/** @file Copyright (c) 2013-2014, ARM Ltd. All rights reserved.
This program and the accompanying materials are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License which accompanies this distribution. The full text of the license may be found at http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php THE PROGRAM IS DISTRIBUTED UNDER THE BSD LICENSE ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. **/ /* * Copyright (c) 2009, Google Inc. * All rights reserved. * * Copyright (c) 2015 - 2019, The Linux Foundation. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are * met: * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following * disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided * with the distribution. * * Neither the name of The Linux Foundation nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived * from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED * WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NON-INFRINGEMENT * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS * BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR * BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, * WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE * OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN * IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "AutoGen.h" #include "BootImage.h" #include "BootLinux.h" #include "BootStats.h" #include "FastbootCmds.h" #include "FastbootMain.h" #include "LinuxLoaderLib.h" #include "MetaFormat.h" #include "SparseFormat.h" #include "Recovery.h" STATIC struct GetVarPartitionInfo part_info[] = { {"system", "partition-size:", "partition-type:", "", "ext4"}, {"userdata", "partition-size:", "partition-type:", "", "ext4"}, {"cache", "partition-size:", "partition-type:", "", "ext4"}, }; STATIC struct GetVarPartitionInfo PublishedPartInfo[MAX_NUM_PARTITIONS]; #ifdef ENABLE_UPDATE_PARTITIONS_CMDS STATIC CONST CHAR16 *CriticalPartitions[] = { L"abl", L"rpm", L"tz", L"sdi", L"xbl", L"hyp", L"pmic", L"bootloader", L"devinfo", L"partition", L"devcfg", L"ddr", L"frp", L"cdt", L"cmnlib", L"cmnlib64", L"keymaster", L"mdtp"}; #endif STATIC FASTBOOT_VAR *Varlist; STATIC BOOLEAN Finished = FALSE; STATIC CHAR8 StrSerialNum[MAX_RSP_SIZE]; STATIC CHAR8 FullProduct[MAX_RSP_SIZE]; STATIC CHAR8 StrVariant[MAX_RSP_SIZE]; STATIC CHAR8 StrBatteryVoltage[MAX_RSP_SIZE]; STATIC CHAR8 StrBatterySocOk[MAX_RSP_SIZE]; STATIC CHAR8 ChargeScreenEnable[MAX_RSP_SIZE]; STATIC CHAR8 OffModeCharge[MAX_RSP_SIZE]; STATIC CHAR8 StrSocVersion[MAX_RSP_SIZE]; STATIC CHAR8 LogicalBlkSizeStr[MAX_RSP_SIZE]; STATIC CHAR8 EraseBlkSizeStr[MAX_RSP_SIZE]; STATIC CHAR8 MaxDownloadSizeStr[MAX_RSP_SIZE]; struct GetVarSlotInfo { CHAR8 SlotSuffix[MAX_SLOT_SUFFIX_SZ]; CHAR8 SlotSuccessfulVar[SLOT_ATTR_SIZE]; CHAR8 SlotUnbootableVar[SLOT_ATTR_SIZE]; CHAR8 SlotRetryCountVar[SLOT_ATTR_SIZE]; CHAR8 SlotSuccessfulVal[ATTR_RESP_SIZE]; CHAR8 SlotUnbootableVal[ATTR_RESP_SIZE]; CHAR8 SlotRetryCountVal[ATTR_RESP_SIZE]; }; STATIC struct GetVarSlotInfo *BootSlotInfo = NULL; STATIC CHAR8 SlotSuffixArray[SLOT_SUFFIX_ARRAY_SIZE]; STATIC CHAR8 SlotCountVar[ATTR_RESP_SIZE]; STATIC CHAR8 CurrentSlotFB[MAX_SLOT_SUFFIX_SZ]; /*Note: This needs to be used only when Slot already has prefix "_" */ #define SKIP_FIRSTCHAR_IN_SLOT_SUFFIX(Slot) \ do { \ int i = 0; \ do { \ Slot[i] = Slot[i + 1]; \ i++; \ } while (i < MAX_SLOT_SUFFIX_SZ - 1); \ } while (0); #define MAX_DISPLAY_PANEL_OVERRIDE 256 /*This variable is used to skip populating the FastbootVar * When PopulateMultiSlotInfo called while flashing each Lun */ STATIC BOOLEAN InitialPopulate = FALSE; STATIC UINT32 SlotCount; extern struct PartitionEntry PtnEntries[MAX_NUM_PARTITIONS]; STATIC ANDROID_FASTBOOT_STATE mState = ExpectCmdState; /* When in ExpectDataState, the number of bytes of data to expect: */ STATIC UINT64 mNumDataBytes; STATIC UINT64 mFlashNumDataBytes; /* .. and the number of bytes so far received this data phase */ STATIC UINT64 mBytesReceivedSoFar; /* and the buffer to save data into */ STATIC UINT8 *mDataBuffer = NULL; /* and the offset for usb to save data into */ STATIC UINT8 *mFlashDataBuffer = NULL; STATIC UINT8 *mUsbDataBuffer = NULL; STATIC BOOLEAN IsFlashComplete = TRUE; STATIC EFI_STATUS FlashResult = EFI_SUCCESS; #ifdef ENABLE_UPDATE_PARTITIONS_CMDS STATIC EFI_EVENT UsbTimerEvent; #endif STATIC UINT64 MaxDownLoadSize = 0; STATIC INT32 Lun = NO_LUN; STATIC BOOLEAN LunSet; STATIC FASTBOOT_CMD *cmdlist; STATIC UINT32 IsAllowUnlock; STATIC EFI_STATUS FastbootCommandSetup (VOID *Base, UINT64 Size); STATIC VOID AcceptCmd (IN UINT64 Size, IN CHAR8 *Data); STATIC VOID AcceptCmdHandler (IN EFI_EVENT Event, IN VOID *Context); #define NAND_PAGES_PER_BLOCK 64 #define UBI_HEADER_MAGIC "UBI#" #define UBI_NUM_IMAGES 1 typedef struct UbiHeader { CHAR8 HdrMagic[4]; } UbiHeader_t; typedef struct { UINT64 Size; VOID *Data; } CmdInfo; STATIC BOOLEAN UsbTimerStarted; BOOLEAN IsUsbTimerStarted (VOID) { return UsbTimerStarted; } #ifdef DISABLE_PARALLEL_DOWNLOAD_FLASH BOOLEAN IsDisableParallelDownloadFlash (VOID) { return TRUE; } #else BOOLEAN IsDisableParallelDownloadFlash (VOID) { return FALSE; } #endif /* Clean up memory for the getvar variables during exit */ STATIC EFI_STATUS FastbootUnInit (VOID) { FASTBOOT_VAR *Var; FASTBOOT_VAR *VarPrev = NULL; for (Var = Varlist; Var && Var->next; Var = Var->next) { if (VarPrev) { FreePool (VarPrev); VarPrev = NULL; } VarPrev = Var; } if (Var) { FreePool (Var); Var = NULL; } return EFI_SUCCESS; } /* Publish a variable readable by the built-in getvar command * These Variables must not be temporary, shallow copies are used. */ STATIC VOID FastbootPublishVar (IN CONST CHAR8 *Name, IN CONST CHAR8 *Value) { FASTBOOT_VAR *Var; Var = AllocateZeroPool (sizeof (*Var)); if (Var) { Var->next = Varlist; Varlist = Var; Var->name = Name; Var->value = Value; } else { DEBUG ((EFI_D_VERBOSE, "Failed to publish a variable readable(%a): malloc error!\n", Name)); } } /* Returns the Remaining amount of bytes expected * This lets us bypass ZLT issues */ UINTN GetXfrSize (VOID) { UINTN BytesLeft = mNumDataBytes - mBytesReceivedSoFar; if ((mState == ExpectDataState) && (BytesLeft < USB_BUFFER_SIZE)) return BytesLeft; return USB_BUFFER_SIZE; } /* Acknowlege to host, INFO, OKAY and FAILURE */ STATIC VOID FastbootAck (IN CONST CHAR8 *code, CONST CHAR8 *Reason) { if (Reason == NULL) Reason = ""; AsciiSPrint (GetFastbootDeviceData ().gTxBuffer, MAX_RSP_SIZE, "%a%a", code, Reason); GetFastbootDeviceData ().UsbDeviceProtocol->Send ( ENDPOINT_OUT, AsciiStrLen (GetFastbootDeviceData ().gTxBuffer), GetFastbootDeviceData ().gTxBuffer); DEBUG ((EFI_D_VERBOSE, "Sending %d:%a\n", AsciiStrLen (GetFastbootDeviceData ().gTxBuffer), GetFastbootDeviceData ().gTxBuffer)); } VOID FastbootFail (IN CONST CHAR8 *Reason) { FastbootAck ("FAIL", Reason); } VOID FastbootInfo (IN CONST CHAR8 *Info) { FastbootAck ("INFO", Info); } VOID FastbootOkay (IN CONST CHAR8 *info) { FastbootAck ("OKAY", info); } VOID PartitionDump (VOID) { EFI_STATUS Status; EFI_PARTITION_ENTRY *PartEntry; UINT16 i; UINT32 j; /* By default the LunStart and LunEnd would point to '0' and max value */ UINT32 LunStart = 0; UINT32 LunEnd = GetMaxLuns (); /* If Lun is set in the Handle flash command then find the block io for that * lun */ if (LunSet) { LunStart = Lun; LunEnd = Lun + 1; } for (i = LunStart; i < LunEnd; i++) { for (j = 0; j < Ptable[i].MaxHandles; j++) { Status = gBS->HandleProtocol (Ptable[i].HandleInfoList[j].Handle, &gEfiPartitionRecordGuid, (VOID **)&PartEntry); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { DEBUG ((EFI_D_VERBOSE, "Error getting the partition record for Lun %d " "and Handle: %d : %r\n", i, j, Status)); continue; } DEBUG ((EFI_D_INFO, "Name:[%s] StartLba: %u EndLba:%u\n", PartEntry->PartitionName, PartEntry->StartingLBA, PartEntry->EndingLBA)); } } } STATIC EFI_STATUS PartitionGetInfo (IN CHAR16 *PartitionName, OUT EFI_BLOCK_IO_PROTOCOL **BlockIo, OUT EFI_HANDLE **Handle) { EFI_STATUS Status; EFI_PARTITION_ENTRY *PartEntry; UINT16 i; UINT32 j; /* By default the LunStart and LunEnd would point to '0' and max value */ UINT32 LunStart = 0; UINT32 LunEnd = GetMaxLuns (); /* If Lun is set in the Handle flash command then find the block io for that * lun */ if (LunSet) { LunStart = Lun; LunEnd = Lun + 1; } for (i = LunStart; i < LunEnd; i++) { for (j = 0; j < Ptable[i].MaxHandles; j++) { Status = gBS->HandleProtocol (Ptable[i].HandleInfoList[j].Handle, &gEfiPartitionRecordGuid, (VOID **)&PartEntry); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { continue; } if (!(StrCmp (PartitionName, PartEntry->PartitionName))) { *BlockIo = Ptable[i].HandleInfoList[j].BlkIo; *Handle = Ptable[i].HandleInfoList[j].Handle; return Status; } } } DEBUG ((EFI_D_ERROR, "Partition not found : %s\n", PartitionName)); return EFI_NOT_FOUND; } STATIC VOID FastbootPublishSlotVars (VOID) { UINT32 i; UINT32 j; CHAR8 *Suffix = NULL; UINT32 PartitionCount = 0; CHAR8 PartitionNameAscii[MAX_GPT_NAME_SIZE]; UINT32 RetryCount = 0; BOOLEAN Set = FALSE; GetPartitionCount (&PartitionCount); /*Scan through partition entries, populate the attributes*/ for (i = 0, j = 0; i < PartitionCount && j < SlotCount; i++) { UnicodeStrToAsciiStr (PtnEntries[i].PartEntry.PartitionName, PartitionNameAscii); if (!(AsciiStrnCmp (PartitionNameAscii, "boot", AsciiStrLen ("boot")))) { Suffix = PartitionNameAscii + AsciiStrLen ("boot_"); AsciiStrnCpyS (BootSlotInfo[j].SlotSuffix, MAX_SLOT_SUFFIX_SZ, Suffix, AsciiStrLen (Suffix)); AsciiStrnCpyS (BootSlotInfo[j].SlotSuccessfulVar, SLOT_ATTR_SIZE, "slot-successful:", AsciiStrLen ("slot-successful:")); Set = PtnEntries[i].PartEntry.Attributes & PART_ATT_SUCCESSFUL_VAL ? TRUE : FALSE; AsciiStrnCpyS (BootSlotInfo[j].SlotSuccessfulVal, ATTR_RESP_SIZE, Set ? "yes" : "no", Set ? AsciiStrLen ("yes") : AsciiStrLen ("no")); AsciiStrnCatS (BootSlotInfo[j].SlotSuccessfulVar, SLOT_ATTR_SIZE, Suffix, AsciiStrLen (Suffix)); FastbootPublishVar (BootSlotInfo[j].SlotSuccessfulVar, BootSlotInfo[j].SlotSuccessfulVal); AsciiStrnCpyS (BootSlotInfo[j].SlotUnbootableVar, SLOT_ATTR_SIZE, "slot-unbootable:", AsciiStrLen ("slot-unbootable:")); Set = PtnEntries[i].PartEntry.Attributes & PART_ATT_UNBOOTABLE_VAL ? TRUE : FALSE; AsciiStrnCpyS (BootSlotInfo[j].SlotUnbootableVal, ATTR_RESP_SIZE, Set ? "yes" : "no", Set ? AsciiStrLen ("yes") : AsciiStrLen ("no")); AsciiStrnCatS (BootSlotInfo[j].SlotUnbootableVar, SLOT_ATTR_SIZE, Suffix, AsciiStrLen (Suffix)); FastbootPublishVar (BootSlotInfo[j].SlotUnbootableVar, BootSlotInfo[j].SlotUnbootableVal); AsciiStrnCpyS (BootSlotInfo[j].SlotRetryCountVar, SLOT_ATTR_SIZE, "slot-retry-count:", AsciiStrLen ("slot-retry-count:")); RetryCount = (PtnEntries[i].PartEntry.Attributes & PART_ATT_MAX_RETRY_COUNT_VAL) >> PART_ATT_MAX_RETRY_CNT_BIT; AsciiSPrint (BootSlotInfo[j].SlotRetryCountVal, ATTR_RESP_SIZE, "%llu", RetryCount); AsciiStrnCatS (BootSlotInfo[j].SlotRetryCountVar, SLOT_ATTR_SIZE, Suffix, AsciiStrLen (Suffix)); FastbootPublishVar (BootSlotInfo[j].SlotRetryCountVar, BootSlotInfo[j].SlotRetryCountVal); j++; } } FastbootPublishVar ("has-slot:boot", "yes"); UnicodeStrToAsciiStr (GetCurrentSlotSuffix ().Suffix, CurrentSlotFB); /* Here CurrentSlotFB will only have value of "_a" or "_b".*/ SKIP_FIRSTCHAR_IN_SLOT_SUFFIX (CurrentSlotFB); FastbootPublishVar ("current-slot", CurrentSlotFB); FastbootPublishVar ("has-slot:system", PartitionHasMultiSlot ((CONST CHAR16 *)L"system") ? "yes" : "no"); FastbootPublishVar ("has-slot:modem", PartitionHasMultiSlot ((CONST CHAR16 *)L"modem") ? "yes" : "no"); return; } /*Function to populate attribute fields *Note: It traverses through the partition entries structure, *populates has-slot, slot-successful,slot-unbootable and *slot-retry-count attributes of the boot slots. */ STATIC VOID PopulateMultislotMetadata (VOID) { UINT32 i; UINT32 j; UINT32 PartitionCount = 0; CHAR8 *Suffix = NULL; CHAR8 PartitionNameAscii[MAX_GPT_NAME_SIZE]; GetPartitionCount (&PartitionCount); if (!InitialPopulate) { /*Traverse through partition entries,count matching slots with boot */ for (i = 0; i < PartitionCount; i++) { UnicodeStrToAsciiStr (PtnEntries[i].PartEntry.PartitionName, PartitionNameAscii); if (!(AsciiStrnCmp (PartitionNameAscii, "boot", AsciiStrLen ("boot")))) { SlotCount++; Suffix = PartitionNameAscii + AsciiStrLen ("boot"); if (!AsciiStrStr (SlotSuffixArray, Suffix)) { AsciiStrnCatS (SlotSuffixArray, sizeof (SlotSuffixArray), Suffix, AsciiStrLen (Suffix)); AsciiStrnCatS (SlotSuffixArray, sizeof (SlotSuffixArray), ",", AsciiStrLen (",")); } } } AsciiSPrint (SlotCountVar, sizeof (SlotCountVar), "%d", SlotCount); FastbootPublishVar ("slot-count", SlotCountVar); /*Allocate memory for available number of slots*/ BootSlotInfo = AllocateZeroPool ( SlotCount * sizeof (struct GetVarSlotInfo)); if (BootSlotInfo == NULL) { DEBUG ((EFI_D_ERROR, "Unable to allocate memory for BootSlotInfo\n")); return; } FastbootPublishSlotVars (); InitialPopulate = TRUE; } else { /*While updating gpt from fastboot dont need to populate all the variables * as above*/ for (i = 0; i < SlotCount; i++) { AsciiStrnCpyS (BootSlotInfo[i].SlotSuccessfulVal, sizeof (BootSlotInfo[i].SlotSuccessfulVal), "no", AsciiStrLen ("no")); AsciiStrnCpyS (BootSlotInfo[i].SlotUnbootableVal, sizeof (BootSlotInfo[i].SlotUnbootableVal), "no", AsciiStrLen ("no")); AsciiSPrint (BootSlotInfo[i].SlotRetryCountVal, sizeof (BootSlotInfo[j].SlotRetryCountVal), "%d", MAX_RETRY_COUNT); } } return; } #ifdef ENABLE_UPDATE_PARTITIONS_CMDS /* Helper function to write data to disk */ STATIC EFI_STATUS WriteToDisk (IN EFI_BLOCK_IO_PROTOCOL *BlockIo, IN EFI_HANDLE *Handle, IN VOID *Image, IN UINT64 Size, IN UINT64 offset) { return WriteBlockToPartition (BlockIo, Handle, offset, Size, Image); } STATIC BOOLEAN GetPartitionHasSlot (CHAR16 *PartitionName, UINT32 PnameMaxSize, CHAR16 *SlotSuffix, UINT32 SlotSuffixMaxSize) { INT32 Index = INVALID_PTN; BOOLEAN HasSlot = FALSE; Slot CurrentSlot; Index = GetPartitionIndex (PartitionName); if (Index == INVALID_PTN) { CurrentSlot = GetCurrentSlotSuffix (); StrnCpyS (SlotSuffix, SlotSuffixMaxSize, CurrentSlot.Suffix, StrLen (CurrentSlot.Suffix)); StrnCatS (PartitionName, PnameMaxSize, CurrentSlot.Suffix, StrLen (CurrentSlot.Suffix)); HasSlot = TRUE; } else { /*Check for _a or _b slots, if available then copy to SlotSuffix Array*/ if (StrStr (PartitionName, (CONST CHAR16 *)L"_a") || StrStr (PartitionName, (CONST CHAR16 *)L"_b")) { StrnCpyS (SlotSuffix, SlotSuffixMaxSize, (PartitionName + (StrLen (PartitionName) - 2)), 2); HasSlot = TRUE; } } return HasSlot; } STATIC EFI_STATUS HandleChunkTypeRaw (sparse_header_t *sparse_header, chunk_header_t *chunk_header, VOID **Image, SparseImgParam *SparseImgData) { EFI_STATUS Status; if (sparse_header == NULL || chunk_header == NULL || *Image == NULL || SparseImgData == NULL) { DEBUG ((EFI_D_ERROR, "Invalid input Parameters\n")); return EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER; } if ((UINT64)chunk_header->total_sz != ((UINT64)sparse_header->chunk_hdr_sz + SparseImgData->ChunkDataSz)) { DEBUG ((EFI_D_ERROR, "Bogus chunk size for chunk type Raw\n")); return EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER; } if (CHECK_ADD64 ((UINT64)*Image, SparseImgData->ChunkDataSz)) { DEBUG ((EFI_D_ERROR, "Integer overflow while adding Image and chunk data sz\n")); return EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER; } if (SparseImgData->ImageEnd < (UINT64)*Image + SparseImgData->ChunkDataSz) { DEBUG ((EFI_D_ERROR, "buffer overreads occured due to invalid sparse header\n")); return EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER; } /* Data is validated, now write to the disk */ SparseImgData->WrittenBlockCount = SparseImgData->TotalBlocks * SparseImgData->BlockCountFactor; Status = WriteToDisk (SparseImgData->BlockIo, SparseImgData->Handle, *Image, SparseImgData->ChunkDataSz, SparseImgData->WrittenBlockCount); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { DEBUG ((EFI_D_ERROR, "Flash Write Failure\n")); return Status; } if (SparseImgData->TotalBlocks > (MAX_UINT32 - chunk_header->chunk_sz)) { DEBUG ((EFI_D_ERROR, "Bogus size for RAW chunk Type\n")); return EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER; } SparseImgData->TotalBlocks += chunk_header->chunk_sz; *Image += SparseImgData->ChunkDataSz; return EFI_SUCCESS; } STATIC EFI_STATUS HandleChunkTypeFill (sparse_header_t *sparse_header, chunk_header_t *chunk_header, VOID **Image, SparseImgParam *SparseImgData) { UINT32 *FillBuf = NULL; UINT32 FillVal; EFI_STATUS Status = EFI_SUCCESS; UINT32 Temp; if (sparse_header == NULL || chunk_header == NULL || *Image == NULL || SparseImgData == NULL) { DEBUG ((EFI_D_ERROR, "Invalid input Parameters\n")); return EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER; } if (chunk_header->total_sz != (sparse_header->chunk_hdr_sz + sizeof (UINT32))) { DEBUG ((EFI_D_ERROR, "Bogus chunk size for chunk type FILL\n")); return EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER; } FillBuf = AllocateZeroPool (sparse_header->blk_sz); if (!FillBuf) { DEBUG ((EFI_D_ERROR, "Malloc failed for: CHUNK_TYPE_FILL\n")); return EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES; } if (CHECK_ADD64 ((UINT64)*Image, sizeof (UINT32))) { DEBUG ((EFI_D_ERROR, "Integer overflow while adding Image and uint32\n")); Status = EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER; goto out; } if (SparseImgData->ImageEnd < (UINT64)*Image + sizeof (UINT32)) { DEBUG ((EFI_D_ERROR, "Buffer overread occured due to invalid sparse header\n")); Status = EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER; goto out; } FillVal = *(UINT32 *)*Image; *Image = (CHAR8 *)*Image + sizeof (UINT32); for (Temp = 0; Temp < (sparse_header->blk_sz / sizeof (FillVal)); Temp++) { FillBuf[Temp] = FillVal; } for (Temp = 0; Temp < chunk_header->chunk_sz; Temp++) { /* Make sure the data does not exceed the partition size */ if ((UINT64)SparseImgData->TotalBlocks * (UINT64)sparse_header->blk_sz + sparse_header->blk_sz > SparseImgData->PartitionSize) { DEBUG ((EFI_D_ERROR, "Chunk data size for fill type " "exceeds partition size\n")); Status = EFI_VOLUME_FULL; goto out; } SparseImgData->WrittenBlockCount = SparseImgData->TotalBlocks * SparseImgData->BlockCountFactor; Status = WriteToDisk (SparseImgData->BlockIo, SparseImgData->Handle, (VOID *)FillBuf, sparse_header->blk_sz, SparseImgData->WrittenBlockCount); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { DEBUG ((EFI_D_ERROR, "Flash write failure for FILL Chunk\n")); goto out; } SparseImgData->TotalBlocks++; } out: if (FillBuf) { FreePool (FillBuf); FillBuf = NULL; } return Status; } STATIC EFI_STATUS ValidateChunkDataAndFlash (sparse_header_t *sparse_header, chunk_header_t *chunk_header, VOID **Image, SparseImgParam *SparseImgData) { EFI_STATUS Status; if (sparse_header == NULL || chunk_header == NULL || *Image == NULL || SparseImgData == NULL) { DEBUG ((EFI_D_ERROR, "Invalid input Parameters\n")); return EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER; } switch (chunk_header->chunk_type) { case CHUNK_TYPE_RAW: Status = HandleChunkTypeRaw (sparse_header, chunk_header, Image, SparseImgData); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { return Status; } break; case CHUNK_TYPE_FILL: Status = HandleChunkTypeFill (sparse_header, chunk_header, Image, SparseImgData); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { return Status; } break; case CHUNK_TYPE_DONT_CARE: if (SparseImgData->TotalBlocks > (MAX_UINT32 - chunk_header->chunk_sz)) { DEBUG ((EFI_D_ERROR, "bogus size for chunk DONT CARE type\n")); return EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER; } SparseImgData->TotalBlocks += chunk_header->chunk_sz; break; case CHUNK_TYPE_CRC: if (chunk_header->total_sz != sparse_header->chunk_hdr_sz) { DEBUG ((EFI_D_ERROR, "Bogus chunk size for chunk type CRC\n")); return EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER; } if (SparseImgData->TotalBlocks > (MAX_UINT32 - chunk_header->chunk_sz)) { DEBUG ((EFI_D_ERROR, "Bogus size for chunk type CRC\n")); return EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER; } SparseImgData->TotalBlocks += chunk_header->chunk_sz; if (CHECK_ADD64 ((UINT64)*Image, SparseImgData->ChunkDataSz)) { DEBUG ((EFI_D_ERROR, "Integer overflow while adding Image and chunk data sz\n")); return EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER; } *Image += (UINT32)SparseImgData->ChunkDataSz; if (SparseImgData->ImageEnd < (UINT64)*Image) { DEBUG ((EFI_D_ERROR, "buffer overreads occured due to " "invalid sparse header\n")); return EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER; } break; default: DEBUG ((EFI_D_ERROR, "Unknown chunk type: %x\n", chunk_header->chunk_type)); return EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER; } return EFI_SUCCESS; } /* Handle Sparse Image Flashing */ STATIC EFI_STATUS HandleSparseImgFlash (IN CHAR16 *PartitionName, IN UINT32 PartitionMaxSize, IN VOID *Image, IN UINT64 sz) { sparse_header_t *sparse_header; chunk_header_t *chunk_header; EFI_STATUS Status; SparseImgParam SparseImgData = {0}; if (CHECK_ADD64 ((UINT64)Image, sz)) { DEBUG ((EFI_D_ERROR, "Integer overflow while adding Image and sz\n")); return EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER; } SparseImgData.ImageEnd = (UINT64)Image + sz; /* Caller to ensure that the partition is present in the Partition Table*/ Status = PartitionGetInfo (PartitionName, &(SparseImgData.BlockIo), &(SparseImgData.Handle)); if (Status != EFI_SUCCESS) return Status; if (!SparseImgData.BlockIo) { DEBUG ((EFI_D_ERROR, "BlockIo for %a is corrupted\n", PartitionName)); return EFI_VOLUME_CORRUPTED; } if (!SparseImgData.Handle) { DEBUG ((EFI_D_ERROR, "EFI handle for %a is corrupted\n", PartitionName)); return EFI_VOLUME_CORRUPTED; } // Check image will fit on device SparseImgData.PartitionSize = (SparseImgData.BlockIo->Media->LastBlock + 1) * SparseImgData.BlockIo->Media->BlockSize; if (sz < sizeof (sparse_header_t)) { DEBUG ((EFI_D_ERROR, "Input image is invalid\n")); return EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER; } sparse_header = (sparse_header_t *)Image; if (((UINT64)sparse_header->total_blks * (UINT64)sparse_header->blk_sz) > SparseImgData.PartitionSize) { DEBUG ((EFI_D_ERROR, "Image is too large for the partition\n")); return EFI_VOLUME_FULL; } Image += sizeof (sparse_header_t); if (sparse_header->file_hdr_sz != sizeof (sparse_header_t)) { DEBUG ((EFI_D_ERROR, "Sparse header size mismatch\n")); return EFI_BAD_BUFFER_SIZE; } if (!sparse_header->blk_sz) { DEBUG ((EFI_D_ERROR, "Invalid block size in the sparse header\n")); return EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER; } if ((sparse_header->blk_sz) % (SparseImgData.BlockIo->Media->BlockSize)) { DEBUG ((EFI_D_ERROR, "Unsupported sparse block size %x\n", sparse_header->blk_sz)); return EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER; } SparseImgData.BlockCountFactor = (sparse_header->blk_sz) / (SparseImgData.BlockIo->Media->BlockSize); DEBUG ((EFI_D_VERBOSE, "=== Sparse Image Header ===\n")); DEBUG ((EFI_D_VERBOSE, "magic: 0x%x\n", sparse_header->magic)); DEBUG ( (EFI_D_VERBOSE, "major_version: 0x%x\n", sparse_header->major_version)); DEBUG ( (EFI_D_VERBOSE, "minor_version: 0x%x\n", sparse_header->minor_version)); DEBUG ((EFI_D_VERBOSE, "file_hdr_sz: %d\n", sparse_header->file_hdr_sz)); DEBUG ((EFI_D_VERBOSE, "chunk_hdr_sz: %d\n", sparse_header->chunk_hdr_sz)); DEBUG ((EFI_D_VERBOSE, "blk_sz: %d\n", sparse_header->blk_sz)); DEBUG ((EFI_D_VERBOSE, "total_blks: %d\n", sparse_header->total_blks)); DEBUG ((EFI_D_VERBOSE, "total_chunks: %d\n", sparse_header->total_chunks)); /* Start processing the chunks */ for (SparseImgData.Chunk = 0; SparseImgData.Chunk < sparse_header->total_chunks; SparseImgData.Chunk++) { if (((UINT64)SparseImgData.TotalBlocks * (UINT64)sparse_header->blk_sz) >= SparseImgData.PartitionSize) { DEBUG ((EFI_D_ERROR, "Size of image is too large for the partition\n")); return EFI_VOLUME_FULL; } /* Read and skip over chunk header */ chunk_header = (chunk_header_t *)Image; if (CHECK_ADD64 ((UINT64)Image, sizeof (chunk_header_t))) { DEBUG ((EFI_D_ERROR, "Integer overflow while adding Image and chunk header\n")); return EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER; } Image += sizeof (chunk_header_t); if (SparseImgData.ImageEnd < (UINT64)Image) { DEBUG ((EFI_D_ERROR, "buffer overreads occured due to invalid sparse header\n")); return EFI_BAD_BUFFER_SIZE; } DEBUG ((EFI_D_VERBOSE, "=== Chunk Header ===\n")); DEBUG ((EFI_D_VERBOSE, "chunk_type: 0x%x\n", chunk_header->chunk_type)); DEBUG ((EFI_D_VERBOSE, "chunk_data_sz: 0x%x\n", chunk_header->chunk_sz)); DEBUG ((EFI_D_VERBOSE, "total_size: 0x%x\n", chunk_header->total_sz)); if (sparse_header->chunk_hdr_sz != sizeof (chunk_header_t)) { DEBUG ((EFI_D_ERROR, "chunk header size mismatch\n")); return EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER; } SparseImgData.ChunkDataSz = (UINT64)sparse_header->blk_sz * chunk_header->chunk_sz; /* Make sure that chunk size calculate from sparse image does not exceed the * partition size */ if ((UINT64)SparseImgData.TotalBlocks * (UINT64)sparse_header->blk_sz + SparseImgData.ChunkDataSz > SparseImgData.PartitionSize) { DEBUG ((EFI_D_ERROR, "Chunk data size exceeds partition size\n")); return EFI_VOLUME_FULL; } Status = ValidateChunkDataAndFlash (sparse_header, chunk_header, &Image, &SparseImgData); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { return Status; } } DEBUG ((EFI_D_INFO, "Wrote %d blocks, expected to write %d blocks\n", SparseImgData.TotalBlocks, sparse_header->total_blks)); if (SparseImgData.TotalBlocks != sparse_header->total_blks) { DEBUG ((EFI_D_ERROR, "Sparse Image Write Failure\n")); Status = EFI_VOLUME_CORRUPTED; } return Status; } STATIC VOID FastbootUpdateAttr (CONST CHAR16 *SlotSuffix) { struct PartitionEntry *Ptn_Entries_Ptr = NULL; UINT32 j; INT32 Index; CHAR16 PartName[MAX_GPT_NAME_SIZE]; CHAR8 SlotSuffixAscii[MAX_SLOT_SUFFIX_SZ]; UnicodeStrToAsciiStr (SlotSuffix, SlotSuffixAscii); StrnCpyS (PartName, StrLen ((CONST CHAR16 *)L"boot") + 1, (CONST CHAR16 *)L"boot", StrLen ((CONST CHAR16 *)L"boot")); StrnCatS (PartName, MAX_GPT_NAME_SIZE - 1, SlotSuffix, StrLen (SlotSuffix)); Index = GetPartitionIndex (PartName); if (Index == INVALID_PTN) { DEBUG ((EFI_D_ERROR, "Error boot partition for slot: %s not found\n", SlotSuffix)); return; } Ptn_Entries_Ptr = &PtnEntries[Index]; Ptn_Entries_Ptr->PartEntry.Attributes &= (~PART_ATT_SUCCESSFUL_VAL & ~PART_ATT_UNBOOTABLE_VAL); Ptn_Entries_Ptr->PartEntry.Attributes |= (PART_ATT_PRIORITY_VAL | PART_ATT_MAX_RETRY_COUNT_VAL); UpdatePartitionAttributes (PARTITION_ATTRIBUTES); for (j = 0; j < SlotCount; j++) { if (AsciiStrStr (SlotSuffixAscii, BootSlotInfo[j].SlotSuffix)) { AsciiStrnCpyS (BootSlotInfo[j].SlotSuccessfulVal, sizeof (BootSlotInfo[j].SlotSuccessfulVal), "no", AsciiStrLen ("no")); AsciiStrnCpyS (BootSlotInfo[j].SlotUnbootableVal, sizeof (BootSlotInfo[j].SlotUnbootableVal), "no", AsciiStrLen ("no")); AsciiSPrint (BootSlotInfo[j].SlotRetryCountVal, sizeof (BootSlotInfo[j].SlotRetryCountVal), "%d", MAX_RETRY_COUNT); } } } /* Raw Image flashing */ STATIC EFI_STATUS HandleRawImgFlash (IN CHAR16 *PartitionName, IN UINT32 PartitionMaxSize, IN VOID *Image, IN UINT64 Size) { EFI_STATUS Status; EFI_BLOCK_IO_PROTOCOL *BlockIo = NULL; UINT64 PartitionSize; EFI_HANDLE *Handle = NULL; CHAR16 SlotSuffix[MAX_SLOT_SUFFIX_SZ]; BOOLEAN MultiSlotBoot = PartitionHasMultiSlot ((CONST CHAR16 *)L"boot"); BOOLEAN HasSlot = FALSE; /* For multislot boot the partition may not support a/b slots. * Look for default partition, if it does not exist then try for a/b */ if (MultiSlotBoot) HasSlot = GetPartitionHasSlot (PartitionName, PartitionMaxSize, SlotSuffix, MAX_SLOT_SUFFIX_SZ); Status = PartitionGetInfo (PartitionName, &BlockIo, &Handle); if (Status != EFI_SUCCESS) return Status; if (!BlockIo) { DEBUG ((EFI_D_ERROR, "BlockIo for %a is corrupted\n", PartitionName)); return EFI_VOLUME_CORRUPTED; } if (!Handle) { DEBUG ((EFI_D_ERROR, "EFI handle for %a is corrupted\n", PartitionName)); return EFI_VOLUME_CORRUPTED; } if (CHECK_ADD64 (BlockIo->Media->LastBlock, 1)) { DEBUG ((EFI_D_ERROR, "Integer overflow while adding LastBlock and 1\n")); return EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER; } if ((MAX_UINT64 / (BlockIo->Media->LastBlock + 1)) < (UINT64)BlockIo->Media->BlockSize) { DEBUG ((EFI_D_ERROR, "Integer overflow while multiplying LastBlock and BlockSize\n")); return EFI_BAD_BUFFER_SIZE; } /* Check image will fit on device */ PartitionSize = (BlockIo->Media->LastBlock + 1) * BlockIo->Media->BlockSize; if (PartitionSize < Size) { DEBUG ((EFI_D_ERROR, "Partition not big enough.\n")); DEBUG ((EFI_D_ERROR, "Partition Size:\t%d\nImage Size:\t%d\n", PartitionSize, Size)); return EFI_VOLUME_FULL; } Status = WriteBlockToPartition (BlockIo, Handle, 0, Size, Image); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { DEBUG ((EFI_D_ERROR, "Writing Block to partition Failure\n")); } if (MultiSlotBoot && HasSlot && !(StrnCmp (PartitionName, (CONST CHAR16 *)L"boot", StrLen ((CONST CHAR16 *)L"boot")))) FastbootUpdateAttr (SlotSuffix); return Status; } /* UBI Image flashing */ STATIC EFI_STATUS HandleUbiImgFlash ( IN CHAR16 *PartitionName, IN UINT32 PartitionMaxSize, IN VOID *Image, IN UINT64 Size) { EFI_STATUS Status = EFI_SUCCESS; EFI_BLOCK_IO_PROTOCOL *BlockIo = NULL; UINT32 UbiPageSize; UINT32 UbiBlockSize; EFI_UBI_FLASHER_PROTOCOL *Ubi; UBI_FLASHER_HANDLE UbiFlasherHandle; EFI_HANDLE *Handle = NULL; CHAR16 SlotSuffix[MAX_SLOT_SUFFIX_SZ]; BOOLEAN MultiSlotBoot = PartitionHasMultiSlot ((CONST CHAR16 *)L"boot"); BOOLEAN HasSlot = FALSE; CHAR8 PartitionNameAscii[MAX_GPT_NAME_SIZE] = {'\0'}; UINT64 PartitionSize = 0; /* For multislot boot the partition may not support a/b slots. * Look for default partition, if it does not exist then try for a/b */ if (MultiSlotBoot) { HasSlot = GetPartitionHasSlot (PartitionName, PartitionMaxSize, SlotSuffix, MAX_SLOT_SUFFIX_SZ); DEBUG ((EFI_D_VERBOSE, "Partition has slot=%d\n", HasSlot)); } Status = PartitionGetInfo (PartitionName, &BlockIo, &Handle); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { DEBUG ((EFI_D_ERROR, "Unable to get Parition Info\n")); return Status; } /* Check if Image fits into partition */ PartitionSize = ((BlockIo->Media->LastBlock + 1) * (UINT64)BlockIo->Media->BlockSize); if (Size > PartitionSize) { DEBUG ((EFI_D_ERROR, "Input Size is invalid\n")); return EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER; } Status = gBS->LocateProtocol (&gEfiUbiFlasherProtocolGuid, NULL, (VOID **) &Ubi); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { DEBUG ((EFI_D_ERROR, "UBI Image flashing not supported.\n")); return Status; } UnicodeStrToAsciiStr (PartitionName, PartitionNameAscii); Status = Ubi->UbiFlasherOpen (PartitionNameAscii, &UbiFlasherHandle, &UbiPageSize, &UbiBlockSize); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { DEBUG ((EFI_D_ERROR, "Unable to open UBI Protocol.\n")); return Status; } /* UBI_NUM_IMAGES can replace with number of sparse images being flashed. */ Status = Ubi->UbiFlasherWrite (UbiFlasherHandle, UBI_NUM_IMAGES, Image, Size); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { DEBUG ((EFI_D_ERROR, "Unable to open UBI Protocol.\n")); return Status; } Status = Ubi->UbiFlasherClose (UbiFlasherHandle); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { DEBUG ((EFI_D_ERROR, "Unable to close UBI Protocol.\n")); return Status; } return Status; } /* Meta Image flashing */ STATIC EFI_STATUS HandleMetaImgFlash (IN CHAR16 *PartitionName, IN UINT32 PartitionMaxSize, IN VOID *Image, IN UINT64 Size) { UINT32 i; UINT32 images; EFI_STATUS Status = EFI_DEVICE_ERROR; img_header_entry_t *img_header_entry; meta_header_t *meta_header; CHAR16 PartitionNameFromMeta[MAX_GPT_NAME_SIZE]; UINT64 ImageEnd = 0; BOOLEAN PnameTerminated = FALSE; UINT32 j; if (Size < sizeof (meta_header_t)) { DEBUG ((EFI_D_ERROR, "Error: The size is smaller than the image header size\n")); return EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER; } meta_header = (meta_header_t *)Image; img_header_entry = (img_header_entry_t *)(Image + sizeof (meta_header_t)); images = meta_header->img_hdr_sz / sizeof (img_header_entry_t); if (images > MAX_IMAGES_IN_METAIMG) { DEBUG ( (EFI_D_ERROR, "Error: Number of images(%u)in meta_image are greater than expected\n", images)); return EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER; } if (Size <= (sizeof (meta_header_t) + meta_header->img_hdr_sz)) { DEBUG ( (EFI_D_ERROR, "Error: The size is smaller than image header size + entry size\n")); return EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER; } if (CHECK_ADD64 ((UINT64)Image, Size)) { DEBUG ((EFI_D_ERROR, "Integer overflow detected in %d, %a\n", __LINE__, __FUNCTION__)); return EFI_BAD_BUFFER_SIZE; } ImageEnd = (UINT64)Image + Size; for (i = 0; i < images; i++) { PnameTerminated = FALSE; if (img_header_entry[i].ptn_name == NULL || img_header_entry[i].start_offset == 0 || img_header_entry[i].size == 0) break; if (CHECK_ADD64 ((UINT64)Image, img_header_entry[i].start_offset)) { DEBUG ((EFI_D_ERROR, "Integer overflow detected in %d, %a\n", __LINE__, __FUNCTION__)); return EFI_BAD_BUFFER_SIZE; } if (CHECK_ADD64 ((UINT64) (Image + img_header_entry[i].start_offset), img_header_entry[i].size)) { DEBUG ((EFI_D_ERROR, "Integer overflow detected in %d, %a\n", __LINE__, __FUNCTION__)); return EFI_BAD_BUFFER_SIZE; } if (ImageEnd < ((UINT64)Image + img_header_entry[i].start_offset + img_header_entry[i].size)) { DEBUG ((EFI_D_ERROR, "Image size mismatch\n")); return EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER; } for (j = 0; j < MAX_GPT_NAME_SIZE; j++) { if (!(img_header_entry[i].ptn_name[j])) { PnameTerminated = TRUE; break; } } if (!PnameTerminated) { DEBUG ((EFI_D_ERROR, "ptn_name string not terminated properly\n")); return EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER; } AsciiStrToUnicodeStr (img_header_entry[i].ptn_name, PartitionNameFromMeta); Status = HandleRawImgFlash ( PartitionNameFromMeta, ARRAY_SIZE (PartitionNameFromMeta), (void *)Image + img_header_entry[i].start_offset, img_header_entry[i].size); if (Status != EFI_SUCCESS) { DEBUG ((EFI_D_ERROR, "Meta Image Write Failure\n")); return Status; } } Status = UpdateDevInfo (PartitionName, meta_header->img_version); if (Status != EFI_SUCCESS) { DEBUG ((EFI_D_ERROR, "Unable to Update DevInfo\n")); } return Status; } /* Erase partition */ STATIC EFI_STATUS FastbootErasePartition (IN CHAR16 *PartitionName) { EFI_STATUS Status; EFI_BLOCK_IO_PROTOCOL *BlockIo = NULL; EFI_HANDLE *Handle = NULL; Status = PartitionGetInfo (PartitionName, &BlockIo, &Handle); if (Status != EFI_SUCCESS) return Status; if (!BlockIo) { DEBUG ((EFI_D_ERROR, "BlockIo for %s is corrupted\n", PartitionName)); return EFI_VOLUME_CORRUPTED; } if (!Handle) { DEBUG ((EFI_D_ERROR, "EFI handle for %s is corrupted\n", PartitionName)); return EFI_VOLUME_CORRUPTED; } Status = ErasePartition (BlockIo, Handle); if (Status != EFI_SUCCESS) { DEBUG ((EFI_D_ERROR, "Partition Erase failed: %r\n", Status)); return Status; } if (!(StrCmp (L"userdata", PartitionName))) Status = ResetDeviceState (); return Status; } #endif /* Handle Download Command */ STATIC VOID CmdDownload (IN CONST CHAR8 *arg, IN VOID *data, IN UINT32 sz) { CHAR8 Response[13] = "DATA"; UINT32 InitStrLen = AsciiStrLen ("DATA"); CHAR16 OutputString[FASTBOOT_STRING_MAX_LENGTH]; CHAR8 *NumBytesString = (CHAR8 *)arg; /* Argument is 8-character ASCII string hex representation of number of * bytes that will be sent in the data phase.Response is "DATA" + that same * 8-character string. */ // Parse out number of data bytes to expect mNumDataBytes = AsciiStrHexToUint64 (NumBytesString); if (mNumDataBytes == 0) { DEBUG ( (EFI_D_ERROR, "ERROR: Fail to get the number of bytes to download.\n")); FastbootFail ("Failed to get the number of bytes to download"); return; } if (mNumDataBytes > MaxDownLoadSize) { DEBUG ((EFI_D_ERROR, "ERROR: Data size (%d) is more than max download size (%d)\n", mNumDataBytes, MaxDownLoadSize)); FastbootFail ("Requested download size is more than max allowed\n"); return; } UnicodeSPrint (OutputString, sizeof (OutputString), (CONST CHAR16 *)L"Downloading %d bytes\r\n", mNumDataBytes); /* NumBytesString is a 8 bit string, InitStrLen is 4, and the AsciiStrnCpyS() * require "DestMax > SourceLen", so init length of Response as 13. */ AsciiStrnCpyS (Response + InitStrLen, sizeof (Response) - InitStrLen, NumBytesString, AsciiStrLen (NumBytesString)); gBS->CopyMem (GetFastbootDeviceData ().gTxBuffer, Response, sizeof (Response)); mState = ExpectDataState; mBytesReceivedSoFar = 0; GetFastbootDeviceData ().UsbDeviceProtocol->Send ( ENDPOINT_OUT, sizeof (Response), GetFastbootDeviceData ().gTxBuffer); DEBUG ((EFI_D_VERBOSE, "CmdDownload: Send 12 %a\n", GetFastbootDeviceData ().gTxBuffer)); } #ifdef ENABLE_UPDATE_PARTITIONS_CMDS /* Function needed for event notification callback */ STATIC VOID BlockIoCallback (IN EFI_EVENT Event, IN VOID *Context) { } STATIC VOID UsbTimerHandler (IN EFI_EVENT Event, IN VOID *Context) { HandleUsbEvents (); if (FastbootFatal ()) DEBUG ((EFI_D_ERROR, "Continue detected, Exiting App...\n")); } STATIC EFI_STATUS HandleUsbEventsInTimer () { EFI_STATUS Status = EFI_SUCCESS; if (UsbTimerEvent) return Status; Status = gBS->CreateEvent (EVT_TIMER | EVT_NOTIFY_SIGNAL, TPL_CALLBACK, UsbTimerHandler, NULL, &UsbTimerEvent); if (!EFI_ERROR (Status)) { Status = gBS->SetTimer (UsbTimerEvent, TimerPeriodic, 100000); } return Status; } STATIC VOID StopUsbTimer (VOID) { if (UsbTimerEvent) { gBS->SetTimer (UsbTimerEvent, TimerCancel, 0); gBS->CloseEvent (UsbTimerEvent); UsbTimerEvent = NULL; } UsbTimerStarted = FALSE; } #else STATIC VOID StopUsbTimer (VOID) { return; } #endif #ifdef ENABLE_UPDATE_PARTITIONS_CMDS STATIC BOOLEAN NamePropertyMatches (CHAR8 *Name) { return (BOOLEAN) ( !AsciiStrnCmp (Name, "has-slot", AsciiStrLen ("has-slot")) || !AsciiStrnCmp (Name, "current-slot", AsciiStrLen ("current-slot")) || !AsciiStrnCmp (Name, "slot-retry-count", AsciiStrLen ("slot-retry-count")) || !AsciiStrnCmp (Name, "slot-unbootable", AsciiStrLen ("slot-unbootable")) || !AsciiStrnCmp (Name, "slot-successful", AsciiStrLen ("slot-successful")) || !AsciiStrnCmp (Name, "slot-suffixes", AsciiStrLen ("slot-suffixes")) || !AsciiStrnCmp (Name, "partition-type:system", AsciiStrLen ("partition-type:system")) || !AsciiStrnCmp (Name, "partition-size:system", AsciiStrLen ("partition-size:system"))); } STATIC VOID ClearFastbootVarsofAB (VOID) { FASTBOOT_VAR *CurrentList = NULL; FASTBOOT_VAR *PrevList = NULL; FASTBOOT_VAR *NextList = NULL; for (CurrentList = Varlist; CurrentList != NULL; CurrentList = NextList) { NextList = CurrentList->next; if (!NamePropertyMatches ((CHAR8 *)CurrentList->name)) { PrevList = CurrentList; continue; } if (!PrevList) Varlist = CurrentList->next; else PrevList->next = CurrentList->next; FreePool (CurrentList); CurrentList = NULL; } } VOID IsBootPtnUpdated (INT32 Lun, BOOLEAN *BootPtnUpdated) { EFI_STATUS Status; EFI_PARTITION_ENTRY *PartEntry; UINT32 j; *BootPtnUpdated = FALSE; if (Lun == NO_LUN) Lun = 0; for (j = 0; j < Ptable[Lun].MaxHandles; j++) { Status = gBS->HandleProtocol (Ptable[Lun].HandleInfoList[j].Handle, &gEfiPartitionRecordGuid, (VOID **)&PartEntry); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { DEBUG (( EFI_D_VERBOSE, "Error getting the partition record for Lun %d and Handle: %d : %r\n", Lun, j, Status)); continue; } if (!StrnCmp (PartEntry->PartitionName, L"boot", StrLen (L"boot"))) { DEBUG ((EFI_D_VERBOSE, "Boot Partition is updated\n")); *BootPtnUpdated = TRUE; return; } } } STATIC BOOLEAN IsCriticalPartition (CHAR16 *PartitionName) { UINT32 i = 0; if (PartitionName == NULL) return FALSE; for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE (CriticalPartitions); i++) { if (!StrnCmp (PartitionName, CriticalPartitions[i], StrLen (CriticalPartitions[i]))) return TRUE; } return FALSE; } STATIC VOID ExchangeFlashAndUsbDataBuf (VOID) { VOID *mTmpbuff; mTmpbuff = mUsbDataBuffer; mUsbDataBuffer = mFlashDataBuffer; mFlashDataBuffer = mTmpbuff; mFlashNumDataBytes = mNumDataBytes; } STATIC EFI_STATUS ReenumeratePartTable (VOID) { EFI_STATUS Status; LunSet = FALSE; EFI_EVENT gBlockIoRefreshEvt; BOOLEAN MultiSlotBoot = FALSE; BOOLEAN BootPtnUpdated = FALSE; Status = gBS->CreateEventEx (EVT_NOTIFY_SIGNAL, TPL_CALLBACK, BlockIoCallback, NULL, &gBlockIoRefreshGuid, &gBlockIoRefreshEvt); if (Status != EFI_SUCCESS) { DEBUG ((EFI_D_ERROR, "Error Creating event for Block Io refresh:%x\n", Status)); return Status; } Status = gBS->SignalEvent (gBlockIoRefreshEvt); if (Status != EFI_SUCCESS) { DEBUG ((EFI_D_ERROR, "Error Signalling event for Block Io refresh:%x\n", Status)); return Status; } Status = EnumeratePartitions (); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { DEBUG ((EFI_D_ERROR, "Enumeration of partitions failed\n")); return Status; } UpdatePartitionEntries (); IsBootPtnUpdated (Lun, &BootPtnUpdated); if (BootPtnUpdated) { /*Check for multislot boot support*/ MultiSlotBoot = PartitionHasMultiSlot (L"boot"); if (MultiSlotBoot) { UpdatePartitionAttributes (PARTITION_ALL); FindPtnActiveSlot (); PopulateMultislotMetadata (); DEBUG ((EFI_D_VERBOSE, "Multi Slot boot is supported\n")); } else { DEBUG ((EFI_D_VERBOSE, "Multi Slot boot is not supported\n")); if (BootSlotInfo == NULL) { DEBUG ((EFI_D_VERBOSE, "No change in Ptable\n")); } else { DEBUG ((EFI_D_VERBOSE, "Nullifying A/B info\n")); ClearFastbootVarsofAB (); FreePool (BootSlotInfo); BootSlotInfo = NULL; gBS->SetMem ((VOID *)SlotSuffixArray, SLOT_SUFFIX_ARRAY_SIZE, 0); InitialPopulate = FALSE; } } } DEBUG ((EFI_D_INFO, "*************** New partition Table Dump Start " "*******************\n")); PartitionDump (); DEBUG ((EFI_D_INFO, "*************** New partition Table Dump End " "*******************\n")); return Status; } /* Handle Flash Command */ STATIC VOID CmdFlash (IN CONST CHAR8 *arg, IN VOID *data, IN UINT32 sz) { EFI_STATUS Status = EFI_SUCCESS; sparse_header_t *sparse_header; meta_header_t *meta_header; UbiHeader_t *UbiHeader; CHAR16 PartitionName[MAX_GPT_NAME_SIZE]; CHAR16 *Token = NULL; LunSet = FALSE; BOOLEAN MultiSlotBoot = FALSE; UINT32 UfsBootLun = 0; CHAR8 BootDeviceType[BOOT_DEV_NAME_SIZE_MAX]; /* For partition info */ EFI_BLOCK_IO_PROTOCOL *BlockIo = NULL; EFI_HANDLE *Handle = NULL; BOOLEAN HasSlot = FALSE; CHAR16 SlotSuffix[MAX_SLOT_SUFFIX_SZ]; CHAR8 FlashResultStr[MAX_RSP_SIZE] = ""; UINT64 PartitionSize = 0; ExchangeFlashAndUsbDataBuf (); if (mFlashDataBuffer == NULL) { // Doesn't look like we were sent any data FastbootFail ("No data to flash"); return; } if (AsciiStrLen (arg) >= MAX_GPT_NAME_SIZE) { FastbootFail ("Invalid partition name"); return; } AsciiStrToUnicodeStr (arg, PartitionName); if ((GetAVBVersion () == AVB_LE) || ((GetAVBVersion () != AVB_LE) && (TargetBuildVariantUser ()))) { if (!IsUnlocked ()) { FastbootFail ("Flashing is not allowed in Lock State"); return; } if (!IsUnlockCritical () && IsCriticalPartition (PartitionName)) { FastbootFail ("Flashing is not allowed for Critical Partitions\n"); return; } } /* Handle virtual partition avb_custom_key */ if (!StrnCmp (PartitionName, L"avb_custom_key", StrLen (L"avb_custom_key"))) { DEBUG ((EFI_D_INFO, "flashing avb_custom_key\n")); Status = StoreUserKey (data, sz); if (Status != EFI_SUCCESS) { FastbootFail ("Flashing avb_custom_key failed"); } else { FastbootOkay (""); } return; } /* Find the lun number from input string */ Token = StrStr (PartitionName, L":"); if (Token) { /* Skip past ":" to the lun number */ Token++; Lun = StrDecimalToUintn (Token); if (Lun >= MAX_LUNS) { FastbootFail ("Invalid Lun number passed\n"); goto out; } LunSet = TRUE; } if (!StrnCmp (PartitionName, L"partition", StrLen (L"partition"))) { GetRootDeviceType (BootDeviceType, BOOT_DEV_NAME_SIZE_MAX); if (!AsciiStrnCmp (BootDeviceType, "UFS", AsciiStrLen ("UFS"))) { UfsGetSetBootLun (&UfsBootLun, TRUE); /* True = Get */ if (UfsBootLun != 0x1) { UfsBootLun = 0x1; UfsGetSetBootLun (&UfsBootLun, FALSE); /* False = Set */ } } else if (!AsciiStrnCmp (BootDeviceType, "EMMC", AsciiStrLen ("EMMC"))) { Lun = NO_LUN; LunSet = FALSE; } DEBUG ((EFI_D_INFO, "Attemping to update partition table\n")); DEBUG ((EFI_D_INFO, "*************** Current partition Table Dump Start " "*******************\n")); PartitionDump (); DEBUG ((EFI_D_INFO, "*************** Current partition Table Dump End " "*******************\n")); Status = UpdatePartitionTable (mFlashDataBuffer, mFlashNumDataBytes, Lun, Ptable); /* Signal the Block IO to update and reenumerate the parition table */ if (Status == EFI_SUCCESS) { Status = ReenumeratePartTable (); if (Status == EFI_SUCCESS) { FastbootOkay (""); goto out; } } FastbootFail ("Error Updating partition Table\n"); goto out; } sparse_header = (sparse_header_t *)mFlashDataBuffer; meta_header = (meta_header_t *)mFlashDataBuffer; UbiHeader = (UbiHeader_t *)mFlashDataBuffer; /* Send okay for next data sending */ if (sparse_header->magic == SPARSE_HEADER_MAGIC) { MultiSlotBoot = PartitionHasMultiSlot ((CONST CHAR16 *)L"boot"); if (MultiSlotBoot) { HasSlot = GetPartitionHasSlot (PartitionName, ARRAY_SIZE (PartitionName), SlotSuffix, MAX_SLOT_SUFFIX_SZ); if (HasSlot) { DEBUG ((EFI_D_VERBOSE, "Partition %s has slot\n", PartitionName)); } } Status = PartitionGetInfo (PartitionName, &BlockIo, &Handle); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { FastbootFail ("Partition not found"); goto out; } IsFlashComplete = FALSE; PartitionSize = (BlockIo->Media->LastBlock + 1) * (BlockIo->Media->BlockSize); if ((PartitionSize > MaxDownLoadSize) && !IsDisableParallelDownloadFlash ()) { Status = HandleUsbEventsInTimer (); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { DEBUG ((EFI_D_ERROR, "Failed to handle usb event: %r\n", Status)); IsFlashComplete = TRUE; StopUsbTimer (); } else { UsbTimerStarted = TRUE; FastbootOkay (""); } } FlashResult = HandleSparseImgFlash (PartitionName, ARRAY_SIZE (PartitionName), mFlashDataBuffer, mFlashNumDataBytes); IsFlashComplete = TRUE; StopUsbTimer (); } else if (!AsciiStrnCmp (UbiHeader->HdrMagic, UBI_HEADER_MAGIC, 4)) { FlashResult = HandleUbiImgFlash (PartitionName, ARRAY_SIZE (PartitionName), mFlashDataBuffer, mFlashNumDataBytes); } else if (meta_header->magic == META_HEADER_MAGIC) { FlashResult = HandleMetaImgFlash (PartitionName, ARRAY_SIZE (PartitionName), mFlashDataBuffer, mFlashNumDataBytes); } else { FlashResult = HandleRawImgFlash (PartitionName, ARRAY_SIZE (PartitionName), mFlashDataBuffer, mFlashNumDataBytes); } /* * For Non-sparse image: Check flash result and update the result * Also, Handle if there is Failure in handling USB events especially for * sparse images. */ if ((sparse_header->magic != SPARSE_HEADER_MAGIC) || (PartitionSize < MaxDownLoadSize) || ((PartitionSize > MaxDownLoadSize) && (IsDisableParallelDownloadFlash () || (Status != EFI_SUCCESS)))) { if (EFI_ERROR (FlashResult)) { if (FlashResult == EFI_NOT_FOUND) { AsciiSPrint (FlashResultStr, MAX_RSP_SIZE, "(%s) No such partition", PartitionName); } else { AsciiSPrint (FlashResultStr, MAX_RSP_SIZE, "%a : %r", "Error flashing partition", FlashResult); } DEBUG ((EFI_D_ERROR, "%a\n", FlashResultStr)); FastbootFail (FlashResultStr); /* Reset the Flash Result for next flash command */ FlashResult = EFI_SUCCESS; goto out; } else { DEBUG ((EFI_D_INFO, "flash image status: %r\n", FlashResult)); FastbootOkay (""); } } out: if (!AsciiStrnCmp (arg, "system", AsciiStrLen ("system")) && !IsEnforcing () && (FlashResult == EFI_SUCCESS)) { // reset dm_verity mode to enforcing Status = EnableEnforcingMode (TRUE); if (Status != EFI_SUCCESS) { DEBUG ((EFI_D_ERROR, "failed to update verity mode: %r\n", Status)); } } LunSet = FALSE; } STATIC VOID CmdErase (IN CONST CHAR8 *arg, IN VOID *data, IN UINT32 sz) { EFI_STATUS Status; CHAR16 OutputString[FASTBOOT_STRING_MAX_LENGTH]; BOOLEAN HasSlot = FALSE; CHAR16 SlotSuffix[MAX_SLOT_SUFFIX_SZ]; BOOLEAN MultiSlotBoot = PartitionHasMultiSlot (L"boot"); CHAR16 PartitionName[MAX_GPT_NAME_SIZE]; if (AsciiStrLen (arg) >= MAX_GPT_NAME_SIZE) { FastbootFail ("Invalid partition name"); return; } AsciiStrToUnicodeStr (arg, PartitionName); if ((GetAVBVersion () == AVB_LE) || ((GetAVBVersion () != AVB_LE) && (TargetBuildVariantUser ()))) { if (!IsUnlocked ()) { FastbootFail ("Erase is not allowed in Lock State"); return; } if (!IsUnlockCritical () && IsCriticalPartition (PartitionName)) { FastbootFail ("Erase is not allowed for Critical Partitions\n"); return; } } /* Handle virtual partition avb_custom_key */ if (!StrnCmp (PartitionName, L"avb_custom_key", StrLen (L"avb_custom_key"))) { DEBUG ((EFI_D_INFO, "erasing avb_custom_key\n")); Status = EraseUserKey (); if (Status != EFI_SUCCESS) { FastbootFail ("Erasing avb_custom_key failed"); } else { FastbootOkay (""); } return; } /* In A/B to have backward compatibility user can still give fastboot flash * boot/system/modem etc * based on current slot Suffix try to look for "partition"_a/b if not found * fall back to look for * just the "partition" in case some of the partitions are no included for A/B * implementation */ if (MultiSlotBoot) HasSlot = GetPartitionHasSlot (PartitionName, ARRAY_SIZE (PartitionName), SlotSuffix, MAX_SLOT_SUFFIX_SZ); // Build output string UnicodeSPrint (OutputString, sizeof (OutputString), L"Erasing partition %s\r\n", PartitionName); Status = FastbootErasePartition (PartitionName); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { FastbootFail ("Check device console."); DEBUG ((EFI_D_ERROR, "Couldn't erase image: %r\n", Status)); } else { if (MultiSlotBoot && HasSlot && !(StrnCmp (PartitionName, L"boot", StrLen (L"boot")))) FastbootUpdateAttr (SlotSuffix); FastbootOkay (""); } } /*Function to set given slot as high priority *Arg: slot Suffix *Note: increase the priority of slot to max priority *at the same time decrease the priority of other *slots. */ VOID CmdSetActive (CONST CHAR8 *Arg, VOID *Data, UINT32 Size) { CHAR16 SetActive[MAX_GPT_NAME_SIZE] = L"boot"; CHAR8 *InputSlot = NULL; CHAR16 InputSlotInUnicode[MAX_SLOT_SUFFIX_SZ]; CHAR16 InputSlotInUnicodetemp[MAX_SLOT_SUFFIX_SZ]; CONST CHAR8 *Delim = ":"; UINT16 j = 0; BOOLEAN SlotVarUpdateComplete = FALSE; UINT32 SlotEnd = 0; BOOLEAN MultiSlotBoot = PartitionHasMultiSlot (L"boot"); Slot NewSlot = {{0}}; EFI_STATUS Status; if (TargetBuildVariantUser () && !IsUnlocked ()) { FastbootFail ("Slot Change is not allowed in Lock State\n"); return; } if (!MultiSlotBoot) { FastbootFail ("This Command not supported"); return; } if (!Arg) { FastbootFail ("Invalid Input Parameters"); return; } InputSlot = AsciiStrStr (Arg, Delim); if (InputSlot) { InputSlot++; if (AsciiStrLen (InputSlot) >= MAX_SLOT_SUFFIX_SZ) { FastbootFail ("Invalid Slot"); return; } if (!AsciiStrStr (InputSlot, "_")) { AsciiStrToUnicodeStr (InputSlot, InputSlotInUnicodetemp); StrnCpyS (InputSlotInUnicode, MAX_SLOT_SUFFIX_SZ, L"_", StrLen (L"_")); StrnCatS (InputSlotInUnicode, MAX_SLOT_SUFFIX_SZ, InputSlotInUnicodetemp, StrLen (InputSlotInUnicodetemp)); } else { AsciiStrToUnicodeStr (InputSlot, InputSlotInUnicode); } if ((AsciiStrLen (InputSlot) == MAX_SLOT_SUFFIX_SZ - 2) || (AsciiStrLen (InputSlot) == MAX_SLOT_SUFFIX_SZ - 1)) { SlotEnd = AsciiStrLen (InputSlot); if ((InputSlot[SlotEnd] != '\0') || !AsciiStrStr (SlotSuffixArray, InputSlot)) { DEBUG ((EFI_D_ERROR, "%a Invalid InputSlot Suffix\n", InputSlot)); FastbootFail ("Invalid Slot Suffix"); return; } } /*Arg will be either _a or _b, so apppend it to boot*/ StrnCatS (SetActive, MAX_GPT_NAME_SIZE - 1, InputSlotInUnicode, StrLen (InputSlotInUnicode)); } else { FastbootFail ("set_active _a or _b should be entered"); return; } StrnCpyS (NewSlot.Suffix, ARRAY_SIZE (NewSlot.Suffix), InputSlotInUnicode, StrLen (InputSlotInUnicode)); Status = SetActiveSlot (&NewSlot, TRUE); if (Status != EFI_SUCCESS) { FastbootFail ("set_active failed"); return; } // Updating fbvar `current-slot' UnicodeStrToAsciiStr (GetCurrentSlotSuffix ().Suffix, CurrentSlotFB); /* Here CurrentSlotFB will only have value of "_a" or "_b".*/ SKIP_FIRSTCHAR_IN_SLOT_SUFFIX (CurrentSlotFB); do { if (AsciiStrStr (BootSlotInfo[j].SlotSuffix, InputSlot)) { AsciiStrnCpyS (BootSlotInfo[j].SlotSuccessfulVal, ATTR_RESP_SIZE, "no", AsciiStrLen ("no")); AsciiStrnCpyS (BootSlotInfo[j].SlotUnbootableVal, ATTR_RESP_SIZE, "no", AsciiStrLen ("no")); AsciiSPrint (BootSlotInfo[j].SlotRetryCountVal, sizeof (BootSlotInfo[j].SlotRetryCountVal), "%d", MAX_RETRY_COUNT); SlotVarUpdateComplete = TRUE; } j++; } while (!SlotVarUpdateComplete); UpdatePartitionAttributes (PARTITION_ALL); FastbootOkay (""); } #endif STATIC VOID FlashCompleteHandler (IN EFI_EVENT Event, IN VOID *Context) { EFI_STATUS Status = EFI_SUCCESS; /* Wait for flash completely before sending okay */ if (!IsFlashComplete) { Status = gBS->SetTimer (Event, TimerRelative, 100000); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { FastbootFail ("Failed to set timer for waiting flash completely"); goto Out; } return; } FastbootOkay (""); Out: gBS->CloseEvent (Event); Event = NULL; } /* Parallel usb sending data and device writing data * It's need to delay to send okay until flashing finished for * next command. */ STATIC EFI_STATUS FastbootOkayDelay (VOID) { EFI_STATUS Status = EFI_SUCCESS; EFI_EVENT FlashCompleteEvent = NULL; Status = gBS->CreateEvent (EVT_TIMER | EVT_NOTIFY_SIGNAL, TPL_CALLBACK, FlashCompleteHandler, NULL, &FlashCompleteEvent); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { FastbootFail ("Failed to creat event for waiting flash completely"); return Status; } Status = gBS->SetTimer (FlashCompleteEvent, TimerRelative, 100000); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { gBS->CloseEvent (FlashCompleteEvent); FlashCompleteEvent = NULL; FastbootFail ("Failed to set timer for waiting flash completely"); } return Status; } STATIC VOID AcceptData (IN UINT64 Size, IN VOID *Data) { UINT64 RemainingBytes = mNumDataBytes - mBytesReceivedSoFar; UINT32 PageSize = 0; UINT32 RoundSize = 0; /* Protocol doesn't say anything about sending extra data so just ignore it.*/ if (Size > RemainingBytes) { Size = RemainingBytes; } mBytesReceivedSoFar += Size; /* Either queue the max transfer size 1 MB or only queue the remaining * amount of data left to avoid zlt issues */ if (mBytesReceivedSoFar == mNumDataBytes) { /* Download Finished */ DEBUG ((EFI_D_INFO, "Download Finished\n")); /* Zero initialized the surplus data buffer. It's risky to access the data * buffer which it's not zero initialized, its content might leak */ GetPageSize (&PageSize); RoundSize = ROUND_TO_PAGE (mNumDataBytes, PageSize - 1); if (RoundSize < MaxDownLoadSize) { gBS->SetMem ((VOID *)(Data + mNumDataBytes), RoundSize - mNumDataBytes, 0); } /* Stop usb timer after data transfer completed */ StopUsbTimer (); /* Postpone Fastboot Okay until flash completed */ FastbootOkayDelay (); mState = ExpectCmdState; } else { GetFastbootDeviceData ().UsbDeviceProtocol->Send ( ENDPOINT_IN, GetXfrSize (), (Data + mBytesReceivedSoFar)); DEBUG ((EFI_D_VERBOSE, "AcceptData: Send %d\n", GetXfrSize ())); } } /* Called based on the event received from USB device protocol: */ VOID DataReady (IN UINT64 Size, IN VOID *Data) { DEBUG ((EFI_D_VERBOSE, "DataReady %d\n", Size)); if (mState == ExpectCmdState) AcceptCmd (Size, (CHAR8 *)Data); else if (mState == ExpectDataState) AcceptData (Size, Data); else { DEBUG ((EFI_D_ERROR, "DataReady Unknown status received\r\n")); return; } } STATIC VOID FatalErrorNotify (IN EFI_EVENT Event, IN VOID *Context) { DEBUG ((EFI_D_ERROR, "Fatal error sending command response. Exiting.\r\n")); Finished = TRUE; } /* Fatal error during fastboot */ BOOLEAN FastbootFatal (VOID) { return Finished; } /* This function must be called to deallocate the USB buffers, as well * as the main Fastboot Buffer. Also Frees Variable data Structure */ EFI_STATUS FastbootCmdsUnInit (VOID) { EFI_STATUS Status; if (mDataBuffer) { Status = GetFastbootDeviceData ().UsbDeviceProtocol->FreeTransferBuffer ( (VOID *)mDataBuffer); if (Status != EFI_SUCCESS) { DEBUG ((EFI_D_ERROR, "Failed to free up fastboot buffer\n")); return Status; } } FastbootUnInit (); GetFastbootDeviceData ().UsbDeviceProtocol->Stop (); return EFI_SUCCESS; } /* This function must be called to check maximum allocatable chunk for * Fastboot Buffer. */ STATIC VOID GetMaxAllocatableMemory ( OUT UINT64 *FreeSize ) { EFI_MEMORY_DESCRIPTOR *MemMap; EFI_MEMORY_DESCRIPTOR *MemMapPtr; UINTN MemMapSize; UINTN MapKey, DescriptorSize; UINTN Index; UINTN MaxFree = 0; UINT32 DescriptorVersion; EFI_STATUS Status; MemMapSize = 0; MemMap = NULL; *FreeSize = 0; // Get size of current memory map. Status = gBS->GetMemoryMap (&MemMapSize, MemMap, &MapKey, &DescriptorSize, &DescriptorVersion); /* If the MemoryMap buffer is too small, the EFI_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL error code is returned and the MemoryMapSize value contains the size of the buffer needed to contain the current memory map. The actual size of the buffer allocated for the consequent call to GetMemoryMap() should be bigger then the value returned in MemMapSize, since allocation of the new buffer may potentially increase memory map size. */ if (Status != EFI_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL) { DEBUG ((EFI_D_ERROR, "ERROR: Undefined response get memory map\n")); return; } /* Allocate some additional memory as returned by MemMapSize, and query current memory map. */ if (CHECK_ADD64 (MemMapSize, EFI_PAGE_SIZE)) { DEBUG ((EFI_D_ERROR, "ERROR: integer Overflow while adding additional" "memory to MemMapSize")); return; } MemMapSize = MemMapSize + EFI_PAGE_SIZE; MemMap = AllocateZeroPool (MemMapSize); if (!MemMap) { DEBUG ((EFI_D_ERROR, "ERROR: Failed to allocate memory for memory map\n")); return; } // Store pointer to be freed later. MemMapPtr = MemMap; // Get System MemoryMap Status = gBS->GetMemoryMap (&MemMapSize, MemMap, &MapKey, &DescriptorSize, &DescriptorVersion); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { DEBUG ((EFI_D_ERROR, "ERROR: Failed to query memory map\n")); FreePool (MemMapPtr); return; } // Find largest free chunk of unallocated memory available. for (Index = 0; Index < MemMapSize / DescriptorSize; Index ++) { if (MemMap->Type == EfiConventionalMemory && MaxFree < MemMap->NumberOfPages) { MaxFree = MemMap->NumberOfPages; } MemMap = (EFI_MEMORY_DESCRIPTOR *)((UINTN)MemMap + DescriptorSize); } *FreeSize = EFI_PAGES_TO_SIZE (MaxFree); DEBUG ((EFI_D_VERBOSE, "Free Memory available: %ld\n", *FreeSize)); FreePool (MemMapPtr); return; } EFI_STATUS FastbootCmdsInit (VOID) { EFI_STATUS Status; EFI_EVENT mFatalSendErrorEvent; CHAR8 *FastBootBuffer; mDataBuffer = NULL; mUsbDataBuffer = NULL; mFlashDataBuffer = NULL; DEBUG ((EFI_D_INFO, "Fastboot: Initializing...\n")); /* Disable watchdog */ Status = gBS->SetWatchdogTimer (0, 0x10000, 0, NULL); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { DEBUG ((EFI_D_ERROR, "Fastboot: Couldn't disable watchdog timer: %r\n", Status)); } /* Create event to pass to FASTBOOT_PROTOCOL.Send, signalling a fatal error */ Status = gBS->CreateEvent (EVT_NOTIFY_SIGNAL, TPL_CALLBACK, FatalErrorNotify, NULL, &mFatalSendErrorEvent); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { DEBUG ((EFI_D_ERROR, "Couldn't create Fastboot protocol send event: %r\n", Status)); return Status; } /* Allocate buffer used to store images passed by the download command */ GetMaxAllocatableMemory (&MaxDownLoadSize); if (!MaxDownLoadSize) { DEBUG ((EFI_D_ERROR, "Failed to get free memory for fastboot buffer\n")); return EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES; } do { // Try allocating 3/4th of free memory available. MaxDownLoadSize = EFI_FREE_MEM_DIVISOR (MaxDownLoadSize); MaxDownLoadSize = LOCAL_ROUND_TO_PAGE (MaxDownLoadSize, EFI_PAGE_SIZE); if (MaxDownLoadSize < MIN_BUFFER_SIZE) { DEBUG ((EFI_D_ERROR, "ERROR: Allocation fail for minimim buffer for fastboot\n")); return EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES; } /* If available buffer on target is more than max buffer size, we limit this to max buffer buffer size we support */ if (MaxDownLoadSize > MAX_BUFFER_SIZE) { MaxDownLoadSize = MAX_BUFFER_SIZE; } Status = GetFastbootDeviceData ().UsbDeviceProtocol->AllocateTransferBuffer ( MaxDownLoadSize, (VOID **)&FastBootBuffer); }while (EFI_ERROR (Status)); if (Status != EFI_SUCCESS) { DEBUG ((EFI_D_ERROR, "Not enough memory to Allocate Fastboot Buffer\n")); return Status; } /* Clear allocated buffer */ gBS->SetMem ((VOID *)FastBootBuffer, MaxDownLoadSize , 0x0); DEBUG ((EFI_D_VERBOSE, "Fastboot Buffer Size allocated: %ld\n", MaxDownLoadSize)); MaxDownLoadSize = (CheckRootDeviceType () == NAND) ? MaxDownLoadSize : MaxDownLoadSize / 2; FastbootCommandSetup ((VOID *)FastBootBuffer, MaxDownLoadSize); return EFI_SUCCESS; } /* See header for documentation */ VOID FastbootRegister (IN CONST CHAR8 *prefix, IN VOID (*handle) (CONST CHAR8 *arg, VOID *data, UINT32 sz)) { FASTBOOT_CMD *cmd; cmd = AllocateZeroPool (sizeof (*cmd)); if (cmd) { cmd->prefix = prefix; cmd->prefix_len = AsciiStrLen (prefix); cmd->handle = handle; cmd->next = cmdlist; cmdlist = cmd; } else { DEBUG ((EFI_D_VERBOSE, "Failed to allocate memory to cmd\n")); } } STATIC VOID CmdReboot (IN CONST CHAR8 *arg, IN VOID *data, IN UINT32 sz) { DEBUG ((EFI_D_INFO, "rebooting the device\n")); FastbootOkay (""); RebootDevice (NORMAL_MODE); // Shouldn't get here FastbootFail ("Failed to reboot"); } #if DYNAMIC_PARTITION_SUPPORT STATIC VOID CmdRebootRecovery (IN CONST CHAR8 *Arg, IN VOID *Data, IN UINT32 Size) { EFI_STATUS Status = EFI_SUCCESS; Status = WriteRecoveryMessage (RECOVERY_BOOT_RECOVERY); if (Status != EFI_SUCCESS) { FastbootFail ("Failed to reboot to recovery mode"); return; } DEBUG ((EFI_D_INFO, "rebooting the device to recovery\n")); FastbootOkay (""); RebootDevice (NORMAL_MODE); // Shouldn't get here FastbootFail ("Failed to reboot"); } STATIC VOID CmdRebootFastboot (IN CONST CHAR8 *Arg, IN VOID *Data, IN UINT32 Size) { EFI_STATUS Status = EFI_SUCCESS; Status = WriteRecoveryMessage (RECOVERY_BOOT_FASTBOOT); if (Status != EFI_SUCCESS) { FastbootFail ("Failed to reboot to fastboot mode"); return; } DEBUG ((EFI_D_INFO, "rebooting the device to fastbootd\n")); FastbootOkay (""); RebootDevice (NORMAL_MODE); // Shouldn't get here FastbootFail ("Failed to reboot"); } #endif STATIC VOID CmdContinue (IN CONST CHAR8 *Arg, IN VOID *Data, IN UINT32 Size) { EFI_STATUS Status = EFI_SUCCESS; CHAR8 Resp[MAX_RSP_SIZE]; BootInfo Info = {0}; Info.MultiSlotBoot = PartitionHasMultiSlot ((CONST CHAR16 *)L"boot"); Status = LoadImageAndAuth (&Info); if (Status != EFI_SUCCESS) { AsciiSPrint (Resp, sizeof (Resp), "Failed to load image from partition: %r", Status); FastbootFail (Resp); return; } /* Exit keys' detection firstly */ ExitMenuKeysDetection (); FastbootOkay (""); FastbootUsbDeviceStop (); Finished = TRUE; // call start Linux here BootLinux (&Info); } STATIC VOID UpdateGetVarVariable (VOID) { BOOLEAN BatterySocOk = FALSE; UINT32 BatteryVoltage = 0; BatterySocOk = TargetBatterySocOk (&BatteryVoltage); AsciiSPrint (StrBatteryVoltage, sizeof (StrBatteryVoltage), "%d", BatteryVoltage); AsciiSPrint (StrBatterySocOk, sizeof (StrBatterySocOk), "%a", BatterySocOk ? "yes" : "no"); AsciiSPrint (ChargeScreenEnable, sizeof (ChargeScreenEnable), "%d", IsChargingScreenEnable ()); AsciiSPrint (OffModeCharge, sizeof (OffModeCharge), "%d", IsChargingScreenEnable ()); } STATIC VOID WaitForTransferComplete (VOID) { USB_DEVICE_EVENT Msg; USB_DEVICE_EVENT_DATA Payload; UINTN PayloadSize; /* Wait for the transfer to complete */ while (1) { GetFastbootDeviceData ().UsbDeviceProtocol->HandleEvent (&Msg, &PayloadSize, &Payload); if (UsbDeviceEventTransferNotification == Msg) { if (1 == USB_INDEX_TO_EP (Payload.TransferOutcome.EndpointIndex)) { if (USB_ENDPOINT_DIRECTION_IN == USB_INDEX_TO_EPDIR (Payload.TransferOutcome.EndpointIndex)) break; } } } } STATIC VOID CmdGetVarAll (VOID) { FASTBOOT_VAR *Var; CHAR8 GetVarAll[MAX_RSP_SIZE]; for (Var = Varlist; Var; Var = Var->next) { AsciiStrnCpyS (GetVarAll, sizeof (GetVarAll), Var->name, MAX_RSP_SIZE); AsciiStrnCatS (GetVarAll, sizeof (GetVarAll), ":", AsciiStrLen (":")); AsciiStrnCatS (GetVarAll, sizeof (GetVarAll), Var->value, MAX_RSP_SIZE); FastbootInfo (GetVarAll); /* Wait for the transfer to complete */ WaitForTransferComplete (); ZeroMem (GetVarAll, sizeof (GetVarAll)); } FastbootOkay (GetVarAll); } STATIC VOID CmdGetVar (CONST CHAR8 *Arg, VOID *Data, UINT32 Size) { FASTBOOT_VAR *Var; Slot CurrentSlot; CHAR16 PartNameUniStr[MAX_GPT_NAME_SIZE]; CHAR8 *Token = AsciiStrStr (Arg, "partition-"); CHAR8 CurrentSlotAsc[MAX_SLOT_SUFFIX_SZ]; UpdateGetVarVariable (); if (!(AsciiStrCmp ("all", Arg))) { CmdGetVarAll (); return; } if (Token) { Token = AsciiStrStr (Arg, ":"); if (Token) { Token = Token + AsciiStrLen (":"); if (AsciiStrLen (Token) >= ARRAY_SIZE (PartNameUniStr)) { FastbootFail ("Invalid partition name"); return; } AsciiStrToUnicodeStr (Token, PartNameUniStr); if (PartitionHasMultiSlot (PartNameUniStr)) { CurrentSlot = GetCurrentSlotSuffix (); UnicodeStrToAsciiStr (CurrentSlot.Suffix, CurrentSlotAsc); AsciiStrnCat ((CHAR8 *)Arg, CurrentSlotAsc, AsciiStrLen (CurrentSlotAsc)); } } } for (Var = Varlist; Var; Var = Var->next) { if (!AsciiStrCmp (Var->name, Arg)) { FastbootOkay (Var->value); return; } } FastbootFail ("GetVar Variable Not found"); } #ifdef ENABLE_BOOT_CMD STATIC VOID CmdBoot (CONST CHAR8 *Arg, VOID *Data, UINT32 Size) { boot_img_hdr *hdr = Data; EFI_STATUS Status = EFI_SUCCESS; UINT32 ImageSizeActual = 0; UINT32 ImageHdrSize = BOOT_IMG_MAX_PAGE_SIZE; UINT32 PageSize = 0; UINT32 SigActual = SIGACTUAL; CHAR8 Resp[MAX_RSP_SIZE]; BOOLEAN MdtpActive = FALSE; BootInfo Info = {0}; if (FixedPcdGetBool (EnableMdtpSupport)) { Status = IsMdtpActive (&MdtpActive); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { FastbootFail ( "Failed to get MDTP activation state, blocking fastboot boot"); return; } if (MdtpActive == TRUE) { FastbootFail ( "Fastboot boot command is not available while MDTP is active"); return; } } if (!IsUnlocked ()) { FastbootFail ( "Fastboot boot command is not available in locked device"); return; } if (Size < sizeof (boot_img_hdr)) { FastbootFail ("Invalid Boot image Header"); return; } hdr->cmdline[BOOT_ARGS_SIZE - 1] = '\0'; SetBootDevImage (); Status = CheckImageHeader (Data, ImageHdrSize, &ImageSizeActual, &PageSize, FALSE); if (Status != EFI_SUCCESS) { AsciiSPrint (Resp, sizeof (Resp), "Invalid Boot image Header: %r", Status); FastbootFail (Resp); goto out; } if (ImageSizeActual > Size) { FastbootFail ("BootImage is Incomplete"); goto out; } if ((MaxDownLoadSize - (ImageSizeActual - SigActual)) < PageSize) { FastbootFail ("BootImage: Size os greater than boot image buffer can hold"); goto out; } Info.Images[0].ImageBuffer = Data; Info.Images[0].ImageSize = ImageSizeActual; Info.Images[0].Name = "boot"; Info.NumLoadedImages = 1; Info.MultiSlotBoot = PartitionHasMultiSlot (L"boot"); if (Info.MultiSlotBoot) { Status = ClearUnbootable (); if (Status != EFI_SUCCESS) { FastbootFail ("CmdBoot: ClearUnbootable failed"); goto out; } } Status = LoadImageAndAuth (&Info); if (Status != EFI_SUCCESS) { AsciiSPrint (Resp, sizeof (Resp), "Failed to load/authenticate boot image: %r", Status); FastbootFail (Resp); goto out; } /* Exit keys' detection firstly */ ExitMenuKeysDetection (); FastbootOkay (""); FastbootUsbDeviceStop (); ResetBootDevImage (); BootLinux (&Info); out: ResetBootDevImage (); return; } #endif STATIC VOID CmdRebootBootloader (CONST CHAR8 *arg, VOID *data, UINT32 sz) { DEBUG ((EFI_D_INFO, "Rebooting the device into bootloader mode\n")); FastbootOkay (""); RebootDevice (FASTBOOT_MODE); // Shouldn't get here FastbootFail ("Failed to reboot"); } #if (defined(ENABLE_DEVICE_CRITICAL_LOCK_UNLOCK_CMDS) || \ defined(ENABLE_UPDATE_PARTITIONS_CMDS)) STATIC UINT8 is_display_supported ( VOID ) { EFI_STATUS Status = EFI_SUCCESS; EfiQcomDisplayUtilsProtocol *pDisplayUtilProtocol; EFI_GUID DisplayUtilGUID = EFI_DISPLAYUTILS_PROTOCOL_GUID; EFI_DISPLAY_UTILS_PANEL_CONFIG_PARAMS PanelConfig; UINT32 Index = 0; UINT32 ParamSize = sizeof (PanelConfig); PanelConfig.uPanelIndex = Index; if (EFI_SUCCESS == (Status = gBS->LocateProtocol (&DisplayUtilGUID, NULL, (VOID **)&pDisplayUtilProtocol))) { Status = pDisplayUtilProtocol->DisplayUtilsGetProperty ( EFI_DISPLAY_UTILS_PANEL_CONFIG, (VOID*)&PanelConfig, &ParamSize); if ( Status == EFI_NOT_FOUND ) { DEBUG ((EFI_D_VERBOSE, "Display is not supported\n")); return 0; } } DEBUG ((EFI_D_VERBOSE, "Display is enabled\n")); return 1; } STATIC VOID SetDeviceUnlock (UINT32 Type, BOOLEAN State) { BOOLEAN is_unlocked = FALSE; char response[MAX_RSP_SIZE] = {0}; EFI_STATUS Status; if (Type == UNLOCK) is_unlocked = IsUnlocked (); else if (Type == UNLOCK_CRITICAL) is_unlocked = IsUnlockCritical (); if (State == is_unlocked) { AsciiSPrint (response, MAX_RSP_SIZE, "\tDevice already : %a", (State ? "unlocked!" : "locked!")); FastbootFail (response); return; } /* If State is TRUE that means set the unlock to true */ if (State && !IsAllowUnlock) { FastbootFail ("Flashing Unlock is not allowed\n"); return; } if (GetAVBVersion () != AVB_LE && is_display_supported ()) { Status = DisplayUnlockMenu (Type, State); if (Status != EFI_SUCCESS) { FastbootFail ("Command not support: the display is not enabled"); return; } else { FastbootOkay (""); } } else { Status = SetDeviceUnlockValue (Type, State); if (Status != EFI_SUCCESS) { AsciiSPrint (response, MAX_RSP_SIZE, "\tSet device %a failed: %r", (State ? "unlocked!" : "locked!"), Status); FastbootFail (response); return; } FastbootOkay (""); } } #endif #ifdef ENABLE_UPDATE_PARTITIONS_CMDS STATIC VOID CmdFlashingUnlock (CONST CHAR8 *arg, VOID *data, UINT32 sz) { SetDeviceUnlock (UNLOCK, TRUE); } STATIC VOID CmdFlashingLock (CONST CHAR8 *arg, VOID *data, UINT32 sz) { SetDeviceUnlock (UNLOCK, FALSE); } #endif #ifdef ENABLE_DEVICE_CRITICAL_LOCK_UNLOCK_CMDS STATIC VOID CmdFlashingLockCritical (CONST CHAR8 *arg, VOID *data, UINT32 sz) { SetDeviceUnlock (UNLOCK_CRITICAL, FALSE); } STATIC VOID CmdFlashingUnLockCritical (CONST CHAR8 *arg, VOID *data, UINT32 sz) { SetDeviceUnlock (UNLOCK_CRITICAL, TRUE); } #endif STATIC VOID CmdOemEnableChargerScreen (CONST CHAR8 *Arg, VOID *Data, UINT32 Size) { EFI_STATUS Status; DEBUG ((EFI_D_INFO, "Enabling Charger Screen\n")); Status = EnableChargingScreen (TRUE); if (Status != EFI_SUCCESS) { FastbootFail ("Failed to enable charger screen"); } else { FastbootOkay (""); } } STATIC VOID CmdOemDisableChargerScreen (CONST CHAR8 *Arg, VOID *Data, UINT32 Size) { EFI_STATUS Status; DEBUG ((EFI_D_INFO, "Disabling Charger Screen\n")); Status = EnableChargingScreen (FALSE); if (Status != EFI_SUCCESS) { FastbootFail ("Failed to disable charger screen"); } else { FastbootOkay (""); } } STATIC VOID CmdOemOffModeCharger (CONST CHAR8 *Arg, VOID *Data, UINT32 Size) { CHAR8 *Ptr = NULL; CONST CHAR8 *Delim = " "; EFI_STATUS Status; BOOLEAN IsEnable = FALSE; CHAR8 Resp[MAX_RSP_SIZE] = "Set off mode charger: "; if (Arg) { Ptr = AsciiStrStr (Arg, Delim); if (Ptr) { Ptr++; if (!AsciiStrCmp (Ptr, "0")) IsEnable = FALSE; else if (!AsciiStrCmp (Ptr, "1")) IsEnable = TRUE; else { FastbootFail ("Invalid input entered"); return; } } else { FastbootFail ("Enter fastboot oem off-mode-charge 0/1"); return; } } else { FastbootFail ("Enter fastboot oem off-mode-charge 0/1"); return; } AsciiStrnCatS (Resp, sizeof (Resp), Arg, AsciiStrLen (Arg)); /* update charger_screen_enabled value for getvar command */ Status = EnableChargingScreen (IsEnable); if (Status != EFI_SUCCESS) { AsciiStrnCatS (Resp, sizeof (Resp), ": failed", AsciiStrLen (": failed")); FastbootFail (Resp); } else { AsciiStrnCatS (Resp, sizeof (Resp), ": done", AsciiStrLen (": done")); FastbootOkay (Resp); } } STATIC EFI_STATUS DisplaySetVariable (CHAR16 *VariableName, VOID *VariableValue, UINTN DataSize) { EFI_STATUS Status = EFI_SUCCESS; BOOLEAN RTVariable = FALSE; EfiQcomDisplayUtilsProtocol *pDisplayUtilsProtocol = NULL; Status = gBS->LocateProtocol (&gQcomDisplayUtilsProtocolGuid, NULL, (VOID **)&pDisplayUtilsProtocol); if ((EFI_ERROR (Status)) || (pDisplayUtilsProtocol == NULL)) { RTVariable = TRUE; } else if (pDisplayUtilsProtocol->Revision < 0x20000) { RTVariable = TRUE; } else { /* The display utils version for 0x20000 and above can support display protocol to get and set variable */ Status = pDisplayUtilsProtocol->DisplayUtilsSetVariable ( VariableName, (UINT8 *)VariableValue, DataSize, 0); } if (RTVariable) { Status = gRT->SetVariable (VariableName, &gQcomTokenSpaceGuid, EFI_VARIABLE_RUNTIME_ACCESS | EFI_VARIABLE_BOOTSERVICE_ACCESS | EFI_VARIABLE_NON_VOLATILE, DataSize, (VOID *)VariableValue); } if (Status == EFI_NOT_FOUND) { // EFI_NOT_FOUND is not an error for retail case. Status = EFI_SUCCESS; } else if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { DEBUG ((EFI_D_VERBOSE, "Display set variable failed with status(%d)!\n", Status)); } return Status; } STATIC EFI_STATUS DisplayGetVariable (CHAR16 *VariableName, VOID *VariableValue, UINTN *DataSize) { EFI_STATUS Status = EFI_SUCCESS; BOOLEAN RTVariable = FALSE; EfiQcomDisplayUtilsProtocol *pDisplayUtilsProtocol = NULL; Status = gBS->LocateProtocol (&gQcomDisplayUtilsProtocolGuid, NULL, (VOID **)&pDisplayUtilsProtocol); if ((EFI_ERROR (Status)) || (pDisplayUtilsProtocol == NULL)) { RTVariable = TRUE; } else if (pDisplayUtilsProtocol->Revision < 0x20000) { RTVariable = TRUE; } else { /* The display utils version for 0x20000 and above can support display protocol to get and set variable */ Status = pDisplayUtilsProtocol->DisplayUtilsGetVariable ( VariableName, (UINT8 *)VariableValue, DataSize, 0); } if (RTVariable) { Status = gRT->GetVariable (VariableName, &gQcomTokenSpaceGuid, NULL, DataSize, (VOID *)VariableValue); } if (Status == EFI_NOT_FOUND) { // EFI_NOT_FOUND is not an error for retail case. Status = EFI_SUCCESS; } else if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { DEBUG ((EFI_D_VERBOSE, "Display get variable failed with status(%d)!\n", Status)); } return Status; } STATIC VOID CmdOemSelectDisplayPanel (CONST CHAR8 *arg, VOID *data, UINT32 sz) { EFI_STATUS Status; CHAR8 resp[MAX_RSP_SIZE] = "Selecting Panel: "; CHAR8 DisplayPanelStr[MAX_DISPLAY_PANEL_OVERRIDE] = ""; CHAR8 DisplayPanelStrExist[MAX_DISPLAY_PANEL_OVERRIDE] = ""; INTN Pos = 0; UINTN CurStrLen = 0; UINTN TotalStrLen = 0; BOOLEAN Append = FALSE; for (Pos = 0; Pos < AsciiStrLen (arg); Pos++) { if (arg[Pos] == ' ') { arg++; Pos--; } else if (arg[Pos] == ':') { Append = TRUE; } else { break; } } if (Append) { CurStrLen = sizeof (DisplayPanelStrExist) / sizeof (CHAR8); Status = DisplayGetVariable ((CHAR16 *)L"DisplayPanelOverride", (VOID *)DisplayPanelStrExist, &CurStrLen); TotalStrLen = CurStrLen + AsciiStrLen (arg); if ((EFI_SUCCESS == Status) && (0 != CurStrLen) && (TotalStrLen < MAX_DISPLAY_PANEL_OVERRIDE)) { AsciiStrnCatS (DisplayPanelStr, MAX_DISPLAY_PANEL_OVERRIDE, DisplayPanelStrExist, CurStrLen); DEBUG ((EFI_D_INFO, "existing panel name (%a)\n", DisplayPanelStr)); } } AsciiStrnCatS (DisplayPanelStr, MAX_DISPLAY_PANEL_OVERRIDE, arg, AsciiStrLen (arg)); /* Update the environment variable with the selected panel */ Status = DisplaySetVariable ((CHAR16 *)L"DisplayPanelOverride", (VOID *)DisplayPanelStr, AsciiStrLen (DisplayPanelStr)); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { AsciiStrnCatS (resp, sizeof (resp), ": failed", AsciiStrLen (": failed")); FastbootFail (resp); } else { AsciiStrnCatS (resp, sizeof (resp), ": done", AsciiStrLen (": done")); FastbootOkay (resp); } } #ifdef ENABLE_UPDATE_PARTITIONS_CMDS STATIC VOID CmdFlashingGetUnlockAbility (CONST CHAR8 *arg, VOID *data, UINT32 sz) { CHAR8 UnlockAbilityInfo[MAX_RSP_SIZE]; AsciiSPrint (UnlockAbilityInfo, sizeof (UnlockAbilityInfo), "get_unlock_ability: %d", IsAllowUnlock); FastbootInfo (UnlockAbilityInfo); WaitForTransferComplete (); FastbootOkay (""); } #endif STATIC VOID CmdOemDevinfo (CONST CHAR8 *arg, VOID *data, UINT32 sz) { CHAR8 DeviceInfo[MAX_RSP_SIZE]; AsciiSPrint (DeviceInfo, sizeof (DeviceInfo), "Verity mode: %a", IsEnforcing () ? "true" : "false"); FastbootInfo (DeviceInfo); WaitForTransferComplete (); AsciiSPrint (DeviceInfo, sizeof (DeviceInfo), "Device unlocked: %a", IsUnlocked () ? "true" : "false"); FastbootInfo (DeviceInfo); WaitForTransferComplete (); AsciiSPrint (DeviceInfo, sizeof (DeviceInfo), "Device critical unlocked: %a", IsUnlockCritical () ? "true" : "false"); FastbootInfo (DeviceInfo); WaitForTransferComplete (); AsciiSPrint (DeviceInfo, sizeof (DeviceInfo), "Charger screen enabled: %a", IsChargingScreenEnable () ? "true" : "false"); FastbootInfo (DeviceInfo); WaitForTransferComplete (); FastbootOkay (""); } STATIC EFI_STATUS AcceptCmdTimerInit (IN UINT64 Size, IN CHAR8 *Data) { EFI_STATUS Status = EFI_SUCCESS; CmdInfo *AcceptCmdInfo = NULL; EFI_EVENT CmdEvent = NULL; AcceptCmdInfo = AllocateZeroPool (sizeof (CmdInfo)); if (!AcceptCmdInfo) return EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES; AcceptCmdInfo->Size = Size; AcceptCmdInfo->Data = Data; Status = gBS->CreateEvent (EVT_TIMER | EVT_NOTIFY_SIGNAL, TPL_CALLBACK, AcceptCmdHandler, AcceptCmdInfo, &CmdEvent); if (!EFI_ERROR (Status)) { Status = gBS->SetTimer (CmdEvent, TimerRelative, 100000); } if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { FreePool (AcceptCmdInfo); AcceptCmdInfo = NULL; } return Status; } STATIC VOID AcceptCmdHandler (IN EFI_EVENT Event, IN VOID *Context) { CmdInfo *AcceptCmdInfo = Context; if (Event) { gBS->SetTimer (Event, TimerCancel, 0); gBS->CloseEvent (Event); } AcceptCmd (AcceptCmdInfo->Size, AcceptCmdInfo->Data); FreePool (AcceptCmdInfo); AcceptCmdInfo = NULL; } STATIC VOID AcceptCmd (IN UINT64 Size, IN CHAR8 *Data) { EFI_STATUS Status = EFI_SUCCESS; FASTBOOT_CMD *cmd; UINT32 BatteryVoltage = 0; STATIC BOOLEAN IsFirstEraseFlash; CHAR8 FlashResultStr[MAX_RSP_SIZE] = "\0"; if (!Data) { FastbootFail ("Invalid input command"); return; } if (Size > MAX_FASTBOOT_COMMAND_SIZE) Size = MAX_FASTBOOT_COMMAND_SIZE; Data[Size] = '\0'; DEBUG ((EFI_D_INFO, "Handling Cmd: %a\n", Data)); if (!IsDisableParallelDownloadFlash ()) { /* Wait for flash finished before next command */ if (AsciiStrnCmp (Data, "download", AsciiStrLen ("download"))) { StopUsbTimer (); if (!IsFlashComplete) { Status = AcceptCmdTimerInit (Size, Data); if (Status == EFI_SUCCESS) { return; } } } /* Check last flash result */ if (FlashResult != EFI_SUCCESS) { AsciiSPrint (FlashResultStr, MAX_RSP_SIZE, "%a : %r", "Error: Last flash failed", FlashResult); DEBUG ((EFI_D_ERROR, "%a\n", FlashResultStr)); if (!AsciiStrnCmp (Data, "flash", AsciiStrLen ("flash")) || !AsciiStrnCmp (Data, "download", AsciiStrLen ("download"))) { FastbootFail (FlashResultStr); FlashResult = EFI_SUCCESS; return; } } } if (FixedPcdGetBool (EnableBatteryVoltageCheck)) { /* Check battery voltage before erase or flash image * It gets partition type once when to flash or erase image, * for sparse image, it calls flash command more than once, it's * no need to check the battery voltage at every time, it's risky * to stop the update when the image is half-flashed. */ if (IsFirstEraseFlash) { if (!AsciiStrnCmp (Data, "erase", AsciiStrLen ("erase")) || !AsciiStrnCmp (Data, "flash", AsciiStrLen ("flash"))) { if (!TargetBatterySocOk (&BatteryVoltage)) { DEBUG ((EFI_D_VERBOSE, "fastboot: battery voltage: %d\n", BatteryVoltage)); FastbootFail ("Warning: battery's capacity is very low\n"); return; } IsFirstEraseFlash = FALSE; } } else if (!AsciiStrnCmp (Data, "getvar:partition-type", AsciiStrLen ("getvar:partition-type"))) { IsFirstEraseFlash = TRUE; } } for (cmd = cmdlist; cmd; cmd = cmd->next) { if (AsciiStrnCmp (Data, cmd->prefix, cmd->prefix_len)) continue; cmd->handle ((CONST CHAR8 *)Data + cmd->prefix_len, (VOID *)mUsbDataBuffer, (UINT32)mBytesReceivedSoFar); return; } DEBUG ((EFI_D_ERROR, "\nFastboot Send Fail\n")); FastbootFail ("unknown command"); } STATIC VOID CheckPartitionFsSignature (IN CHAR16 *PartName, OUT FS_SIGNATURE *FsSignature) { EFI_BLOCK_IO_PROTOCOL *BlockIo = NULL; EFI_HANDLE *Handle = NULL; EFI_STATUS Status = EFI_SUCCESS; UINT32 BlkSz = 0; CHAR8 *FsSuperBlk = NULL; CHAR8 *FsSuperBlkBuffer = NULL; UINT32 SuperBlkLba = 0; *FsSignature = UNKNOWN_FS_SIGNATURE; Status = PartitionGetInfo (PartName, &BlockIo, &Handle); if (Status != EFI_SUCCESS) { DEBUG ((EFI_D_ERROR, "Failed to Info for %s partition\n", PartName)); return; } if (!BlockIo) { DEBUG ((EFI_D_ERROR, "BlockIo for %s is corrupted\n", PartName)); return; } BlkSz = BlockIo->Media->BlockSize; FsSuperBlkBuffer = AllocateZeroPool (BlkSz); if (!FsSuperBlkBuffer) { DEBUG ((EFI_D_ERROR, "Failed to allocate buffer for superblock %s\n", PartName)); return; } FsSuperBlk = FsSuperBlkBuffer; SuperBlkLba = (FS_SUPERBLOCK_OFFSET / BlkSz); BlockIo->ReadBlocks (BlockIo, BlockIo->Media->MediaId, SuperBlkLba, BlkSz, FsSuperBlkBuffer); /* If superblklba is 0, it means super block is part of first block read */ if (SuperBlkLba == 0) { FsSuperBlk += FS_SUPERBLOCK_OFFSET; } if (*((UINT16 *)&FsSuperBlk[EXT_MAGIC_OFFSET_SB]) == (UINT16)EXT_FS_MAGIC) { DEBUG ((EFI_D_VERBOSE, "%s Found EXT FS type\n", PartName)); *FsSignature = EXT_FS_SIGNATURE; } else if (*((UINT32 *)&FsSuperBlk[F2FS_MAGIC_OFFSET_SB]) == (UINT32)F2FS_FS_MAGIC) { DEBUG ((EFI_D_VERBOSE, "%s Found F2FS FS type\n", PartName)); *FsSignature = F2FS_FS_SIGNATURE; } else { DEBUG ((EFI_D_VERBOSE, "%s No Known FS type Found\n", PartName)); } if (FsSuperBlkBuffer) { FreePool (FsSuperBlkBuffer); } return; } STATIC EFI_STATUS GetPartitionType (IN CHAR16 *PartName, OUT CHAR8 * PartType) { UINT32 LoopCounter; CHAR8 AsciiPartName[MAX_GET_VAR_NAME_SIZE]; FS_SIGNATURE FsSignature; if (PartName == NULL || PartType == NULL) { DEBUG ((EFI_D_ERROR, "Invalid parameters to GetPartitionType\n")); return EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER; } /* By default copy raw to response */ AsciiStrnCpyS (PartType, MAX_GET_VAR_NAME_SIZE, RAW_FS_STR, AsciiStrLen (RAW_FS_STR)); UnicodeStrToAsciiStr (PartName, AsciiPartName); /* Mark partition type for hard-coded partitions only */ for (LoopCounter = 0; LoopCounter < ARRAY_SIZE (part_info); LoopCounter++) { /* Check if its a hardcoded partition type */ if (!AsciiStrnCmp ((CONST CHAR8 *) AsciiPartName, part_info[LoopCounter].part_name, AsciiStrLen (part_info[LoopCounter].part_name))) { /* Check filesystem type present on partition */ CheckPartitionFsSignature (PartName, &FsSignature); switch (FsSignature) { case EXT_FS_SIGNATURE: AsciiStrnCpy (PartType, EXT_FS_STR, AsciiStrLen (EXT_FS_STR)); break; case F2FS_FS_SIGNATURE: AsciiStrnCpy (PartType, F2FS_FS_STR, AsciiStrLen (F2FS_FS_STR)); break; case UNKNOWN_FS_SIGNATURE: /* Copy default hardcoded type in case unknown partition type */ AsciiStrnCpyS (PartType, MAX_GET_VAR_NAME_SIZE, part_info[LoopCounter].type_response, AsciiStrLen (part_info[LoopCounter].type_response)); } } } return EFI_SUCCESS; } STATIC EFI_STATUS GetPartitionSize (IN CHAR16 *PartName, OUT CHAR8 * PartSize) { EFI_BLOCK_IO_PROTOCOL *BlockIo = NULL; EFI_HANDLE *Handle = NULL; EFI_STATUS Status = EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER; Status = PartitionGetInfo (PartName, &BlockIo, &Handle); if (Status != EFI_SUCCESS) { return Status; } if (!BlockIo) { DEBUG ((EFI_D_ERROR, "BlockIo for %s is corrupted\n", PartName)); return EFI_VOLUME_CORRUPTED; } AsciiSPrint (PartSize, MAX_RSP_SIZE, " 0x%llx", (UINT64) (BlockIo->Media->LastBlock + 1) * BlockIo->Media->BlockSize); return EFI_SUCCESS; } STATIC EFI_STATUS PublishGetVarPartitionInfo ( IN struct GetVarPartitionInfo *PublishedPartInfo, IN UINT32 NumParts) { UINT32 PtnLoopCount; EFI_STATUS Status = EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER; EFI_STATUS RetStatus = EFI_SUCCESS; CHAR16 *PartitionNameUniCode = NULL; BOOLEAN PublishType; BOOLEAN PublishSize; /* Clear Published Partition Buffer */ gBS->SetMem (PublishedPartInfo, sizeof (struct GetVarPartitionInfo) * MAX_NUM_PARTITIONS, 0); /* Loop will go through each partition entry and publish info for all partitions.*/ for (PtnLoopCount = 1; PtnLoopCount <= NumParts; PtnLoopCount++) { PublishType = FALSE; PublishSize = FALSE; PartitionNameUniCode = PtnEntries[PtnLoopCount].PartEntry.PartitionName; /* Skip Null/last partition */ if (PartitionNameUniCode[0] == '\0') { continue; } UnicodeStrToAsciiStr (PtnEntries[PtnLoopCount].PartEntry.PartitionName, (CHAR8 *)PublishedPartInfo[PtnLoopCount].part_name); /* Fill partition size variable and response string */ AsciiStrnCpyS (PublishedPartInfo[PtnLoopCount].getvar_size_str, MAX_GET_VAR_NAME_SIZE, "partition-size:", AsciiStrLen ("partition-size:")); Status = AsciiStrnCatS (PublishedPartInfo[PtnLoopCount].getvar_size_str, MAX_GET_VAR_NAME_SIZE, PublishedPartInfo[PtnLoopCount].part_name, AsciiStrLen ( PublishedPartInfo[PtnLoopCount].part_name)); if (!EFI_ERROR (Status)) { Status = GetPartitionSize ( PartitionNameUniCode, PublishedPartInfo[PtnLoopCount].size_response); if (Status == EFI_SUCCESS) { PublishSize = TRUE; } } /* Fill partition type variable and response string */ AsciiStrnCpyS (PublishedPartInfo[PtnLoopCount].getvar_type_str, MAX_GET_VAR_NAME_SIZE, "partition-type:", AsciiStrLen ("partition-type:")); Status = AsciiStrnCatS (PublishedPartInfo[PtnLoopCount].getvar_type_str, MAX_GET_VAR_NAME_SIZE, PublishedPartInfo[PtnLoopCount].part_name, AsciiStrLen ( PublishedPartInfo[PtnLoopCount].part_name)); if (!EFI_ERROR (Status)) { Status = GetPartitionType ( PartitionNameUniCode, PublishedPartInfo[PtnLoopCount].type_response); if (Status == EFI_SUCCESS) { PublishType = TRUE; } } if (PublishSize) { FastbootPublishVar (PublishedPartInfo[PtnLoopCount].getvar_size_str, PublishedPartInfo[PtnLoopCount].size_response); } else { DEBUG ((EFI_D_ERROR, "Error Publishing size info for %s partition\n", PartitionNameUniCode)); RetStatus = EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER; } if (PublishType) { FastbootPublishVar (PublishedPartInfo[PtnLoopCount].getvar_type_str, PublishedPartInfo[PtnLoopCount].type_response); } else { DEBUG ((EFI_D_ERROR, "Error Publishing type info for %s partition\n", PartitionNameUniCode)); RetStatus = EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER; } } return RetStatus; } STATIC EFI_STATUS ReadAllowUnlockValue (UINT32 *IsAllowUnlock) { EFI_STATUS Status; EFI_BLOCK_IO_PROTOCOL *BlockIo = NULL; EFI_HANDLE *Handle = NULL; UINT8 *Buffer; Status = PartitionGetInfo ((CHAR16 *)L"frp", &BlockIo, &Handle); if (Status != EFI_SUCCESS) return Status; if (!BlockIo) return EFI_NOT_FOUND; Buffer = AllocateZeroPool (BlockIo->Media->BlockSize); if (!Buffer) { DEBUG ((EFI_D_ERROR, "Failed to allocate memory for unlock value \n")); return EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES; } Status = BlockIo->ReadBlocks (BlockIo, BlockIo->Media->MediaId, BlockIo->Media->LastBlock, BlockIo->Media->BlockSize, Buffer); if (Status != EFI_SUCCESS) goto Exit; /* IsAllowUnlock value stored at the LSB of last byte*/ *IsAllowUnlock = Buffer[BlockIo->Media->BlockSize - 1] & 0x01; Exit: FreePool (Buffer); return Status; } /* Registers all Stock commands, Publishes all stock variables * and partitiion sizes. base and size are the respective parameters * to the Fastboot Buffer used to store the downloaded image for flashing */ STATIC EFI_STATUS FastbootCommandSetup (IN VOID *Base, IN UINT64 Size) { EFI_STATUS Status; CHAR8 HWPlatformBuf[MAX_RSP_SIZE] = "\0"; CHAR8 DeviceType[MAX_RSP_SIZE] = "\0"; BOOLEAN BatterySocOk = FALSE; UINT32 BatteryVoltage = 0; UINT32 PartitionCount = 0; BOOLEAN MultiSlotBoot = PartitionHasMultiSlot ((CONST CHAR16 *)L"boot"); MemCardType Type = UNKNOWN; mDataBuffer = Base; mNumDataBytes = Size; mFlashNumDataBytes = Size; mUsbDataBuffer = Base; mFlashDataBuffer = (CheckRootDeviceType () == NAND) ? Base : (Base + MaxDownLoadSize); /* Find all Software Partitions in the User Partition */ UINT32 i; UINT32 BlkSize = 0; DeviceInfo *DevInfoPtr = NULL; struct FastbootCmdDesc cmd_list[] = { /* By Default enable list is empty */ {"", NULL}, /*CAUTION(High): Enabling these commands will allow changing the partitions *like system,userdata,cachec etc... */ #ifdef ENABLE_UPDATE_PARTITIONS_CMDS {"flash:", CmdFlash}, {"erase:", CmdErase}, {"set_active", CmdSetActive}, {"flashing get_unlock_ability", CmdFlashingGetUnlockAbility}, {"flashing unlock", CmdFlashingUnlock}, {"flashing lock", CmdFlashingLock}, #endif /* *CAUTION(CRITICAL): Enabling these commands will allow changes to bootimage. */ #ifdef ENABLE_DEVICE_CRITICAL_LOCK_UNLOCK_CMDS {"flashing unlock_critical", CmdFlashingUnLockCritical}, {"flashing lock_critical", CmdFlashingLockCritical}, #endif /* *CAUTION(CRITICAL): Enabling this command will allow boot with different *bootimage. */ #ifdef ENABLE_BOOT_CMD {"boot", CmdBoot}, #endif {"oem enable-charger-screen", CmdOemEnableChargerScreen}, {"oem disable-charger-screen", CmdOemDisableChargerScreen}, {"oem off-mode-charge", CmdOemOffModeCharger}, {"oem select-display-panel", CmdOemSelectDisplayPanel}, {"oem device-info", CmdOemDevinfo}, {"continue", CmdContinue}, {"reboot", CmdReboot}, #ifdef DYNAMIC_PARTITION_SUPPORT {"reboot-recovery", CmdRebootRecovery}, {"reboot-fastboot", CmdRebootFastboot}, #endif {"reboot-bootloader", CmdRebootBootloader}, {"getvar:", CmdGetVar}, {"download:", CmdDownload}, }; /* Register the commands only for non-user builds */ Status = BoardSerialNum (StrSerialNum, sizeof (StrSerialNum)); if (Status != EFI_SUCCESS) { DEBUG ((EFI_D_ERROR, "Error Finding board serial num: %x\n", Status)); return Status; } /* Publish getvar variables */ FastbootPublishVar ("kernel", "uefi"); AsciiSPrint (MaxDownloadSizeStr, sizeof (MaxDownloadSizeStr), "%ld", MaxDownLoadSize); FastbootPublishVar ("max-download-size", MaxDownloadSizeStr); if (IsDynamicPartitionSupport ()) { FastbootPublishVar ("is-userspace", "no"); } AsciiSPrint (FullProduct, sizeof (FullProduct), "%a", PRODUCT_NAME); FastbootPublishVar ("product", FullProduct); FastbootPublishVar ("serialno", StrSerialNum); FastbootPublishVar ("secure", IsSecureBootEnabled () ? "yes" : "no"); if (MultiSlotBoot) { /*Find ActiveSlot, bydefault _a will be the active slot *Populate MultiSlotMeta data will publish fastboot variables *like slot_successful, slot_unbootable,slot_retry_count and *CurrenSlot, these can modified using fastboot set_active command */ FindPtnActiveSlot (); PopulateMultislotMetadata (); DEBUG ((EFI_D_VERBOSE, "Multi Slot boot is supported\n")); } GetPartitionCount (&PartitionCount); Status = PublishGetVarPartitionInfo (PublishedPartInfo, PartitionCount); if (Status != EFI_SUCCESS) DEBUG ((EFI_D_ERROR, "Failed to publish part info for all partitions\n")); BoardHwPlatformName (HWPlatformBuf, sizeof (HWPlatformBuf)); GetRootDeviceType (DeviceType, sizeof (DeviceType)); AsciiSPrint (StrVariant, sizeof (StrVariant), "%a %a", HWPlatformBuf, DeviceType); FastbootPublishVar ("variant", StrVariant); GetPageSize (&BlkSize); AsciiSPrint (LogicalBlkSizeStr, sizeof (LogicalBlkSizeStr), " 0x%x", BlkSize); FastbootPublishVar ("logical-block-size", LogicalBlkSizeStr); Type = CheckRootDeviceType (); if (Type == NAND) { BlkSize = NAND_PAGES_PER_BLOCK * BlkSize; } AsciiSPrint (EraseBlkSizeStr, sizeof (EraseBlkSizeStr), " 0x%x", BlkSize); FastbootPublishVar ("erase-block-size", EraseBlkSizeStr); GetDevInfo (&DevInfoPtr); FastbootPublishVar ("version-bootloader", DevInfoPtr->bootloader_version); FastbootPublishVar ("version-baseband", DevInfoPtr->radio_version); BatterySocOk = TargetBatterySocOk (&BatteryVoltage); AsciiSPrint (StrBatteryVoltage, sizeof (StrBatteryVoltage), "%d", BatteryVoltage); FastbootPublishVar ("battery-voltage", StrBatteryVoltage); AsciiSPrint (StrBatterySocOk, sizeof (StrBatterySocOk), "%a", BatterySocOk ? "yes" : "no"); FastbootPublishVar ("battery-soc-ok", StrBatterySocOk); AsciiSPrint (ChargeScreenEnable, sizeof (ChargeScreenEnable), "%d", IsChargingScreenEnable ()); FastbootPublishVar ("charger-screen-enabled", ChargeScreenEnable); AsciiSPrint (OffModeCharge, sizeof (OffModeCharge), "%d", IsChargingScreenEnable ()); FastbootPublishVar ("off-mode-charge", ChargeScreenEnable); FastbootPublishVar ("unlocked", IsUnlocked () ? "yes" : "no"); AsciiSPrint (StrSocVersion, sizeof (StrSocVersion), "%x", BoardPlatformChipVersion ()); FastbootPublishVar ("hw-revision", StrSocVersion); /* Register handlers for the supported commands*/ UINT32 FastbootCmdCnt = sizeof (cmd_list) / sizeof (cmd_list[0]); for (i = 1; i < FastbootCmdCnt; i++) FastbootRegister (cmd_list[i].name, cmd_list[i].cb); // Read Allow Ulock Flag Status = ReadAllowUnlockValue (&IsAllowUnlock); DEBUG ((EFI_D_VERBOSE, "IsAllowUnlock is %d\n", IsAllowUnlock)); if (Status != EFI_SUCCESS) { DEBUG ((EFI_D_ERROR, "Error Reading FRP partition: %r\n", Status)); return Status; } return EFI_SUCCESS; } VOID *FastbootDloadBuffer (VOID) { return (VOID *)mUsbDataBuffer; } ANDROID_FASTBOOT_STATE FastbootCurrentState (VOID) { return mState; }