path: root/libstdc++-v3/docs/html/26_numerics/howto.html
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+ <META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
+ <META NAME="AUTHOR" CONTENT="pme@sources.redhat.com (Phil Edwards)">
+ <META NAME="KEYWORDS" CONTENT="HOWTO, libstdc++, GCC, g++, libg++, STL">
+ <META NAME="DESCRIPTION" CONTENT="HOWTO for the libstdc++ chapter 26.">
+ <META NAME="GENERATOR" CONTENT="vi and eight fingers">
+ <TITLE>libstdc++-v3 HOWTO: Chapter 26</TITLE>
+<LINK REL=StyleSheet HREF="../lib3styles.css">
+<!-- $Id: howto.html,v 1.7 2000/12/03 23:47:48 jsm28 Exp $ -->
+<H1 CLASS="centered"><A NAME="top">Chapter 26: Numerics</A></H1>
+<P>Chapter 26 deals with building block abstractions to aid in
+ numerical computing:
+ <UL>
+ <LI>Template data structures such as <TT>valarray&lt;&gt;</TT>
+ and <TT>complex&lt;&gt;</TT>.
+ <LI>Template numerical functions such as <TT>accumulate</TT>;
+ <TT>inner_product</TT>; <TT>partial_sum</TT> and
+ <TT>adjacent_difference</TT>.
+ </UL>
+ All of the Standard C math functions are of course included in C++,
+ and overloaded versions for <TT>long</TT>, <TT>float</TT>, and
+ <TT>long double</TT> have been added for all of them.
+<!-- ####################################################### -->
+ <LI><A HREF="#1">Complex Number Processing</A>
+ <LI><A HREF="#2">Array Processing</A>
+ <LI><A HREF="#3">Numerical Functions</A>
+<!-- ####################################################### -->
+<H2><A NAME="1">Complex Number Processing</A></H2>
+ <P>Using <TT>complex&lt;&gt;</TT> becomes even more comple- er, sorry,
+ <EM>complicated</EM>, with the not-quite-gratuitously-incompatible
+ addition of complex types to the C language. David Tribble has
+ compiled a list of C++98 and C99 conflict points; his description of
+ C's new type versus those of C++ and how to get them playing together
+ nicely is
+<A HREF="http://home.flash.net/~dtribble/text/cdiffs.htm#C99.complex">here</A>.
+ </P>
+ <P><TT>complex&lt;&gt;</TT> is intended to be instantiated with a
+ floating-point type. As long as you meet that and some other basic
+ requirements, then the resulting instantiation has all of the usual
+ math operators defined, as well as definitions of <TT>op&lt;&lt;</TT>
+ and <TT>op&gt;&gt;</TT> that work with iostreams: <TT>op&lt;&lt;</TT>
+ prints <TT>(u,v)</TT> and <TT>op&gt;&gt;</TT> can read <TT>u</TT>,
+ <TT>(u)</TT>, and <TT>(u,v)</TT>.
+ </P>
+ <P>Return <A HREF="#top">to top of page</A> or
+ <A HREF="../faq/index.html">to the FAQ</A>.
+ </P>
+<H2><A NAME="2">Array Processing</A></H2>
+ <P>One of the major reasons why FORTRAN can chew through numbers so well
+ is that it is defined to be free of pointer aliasing, an assumption
+ that C89 is not allowed to make, and neither is C++. C99 adds a new
+ keyword, <TT>restrict</TT>, to apply to individual pointers. The C++
+ solution is contained in the library rather than the language
+ (although many vendors can be expected to add this to their compilers
+ as an extension).
+ </P>
+ <P>That library solution is a set of two classes, five template classes,
+ and &quot;a whole bunch&quot; of functions. The classes are required
+ to be free of pointer aliasing, so compilers can optimize the
+ daylights out of them the same way that they have been for FORTRAN.
+ They are collectively called <TT>valarray</TT>, although strictly
+ speaking this is only one of the five template classes, and they are
+ designed to be familiar to people who have worked with the BLAS
+ libraries before.
+ </P>
+ <P>Some more stuff should go here once somebody has time to write it.
+ </P>
+ <P>Return <A HREF="#top">to top of page</A> or
+ <A HREF="../faq/index.html">to the FAQ</A>.
+ </P>
+<H2><A NAME="3">Numerical Functions</A></H2>
+ <P>There are four generalized functions in the &lt;numeric&gt; header
+ that follow the same conventions as those in &lt;algorithm&gt;. Each
+ of them is overloaded: one signature for common default operations,
+ and a second for fully general operations. Their names are
+ self-explanatory to anyone who works with numerics on a regular basis:
+ <UL>
+ <LI><TT>accumulate</TT>
+ <LI><TT>inner_product</TT>
+ <LI><TT>partial_sum</TT>
+ <LI><TT>adjacent_difference</TT>
+ </UL>
+ </P>
+ <P>Here is a simple example of the two forms of <TT>accumulate</TT>.
+ <PRE>
+ int ar[50];
+ int someval = somefunction();
+ // ...initialize members of ar to something...
+ int sum = std::accumulate(ar,ar+50,0);
+ int sum_stuff = std::accumulate(ar,ar+50,someval);
+ int product = std::accumulate(ar,ar+50,1,std::multiplies&lt;int&gt;());
+ </PRE>
+ The first call adds all the members of the array, using zero as an
+ initial value for <TT>sum</TT>. The second does the same, but uses
+ <TT>someval</TT> as the starting value (thus, <TT>sum_stuff == sum +
+ someval</TT>). The final call uses the second of the two signatures,
+ and multiplies all the members of the array; here we must obviously
+ use 1 as a starting value instead of 0.
+ </P>
+ <P>The other three functions have similar dual-signature forms.
+ </P>
+ <P>Return <A HREF="#top">to top of page</A> or
+ <A HREF="../faq/index.html">to the FAQ</A>.
+ </P>
+<!-- ####################################################### -->
+<P CLASS="fineprint"><EM>
+Comments and suggestions are welcome, and may be sent to
+<A HREF="mailto:pme@sources.redhat.com">Phil Edwards</A> or
+<A HREF="mailto:gdr@gcc.gnu.org">Gabriel Dos Reis</A>.
+<BR> $Id: howto.html,v 1.7 2000/12/03 23:47:48 jsm28 Exp $