path: root/libstdc++-v3/docs/html/ext/howto.html
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+ <META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
+ <META NAME="AUTHOR" CONTENT="pme@sources.redhat.com (Phil Edwards)">
+ <META NAME="KEYWORDS" CONTENT="HOWTO, libstdc++, GCC, g++, libg++, STL">
+ <META NAME="DESCRIPTION" CONTENT="Notes for the libstdc++ extensions.">
+ <META NAME="GENERATOR" CONTENT="vi and eight fingers">
+ <TITLE>libstdc++-v3 HOWTO: Extensions</TITLE>
+<LINK REL=StyleSheet HREF="../lib3styles.css">
+<!-- $Id: howto.html,v 1.4 2000/12/03 23:47:49 jsm28 Exp $ -->
+<H1 CLASS="centered"><A NAME="top">Extensions</A></H1>
+<P>Here we will make an attempt at describing the non-Standard extensions to
+ the library. Some of these are from SGI's STL, some of these are GNU's,
+ and some just seemed to appear on the doorstep.
+<P><B>Before you leap in and use these</B>, be aware of two things:
+ <OL>
+ <LI>Non-Standard means exactly that. The behavior, and the very
+ existence, of these extensions may change with little or no
+ warning. (Ideally, the really good ones will appear in the next
+ revision of C++.) Also, other platforms, other compilers, other
+ versions of g++ or libstdc++-v3 may not recognize these names, or
+ treat them differently, or...
+ <LI>You should know how to <A HREF="../faq/index.html#5_4">access
+ these headers properly</A>.
+ </OL>
+<!-- ####################################################### -->
+ <LI><A HREF="#1">Ropes and trees and hashes, oh my!</A>
+ <LI><A HREF="#2">Added members</A>
+ <LI><A HREF="#3">Allocators</A>
+<!-- ####################################################### -->
+<H2><A NAME="1">Ropes and trees and hashes, oh my!</A></H2>
+ <P>The SGI headers
+ <PRE>
+ &lt;bvector&gt;
+ &lt;hash_map&gt;
+ &lt;hash_set&gt;
+ &lt;rope&gt;
+ &lt;slist&gt;
+ &lt;tree&gt;
+ </PRE> are all here; <TT>&lt;bvector&gt;</TT> exposes the old bit_vector
+ class that was used before specialization of vector&lt;bool&gt; was
+ available. <TT>&lt;hash_map&gt;</TT> and <TT>&lt;hash_set&gt;</TT>
+ are discussed further below. <TT>&lt;rope&gt;</TT> is the SGI
+ specialization for large strings (&quot;rope,&quot; &quot;large
+ strings,&quot; get it? love those SGI folks).
+ <TT>&lt;slist&gt;</TT> is a singly-linked list, for when the
+ doubly-linked <TT>list&lt;&gt;</TT> is too much space overhead, and
+ <TT>&lt;tree&gt;</TT> exposes the red-black tree classes used in the
+ implementation of the standard maps and sets.
+ </P>
+ <P>Okay, about those hashing classes... I'm going to foist most of the
+ work off onto SGI's own site.
+ </P>
+ <P>Each of the associative containers map, multimap, set, and multiset
+ have a counterpart which uses a
+ <A HREF="http://www.sgi.com/Technology/STL/HashFunction.html">hashing
+ function</A> to do the arranging, instead of a strict weak ordering
+ function. The classes take as one of their template parameters a
+ function object that will return the hash value; by default, an
+ instantiation of
+ <A HREF="http://www.sgi.com/Technology/STL/hash.html">hash</A>.
+ You should specialize this functor for your class, or define your own,
+ before trying to use one of the hashing classes.
+ </P>
+ <P>The hashing classes support all the usual associative container
+ functions, as well as some extra constructors specifying the number
+ of buckets, etc.
+ </P>
+ <P>Why would you want to use a hashing class instead of the
+ &quot;normal&quot; implementations? Matt Austern writes:
+ <BLOCKQUOTE><EM>[W]ith a well chosen hash function, hash tables
+ generally provide much better average-case performance than binary
+ search trees, and much worse worst-case performance. So if your
+ implementation has hash_map, if you don't mind using nonstandard
+ components, and if you aren't scared about the possibility of
+ pathological cases, you'll probably get better performance from
+ hash_map.</EM></BLOCKQUOTE>
+ </P>
+ <P>(Side note: for those of you wondering, <B>&quot;Why wasn't a hash
+ table included in the Standard in the first #!$@ place?&quot;</B> I'll
+ give a quick answer: it was proposed, but too late and in too
+ unorganized a fashion. Some sort of hashing will undoubtably be
+ included in a future Standard.
+ </P>
+ <P>Return <A HREF="#top">to top of page</A> or
+ <A HREF="../faq/index.html">to the FAQ</A>.
+ </P>
+<H2><A NAME="2">Added members</A></H2>
+ <P>Some of the classes in the Standard Library have additional
+ publicly-available members. Of those, some are intended purely for
+ the implementors, for example, additional typedefs. Those won't be
+ described here (or anywhere else). This list will grow slowly, since
+ we expect it to be rare -- most extensions will be self-contained.
+ </P>
+ <P>
+ <UL>
+ <LI><TT>filebuf</TT>s have another ctor with this signature:<BR>
+<TT>basic_filebuf(int __fd, const char* __name, ios_base::openmode __mode);</TT>
+ <BR>This comes in very handy in a number of places, such as
+ attaching Unix sockets, pipes, and anything else which uses file
+ descriptors, into the IOStream buffering classes. The three
+ arguments are as follows:<BR>
+ <TT>int __fd, </TT>// open file descriptor<BR>
+ <TT>const char* __name, </TT><BR>
+ <TT>ios_base::openmode __mode </TT>// same as the other openmode uses
+ </UL>
+ </P>
+ <P>Return <A HREF="#top">to top of page</A> or
+ <A HREF="../faq/index.html">to the FAQ</A>.
+ </P>
+<H2><A NAME="3">Allocators</A></H2>
+ <P>This will be blank for a while. It will describe all of the different
+ memory allocators, most inherited from SGI's code. Input is solicited.
+ </P>
+ <P>Return <A HREF="#top">to top of page</A> or
+ <A HREF="../faq/index.html">to the FAQ</A>.
+ </P>
+<!-- ####################################################### -->
+<P CLASS="fineprint"><EM>
+Comments and suggestions are welcome, and may be sent to
+<A HREF="mailto:pme@sources.redhat.com">Phil Edwards</A> or
+<A HREF="mailto:gdr@gcc.gnu.org">Gabriel Dos Reis</A>.
+<BR> $Id: howto.html,v 1.4 2000/12/03 23:47:49 jsm28 Exp $