diff options
5 files changed, 469 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index a136337..15042d1 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -1 +1,2 @@
diff --git a/R.Rproj b/R.Rproj
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8e3c2eb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/R.Rproj
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+Version: 1.0
+RestoreWorkspace: Default
+SaveWorkspace: Default
+AlwaysSaveHistory: Default
+EnableCodeIndexing: Yes
+UseSpacesForTab: Yes
+NumSpacesForTab: 2
+Encoding: UTF-8
+RnwWeave: Sweave
+LaTeX: pdfLaTeX
diff --git a/Signed_off_heatmaps.R b/Signed_off_heatmaps.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6e1c678
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Signed_off_heatmaps.R
@@ -0,0 +1,170 @@
+get_tags <- function (id) {
+ baseurl <- "http://patches.linaro.org/api/1.0/"
+ type <- paste("teams/",id,"/commit-tags/?format=json&per_page=5000", sep = "")
+ url <- paste(baseurl, type, sep = "")
+ cat (url,"\n")
+ webpage <- curl (url, handle = h)
+ #get data it into R
+ jira_tags_raw <- fromJSON(webpage,simplifyMatrix = TRUE, simplifyVector =TRUE, simplifyDataFrame = TRUE, flatten = TRUE)
+ m <- data.frame(tag=jira_tags_raw$tag, person=jira_tags_raw$person)
+ return(m)
+get_signed <- function (df){
+ return (length(grep("Signed-off", df$contribution$tag)))
+ }
+get_acked <- function (df){
+ return (length(grep("Acked", df$contribution$tag)))
+get_reviewed <- function (df){
+ return (length(grep("Reviewed", df$contribution$tag)))
+get_tested <- function (df){
+ return (length(grep("Tested", df$contribution$tag)))
+get_reported <- function (df){
+ return (length(grep("Reported", df$contribution$tag)))
+get_projects <- function (df){
+ return (df$contribution$project)
+#from the website get the initiatives list for the four teams
+id <- Sys.getenv(c("JIRA_USERNAME", "JIRA_PASSWORD"))
+if (id[1] == '') {
+ print ("export JIRA_USERNAME='john.doe@linaro.org'")
+ stop()
+if (id[2] == '') {
+ print ("export JIRA_PASSWORD='my-super-secret-password'")
+ stop()
+user_password <- paste(id[1], id[2], sep=":")
+h <- new_handle(failonerror = TRUE)
+handle_setopt(h, verbose = 0)
+handle_setopt(h, userpwd = user_password)
+handle_setopt(h, httpauth = 1)
+report_name <- c("signed_off")
+baseurl <- "http://patches.linaro.org/api/1.0/"
+type <- "teams/?format=json&per_page=5000"
+url <- paste(baseurl, type, sep = "")
+cat (url,"\n")
+webpage <- curl (url, handle = h)
+#get data it into R
+jira_raw <- fromJSON(webpage,simplifyMatrix = TRUE, simplifyVector =TRUE, simplifyDataFrame = TRUE, flatten = TRUE)
+#list of every issue
+df <- data.frame(id=jira_raw$id, name=jira_raw$display_name, url=jira_raw$url)
+row.names(df) <- jira_raw$display_name
+n <- sapply(df$id,get_tags)
+df$contributions <- n
+#I am gere getting bits out
+#print (df)
+list.contributions <- do.call("rbind",df$contributions)
+unique.tags <- (unique(list.contributions$tag))
+unique.persons <- (unique(list.contributions$person))
+unique.projects <- (unique(list.contributions$project))
+df$signed <- apply(df,1, get_signed)
+df$acked <- apply(df,1, get_acked)
+df$reviewed <- apply(df,1, get_reviewed)
+df$tested <- apply(df,1, get_tested)
+df$reported<- apply(df,1, get_reported)
+m <- as.matrix(df[,5:9])
+pdf(file="Linaro_team_vs_git_signoff.pdf", title = "team vs. git stats")
+op <- par(mar=c(15,4,4,2))
+colours <- c("lightblue", "mistyrose", "lightcyan","lavender", "cornsilk")
+inverse.m <- t(m)
+barplot(inverse.m, las=2,
+ main="non author contribution",
+ ylab = "number of patches",
+ col =colours,
+ legend.text=TRUE,
+ args.legend=list(x='topleft')
+ )
+barplot(df$signed, main="signed off", las=2, ylab = "number of patches",
+ names.arg = row.names(df), col = colours[1])
+barplot(df$acked, las=2, main="acked", ylab = "number of patches",
+ names.arg = row.names(df), col = colours[2])
+barplot(df$reviewed, las=2, main="reviewed", ylab = "number of patches",
+ names.arg = row.names(df), col = colours[3])
+barplot(df$tested, las=2, main="tested", ylab = "number of patches",
+ names.arg = row.names(df), col = colours[4])
+barplot(df$reported, las=2, main="reported", ylab = "number of patches",
+ names.arg = row.names(df), col = colours[5])
+cat ("-----------------------\n")
+pdf(file="Linaro_team_vs_project.pdf", title = "team vs. git stats")
+nm <- matrix(ncol=length(unique.projects), nrow=length(rownames(df)))
+colnames(nm) <- unique.projects
+for ( p in rownames(nm))
+ print(p)
diff --git a/company_interest.R b/company_interest.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0dc4cfb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/company_interest.R
@@ -0,0 +1,272 @@
+companies <- function (names)
+ companys = list()
+ for (name in names) {
+ for (n in name) {
+ companys[[length(companys) + 1]] <-
+ strapplyc(n, "@(.*)", simplify = TRUE)
+ }
+ }
+ company <- unique(companys)
+ return (company)
+display_hetmap <- function(report, m, suffix) {
+ report_name <- paste(report["name"], suffix, ".pdf",sep = "")
+ pdf(file=report_name, title = report["name"],paper="us")
+ #display raw data
+ print(m)
+ cat("Generating", report_name)
+ # following code limits the lowest and highest color to 5%, and 95% of your range, respectively
+ quantile.range <- quantile(m, probs = seq(0, 1, 0.01))
+ palette.breaks <-
+ seq(quantile.range["5%"], quantile.range["95%"], 0.1)
+ # use http://colorbrewer2.org/ to find optimal divergent color palette (or set own)
+ color.palette <-
+ colorRampPalette(c("#FC8D59", "#FFFFBF", "#91CF60"))(length(palette.breaks) - 1)
+ watcher_heatmap <-
+ heatmap.2(
+ m,
+ dendrogram = 'row',
+ Rowv = TRUE,
+ Colv = FALSE,
+ trace = "none",
+ margins = c(12, 12),
+ col = color.palette,
+ breaks = palette.breaks,
+ ylab = "company",
+ xlab = "project"
+ )
+ dev.off()
+display_barplot <- function(report, m, suffix) {
+ report_name <- paste(report["name"], suffix, ".pdf",sep = "")
+ pdf(file=report_name, title = report["name"],paper="us")
+ #display raw data
+ cat("Generating", report_name, "\n")
+ print(m)
+ # following code limits the lowest and highest color to 5%, and 95% of your range, respectively
+ quantile.range <- quantile(m, probs = seq(0, 1, 0.01))
+ palette.breaks <-
+ seq(quantile.range["5%"], quantile.range["95%"], 0.1)
+ # use http://colorbrewer2.org/ to find optimal divergent color palette (or set own)
+ color.palette <-
+ colorRampPalette(c("#FC8D59", "#FFFFBF", "#91CF60"))(length(palette.breaks) - 1)
+ watcher_barplot <-
+ barplot2(m, ylab = "interest",
+ xlab = "project",col = color.palette)
+ dev.off()
+watcher_heatmap <- function(report) {
+ baseurl <- "https://projects.linaro.org/rest/api/2/"
+ fields <- "&fields=watches,key,project"
+ type <- "search?"
+ jql <- paste ("jql=project+in+(",report["team"],")+AND+issuetype+in+(Initiative,Epic)&maxResults=2000", sep = "")
+ url <- paste(baseurl, type, jql, fields, sep = "")
+ cat (url,"\n")
+ webpage <- curl (url, handle = h)
+ #get data it into R
+ jira_raw <- fromJSON(webpage, simplifyDataFrame = TRUE)
+ # extract the data node
+ keys <- jira_raw$issues$key
+ #x axis the number of projects
+ projects <- unique(jira_raw$issues$fields$project$key)
+ num_projects <- length(projects)
+ #projects
+ #from the website now get watchers names with another query for all keys found previously
+ fields <- "/watchers"
+ type <- "issue/"
+ names = list()
+ for (key in keys) {
+ url <- paste(baseurl, type, key, fields, sep = "")
+ webpage <- curl (url, handle = h)
+ jira_raw_names <- fromJSON(webpage, simplifyDataFrame = TRUE)
+ names[[length(names) + 1]] <-
+ as.list(jira_raw_names$watchers$name)
+ }
+ #create empty matrix
+ comp <- companies(names)
+ num_comp <- length(comp)
+ m <- matrix(NA, nrow = num_comp, ncol = num_projects)
+ colnames(m) <- projects
+ rownames(m) <- comp
+ m[] <- 0L
+ #from the website now get watchers names with another query for all keys found previously
+ fields <- "/watchers"
+ type <- "issue/"
+ for (key in keys) {
+ #y
+ mike <- match (key, keys)
+ team <- jira_raw$issues$fields$project$key[mike]
+ y <- match (team, projects)
+ #x
+ names = list()
+ url <- paste(baseurl, type, key, fields, sep = "")
+ webpage <- curl (url, handle = h)
+ jira_raw_names <- fromJSON(webpage, simplifyDataFrame = TRUE)
+ names[[length(names) + 1]] <- as.list(jira_raw_names$watchers$name)
+ interested = companies(names)
+ for (c in interested)
+ {
+ x <- match (c, comp)
+ m[x, y] <- m[x, y] + 1
+ }
+ }
+ #remove companies
+# rows.to.delete <- c('linaro.org', 'broadcom.com', 'character')
+ # for (d in rows.to.delete) {
+ # m <- as.matrix(m[!grepl(d, rownames(m)),])
+# }
+ for (c in comp) {
+ v <- as.vector(m[c,])
+ names(v) <- projects
+ report["name"] <- c
+ display_barplot(report, v, "_wt")
+ }
+sponsor_heatmap <- function (report) {
+ baseurl <- "https://projects.linaro.org/rest/api/2/"
+ fields <- "&fields=customfield_10101,key,project"
+ type <- "search?"
+ jql <-
+ paste(
+ "jql=project+in+(",
+ report["team"],
+ ")+AND+issuetype+in+(Initiative,Epic)&maxResults=1000",
+ sep = ""
+ )
+ url <- paste(baseurl, type, jql, fields, sep = "")
+ cat (url,"\n")
+ webpage <- curl (url, handle = h)
+ #get data it into R
+ jira_raw <- fromJSON(webpage, simplifyDataFrame = TRUE)
+ #list of every issue
+ keys <- jira_raw$issues$key
+ #x axis the number of projects
+ projects <- unique(jira_raw$issues$fields$project$key)
+ num_projects <- length(projects)
+ #y axis the companies or sponsors
+ sponsor <- jira_raw$issues$fields$customfield_10101
+ names = list()
+ for (key in keys) {
+ s <- sponsor[[match (key, keys)]][[2]]
+ for (n in s) {
+ names[[length(names) + 1]] <- n
+ }
+ }
+ #create empty matrix
+ comp <- unique(names)
+ num_comp <- length(comp)
+ m <- matrix(NA, nrow = num_comp, ncol = num_projects)
+ colnames(m) <- projects
+ rownames(m) <- comp
+ m[] <- 0L
+ # count companies per project by looking at every key and update matrix
+ for (key in keys) {
+ #y
+ mike <- match (key, keys)
+ team <- jira_raw$issues$fields$project$key[mike]
+ y <- match (team, projects)
+ #x
+ s <- sponsor[[match (key, keys)]][[2]]
+ for (c in s)
+ {
+ x <- match (c, comp)
+ m[x, y] <- m[x, y] + 1
+ }
+ }
+ #remove companies we don't like ;)
+# rows.to.delete <- c('Linaro')
+# for (d in rows.to.delete) {
+# m <- as.matrix(m[!grepl(d, rownames(m)),])
+ # }
+ for (c in comp) {
+ v <- as.vector(m[c,])
+ names(v) <- projects
+ report["name"] <- c
+ display_barplot(report, v, "_sp")
+ }
+#from the website get the initiatives list for the four teams
+id <- Sys.getenv(c("JIRA_USERNAME", "JIRA_PASSWORD"))
+if (id[1] == '') {
+ print ("export JIRA_USERNAME='john.doe@linaro.org'")
+ q()
+if (id[2] == '') {
+ print ("export JIRA_PASSWORD='my-super-secret-password'")
+ q()
+user_password <- paste(id[1], id[2], sep=":")
+h <- new_handle(failonerror = TRUE)
+handle_setopt(h, verbose = 0)
+handle_setopt(h, userpwd = user_password)
+handle_setopt(h, httpauth = 1)
+report_name <- c("ti")
+team_list <-
+ c(
+ "Security,Kernel,'Power',Virtualization,LSK,LHG,LEG,LNG,LITE,LMG,CTT,BB,LAVA,LAB,QA,SYS,TCWG"
+ )
+reports <-
+ data.frame(name = report_name ,
+ team = team_list,
+ stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
+apply(reports, 1, sponsor_heatmap)
+apply(reports, 1, watcher_heatmap)
diff --git a/member_heatmaps.R b/member_heatmaps.R
index 3d1c59a..e2f2fe0 100644
--- a/member_heatmaps.R
+++ b/member_heatmaps.R
@@ -203,7 +203,19 @@ sponsor_heatmap <- function (report) {
#from the website get the initiatives list for the four teams
-user_password <- "<your email address>:<your password>"
+id <- Sys.getenv(c("JIRA_USERNAME", "JIRA_PASSWORD"))
+if (id[1] == '') {
+ print ("export JIRA_USERNAME='john.doe@linaro.org'")
+ q()
+if (id[2] == '') {
+ print ("export JIRA_PASSWORD='my-super-secret-password'")
+ q()
+user_password <- paste(id[1], id[2], sep=":")
h <- new_handle(failonerror = TRUE)
handle_setopt(h, verbose = 0)