path: root/libstdc++-v3/docs/html/ext/pb_assoc/list_updates.html
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+<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
+ <head>
+ <title>List Updates</title>
+ <meta name="GENERATOR" content="Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 7.1">
+ <meta name="vs_targetSchema" content="http://schemas.microsoft.com/intellisense/ie5">
+ </head>
+<body bgcolor = "white">
+<h1>List-Update Containers</h1>
+ This section describes policies for list updates. It is organized as follows:
+ <li> The <a href = "#general">General Terms</a> Subsection describes general
+ terms.
+ </li>
+ <li> The <a href = "#imp_pb_assoc">Implementation in <tt>pb_assoc</tt></a>
+ Subsection describes the implementation of these concepts in <tt>pb_assoc</tt>.
+ </li>
+<h2><a name = "general">General Terms</a></h2>
+ Associative containers use some attributes of the keys of which they store: tree-based
+containers use the ability to compare keys; hash-based containers use the ability to map
+keys into numbers.
+ In the (rare) case where keys can only be checked for equivalence, these
+types of containers cannot be used. In such a case, storing the entries in a list is a reasonable solution.
+Clearly, the order of the elements within the list affects performance; ideally, frequently accessed elements
+should be at the front of the list.
+ Many remarkable (online competitive
+[<a href = "references.html#motwani95random">motwani95random</a>])
+algorithms exist for reordering lists to reflect access prediction
+[<a href = "references.html#andrew04mtf">andrew04mtf</a>]. Some of these algorithms require storing
+metadata with each key, while others do not. Some of these algorithms require only the ability to
+move an element to the front of the list, while others require the ability to interchange an element and
+its predecessor.
+ For example, Figure
+<a href = "#lu">-A
+The counter algorithm
+shows the counter algorithm. Each node contains both a key and a count metadata (shown in bold).
+When an element is accessed (<i>e.g.</i> 6)
+its count is incremented, as shown in
+<a href = "#lu">
+The counter algorithm
+If the count reaches some predetermined value, say 10, as shown in
+<a href = "#lu">
+The counter algorithm
+the count is set to 0
+and the node is moved to the front of the list, as in
+<a href = "#lu">
+The counter algorithm
+<h6 align = "center">
+<a name = "lu">
+<img src = "lu.jpg" width = "65%">
+<h6 align = "center">
+The counter algorithm.
+<h2><a name = "imp_pb_assoc">Implementation in <tt>pb_assoc</tt></a></h2>
+ The <tt>pb_assoc</tt> library allows instantiating lists with policies
+implementing any algorithm moving nodes to the front of the list (policies implementing
+algorithms interchanging nodes are currently unsupported).
+ Associative containers based on lists are parameterized by a <tt>Update_Policy</tt> parameter.
+This parameter defines the type of metadata each node contains, how to create the metadata, and how to
+decide, using this metadata, whether to move a node to the front of the list.
+ A list-based associative container object derives (publicly) from its update policy.
+ An instantiation of <tt>Update_Policy</tt> must define internally <tt>update_metadata</tt> as the metadata
+it requires. Internally, each node of the list contains, besides the usual key and data, an instance
+of <tt><b>typename</b> Update_Policy::update_metadata</tt>.
+ An instantiation of <tt>Update_Policy</tt> must define internally two operators:
+ <b>operator</b>()
+ ();
+ <b>operator</b>()
+ (update_metadata &);
+ The first is called by the container object, when creating a new node, to create the node's metadata. The
+second is called by the container object, when a node is accessed (<i>e.g.</i>, when a find operation's key
+is equivalent to the key of the node), to determine whether to move the node to the front of the list.
+ Additionally, the library contains implementations of the move-to-front and counter policies. These
+are described in
+<a href="interface.html#policy_classes">Policy Classes</a>.