 23:47:48 jsm28 Exp $
+<A HREF="mailto:libstdc++@gcc.gnu.org">the mailing list</A>.
+<BR> $Id: howto.html,v 2001/05/14 19:48:57 bkoz Exp $