# Build configuration QMAKE_TARGET_COMPANY = Nokia QMAKE_TARGET_PRODUCT = DirectUI QMAKE_TARGET_DESCRIPTION = DirectUI Framework QMAKE_TARGET_COPYRIGHT = Copyright (C) 2010 Nokia contains( DEFINES, HAVE_N900 ) { QT += opengl network } # Features # Parts to build. Options: libs tests benchmarks demos doc debian #M_BUILD_PARTS = libs tests benchmarks demos doc debian contains(TEMPLATE, app) { DEFINES += M_APPLICATION_NAME=\\\"${QMAKE_TARGET}\\\" } else { contains(TEMPLATE, lib) { DEFINES += M_LIBRARY_NAME=\\\"lib${QMAKE_TARGET}\\\" } else { # error(Unknown template) } } mac { INCLUDEPATH += include } # Load configure script results !win32: { include($${M_BUILD_TREE}/mkspecs/meegotouchconfig.pri) } # Load global definitions include($${M_BUILD_TREE}/mkspecs/features/meegotouch_defines.prf) # Defines for directories, for use in source code. { # THEMEDIR determines the location of the theme DEFINES += THEMEDIR=\\\"\"$$M_THEME_DIR\"\\\" # APPLET_LIBS determines the location where all applet binaries are DEFINES += APPLET_LIBS=\\\"\"$$M_APPLET_DIR\"\\\" # APPLET_INSTALLATION_SOURCES determines the location where applet installation source binaries are DEFINES += APPLET_INSTALLATION_SOURCES=\\\"\"$$M_APPLET_INSTALLATION_SOURCES_DIR\"\\\" # APPLET_DATA determines where the .desktop files are located DEFINES += APPLET_DATA=\\\"\"$$M_APPLET_DATA_DIR\"\\\" # APPLET_SETTINGS_DIR determines where the applet global and instance settings files are located DEFINES += APPLET_SETTINGS_DIR=\\\"\"$$M_APPLET_SETTINGS_DIR\"\\\" # APPLICATION_EXTENSION_LIBS determines the location of application extension binaries DEFINES += APPLICATION_EXTENSION_LIBS=\\\"\"$$M_APPLICATION_EXTENSION_DIR\"\\\" # APPLICATION_EXTENSION_DATA_DIR determines the location of application extension .desktop files DEFINES += APPLICATION_EXTENSION_DATA_DIR=\\\"\"$$M_APPLICATION_EXTENSION_DATA_DIR\"\\\" # TRANSLATION_DIR determines the default translation path DEFINES += TRANSLATION_DIR=\\\"\"$$M_TRANSLATION_DIR\"\\\" # extra data for libicu to be used be default DEFINES += M_ICUEXTRADATA_DIR=\\\"\"$$M_ICUEXTRADATA_DIR\"\\\" # M_THEME_PRELOAD_DIR and M_THEME_POST_PRELOAD_DIR defines from where # to get lists of images to be preloaded DEFINES += M_THEME_PRELOAD_DIR=\\\"\"$$M_THEME_PRELOAD_DIR\"\\\" DEFINES += M_THEME_POST_PRELOAD_DIR=\\\"\"$$M_THEME_POST_PRELOAD_DIR\"\\\" DEFINES += M_DBUS_SERVICES_DIR=\\\"\"$$M_DBUS_SERVICES_DIR\"\\\" DEFINES += M_XDG_DIR=\\\"\"$$M_XDG_DIR\"\\\" DEFINES += M_INSTALL_SYSCONFDIR=\\\"\"$$M_INSTALL_SYSCONFDIR\"\\\" # M_BINARY_SHADERS_DIR defines the location of precompiled shader programs DEFINES += M_SHADER_SOURCE_DIR=\\\"\"$$M_SHADER_SOURCE_DIR\"\\\" DEFINES += M_SHADER_BINARY_DIR=\\\"\"$$M_SHADER_BINARY_DIR\"\\\" } unix { DEFINES += CACHEDIR=\\\"\"/var/cache/meegotouch/\"\\\" # drop unneeded dependencies !macx { QMAKE_LFLAGS += "-Wl,--as-needed" } } # Compiler configuration for all subprojects in libm !win32-msvc*:QMAKE_CXXFLAGS += -g # To use compiler cache, "export USE_CCACHE=true" USE_CCACHE=$$(USE_CCACHE) contains(USE_CCACHE, "true") { message("Using compiler cache") QMAKE_CC = ccache gcc QMAKE_CXX = ccache g++ } QMAKE_LIBDIR += $${M_BUILD_TREE}/lib include(shared.pri)