#!/bin/sh install_latest_adb() { install_deps "wget zip" wget -S --progress=dot:giga https://dl.google.com/android/repository/platform-tools-latest-linux.zip unzip -q platform-tools-latest-linux.zip export PATH=$PWD/platform-tools:$PATH which adb adb version } adb_debug_info() { info_msg "Printing USB device info for debugging..." if which lsusb; then find /dev/bus/usb -type c | while read -r device; do # In the 'Cannot open /dev/bus/usb/*' case, print nothing and use that error # message directly. When shell option '-e' enabled in test script, putting # 'lsusb -D ' in 'if' block also avoids unexpected test exit. if device_info="$(lsusb -D "${device}" | grep "Device:")"; then echo "$device: $device_info" fi done else info_msg "usbutils not installed, unable to get device information with 'lsusb'." info_msg "Listing 'find /dev/bus/usb' output directly..." # avoid returning 1 when 'find' doesn't work find /dev/bus/usb || true fi info_msg "===== list fastboot devices start =========" fastboot devices info_msg "===== list fastboot devices end =========" info_msg "===== default ANDROID_SERIAL=${ANDROID_SERIAL} =========" } initialize_adb() { # enable debug set -x adb_debug_info adb start-server timeout 600 adb wait-for-device || error_fatal "Device NOT found!" adb devices if [ -z "${ANDROID_SERIAL}" ]; then number="$(adb devices | grep -wc 'device')" if [ "${number}" -gt 1 ]; then error_msg "More than one device or emulator found! Please set ANDROID_SERIAL from test script." elif [ "${number}" -eq 1 ]; then ANDROID_SERIAL="$(adb get-serialno)" else error_msg "Device NOT found" fi fi export ANDROID_SERIAL info_msg "Default adb device: ${ANDROID_SERIAL}" if adb shell echo "Testing adb connectivity"; then info_msg "Connected to device ${ANDROID_SERIAL} successfully" else error_msg "Unable to connect to device ${ANDROID_SERIAL}" fi # disable debug set +x } adb_root() { if [ "$(adb shell whoami)" = "root" ]; then echo "DUT already has adbd running as root" else adb root timeout 600 adb wait-for-device || error_msg "Device NOT found!" adb devices # After adb root, device number within the USB bus changes. adb_debug_info fi } wait_boot_completed() { [ "$#" -ne 1 ] && error_msg "Usage: wait_for_boot_completed timeout_in_seconds" # shellcheck disable=SC2039 local timeout="$1" # shellcheck disable=SC2039 local end=$(( $(date +%s) + timeout )) # shellcheck disable=SC2039 local boot_completed=false while [ "$(date +%s)" -lt "$end" ]; do if adb shell getprop sys.boot_completed | grep "1"; then boot_completed=true break else sleep 3 fi done if "${boot_completed}"; then info_msg "Target booted up completely." else error_msg "wait_boot_completed timed out after ${timeout} seconds" fi } # Print to stdout either IP address, or nothing in case of failure. # Return failure code of `ip` or `adb` in case of failure. get_ip_address() { [ "$#" -ne 1 ] && error_msg "Usage: get_ip_address timeout_in_seconds" # shellcheck disable=SC2039 local timeout_in_seconds="$1" # shellcheck disable=SC2039 local ret_val=0 # shellcheck disable=SC2039 local output output="$(timeout "${timeout_in_seconds}" adb shell ip -o address show scope global up)" \ || ret_val=$? # Pass non-zero exit codes of `ip` to the caller. if [ "${ret_val}" -ne 0 ]; then return "${ret_val}" fi # NOTE: The two grep commands filter adb debug messages and unwanted output of the ip command on # Android 6 that does not apply the `scope global up` filter. true at the end drops non-zero # exit codes of grep for empty inputs. echo "${output}" | awk '{print $4}' | awk -F"/" '{print $1}' \ | grep -v '' \ | grep -E '([0-9]{1,3}\.){3,3}[0-9]{1,3}' || true } # Wait for the device to be connected to a network, or fail if the timeout has been reached. wait_network_connected() { [ "$#" -ne 1 ] && error_msg "Usage: wait_network_connected timeout_in_seconds" # shellcheck disable=SC2039 local timeout_in_seconds="$1" info_msg "Waiting ${timeout_in_seconds} seconds for the device to get an IP address." # shellcheck disable=SC2039 local has_ip_address=false # shellcheck disable=SC2039 local end end=$(( $(date +%s) + timeout_in_seconds )) while [ "$(date +%s)" -lt "$end" ]; do # make variable ip_address available as result of this function ip_address="$(get_ip_address "${timeout_in_seconds}")" if [ "${ip_address}" ]; then has_ip_address=true break fi sleep 3 done if [ "${has_ip_address}" = true ]; then info_msg "Target has an IP address." else error_msg "wait_network_connected timed out after ${timeout_in_seconds} seconds" fi } wait_homescreen() { [ "$#" -ne 1 ] && error_msg "Usage: wait_homescreen timeout_in_seconds" # call disablesuspend.sh if it exists # on some builds, the launcher package might not be com.android.launcher, # in this case we expect the build to have this disablesuspend.sh script # which is used to check the display of homescreen. # if there is not such disablesuspend.sh script, then use the default check if adb_shell_which disablesuspend.sh; then if adb shell /system/bin/disablesuspend.sh; then info_msg "Target booted to homescreen successfully." return fi fi # shellcheck disable=SC2039 local timeout="$1" # shellcheck disable=SC2039 local end=$(( $(date +%s) + timeout )) # shellcheck disable=SC2039 local homescreen_displayed=false while [ "$(date +%s)" -lt "$end" ]; do if adb logcat -sd ActivityManager:I | grep "Displayed com.android.launcher"; then homescreen_displayed=true break else sleep 3 fi done if "${homescreen_displayed}"; then info_msg "Target booted to homescreen successfully." else error_msg "wait_homescreen timed out after ${timeout} seconds" fi } detect_abi() { # "| tr -d '\r'" is needed here, refer to the below issue. # https://code.google.com/p/android/issues/detail?id=2482 # shellcheck disable=SC2039 local abi abi="$(adb shell uname -m | tr -d '\r')" case $abi in armv7|armv7l|armv7el|armv7lh) abi="armeabi" ;; arm64|armv8|arm64-v8a|aarch64) abi="arm64" ;; *) error_msg "Unknown architecture" ;; esac info_msg "ABI: ${abi}" } # install() push binary or script file to '/system/bin' so that you can run it # without absolute/relative path. If '/system' is always read-only(like LCR), # please use adb_push() instead to push binary or file to somewhere that 'rw' # permission granted, like '/data/local/tmp', and run it from there. install() { [ "$#" -ne 1 ] && error_msg "Usage: install " # shellcheck disable=SC2039 local file_path="$1" # shellcheck disable=SC2039 local file_name file_name="$(basename "${file_path}")" if adb shell mount | grep system | grep -q ro; then # Remounts the /system partition on the device read-write info_msg "/system partition is read-only, remounting it read-write..." # Because of https://bugs.linaro.org/show_bug.cgi?id=2888, this # function wouldn't work in LAVA v2 LXC until the bug get addressed. adb root adb remount fi info_msg "Installing ${file_name}" adb push "${file_path}" "/system/bin/" adb shell chmod 755 "/system/bin/${file_name}" } adb_push() { [ "$#" -ne 2 ] && error_msg "Usage: adb_push " # shellcheck disable=SC2039 local local_file="$1" # shellcheck disable=SC2039 local remote_file="$2" adb shell mkdir -p "${remote_file}" info_msg "Pushing ${local_file} to device ${ANDROID_SERIAL}" adb push "${local_file}" "${remote_file}" # Set 755 permission on the folder/file pushed to device. if [ -d "${local_file}" ]; then adb shell chmod -R 755 "${remote_file}" elif [ -f "${local_file}" ]; then adb shell chmod -R 755 "$(echo "${remote_file}" | sed 's|/$||')/$(basename "${local_file}")" fi } adb_pull() { [ "$#" -ne 2 ] && error_msg "Usage: adb_pull " # shellcheck disable=SC2039 local remote_file="$1" # shellcheck disable=SC2039 local local_file="$2" info_msg "Pulling ${remote_file} from device ${ANDROID_SERIAL}" adb pull "${remote_file}" "${local_file}" } adb_shell_which() { [ "$#" -ne 1 ] && error_msg "Usage: adb_shell_which " # shellcheck disable=SC2039 local cmd="$1" # Only latest version adb able to return exit code. # Check if output of which is empty is a more reliable way. # shellcheck disable=SC2039 local which_output which_output="$(adb shell "echo which ${cmd} | su")" info_msg "Output of which: *${which_output}*" if [ -n "${which_output}" ]; then return 0 else return 1 fi } disable_suspend() { # shellcheck disable=SC2039 local value="${1:-true}" info_msg "Setting the power stayon feature to ${value}." # unlock the home screen adb shell input keyevent KEYCODE_MENU adb shell svc power stayon "${value}" } parse_common_args() { while getopts ":s:t:" opt; do case "${opt}" in # Specify device serial number when more than one device connected. s) ANDROID_SERIAL="${OPTARG}" ;; # Specify timeout in seconds for wait_boot_completed. t) BOOT_TIMEOUT="${OPTARG}" export BOOT_TIMEOUT ;; *) echo "Usage: $0 [-s ] [-t ]" 1>&2 exit 1 ;; esac done } # Try to find the WIFI AP info and connect to it # depends on WIFI AP information specified by lava job like following: # secrets: # AP_SSID: "${AP_SSID}" # AP_KEY: "${AP_KEY}" adb_join_wifi() { # shellcheck disable=SC2039 local AP_SSID=$1 # shellcheck disable=SC2039 local AP_KEY=$2 if [ -z "${AP_SSID}" ] || [ -z "${AP_KEY}" ]; then # Try to find the WIFI AP information specified by the job definition if not specified via command line lava_test_dir="$(find /lava-* -maxdepth 0 -type d -regex '/lava-[0-9]+' 2>/dev/null | sort | tail -1)" if test -f "${lava_test_dir}/secrets"; then # shellcheck disable=SC1090 . "${lava_test_dir}/secrets" fi fi # Try to connect to wifi if found the WIFI AP information if [ ! -z "${AP_SSID}" ] && [ ! -z "${AP_KEY}" ]; then wget http://testdata.validation.linaro.org/apks/wifi/wifi.apk adb install wifi.apk adb shell am start -n com.steinwurf.adbjoinwifi/.MainActivity -e ssid "${AP_SSID}" -e password_type WPA -e password "${AP_KEY}" # uninstall the packge to avoid effect like reported here: # https://bugs.linaro.org/show_bug.cgi?id=4236 sleep 2 adb uninstall com.steinwurf.adbjoinwifi fi }