path: root/lldb/lit/SymbolFile/DWARF/dir-separator-no-comp-dir.s
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lldb/lit/SymbolFile/DWARF/dir-separator-no-comp-dir.s')
1 files changed, 62 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lldb/lit/SymbolFile/DWARF/dir-separator-no-comp-dir.s b/lldb/lit/SymbolFile/DWARF/dir-separator-no-comp-dir.s
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..9e3281a334f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lldb/lit/SymbolFile/DWARF/dir-separator-no-comp-dir.s
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+# Test that we properly determine the path syntax of a compile unit even if the
+# compile unit does not have a DW_AT_comp_dir attribute.
+# REQUIRES: lld
+# RUN: llvm-mc -triple x86_64-pc-linux %s -filetype=obj > %t.o
+# RUN: ld.lld %t.o -o %t
+# RUN: %lldb %t -s %S/Inputs/dir-separator-windows.lldbinit -o exit | FileCheck %s
+# CHECK-LABEL: image dump line-table a.c
+# CHECK: Line table for C:\tmp\a.c
+# CHECK-NEXT: 0x0000000000201000: C:\tmp\a.c:1
+# CHECK-NEXT: 0x0000000000201001: C:\tmp\b.c:1
+# CHECK-NEXT: 0x0000000000201002: C:\tmp\b.c:1
+# CHECK-LABEL: breakpoint set -f a.c -l 1
+# CHECK: Breakpoint 1: {{.*}}`_start,
+# CHECK-LABEL: breakpoint set -f C:/tmp/b.c -l 1
+# CHECK: Breakpoint 2: {{.*}}`_start + 1,
+ .text
+ .globl _start
+ .file 1 "C:\\tmp\\a.c"
+ .loc 1 1 0
+ nop
+ .file 2 "C:\\tmp\\b.c"
+ .loc 2 1 0
+ nop
+ .section .debug_str,"MS",@progbits,1
+ .asciz "C:\\tmp\\a.c"
+ .section .debug_abbrev,"",@progbits
+ .byte 1 # Abbreviation Code
+ .byte 17 # DW_TAG_compile_unit
+ .byte 0 # DW_CHILDREN_no
+ .byte 19 # DW_AT_language
+ .byte 5 # DW_FORM_data2
+ .byte 3 # DW_AT_name
+ .byte 14 # DW_FORM_strp
+ .byte 16 # DW_AT_stmt_list
+ .byte 23 # DW_FORM_sec_offset
+ .byte 0 # EOM(1)
+ .byte 0 # EOM(2)
+ .byte 0 # EOM(3)
+ .section .debug_info,"",@progbits
+ .long .Lcu_end0-.Lcu_start0 # Length of Unit
+ .short 4 # DWARF version number
+ .long .debug_abbrev # Offset Into Abbrev. Section
+ .byte 8 # Address Size (in bytes)
+ .byte 1 # Abbrev [1] 0xb:0x1f DW_TAG_compile_unit
+ .short 12 # DW_AT_language
+ .long .Linfo_string1 # DW_AT_name
+ .long .Lline_table_start0 # DW_AT_stmt_list
+ .section .debug_line,"",@progbits