import logging import re import shutil import subprocess import time class Device: tcpip_device_re = re.compile( r"^\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}:\d{1,5}$" ) EXEC_IN_LAVA = shutil.which("lava-send") is not None def __init__( self, serial_or_address, logcat_output_filename, worker_job_id=None ): self.serial_or_address = serial_or_address self.is_tcpip_device = bool( Device.tcpip_device_re.match(self.serial_or_address) ) self.logcat_output_file = open(logcat_output_filename, "w") self.logcat = subprocess.Popen( ["adb", "-s", serial_or_address, "logcat"], stdout=self.logcat_output_file, ) self.worker_job_id = worker_job_id self.worker_handshake_iteration = 1 self._is_available = True def ensure_available(self, logger, timeout_secs=30): """ High level function that encapsulates all logic for ensuring that a device is accessible. Returns a boolean indicating if this function succeeded. This function will only return once the device is available or no other options for reestablishing a connection are known. Keyword arguments: tradefed_pexpect -- pexpect spawnu object that allows to communicate with TradeFed logger -- logging.getLogger() object to paste some debug information """ if self.check_available(timeout_secs=timeout_secs): self._is_available = True"adb device %s is alive" % self.serial_or_address) # Tell the hosting worker that everything is fine self.worker_handshake("continue") return self._is_available self._is_available = False logger.debug( "adb connection to %s lost! Trying to reconnect..." % self.serial_or_address ) # Tell the hosting worker that something is broken # This call will only return once the device is up and running again, if possible. self.worker_handshake("reconnect") if not self.try_reconnect(): logger.warning( "adb connection to %s lost and reconnect failed!" % self.serial_or_address ) return self._is_available logger.debug("Successfully reconnected to %s!" % self.serial_or_address) # TODO should check if TradeFed detected the device. self._is_available = True return self._is_available def is_available(self): """ High level function that checks if the last ensure_available() invocation led to a positive result. """ return self._is_available def check_available(self, timeout_secs=30): return ( [ "timeout", str(timeout_secs), "adb", "-s", self.serial_or_address, "shell", "echo", "%s:" % self.serial_or_address, "OK", ] ).returncode == 0 ) def try_reconnect(self, reconnectTimeoutSecs=60): # NOTE: When running inside LAVA, self.is_tcpip_device == (self.worker_job_id is not None). # However, when running this script directly, there is no such thing as a remote worker ID, # and reconnect attempts to remote devices may still be useful. if not self.is_tcpip_device: # On local devices, we can currently only try to recover from fastboot. # This would be a good point for a hard reset. # NOTE: If the boot/reboot process takes longer than the specified timeout, this # function will return failure, but the device can still become accessible in the next # iteration of device availability checks. fastbootRebootTimeoutSecs = ( 10 ) # There is no point in waiting longer for fastboot [ "timeout", str(fastbootRebootTimeoutSecs), "fastboot", "-s", self.serial_or_address, "reboot", ] ) bootTimeoutSecs = max( 10, int(reconnectTimeoutSecs) - fastbootRebootTimeoutSecs ) return ( [ "sh", "-c", ". ../../../lib/sh-test-lib && . ../../../lib/android-test-lib && " 'export ANDROID_SERIAL="%s" && wait_boot_completed %s' % (self.serial_or_address, bootTimeoutSecs), ] ).returncode == 0 ) # adb may not yet have realized that the connection is broken["adb", "disconnect", self.serial_or_address]) time.sleep( 5 ) # adb connect ~often~ fails when called ~directly~ after disconnect. if ( [ "timeout", str(reconnectTimeoutSecs), "adb", "connect", self.serial_or_address, ] ).returncode != 0 ): return False if not self.check_available(): return False # reestablish logcat connection self.logcat.kill() self.logcat = subprocess.Popen( ["adb", "-s", self.serial_or_address, "logcat"], stdout=self.logcat_output_file, ) return True def release(self): self.logcat.kill() self.logcat_output_file.close() self.worker_handshake("release") def worker_handshake(self, command): """ This function implements the counterpart of wait-and-keep-local-device-accessible.yaml It is basically a no-op when running outside LAVA. """ # Nothing to do for local devices and nothing to do when not called by LAVA. if self.worker_job_id is None or not Device.EXEC_IN_LAVA: self.worker_handshake_iteration += 1 return True # All commands except release are followed by a lava-send from the worker side. wait_for_acc = command != "release" [ "lava-send", "master-sync-%s-%s" % (self.worker_job_id, str(self.worker_handshake_iteration)), "command=%s" % command, ] ) if wait_for_acc: [ "lava-wait", "worker-sync-%s-%s" % ( self.worker_job_id, str(self.worker_handshake_iteration), ), ] ) # TODO could check result variable from MultiNode cache self.worker_handshake_iteration += 1 return True class RetryCheck: def __init__(self, total_max_retries, retries_if_unchanged): self.total_max_retries = total_max_retries self.retries_if_unchanged = retries_if_unchanged self.current_retry = 0 self.current_unchanged = 0 self.last_value = None def post_result(self, value): self.current_retry += 1 if value == self.last_value: self.current_unchanged += 1 else: self.current_unchanged = 1 self.last_value = value def should_continue(self): return ( self.current_retry < self.total_max_retries and self.current_unchanged < self.retries_if_unchanged ) class ResultSummary: def __init__( self, failure_count, modules_completed, modules_total, timestamp ): self.failure_count = int(failure_count) self.modules_completed = int(modules_completed) self.modules_total = int(modules_total) self.timestamp = timestamp def was_successful(self): return self.failure_count == 0 and self.all_modules_completed() def all_modules_completed(self): return self.modules_completed == self.modules_total def __eq__(self, other): if isinstance(self, other.__class__): return self.__dict__ == other.__dict__ return NotImplemented