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+ libstdc++ Frequently Asked Questions
+ The latest version of this document is always available at
+ [1]http://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/libstdc++/faq/.
+ To the [2]libstdc++-v3 homepage.
+ _________________________________________________________________
+ Questions
+ 1. [3]General Information
+ 1. [4]What is libstdc++-v3?
+ 2. [5]Why should I use libstdc++?
+ 3. [6]Who's in charge of it?
+ 4. [7]How do I get libstdc++?
+ 5. [8]When is libstdc++ going to be finished?
+ 6. [9]How do I contribute to the effort?
+ 7. [10]What happened to libg++? I need that!
+ 8. [11]What if I have more questions?
+ 2. [12]Installation
+ 1. [13]How do I install libstdc++-v3?
+ 2. [14]Is this a drop-in replacement for the libstdc++ that's
+ shipped with g++?
+ 3. [15]What is this CVS thing that you keep mentioning?
+ 4. [16]How do I know if it works?
+ 3. [17]Platform-Specific Issues
+ 1. [18]Can libstdc++-v3 be used with <my favorite compiler>?
+ 2. [19]Building under Cygwin hangs/explodes!?
+ 4. [20]Known Bugs and Non-Bugs
+ 1. [21]What works already?
+ 2. [22]Bugs in gcc/g++ (not libstdc++-v3)
+ 3. [23]Bugs in the C++ language/lib specification
+ 4. [24]Things in libstdc++ that look like bugs
+ [25]The g++-3 headers are not ours
+ 5. [26]Aw, that's easy to fix!
+ 5. [27]Miscellaneous
+ 1. [28]string::iterator is not char*; vector<T>::iterator is not
+ T*
+ 2. [29]What's next after libstdc++-v3?
+ 3. [30]What about the STL from SGI?
+ 4. [31]Extensions and Backward Compatibility
+ 5. [32]Compiling with "-fnew-abi"
+ 6. [33]Is libstdc++-v3 thread-safe?
+ 7. [34]How do I get a copy of the ISO C++ Standard?
+ _________________________________________________________________
+ 1.0 General Information
+1.1 What is libstdc++-v3?
+ The GNU Standard C++ Library v3, or libstdc++-2.90.x/2.9x, is an
+ ongoing project to implement the ISO 14882 Standard C++ library as
+ described in chapters 17 through 27 and annex D. As the library
+ reaches stable plateaus, it is captured in a snapshot and released.
+ The current release is [35]the tenth snapshot. For those who want to
+ see exactly how far the project has come, or just want the latest
+ bleeding-edge code, the up-to-date source is available over anonymous
+ CVS, and can even be browsed over the Web (see below).
+ A more formal description of the V3 goals can be found in the official
+ [36]design document.
+ _________________________________________________________________
+1.2 Why should I use libstdc++?
+ The completion of the ISO C++ standardization gave the C++ community a
+ powerful set of reuseable tools in the form of the C++ Standard
+ Library. However, all existing C++ implementations are (as the Draft
+ Standard used to say) "incomplet and incorrekt," and many suffer from
+ limitations of the compilers that use them.
+ The GNU C/C++/FORTRAN/<pick-a-language> compiler (gcc, g++, etc) is
+ widely considered to be one of the leading compilers in the world. Its
+ development has recently been taken over by the [37]GCC team. All of
+ the rapid development and near-legendary [38]portability that are the
+ hallmarks of an open-source project are being applied to libstdc++.
+ That means that all of the Standard classes and functions (such as
+ string, vector<>, iostreams, and algorithms) will be freely available
+ and fully compliant. Programmers will no longer need to "roll their
+ own" nor be worried about platform-specific incompatabilities.
+ _________________________________________________________________
+1.3 Who's in charge of it?
+ The libstdc++ project is contributed to by several developers all over
+ the world, in the same way as GCC or Linux. Benjamin Kosnik, Gabriel
+ Dos Reis, Phil Edwards, and Ulrich Drepper are the lead maintainers of
+ the CVS archive.
+ Development and discussion is held on the libstdc++ mailing list.
+ Subscribing to the list, or searching the list archives, is open to
+ everyone. You can read instructions for doing so on the [39]homepage.
+ If you have questions, ideas, code, or are just curious, sign up!
+ _________________________________________________________________
+1.4 How do I get libstdc++?
+ The tenth (and latest) snapshot of libstdc++-v3 is [40]available via
+ ftp.
+ The [41]homepage has instructions for retrieving the latest CVS
+ sources, and for browsing the CVS sources over the web.
+ The subset commonly known as the Standard Template Library (chapters
+ 23 through 25, mostly) is adapted from the SGI STL, which is also an
+ ongoing work.
+ _________________________________________________________________
+1.5 When is libstdc++ going to be finished?
+ Nathan Myers gave the best of all possible answers, responding to a
+ Usenet article asking this question: Sooner, if you help.
+ _________________________________________________________________
+1.6 How do I contribute to the effort?
+ Here is [42]a page devoted to this topic. Subscribing to the mailing
+ list (see above, or the homepage) is a very good idea if you have
+ something to contribute, or if you have spare time and want to help.
+ Contributions don't have to be in the form of source code; anybody who
+ is willing to help write documentation, for example, or has found a
+ bug in code that we all thought was working, is more than welcome!
+ _________________________________________________________________
+1.7 What happened to libg++? I need that!
+ The most recent libg++ README states that libg++ is no longer being
+ actively maintained. It should not be used for new projects, and is
+ only being kicked along to support older code.
+ The libg++ was designed and created when there was no Standard to
+ provide guidance. Classes like linked lists are now provided for by
+ list<T> and do not need to be created by genclass. (For that matter,
+ templates exist now and are well-supported, whereas genclass (mostly)
+ predates them.)
+ There are other classes in libg++ that are not specified in the ISO
+ Standard (e.g., statistical analysis). While there are a lot of really
+ useful things that are used by a lot of people (e.g., statistics :-),
+ the Standards Committee couldn't include everything, and so a lot of
+ those "obvious" classes didn't get included.
+ Since libstdc++ is an implementation of the Standard Library, we have
+ no plans at this time to include non-Standard utilities in the
+ implementation, however handy they are. (The extensions provided in
+ the SGI STL aren't maintained by us and don't get a lot of our
+ attention, because they don't require a lot of our time.) It is
+ entirely plausable that the "useful stuff" from libg++ might be
+ extracted into an updated utilities library, but nobody has stated
+ such a project yet.
+ (The [43]Boost site houses free C++ libraries that do varying things,
+ and happened to be started by members of the Standards Committee.
+ Certain "useful stuff" classes will probably migrate there.)
+ For the bold and/or desperate, the [44]GCC FAQ describes where to find
+ the last libg++ source.
+ _________________________________________________________________
+1.8 What if I have more questions?
+ If you have read the README and RELEASE-NOTES files, and your question
+ remains unanswered, then just ask the mailing list. At present, you do
+ not need to be subscribed to the list to send a message to it. More
+ information is available on the homepage (including how to browse the
+ list archives); to send to the list, use [45]libstdc++@gcc.gnu.org.
+ If you have a question that you think should be included here, or if
+ you have a question about a question/answer here, contact [46]Phil
+ Edwards or [47]Gabriel Dos Reis.
+ _________________________________________________________________
+ 2.0 Installation
+2.1 How do I install libstdc++-v3?
+ Complete instructions are not given here (this is a FAQ, not an
+ installation document), but the tools required are few:
+ * A release of libstdc++.
+ * A recent release of GCC (version 2.95 works). Note that building
+ GCC is much easier and more automated than building the GCC 2.[78]
+ series was.
+ * If you plan on hacking around with the makefiles, you will need
+ the tools [48]autoconfand [49]automake.
+ * GNU Make is the only make that supports these makefiles.
+ The file [50]documentation.html provides a good overview of the steps
+ necessary to build, install, and use the library. Instructions for
+ configuring the library with new flags such as --enable-threads are
+ there also.
+ The top-level install.html and [51]RELEASE-NOTES files contain the
+ exact build and installation instructions. You may wish to browse
+ those files over CVSweb ahead of time to get a feel for what's
+ required. RELEASE-NOTES is located in the ".../docs/17_intro/"
+ directory of the distribution.
+ _________________________________________________________________
+2.2 Is this a drop-in replacement for the libstdc++ that's shipped with g++?
+ Yes, as of 2.90.8, it is intended as such. And as of 2.91,
+ libstdc++-v3 is the library that's shipped with g++, so much of this
+ answer has become moot.
+ _________________________________________________________________
+2.3 What is this CVS thing that you keep mentioning?
+ The Concurrent Versions System is one of several revision control
+ packages. It was selected for GNU projects because it's free (speech),
+ free (beer), and very high quality. The [52]CVS entry in the GNU
+ software catalogue has a better description as well as a [53]link to
+ the makers of CVS.
+ The "anonymous client checkout" feature of CVS is similar to anonymous
+ FTP in that it allows anyone to retrieve the latest libstdc++ sources.
+ After the first of April, American users will have a "/pharmacy"
+ command-line option...
+ _________________________________________________________________
+2.4 How do I know if it works?
+ libstdc++-v3 comes with its own testsuite. You do not need to actually
+ install the library ("gmake install") to run the testsuite. Note that
+ 2.91 does not use DejaGNU yet.
+ To run the testsuite on the library after building it, use "gmake
+ check" while in your build directory. To run the testsuite on the
+ library after building and installing it, use "gmake check-install"
+ instead.
+ The testsuite subdirectory in your build directory will then contain
+ three files of the form YYYYMMDD-mkcheck*.txt. One of them
+ (-mkcheck.txt itself) contains the results of the tests; this can be
+ mailed to the list. The other files (-mkchecklog.txt and
+ -mkcheckfiles.txt) contain messages from the compiler while building
+ the test programs, and a list of the tests to be run, respectively.
+ If you find bugs in the testsuite programs themselves, or if you think
+ of a new test program that should be added to the suite, please write
+ up your idea and send it to the list!
+ _________________________________________________________________
+ 3.0 Platform-Specific Issues
+3.1 Can libstdc++-v3 be used with <my favorite compiler>?
+ Probably not. Yet.
+ Because GCC advances so rapidly, development and testing of libstdc++
+ is being done almost entirely under that compiler. If you are curious
+ about whether other, lesser compilers (*grin*) support libstdc++, you
+ are more than welcome to try. Configuring and building the library
+ (see above) will still require certain tools, however. Also keep in
+ mind that building libstdc++ does not imply that your compiler will be
+ able to use all of the features found in the C++ Standard Library.
+ Since the goal of ISO Standardization is for all C++ implementations
+ to be able to share code, the final libstdc++ should, in theory, be
+ useable under any ISO-compliant compiler. It will still be targeted
+ and optimized for GCC/g++, however.
+ _________________________________________________________________
+3.2 Building under Cygwin hangs/explodes!?
+ Sometimes, yes. You're probably in the middle of generating the
+ numeric_limits specializations when it hangs, right? Thought so...
+ The <limits> header and its associated library code are
+ platform-specific. These files get generated from scratch during
+ installation, and it is this generator that is hanging. More
+ specifically, the only sure way to determine what the
+ numeric_limits<T>::traps boolean should be is to actually divide by
+ zero and see if it is trapped or not.
+ Under NT, this will occasionally just hang. On those occasions when
+ the test does not hang, the zero-division is in fact trapped. That
+ doesn't prevent hanging elsewhere.
+ You have two options. You can get a newer cygwin1.dll (see the Cygwin
+ paragraph in the [54]installation instructions). Or you can get a
+ prebuilt set of bits/std_limits.h and src/limitsMEMBERS.cc files from
+ Mumit Khan's [55]Cygwin-related website.
+ _________________________________________________________________
+ 4.0 Known Bugs and Non-Bugs
+ Note that this section can get rapdily outdated -- such is the nature
+ of an open-source project. For the latest information, join the
+ mailing list or look through recent archives. The RELEASE- NOTES and
+ BUGS files are generally kept up-to-date.
+4.1 What works already?
+ This is a verbatim clip from the "Status" section of the RELEASE-NOTES
+ for the latest snapshot.
+- namespace std:: is now on by default.
+- choice of "C" include strategies, including the shadow header work,
+ or generic global to std mapping of required "C" types.
+- cpu/atomicity.h tweaks, additions of ia64 and arm support.
+- abstraction of atomicity.h header to support notion of os/atomicity.h files.
+- addition of backward header bits
+- use of system_header pragma
+- Conditional use of -Werror
+- preliminary support for new g++ diagnostics capabilities, including
+ -fdiagnostics-show-location=once
+- pedantic and shadow argument warning fixes
+- Ugly, yet correct mechanism for dealing with "C" math adopted,
+ including the use of builtins.
+- updates and configure/build work to support new libtool
+- addition of strstream
+- valarray work
+- complex work
+- update to SGI STL 3.3
+- libio sync between glibc/libstdc++-v3. Some divergence since initial
+ merge, but sources remain quite close.
+- IO fixes for alpha
+- wide character work for IO when using libio
+- addition of c_io_stdio and "C" IO abstraction layer.
+- auto_ptr fixes, testsuite additions
+- Attempts to use -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections and
+ --gc-sections, depending on use of GNU ld and specific features. As of
+ late, --gc-sections has been disabled due to problems with it throwing
+ away initialization sections. This work is ongoing.
+- long double support
+- sub directory removal, coherent organization of cpu and os-specific
+ files, consolidation of include directories, integration of the C++
+ support bits for operator new/delete,exceptions, etc. All includes
+ are now either in the include/* hierarchy or in libsupc++'s sub directory.
+- Support for more platforms, including irix and bsd variants.
+- filebuf tweaks to deal with variable-size buffers.
+- filebuf implementation for putbackc, etc. al.
+- ctype rewritten. Includes ctype, ctype, and others.
+- codecvt rewritten. Includes codecvt,
+ codecvt. In addition,
+ implementation-defined conversions using iconv are now supported with
+ the __enc_traits partial-specialization of the State template
+ parameter of the codecvt class. In this manner, conversions between
+ can be performed.
+- preliminary work on named locales
+- preliminary documentation for locale implementation has been established.
+- Many, many bug fixes.
+- Many, many testsuite additions and consistent VERIFY usage.
+- work on mkcheck to make it more flexible, use libtool, etc.
+ _________________________________________________________________
+4.2 Bugs in gcc/g++ (not libstdc++-v3)
+ This is by no means meant to be complete nor exhaustive, but mentions
+ some problems that users may encounter when building or using
+ libstdc++. If you are experiencing one of these problems, you can find
+ more information on the libstdc++ and the GCC mailing lists.
+ * As of 2.91, these bugs have all been fixed. We look forward to new
+ ones, well, not exactly...
+ _________________________________________________________________
+4.3 Bugs in the C++ language/lib specification
+ Yes, unfortunately, there are some. In a [56]message to the list,
+ Nathan Myers announced that he has started a list of problems in the
+ ISO C++ Standard itself, especially with regard to the chapters that
+ concern the library. The list itself is [57]posted on his website.
+ Developers who are having problems interpreting the Standard may wish
+ to consult his notes.
+ For those people who are not part of the ISO Library Group (i.e.,
+ nearly all of us needing to read this page in the first place :-), a
+ public list of the library defects is occasionally published [58]here.
+ _________________________________________________________________
+4.4 Things in libstdc++ that look like bugs
+ There are things which are not bugs in the compiler (4.2) nor the
+ language specification (4.3), but aren't really bugs in libstdc++,
+ either. Really!
+ The biggest of these is the quadzillions of warnings about the library
+ headers emitted when -Weffc++ is used. Making libstdc++
+ "-Weffc++-clean" is not a goal of the project, for a few reasons.
+ Mainly, that option tries to enforce object-oriented programming,
+ while the Standard Library isn't necessarily trying to be OO. There
+ are multiple solutions under discussion.
+ The g++-3 headers are not ours
+ If you have found an extremely broken header file which is causing
+ problems for you, look carefully before submitting a "high" priority
+ bug report (which you probably shouldn't do anyhow; see the last
+ paragraph of the page describing [59]the GCC bug database).
+ If the headers are in ${prefix}/include/g++-3, then you are using the
+ old libstdc++-v2 library, which is nonstandard and unmaintained. Do
+ not report problems with -v2 to the -v3 mailing list.
+ Currently our header files are installed in ${prefix}/include/g++-v3
+ (see the 'v'?). This may change with the next release of GCC, as it
+ may be too confusing, but [60]the question has not yet been decided.
+ _________________________________________________________________
+4.5 Aw, that's easy to fix!
+ If you have found a bug in the library and you think you have a
+ working fix, then send it in! The main GCC site has a page on
+ [61]submitting patches that covers the procedure, but for libstdc++
+ you should of course send the patch to our mailing list, not the GCC
+ mailing list. The libstdc++ [62]contributors' page also talks about
+ how to submit patches.
+ In addition to the description, the patch, and the ChangeLog entry, it
+ is a Good Thing if you can additionally create a small test program to
+ test for the presence of the bug that your patch fixes. Bugs have a
+ way of being reintroduced; if an old bug creeps back in, it will be
+ caught immediately by the [63]testsuite -- but only if such a test
+ exists.
+ _________________________________________________________________
+ 5.0 Miscellaneous
+5.1 string::iterator is not char*; vector<T>::iterator is not T*
+ If you have code that depends on container<T> iterators being
+ implemented as pointer-to-T, your code is broken.
+ While there are arguments for iterators to be implemented in that
+ manner, A) they aren't very good ones in the long term, and B) they
+ were never guaranteed by the Standard anyway. The type-safety achieved
+ by making iterators a real class rather than a typedef for T*
+ outweighs nearly all opposing arguments.
+ _________________________________________________________________
+5.2 What's next after libstdc++-v3?
+ Hopefully, not much. The goal of libstdc++-v3 is to produce a
+ fully-compliant, fully-portable Standard Library. After that, we're
+ mostly done: there won't be any more compliance work to do.
+ The ISO Committee will meet periodically to review Defect Reports in
+ the C++ Standard. Undoubtably some of these will result in changes to
+ the Standard, which will be reflected in patches to libstdc++. Some of
+ that is already happening, see 4.2. Some of those changes are being
+ predicted by the library maintainers, and we add code to the library
+ based on what the current proposed resolution specifies.
+ The current libstdc++ contains extensions to the Library which must be
+ explicitly requested by client code (for example, the hash tables from
+ SGI). Other extensions may be added to libstdc++-v3 if they seem to be
+ "standard" enough. (For example, the "long long" type from C99.)
+ Bugfixes and rewrites (to improve or fix thread safety, for instance)
+ will of course be a continuing task.
+ [64]This question about the next libstdc++ prompted some brief but
+ interesting [65]speculation.
+ _________________________________________________________________
+5.3 What about the STL from SGI?
+ The [66]STL from SGI is merged into libstdc++-v3 with changes as
+ necessary. Currently release 3.3 is being used. Changes in the STL
+ usually produce some weird bugs and lots of changes in the rest of the
+ libstd++ source as we scramble to keep up. :-)
+ In particular, string is not from SGI and makes no use of their "rope"
+ class (which is included as an optional extension), nor is valarray
+ and some others. Classes like vector<> are, however.
+ The FAQ for SGI's STL (one jump off of their main page) is recommended
+ reading.
+ _________________________________________________________________
+5.4 Extensions and Backward Compatibility
+ Although you can specify -I options to make the preprocessor search
+ the g++-v3/ext and /backward directories, it is better to refer to
+ files there by their path, as in:
+ #include <ext/hash_map>
+ Extensions to the library have [67]their own page.
+ _________________________________________________________________
+5.5 Compiling with "-fnew-abi"
+ Towards the end of July 1999, this subject was brought up again on the
+ mailing list under a different name. The related [68]thread (by the
+ name HOWTO-honor-std) is very instructive. More info is at the end of
+ This functionality is now automated and turned on by default.
+ _________________________________________________________________
+5.6 Is libstdc++-v3 thread-safe?
+ Quick answer: no, as of 2.91 (tenth snapshot), the library is not
+ appropriate for multithreaded access. The string class is MT-safe.
+ This is assuming that your idea of "multithreaded" is the same as
+ ours... The general question of multithreading and libstdc++-v3 is
+ addressed in the chapter-specific advice for [69]Library Introduction.
+ Threadsafe containers are covered in more detail in [70]the Received
+ Wisdom section on containers.
+ _________________________________________________________________
+5.7 How do I get a copy of the ISO C++ Standard?
+ Copies of the full ISO 14882 standard are available on line via the
+ ISO mirror site for committee members. Non-members, or those who have
+ not paid for the privilege of sitting on the committee and sustained
+ their two-meeting commitment for voting rights, may get a copy of the
+ standard from their respective national standards organization. In the
+ USA, this national standards organization is ANSI and their website is
+ right [71]here. (And if you've already registered with them, clicking
+ this link will take you to directly to the place where you can [72]buy
+ the standard on-line.
+ Who is your country's member body? Visit the [73]ISO homepage and find
+ out!
+ _________________________________________________________________
+ Comments and suggestions are welcome, and may be sent to [74]Phil
+ Edwards or [75]Gabriel Dos Reis.
+ $Id: index.html,v 1.10 2000/12/03 23:47:49 jsm28 Exp $
+ 1. http://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/libstdc++/faq/
+ 2. http://gcc.gnu.org/libstdc++/
+ 3. ../faq/index.html#1_0
+ 4. ../faq/index.html#1_1
+ 5. ../faq/index.html#1_2
+ 6. ../faq/index.html#1_3
+ 7. ../faq/index.html#1_4
+ 8. ../faq/index.html#1_5
+ 9. ../faq/index.html#1_6
+ 10. ../faq/index.html#1_7
+ 11. ../faq/index.html#1_8
+ 12. ../faq/index.html#2_0
+ 13. ../faq/index.html#2_1
+ 14. ../faq/index.html#2_2
+ 15. ../faq/index.html#2_3
+ 16. ../faq/index.html#2_4
+ 17. ../faq/index.html#3_0
+ 18. ../faq/index.html#3_1
+ 19. ../faq/index.html#3_2
+ 20. ../faq/index.html#4_0
+ 21. ../faq/index.html#4_1
+ 22. ../faq/index.html#4_2
+ 23. ../faq/index.html#4_3
+ 24. ../faq/index.html#4_4
+ 25. ../faq/index.html#4_4_interface
+ 26. ../faq/index.html#4_5
+ 27. ../faq/index.html#5_0
+ 28. ../faq/index.html#5_1
+ 29. ../faq/index.html#5_2
+ 30. ../faq/index.html#5_3
+ 31. ../faq/index.html#5_4
+ 32. ../faq/index.html#5_5
+ 33. ../faq/index.html#5_6
+ 34. ../faq/index.html#5_7
+ 35. ftp://gcc.gnu.org/pub/libstdc++/libstdc++-2.91.tar.gz
+ 36. ../17_intro/DESIGN
+ 37. http://gcc.gnu.org/
+ 38. http://gcc.gnu.org/gcc-2.95/buildstat.html
+ 39. http://gcc.gnu.org/libstdc++/
+ 40. ftp://gcc.gnu.org/pub/libstdc++/libstdc++-2.91.tar.gz
+ 41. http://gcc.gnu.org/libstdc++/
+ 42. ../17_intro/contribute.html
+ 43. http://www.boost.org/
+ 44. http://gcc.gnu.org/fom_serv/cache/33.html
+ 45. mailto:libstdc++@gcc.gnu.org
+ 46. mailto:pme@sources.redhat.com
+ 47. mailto:gdr@gcc.gnu.org
+ 48. http://sources.redhat.com/autoconf/
+ 49. http://sources.redhat.com/automake/
+ 50. ../documentation.html
+ 51. ../17_intro/RELEASE-NOTES
+ 52. http://www.gnu.org/software/cvs/cvs.html
+ 53. http://www.cyclic.com/
+ 54. ../install.html
+ 55. http://www.xraylith.wisc.edu/~khan/software/gnu-win32/libstdc++-v3.html
+ 56. http://gcc.gnu.org/ml/libstdc++/1998/msg00006.html
+ 57. http://www.cantrip.org/draft-bugs.txt
+ 58. http://anubis.dkuug.dk/jtc1/sc22/wg21/
+ 59. http://gcc.gnu.org/gnatswrite.html
+ 60. http://gcc.gnu.org/ml/gcc/2000-10/msg00732.html
+ 61. http://gcc.gnu.org/contribute.html
+ 62. ../17_intro/contribute.html
+ 63. ../faq/index.html#2_4
+ 64. http://gcc.gnu.org/ml/libstdc++/1999/msg00080.html
+ 65. http://gcc.gnu.org/ml/libstdc++/1999/msg00084.html
+ 66. http://www.sgi.com/Technology/STL/
+ 67. ../ext/howto.html
+ 68. http://gcc.gnu.org/ml/libstdc++/1999-q3/msg00066.html
+ 69. http://gcc.gnu.org/libstdc++/17_intro/howto.html#3
+ 70. http://gcc.gnu.org/libstdc++/23_containers/howto.html
+ 71. http://www.ansi.org/
+ 72. http://webstore.ansi.org/ansidocstore/product.asp?sku=ISO%2FIEC+14882%2D1998
+ 73. http://www.iso.ch/
+ 74. mailto:pme@sources.redhat.com
+ 75. mailto:gdr@gcc.gnu.org