path: root/spec/xs3p/README.txt
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-xs3p - Version 1.0
--Generating the documentation
--Viewing the documentation
--Configuring the stylesheet
-xs3p is a schema documentation generator. It is an XSLT stylesheet
-that will output an XHTML document from an XSD schema. Aside from
-using as much W3C acronyms as possible, the tool makes schemas more
-readable by providing a view of schema components' constraints as a
-sample XML instance, links that allow the user to jump to the
-documentation of schema components that are referenced, and a whole
-host of neat features. However, most important of all, it makes your
-schemas look 'pretty in pink'.
-Generating the documentation
-To generate the documentation, you need a command-line XSLT tool that
-supports the W3C XSLT 1.0 recommendation. (NOTE: xs3p does not work
-with <?xml-stylesheet ?> processing instruction because the <A> links
-in the generated XHTML document will not be correct.)
-Here are a few examples of XSLT tools:
-1. MSXML 4.0 (Windows only)
-You can download MSXML 4.0 SP1 at:
-(If the URL is incorrect, go to http://msdn.microsoft.com, and search
-for the keywords, "msxml 4.0".)
-Microsoft's web page gives you instructions of how to install the
-MSXML 4.0 library. You'll also need to download Msxsl which is a
-wrapper to access the library from the command-line. You can download
-it at:
-(Again, if the URL is incorrect, go to http://msdn.microsoft.com, and
-search for the keyword, "msxsl".)
-Click on the "Download the executable file" link. Save the msxsl.exe
-file in a directory specified in the PATH environment variable. In
-most cases, you can dump the file in c:\winnt (or c:\windows
-depending on your OS) directory since it's already in the PATH
-Type: msxsl -? to learn how to use the tool. The basic usage is:
-msxsl [source] [stylesheet] -o [result] {[param-name]=[param-value]...}
-2. Xalan (Java-based)
-You can download Xalan from Apache at:
-The web page gives you instructions of how to install Xalan. You can
-find out how to use Xalan's command-line tool at:
-The basic usage is:
-java org.apache.xalan.xslt.Process -IN [source] -XSL [stylesheet]
--OUT [result] {-PARAM [param-name] [param-value]...}
-3. Saxon (Java-based)
-You can download Saxon from Sourceforge at:
-If you download the saxon package, it comes with instructions of how
-to install and use the Java jar files.
-If you download the instant saxon package, it comes with a .exe file,
-and all you have to do is put the file in a directory in the PATH
-environment variable. It also comes with instant.html file, which
-documents how to use it. The basic usage is:
-saxon -o [result] [source] [stylesheet] {[param-name]=[param-value]...}
-Viewing the documentation
-To view the documentation, you need a browser that supports the W3C
-XHTML 1.0 and CSS 2 recommendations, e.g.
--Internet Explorer 5.5 and above
--Netscape 6 and above
--Opera 5.0 and above
--Mozilla 1.0
-Configuring the stylesheet
-The xs3p stylesheet can be customised through its global parameters,
-which are listed below.
-title :-
- You can specify your own title for the document, rather than
-using the default one.
-sortByComponent :-
- If this parameter is set to "true", the schema components are
-presented sorted by type and name. Otherwise, they are presented in
-the order that they appear in the schema. By default, this parameter
-is set to "true."
-useJavaScript :-
- The generated XHTML document uses JavaScript to hide some
-details like the underlying schema component XML representation,
-which can be made to appear with a button press. Since some people
-have ideological objections to JavaScript, this feature can be turned
-off. If this parameter is set to "true", JavaScript will be used in
-the generated documentation. Otherwise, it won't. By default, this
-parameter is set to "true."
-printAllSuperTypes :-
- The type hierarchy of a global type definition is displayed in
-its section. If this parameter is set to "true", all super-types of
-the current type are shown in the type hierarchy. Otherwise, only the
-immediate parent type is displayed. By default, this parameter is set
-to "true."
-printAllSubTypes :-
- This parameter has a similar concept as printAllSuperTypes. If
-it is set to "true", all sub-types of the current type are shown in
-the type hierarchy. Otherwise, only the direct sub-types are
-displayed. By default, this parameter is set to "true."
-printLegend :-
- If this parameter is set to "true", the Legend section is
-included. Otherwise, it isn't. By default, this parameter is set to
-printGlossary :-
- If this parameter is set to "true", the Glossary section is
-included. Otherwise, it isn't. By default, this parameter is set to
-printNSPrefixes :-
- If this parameter is set to "true", namespace information is
-provided when displaying sample instances and references. This is
-done by providing a prefix in front of tags and references, which
-when clicked, will take the user to the declared namespace. The
-prefix matches the prefix in the namespace declaration in the schema.
-If not set to "true", namespace prefixes are not displayed. By
-default, this parameter is set to "true."
-searchIncludedSchemas :-
- If this parameter is set to "true", xs3p will search for
-components in "included" schemas when creating links and generating
-the XML Instance Representation table.
- When this parameter is set to "true", the "linksFile" parameter
-must also be set, which is described below. Otherwise, an error will
-be raised.
- The XSLT processor will also raise an error if it can't find the
-schemas specified in the "schemaLocation" attribute of "include"
-elements. XSLT implementations seem to resolve relative addresses
-relative to the XSLT script, rather than the source file. This is a
-common cause of error since in schemas, the "schemaLocation"
-attribute is specified relative to the current schema. It is probably
-best to write a script (e.g. Ant build file, DOS batch file, or Unix
-shell script), which copies the xs3p stylesheet to the directory
-containing the set of schemas and execute the XSLT script based on
-the local copy.
- The final thing to note is that this search is recursive, so
-schemas "included" in the current schema's "included" schemas will
-also be searched. This is another common source of error, since
-schemas may be searched that might not have been thought about.
- There are some batch files in the examples/ directory to show
-how to use this feature. If you have 'msxsl', run "test_msxsl.bat"
-file. If you use 'xalanj', run "test_xalanj.bat" file. Otherwise,
-edit the files for your specific XSLT processor.
-searchImportedSchemas :-
- If this parameter is set to "true", xs3p will search for
-components in "imported" schemas when creating links and generating
-the XML Instance Representation table. The above discussion for the
-"searchIncludedSchemas" parameter also applies to this parameter.
-Also, when this parameter is set to "true", the "linksFile" parameter
-must also be set.
-linksFile :-
- Specifies the file which maps from file locations of
-"included" and "imported" schemas to the file locations of their
-xs3p-generated documentation. This file must be provided if either
-"searchIncludedSchemas" or "searchImportedSchemas" is set to true.
- If relative addresses are used to specify the location of
-external xs3p-generated documentation, they must be relative to
-documentation file currently generated. NOTE: The external
-documentation files does not need to exist at the time of generating
-the documentation for the current schema.
- The mapping is specified in XML. The dtd and schema for this
-mapping syntax are "links.dtd" and "links.xsd" respectively.
- A sample links file, "links.xml", is provided in the examples/
- NOTE: The "xmlns" namespace attribute with the correct
-namespace must be provided in the mapping file for the xs3p
-stylesheet to work.
-Copyright (C) 2001, 2002 DSTC Pty Ltd. \ No newline at end of file