path: root/common/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'common/')
1 files changed, 511 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/common/ b/common/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..57962c7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/
@@ -0,0 +1,511 @@
+local_common2_parent_dir=$(cd $(dirname ${local_common2_file_path}); pwd)
+D_ROOT=$(cd $(dirname ${local_common2_parent_dir}); pwd)
+## Description:
+## get specified the apk file from remote
+## Usage:
+## get_file_with_base_url $file_name $base_url $target_dir
+## Example:
+## get_file_with_base_url "${apk_apk}" "${BASE_URL}" "${D_APKS}"
+ local file_name=$1 && shift
+ local base_url=$1 && shift
+ local target_dir=$1 && shift
+ if [ -z "${file_name}" ]; then
+ echo "The file name must be specified."
+ return 1
+ fi
+ if [ -z "${base_url}" ]; then
+ echo "The file name must be specified."
+ return 1
+ fi
+ if [ -z "${target_dir}" ]; then
+ echo "The file name must be specified."
+ return 1
+ fi
+ if [ -f "${target_dir}/${file_name}" ]; then
+ echo "The file($file_name) already exists."
+ return 0
+ fi
+ mkdir -p "${target_dir}"
+ case "X${base_url}" in
+ "Xscp://"*)
+ # like scp://
+ apk_url="${base_url}/${file_name}"
+ url_no_scp=`echo ${apk_url}|sed 's/^\s*scp\:\/\///'|sed 's/\//\:\//'`
+ scp "${url_no_scp}" "${target_dir}/${file_name}"
+ if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
+ echo "Failed to get the apk(${file_name}) with ${base_url}"
+ return 1
+ fi
+ ;;
+ "Xssh://"*)
+ git clone "${base_url}" "${target_dir}"
+ if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
+ echo "Failed to get the apks with ${base_url}"
+ return 1
+ fi
+ ;;
+ "Xhttp://"*)
+ wget "${base_url}/${file_name}" -O "${target_dir}/${file_name}"
+ if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
+ echo "Failed to get the apks with ${base_url}"
+ return 1
+ fi
+ ;;
+ "X"*)
+ echo "Failed to get the file($file_name)."
+ echo "The schema of the ${base_url} is not supported now!"
+ return 1
+ ;;
+ esac
+ return 0
+## Description:
+## used to kill the process for the specified process name
+## Usage:
+## kill_process $process_name_pattern
+## Example:
+## kill_process "gatord"
+ local proc=$1 && shift
+ [ -z "${proc}" ] && return
+ while adb shell ps | grep -q -E "\s+${proc}\s+"; do
+ local pid=$(adb shell ps|grep -E "\s+${proc}\s+"|awk '{print $2}')
+ if [ -n "${pid}" ]; then
+ adb shell su 0 kill -9 "${pid}"
+ fi
+ done
+ sleep 5
+## Description:
+## prepare environment for streamline and start the gatord
+## to collect streamline data
+## Usage:
+## collect_streamline_data_before "${app_id}" "${timeout}"
+## Example:
+## collect_streamline_data_before "Browser_0" "10"
+## Note:
+## This function will do nothing if COLLECT_STREAMLINE is not set to true
+ if [ "X${COLLECT_STREAMLINE}" != "Xtrue" ]; then
+ return
+ fi
+ local app_name=$1 && shift
+ if [ -z "${app_name}" ];then
+ return
+ fi
+ local gatord_timeout="${1-10}" && shift
+ kill_process "gatord"
+ adb shell su 0 rm -fr /data/local/tmp/streamline
+ adb shell mkdir /data/local/tmp/streamline
+ cat >session.xml <<__EOF__
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="US-ASCII" ?>
+<session version="1" title="${app_name}" target_path="@F" call_stack_unwinding="yes" parse_debug_info="yes" high_resolution="no" buffer_mode="streaming" sample_rate="normal" duration="${gatord_timeout}">
+ adb push session.xml /data/local/tmp/streamline/session.xml
+ echo "Gatord starts:$(date)"
+ adb shell "su 0 gatord -s /data/local/tmp/streamline/session.xml -o /data/local/tmp/streamline/${app_name}.apc" &
+ adb shell sleep 2
+## Description:
+## wait for the gatord finished or kill it if over the time specified in seconds
+## Usage:
+## wait_kill_gatord_finish "${timeout}"
+## Example:
+## wait_kill_gatord_finish "10"
+ local gatord_timeout="${1-10}" && shift
+ local proc="gatord"
+ local count=1
+ while adb shell ps | grep -q -E "\s+${proc}\s+"; do
+ count=$((count+1))
+ if [ ${count} -gt ${gatord_timeout} ]; then
+ local pid=$(adb shell ps|grep -E "\s+${proc}\s+"|awk '{print $2}')
+ if [ -n "${pid}" ]; then
+ adb shell su 0 kill -9 "${pid}"
+ sleep 2
+ fi
+ else
+ sleep 1
+ fi
+ done
+## Description:
+## wait for the gatord daemon to finish, and
+## pull the collected streamline data to the specified directory
+## Usage:
+## collect_streamline_data_post "${app_id}" "${target_dir}"
+## Example:
+## collect_streamline_data_post "Browser_0" "streamline_data"
+## Note:
+## This function will do nothing if COLLECT_STREAMLINE is not set to true
+ if [ "X${COLLECT_STREAMLINE}" != "Xtrue" ]; then
+ return
+ fi
+ local app_name=$1 && shift
+ if [ -z "${app_name}" ]; then
+ return
+ fi
+ local target_dir=$1 && shift
+ if [ -z "${target_dir}" ]; then
+ echo "Please specify the target directory where to save the data file"
+ return
+ fi
+ echo "Wait gatord to finish:$(date)"
+ wait_kill_gatord_finish
+ echo "Gatord findihed:$(date)"
+ adb shell su 0 chown -R shell:shell data/local/tmp/streamline
+ adb pull /data/local/tmp/streamline/${app_name}.apc ${target_dir}/${app_name}.apc
+ #streamline -analyze ${capture_dir}
+ #streamline -report -function ${apd_f} |tee ${parent_dir}/streamlineReport.txt
+# uninstall or kill the running package
+ local app_apk=$1 && shift
+ local app_pkg=$1 && shift
+ if [ "X${app_apk}" != "XNULL" ];then
+ adb shell pm list packages | grep -q "${app_pkg}"
+ if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
+ adb uninstall "${app_pkg}"
+ fi
+ else
+ adb shell am force-stop "${app_pkg}"
+ fi
+ # clean logcat buffer
+ adb logcat -c
+ adb logcat -b events -c
+ sleep 3
+ func_kill_uninstall "${loop_app_apk}" "${loop_app_package}"
+ collect_streamline_data_before "${loop_app_name}_${loop_count}"
+ adb shell am kill-all
+ sleep 5
+ if [ -n "${var_test_command}" ]; then
+ timeout ${var_test_command_timeout} ${var_test_command}
+ local ret=$?
+ if [ $ret -eq 124 ]; then
+ echo "Time out to run ${var_test_command}: ${var_test_command_timeout}"
+ fi
+ sleep 5
+ return $ret
+ fi
+ collect_streamline_data_post "${loop_app_name}_${loop_count}" "${D_STREAMLINE}"
+ # capture screen shot
+ adb shell screencap /data/local/tmp/app_screen.png
+ adb pull /data/local/tmp/app_screen.png ${D_SCREENSHOT}/${loop_app_name}_${loop_count}.png
+ echo "===package=${loop_app_package}, count=${loop_count} start" >> "${F_LOGCAT}"
+ adb logcat -d -v time >> "${F_LOGCAT}"
+ echo "===package=${loop_app_package}, count=${loop_count} end" >> "${F_LOGCAT}"
+ echo "===ackage=${loop_app_package}, count=${loop_count} start" >> "${F_LOGCAT_EVENTS}"
+ adb logcat -d -b events -v time >> "${F_LOGCAT_EVENTS}"
+ echo "===package=${loop_app_package}, count=${loop_count} start" >> "${F_LOGCAT_EVENTS}"
+ collect_raw_logcat_data
+## Description:
+## run test for the specified applications for the specified times
+## Usage:
+## func_loop_apps_for_times $app_list $loop_times
+## app_list: space separated application list, each application should
+## be specified as following format:
+## apk_name,apk_package/start_activity_name,nickname
+## like:
+## 03-JBench.apk,it.JBench.bench/it.JBench.jbench.MainActivity,JBench
+## or:
+## NULL,,Settings
+## NULL in the apk_name place holder means no need to install the application
+## loop_times: the count that the test should be run
+## Example:
+## func_loop_apps_for_times "03-JBench.apk,it.JBench.bench/it.JBench.jbench.MainActivity,JBench NULL,,Settings" 12
+## Note:
+## var_func_pre_install
+## var_func_post_install
+## var_func_run_test
+## var_func_pre_uninstall
+## var_func_post_uninstall
+## variables of loop_app_apk/loop_app_start_activity/loop_app_package/loop_app_name/loop_count can be used in the above functions
+ local loop_apps_list=$1 && shift
+ local loop_apps_times=$1 && shift
+ for apk in ${loop_apps_list}; do
+ local loop_app_apk=$(echo $apk|cut -d, -f1)
+ local loop_app_start_activity=$(echo $apk|cut -d, -f2)
+ local loop_app_package=$(echo ${loop_app_start_activity}|cut -d\/ -f1)
+ local loop_app_name=$(echo $apk|cut -d, -f3)
+ local loop_count=0
+ while [ ${loop_count} -lt ${loop_apps_times} ]; do
+ ## steps before install the apk,
+ ## like clean the logcat buffer or uninstall the application first
+ ## in case failed to uninstall last time
+ if [ -n "${var_func_pre_install}" ];then
+ ${var_func_pre_install}
+ else
+ func_pre_install
+ fi
+ # install apk
+ if [ "X${loop_app_apk}" != "XNULL" ];then
+ adb install -r "${D_APKS}/${loop_app_apk}"
+ if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
+ echo "Failed to install ${loop_app_apk}."
+ return 1
+ fi
+ fi
+ # run steps after install but before start the activiety
+ # since for applications we need prepare something like configuration
+ # so that to make the application work
+ if [ -n "${var_func_post_install}" ]; then
+ ${var_func_post_install}
+ else
+ func_post_install
+ fi
+ # start activity
+ adb shell am start -W -S ${loop_app_start_activity}
+ # run test steps after started the activity
+ if [ -n "${var_func_run_test}" ]; then
+ ${var_func_run_test}
+ else
+ func_run_test
+ fi
+ if [ -n "${var_func_pre_uninstall}" ]; then
+ ${var_func_pre_uninstall}
+ else
+ func_pre_uninstall
+ fi
+ # uninstall or kill the app process
+ func_kill_uninstall "${loop_app_apk}" "${loop_app_package}"
+ if [ -n "${var_func_post_uninstall}" ]; then
+ ${var_func_post_uninstall}
+ else
+ func_post_uninstall
+ fi
+ loop_count=$((loop_count + 1 ))
+ done
+ done
+ local loop_apps_list=$1 && shift
+ for apk in ${loop_apps_list}; do
+ local app_apk=$(echo $apk|cut -d, -f1)
+ app_apk=$(echo "$app_apk"|sed 's/\s*$//' |sed 's/^\s*//')
+ if [ -z "${app_apk}" ]; then
+ echo "Either the apk file name or NULL must be specified for one application"
+ echo "This application configuration is not valid: $apk"
+ return 1
+ fi
+ if [ "X${app_apk}" = "XNULL" ]; then
+ continue
+ fi
+ get_file_with_base_url "${app_apk}" "${BASE_URL}" "${D_APKS}"|| return 1
+ done
+ return 0
+ if [ -n "${SERIAL}" ];then
+ else
+ serial=`adb get-serialno|sed 's/\r//g'`
+ if [ "X${serial}" == "Xunknown" ]; then
+ echo "Can not get the serial number autotically,"
+ echo "Please specify the serial number with the -s option"
+ exit 1
+ else
+ export ANDROID_SERIAL=${serial}
+ fi
+ fi
+ rm -fr ${D_RAWDATA}
+ mkdir -p "${D_STREAMLINE}" "${D_SCREENSHOT}" "${D_APKS}"
+ func_get_all_apks "$G_APPS"|| exit 1
+ adb shell svc power stayon true
+ echo "$(basename $0) --base-url BASE_URL [--serial serial_no] [--loop-count LOOP_COUNT] [--streamline true|false] APP_CONFIG_LIST ..."
+ echo " --serial: specify serial number for the device"
+ echo " --base-url: specify the based url where the apks will be gotten from"
+ echo " --loop-count: specify the number that how many times should be run for each application to get the average result, default is 12"
+ echo " --streamline: specify if we need to collect the streamline data, true amd false can be specified, default is fasle"
+ echo " APP_CONFIG_LIST: specify the configurations for each application as following format:"
+ echo " APK_NAME: the apk file name which we will get from the BASE_URL specified by --base-url option."
+ echo " if NULL is specified, it means this APK is a system apk, no need to get from BASE_URL"
+ echo " APP_PACKAGE: the package name for this application"
+ echo " APP_ACTIVITY: the activity name will be started for this application"
+ echo " APP_NICKNAME: a nickname for this application, should only contain alphabet and digits"
+ local para_loop_count=""
+ local para_apps=""
+ while [ -n "$1" ]; do
+ case "X$1" in
+ X--base-url)
+ shift 2
+ ;;
+ X--streamline)
+ shift 2
+ ;;
+ X--loop-count)
+ para_loop_count=$2
+ shift 2
+ ;;
+ X-s|X--serial)
+ shift 2
+ ;;
+ X-h|X--help)
+ func_print_usage_common
+ exit 1
+ ;;
+ X-*)
+ echo "Unknown option: $1"
+ func_print_usage_common
+ exit 1
+ ;;
+ X*)
+ para_apps="${para_apps} $1"
+ shift 1
+ ;;
+ esac
+ done
+ if [ -z "${BASE_URL}" ]; then
+ echo "BASE_URL information must be specified."
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ if [ -n "${para_loop_count}" ] && echo "${para_loop_count}"| grep -q -P '^\d+$'; then
+ G_LOOP_COUNT=${para_loop_count}
+ elif [ -n "${para_loop_count}" ]; then
+ echo "The specified LOOP_COUNT(${para_loop_count}) is not valid"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ para_apps=$(echo "$para_apps"|sed 's/\s*$//' |sed 's/^\s*//')
+ if [ -n "${para_apps}" ]; then
+ G_APPS="${para_apps}"
+ fi
+## Description:
+## main function to run for all application tests, both normal acitivity start test
+## or benchmark things tests
+## Usage:
+## Example:
+## Note:
+## all apks should be able to get with the same base url
+## var_func_parse_parameters
+## var_func_prepare_environment
+## var_func_post_test
+ if [ -n "${var_func_parse_parameters}" ]; then
+ ${var_func_parse_parameters} "$@"
+ if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
+ echo "Failed to parse the parameters!"
+ if [ -n "${var_func_usage}" ]; then
+ ${var_func_usage}
+ fi
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ else
+ func_parse_parameters_common
+ fi
+ if [ -n "${var_func_prepare_environment}" ]; then
+ "${var_func_prepare_environment}"
+ if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
+ echo "Failed to prepare the environment!"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ else
+ func_prepare_environment
+ fi
+ func_loop_apps_for_times "${G_APPS}" "${G_LOOP_COUNT}"
+ if [ -n "${var_func_post_test}" ]; then
+ "${var_func_post_test}"
+ if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
+ echo "Failed to do actions after the test!"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ fi
+ rm -fr "${F_RAWDAT_ZIP}"
+ local old_pwd=$(pwd)
+ local d_zip_dir="$(dirname ${D_RAWDATA})"
+ local d_zip_name="$(basename ${D_RAWDATA})"
+ cd ${d_zip_dir};
+ zip -r "${F_RAWDAT_ZIP}" "${d_zip_name}"
+ cd ${old_pwd}
+ echo "Please reference the file ${F_RAWDAT_ZIP} for all the raw data."