path: root/libstdc++-v3/docs/html/install.html
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+ <META NAME="AUTHOR" CONTENT="pme@sources.redhat.com (Phil Edwards)">
+ <META NAME="KEYWORDS" CONTENT="libstdc++, libstdc++-v3, GCC, g++">
+ <META NAME="DESCRIPTION" CONTENT="README for the GNU libstdc++ effort.">
+ <META NAME="GENERATOR" CONTENT="vi and eight fingers">
+ <TITLE>libstdc++-v3 Installation Instructions</TITLE>
+<LINK REL=StyleSheet HREF="lib3styles.css">
+<!-- $Id: install.html,v 1.12 2000/12/03 23:47:47 jsm28 Exp $ -->
+<H1 CLASS="centered"><A NAME="top">libstdc++-v3 INSTALL</A></H1>
+<P>The latest version of this document is always available at
+ <A HREF="http://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/libstdc++/install.html">
+ http://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/libstdc++/install.html</A>.
+<P>To the <A HREF="http://gcc.gnu.org/libstdc++/">libstdc++-v3 homepage</A>.
+<!-- ####################################################### -->
+ <LI><A HREF="#prereqs">Tools you will need beforehand</A>
+ <LI><A HREF="#srcsetup">Setting up the source directories</A>
+ <LI><A HREF="#config">Configuring</A>
+ <LI><A HREF="#install">Building and installing the library</A>
+ <LI><A HREF="#postinstall">Post-installation</A>
+ <LI><A HREF="#usage">Using the library</A>
+<!-- ####################################################### -->
+<H2><A NAME="prereqs">Tools you will need beforehand</A></H2>
+ <P>You will need a recent version of g++ to compile the snapshot of
+ libstdc++: gcc-2.95.2 works well, or one of the post-2.95.2 GCC
+ snapshots (insert standard caveat about using snapshots rather
+ than formal releases). You will need the full source
+ distribution to whatever compiler release you are using. The
+ GCC snapshots can be had from one of the sites on their
+ <A HREF="http://gcc.gnu.org/mirrors.html">mirror list</A>.
+ </P>
+ <P>In addition, if you plan to modify the makefiles or regenerate
+ the configure scripts you'll need the nuevo automake, libtool
+ and autoconf to regenerate the Makefiles and configure
+ scripts. These tools are all required to be installed in the
+ same location (most linux distributions install these tools by
+ default, so no worries.)
+ </P>
+ <P>If you don't have bash, and want to run <TT>'make check'</TT> to
+ test your build, you'll need to get bash 2.x. Also recommended
+ is GNU Make, since it is the only 'make' that will parse these
+ makefiles correctly.
+ </P>
+ <P>As of June 19, 2000, libstdc++ attempts to use tricky and
+ space-saving features of the GNU toolchain, enabled with
+ <TT>-ffunction-sections -fdata-sections -Wl,--gc-sections</TT>.
+ To obtain maximum benefit from this, binutils after this date
+ should also be used (bugs were fixed with C++ exception handling
+ related to this change in libstdc++-v3). The version of these
+ tools should be <TT>2.10.90</TT>, and you can get snapshots (as
+ well as releases) of binutils
+ <A HREF="ftp://sources.redhat.com/pub/binutils">here</A>.
+ </P>
+ <P>Finally, a few system-specific requirements:
+ <DL>
+ <DT>Cygwin
+ <DD>If you are using Cygwin to compile libstdc++-v3 on Win32, you'll
+ have to get a version of the cygwin1.dll that is dated on or
+ after February 1, 2000. This is necessary to successfully run
+ the script &quot;mknumeric_limits&quot; which probes the
+ floating-point
+ environment of the host in question -- before this date, Cygwin
+ would freeze when running this script. In addition, you may
+ want to get a current version of libtool (say libtool-1.3.4
+ and above) as earlier versions supposedly had problems creating
+ shared libraries.
+ <DT>Solaris
+ <DD>We recommend installing the <TT>SUNWxcu4</TT> package from the
+ Solaris CD before configuring the library. You can check for
+ this package as a non-privileged user with the command
+ &quot;pkginfo SUNWxcu4&quot;.
+ </DL>
+ </P>
+<H2><A NAME="srcsetup">Setting up the source directories</A></H2>
+ <P><EM>As the libstdc++-v3 sources and the core GCC sources have
+ converged, more and more effort goes to building the
+ library as the default version to be shipped with g++. With the
+ 2.90.8 snapshot, and especially for CVS versions after this
+ release, this is treated as the usual scenario. If you want to
+ build the library all by itself, you will need to explicitly
+ disable certain features (like namespaces) since the core GCC
+ library, libgcc.a, will not be rebuilt with those same features.
+ </EM>
+ </P>
+ <P>By default, all configurations of libstdc++-v3 now have namespaces
+ enabled. Being able to select/de-select this option was a complex task
+ that had hopelessly confused many otherwise intelligent people, and
+ provided an endless stream of silent cursing and cries for help.
+ Because of this, gcc sources are required, and are no longer optional.
+ </P>
+ <P>The following definitions will be used throughout the rest of this
+ document:
+ <UL>
+ <LI><EM>gccsrcdir</EM>: The directory holding the source of the
+ compiler. It should have several subdirectories like
+ <EM>gccsrcdir</EM>/libio and <EM>gccsrcdir</EM>/gcc.
+ <LI><EM>libsrcdir</EM>: The directory holding the source of the
+ C++ library.
+ <LI><EM>gccbuilddir</EM>: The build directory for the compiler
+ in <EM>gccsrcdir</EM>. GCC requires that it be built in
+ a different directory than its sources.
+ <LI><EM>libbuilddir</EM>: The build directory for libstdc++.
+ <LI><EM>destdir</EM>: The eventual installation directory for
+ the compiler/libraries, set with the --prefix option to
+ the configure script.
+ </UL>
+ Note:
+ <OL>
+ <LI>The .8 snapshot and following are intended to replace the
+ library that comes with the compiler, so <EM>libsrcdir</EM>
+ and <EM>libbuilddir</EM> must be contained under
+ <EM>gccsrcdir</EM> and <EM>gccbuilddir</EM>, respectively.
+ <LI>The source, build, and installation directories should
+ not be parents of one another; i.e., these should all be
+ separate directories. Please don't build out of the
+ source directory.
+ </OL>
+ </P>
+ <P>Since the release of libstdc++-2.90.8, configuration patches have gone
+ into CVS gcc that make the management of the various libstdc++ source
+ trees a bit easier. Because of this, both libstdc++-v2 and
+ libstdc++-v3 and live together more or less in peace, without the need
+ for soft linking. If a CVS gcc source directory after April 5, 2000 is
+ being used, then the directions are slightly different: please pick
+ which of the following two scenarios best represents your particular
+ situation.
+ </P>
+ <P><B>...with gcc-2.95.2</B>
+ <P>Unpack the <EM>gccsrcdir</EM> and go into that directory. For
+ instance, <TT>gcc-2.95.2</TT> is a valid <EM>gccsrcdir</EM>.
+ Once in <EM>gccsrcdir</EM>, you'll need to rename the directories
+ called <TT> libstdc++ </TT> and <TT> libio </TT> like so:
+ <PRE>
+ mv libstdc++ libstdc++-v2
+ mv libio libio-v2</PRE>
+ </P>
+ <P>Next, unpack the libstdc++-v3 library tarball into the
+ <EM>gccsrcdir</EM> directory; it will create a
+ <EM>libsrcdir</EM> called <TT>libstdc++-<EM>version</EM></TT>:
+ <PRE>
+ gzip -dc libstdc++-version.tar.gz | tar xf -</PRE>
+ </P>
+ <P>Finally, make a soft link between <EM>libsrcdir</EM> and
+ <TT>libstdc++</TT> so that libstdc++-v3 will be the default C++
+ library used.
+ <PRE>
+ ln -s <EM>libsrcdir</EM> libstdc++</PRE>
+ This complexity of having two completely separate libstdc++
+ libraries is necessary so that you can unlink <EM>libsrcdir</EM>
+ and update the compiler sources. If you're not this adventurous, or
+ would not like to switch between different C++ standard libraries,
+ this extra effort is probably wasted; just remove the v2 sources.
+ </P>
+ </P>
+ <P><B>...with CVS gcc</B>
+ <P>Check out or download the gcc sources: the resulting source
+ directory is <EM>gccsrcdir</EM>.
+ </P>
+ <P>Next, unpack the libstdc++-v3 library tarball into this
+ <EM>gccsrcdir</EM> directory; it will create a
+ <EM>libsrcdir</EM> called <TT>libstdc++-<EM>version</EM></TT>:
+ <PRE>
+ gzip -dc libstdc++-version.tar.gz | tar xf -</PRE>
+ </P>
+ <P>If CVS libstdc++-v3 is being used instead of a snapshot's tarball,
+ then move the source directory from the CVS checkout into the
+ <EM>gccsrcdir</EM> directory.
+ <P>Finally, rename <EM>libsrcdir</EM> to <TT>libstdc++-v3</TT> so that
+ gcc's configure flags will be able to deal with the new library.
+ <PRE>
+ mv <EM>libsrcdir</EM> libstdc++-v3</PRE>
+ </P>
+ </P>
+<H2><A NAME="config">Configuring</A></H2>
+ <P>Due to namespaces, when building libstdc++-v3 you'll have to configure
+ the entire <EM>gccsrcdir</EM> directory. The full list of libstdc++-v3
+ specific configuration options, not dependent on the specific compiler
+ release being used, can be found <A HREF="configopts.html">here</A>.
+ </P>
+ <P>Consider possibly using --enable-languages=c++ to save time by only
+ building the C++ language parts.
+ </P>
+ <P><B>...with gcc-2.95.2</B>
+ <PRE>
+ <EM>gccsrcdir</EM>/configure --prefix=<EM>destdir</EM></PRE>
+ </P>
+ <P><B>...with CVS gcc</B>
+ <PRE>
+ <EM>gccsrcdir</EM>/configure --prefix=<EM>destdir</EM> --enable-libstdcxx-v3</PRE>
+ </P>
+ <P>Adding <TT>--enable-libstdcxx-v3</TT> automatically selects libstdc++-v3
+ as the C++ library to be used alongside the C++ compiler being built,
+ and also enables -fhonor-std by default. This option is not available
+ with gcc-2.95.2.
+ </P>
+<H2><A NAME="install">Building and installing the library</A></H2>
+ <P>Now you have a few options:</P>
+ <H3>[re]building <EM>everything</EM></H3>
+ <P>If you're building GCC from scratch, you can do the usual
+ <TT> 'make bootstrap' </TT> here, and libstdc++-v3 will be built
+ as its default C++ library. The generated g++ will magically
+ use the correct headers, link against the correct library
+ binary, and in general using libstdc++-v3 will be a piece of
+ cake. You're done; run <TT>'make install'</TT> (the GCC
+ Installation instructions) to put the new compiler and libraries
+ into place.
+ </P>
+ <H3>[re]building only libstdc++</H3>
+ <P>Due to differences in the configure process, the resulting Makefiles
+ in the<EM>gccbuilddir</EM> will have different rules depending on
+ the source base being used.
+ </P>
+ <P><B>...with gcc-2.95.2</B>
+ <EM>libstdc++-rule</EM> is <TT>libstdc++</TT>
+ </P>
+ <P><B>...with CVS gcc</B>
+ <EM>libstdc++-rule</EM> is <TT>libstdc++-v3</TT>
+ </P>
+ <P>To rebuild just libstdc++, use:
+ <PRE>
+ make all-target-<EM>libstdc++-rule</EM></PRE>
+ This will configure and build the C++ library in the
+ <EM>gccbuilddir/cpu-vendor-OS/</EM>libstdc++ directory.
+ As en example, for CVS gcc this would be
+ <TT>make all-target-libstdc++-v3</TT>, and for gcc-2.95.2 it would be
+ <TT>make all-target-libstdc++</TT>
+ </P>
+ <P>If the build fails with a &quot;warning: can't inline call&quot;
+ message when compiling stringMAIN.cc, see <A HREF="#Werror">the
+ resolution at the end of this document</A>.
+ </P>
+ <P>If you are rebuilding from a previous build [attempt], some
+ information is kept in a cache file. This is stored in
+ <EM>gccbuilddir/cpu-vendor-OS/</EM> if you are building with
+ multilibs (the default), or in
+ <EM>gccbuilddir/cpu-vendor-OS/</EM>libstdc++-v3 if you have
+ multilibs disabled. The filename is config.cache; if previous
+ information is causing problems, you can delete it entirely, or
+ simply edit it and remove lines.
+ </P>
+ <P>You're done. Now install the rebuilt pieces with
+ <PRE>
+ make install</PRE>
+ or
+ <PRE>
+ make install-gcc
+ make install-target-<EM>libstdc++-rule</EM></PRE>
+ </P>
+<H2><A NAME="postinstall">Post-installation</A></H2>
+ <P>Installation will create the <EM>destdir</EM> directory and
+ populate it with subdirectories:
+ <PRE>
+ lib/
+ include/g++-v3/
+ bits/
+ backward/
+ ext/</PRE>
+ </P>
+ <P>You can check the status of the build without installing it using
+ <PRE>
+ make check</PRE>
+ or you can check the status of the installed library using
+ <PRE>
+ make check-target-<EM>libstdc++-rule</EM></PRE>
+ These commands will create a 'testsuite' directory underneath
+ <EM>libbuilddir</EM> containing the results of the tests. We are
+ interested in any strange failures of the testsuite; please see
+ <A HREF="faq/index.html#2_4">FAQ 2.4</A> for which files to examine.
+ </P>
+<H2><A NAME="usage">Using the library</A></H2>
+ <LI><B>Find the new library at runtime (shared linking only)</B>
+ <P>If you only built a static library (libstdc++.a), or if you
+ specified static linking, you don't have to worry about this.
+ But if you built a shared library (libstdc++.so) and linked
+ against it, then you will need to find that library when you
+ run the executable.
+ </P>
+ <P>Methods vary for different platforms and different styles, but
+ the usual ones are printed to the screen during installation.
+ They include:
+ <UL>
+ <LI>At runtime set LD_LIBRARY_PATH in your environment correctly,
+ so that the shared library for libstdc++ can be found and
+ loaded. Be certain that you understand all of the other
+ implications and behavior of LD_LIBRARY_PATH first (few
+ people do, and they get into trouble).
+ <LI>Compile the path to find the library at runtime into the
+ program. This can be done by passing certain options to g++,
+ which will in turn pass them on to the linker. The exact
+ format of the options is dependent on which linker you use:
+ <UL>
+ <LI>GNU ld (default on Linux):<TT> -Wl,--rpath -Wl,<EM>destdir</EM>/lib</TT>
+ <LI>IRIX ld:<TT> -Wl,-rpath -Wl,<EM>destdir</EM>/lib</TT>
+ <LI>Solaris ld:<TT> -Wl,-R<EM>destdir</EM>/lib</TT>
+ <LI>More...?
+ </UL>
+ </UL>
+ </P>
+ <P>Use the <TT>ldd(1)</TT> utility to show which library the system
+ thinks it will get at runtime.
+ </P>
+ </OL>
+ </P>
+<H3><A NAME="Werror"><TT>warning: can't inline call to</TT>...</A></H3>
+ <P>When building the .8 snapshot with g++ 2.95.2, compilation may halt
+ with this warning message. The &quot;problem&quot; is the -Werror
+ flag being passed to the compiler, which says to treat warnings as
+ errors. (This plus a high warning level makes us track down bugs
+ <EM>quickly</EM>.) The compiler can't inline a certain call, prints
+ a warning, and dies.
+ </P>
+ <P>The workaround is to edit either <EM>libsrcdir</EM>/src/Makefile.in
+ (before configuring) or <EM>bld-libstdc++</EM>/src/Makefile
+ (after configuring). There's one line that reads
+ <PRE>
+ WERROR = -Werror</PRE>
+ Delete the flag itself, so that the line reads
+ <PRE>
+ Then the compiler will still print a warning, but it won't die.
+ </P>
+ <P>For the curious, this &quot;problem&quot; is actually a symptom
+ of something else. The compiler in CVS could inline more than what
+ 2.95.2 does, and the libstdc++ changes were made with that
+ compiler. One of the libstdc++ maintainers explains this
+<A HREF="http://gcc.gnu.org/ml/libstdc++/2000-q1/msg00420.html">here</A>.
+ </P>
+ <P>This has been patched in current CVS sources.
+ </P>
+<H2><A NAME=""></A></H2>
+ <P>
+ </P>
+<!-- ####################################################### -->
+<P CLASS="fineprint"><EM>
+Comments and suggestions are welcome, and may be sent to
+<A HREF="mailto:pme@sources.redhat.com">Phil Edwards</A> or
+<A HREF="mailto:gdr@gcc.gnu.org">Gabriel Dos Reis</A>.
+<BR> $Id: install.html,v 1.12 2000/12/03 23:47:47 jsm28 Exp $