metadata: format: Lava-Test Test Definition 1.0 name: wa2-target description: "WAv2 - target part of multinode job" maintainer: - os: - android scope: - functional - performance devices: - vexpress-tc2 - juno - mn-nexus9 params: SIGNAL_PREFIX: "workload" # ADB_LINK parameter is used to pass proper device # identification to the host side. Default is ETH # which means adb-over-ethernet is used ADB_LINK: "ETH" run: steps: - 'mount -o rw,remount /' - lava-test-case step1a-$SIGNAL_PREFIX-cat-build-info --shell cat /system/build.prop - lava-test-case step1b-$SIGNAL_PREFIX-getprop --shell getprop - SERIALNO=$(getprop ro.serialno) - IPADDR=$(getprop dhcp.eth0.ipaddress) - if [ $ADB_LINK != "ETH" ] && [ ! -z $SERIALNO ] - then - IPADDR=$SERIALNO - fi - if [ $ADB_LINK = "ETH" ] && [ ! -z $IPADDR ] - then - lava-test-case step2-get-adb --shell getprop service.adb.tcp.port - lava-test-case step3-set-adb --shell setprop service.adb.tcp.port 5555 - lava-test-case step4-set-adb-root --shell setprop service.adb.root 1 - lava-test-case step5-stop-adbd --shell stop adbd - lava-test-case step6-start-adbd --shell start adbd - fi - if [ -z $SERIALNO ] && [ -z $IPADDR ] - then # if there is no serial number or IP address available, _MISSING_ is passed to the host - IPADDR="_MISSING_" - fi - lava-test-case step7-$SIGNAL_PREFIX-send-ip --shell lava-send $SIGNAL_PREFIX-send-ip $SIGNAL_PREFIX-ipaddr=$IPADDR - lava-test-case step8-$SIGNAL_PREFIX-multinode-sync --shell lava-sync $SIGNAL_PREFIX-finished