#RUN: llvm-xray account %s -o - -m %S/Inputs/simple-instrmap.yaml | FileCheck --check-prefix DEFAULT %s #RUN: llvm-xray account %s -o - -m %S/Inputs/simple-instrmap.yaml -s count | FileCheck --check-prefix COUNT-ASC %s #RUN: llvm-xray account %s -o - -m %S/Inputs/simple-instrmap.yaml -s min | FileCheck --check-prefix MIN-ASC %s #RUN: llvm-xray account %s -o - -m %S/Inputs/simple-instrmap.yaml -s max | FileCheck --check-prefix MAX-ASC %s #RUN: llvm-xray account %s -o - -m %S/Inputs/simple-instrmap.yaml -s sum | FileCheck --check-prefix SUM-ASC %s #RUN: llvm-xray account %s -o - -m %S/Inputs/simple-instrmap.yaml -s count -r dsc | FileCheck --check-prefix COUNT-DSC %s #RUN: llvm-xray account %s -o - -m %S/Inputs/simple-instrmap.yaml -s min -r dsc | FileCheck --check-prefix MIN-DSC %s #RUN: llvm-xray account %s -o - -m %S/Inputs/simple-instrmap.yaml -s max -r dsc | FileCheck --check-prefix MAX-DSC %s #RUN: llvm-xray account %s -o - -m %S/Inputs/simple-instrmap.yaml -s sum -r dsc | FileCheck --check-prefix SUM-DSC %s --- header: version: 1 type: 0 constant-tsc: true nonstop-tsc: true cycle-frequency: 1 records: # Function id: 1 - { type: 0, func-id: 1, cpu: 1, thread: 111, kind: function-enter, tsc: 10001 } - { type: 0, func-id: 1, cpu: 1, thread: 111, kind: function-exit, tsc: 10100 } - { type: 0, func-id: 1, cpu: 1, thread: 111, kind: function-enter, tsc: 10101 } - { type: 0, func-id: 1, cpu: 1, thread: 111, kind: function-exit, tsc: 10200 } - { type: 0, func-id: 1, cpu: 1, thread: 111, kind: function-enter, tsc: 10201 } - { type: 0, func-id: 1, cpu: 1, thread: 111, kind: function-exit, tsc: 10300 } # Function id: 2 - { type: 0, func-id: 2, cpu: 1, thread: 222, kind: function-enter, tsc: 10001 } - { type: 0, func-id: 2, cpu: 1, thread: 222, kind: function-exit, tsc: 10002 } - { type: 0, func-id: 2, cpu: 1, thread: 222, kind: function-enter, tsc: 10101 } - { type: 0, func-id: 2, cpu: 1, thread: 222, kind: function-exit, tsc: 10102 } #DEFAULT: Functions with latencies: 2 #DEFAULT-NEXT: funcid count [ min, med, 90p, 99p, max] sum function #DEFAULT-NEXT: 1 3 [{{.*}}, {{.*}}, {{.*}}, {{.*}}, {{.*}}] {{.*}} {{.*}} #DEFAULT-NEXT: 2 2 [{{.*}}, {{.*}}, {{.*}}, {{.*}}, {{.*}}] {{.*}} {{.*}} #COUNT-ASC: Functions with latencies: 2 #COUNT-ASC-NEXT: funcid count [ min, med, 90p, 99p, max] sum function #COUNT-ASC-NEXT: 2 2 [{{.*}}, {{.*}}, {{.*}}, {{.*}}, {{.*}}] {{.*}} {{.*}} #COUNT-ASC-NEXT: 1 3 [{{.*}}, {{.*}}, {{.*}}, {{.*}}, {{.*}}] {{.*}} {{.*}} #COUNT-DSC: Functions with latencies: 2 #COUNT-DSC-NEXT: funcid count [ min, med, 90p, 99p, max] sum function #COUNT-DSC-NEXT: 1 3 [{{.*}}, {{.*}}, {{.*}}, {{.*}}, {{.*}}] {{.*}} {{.*}} #COUNT-DSC-NEXT: 2 2 [{{.*}}, {{.*}}, {{.*}}, {{.*}}, {{.*}}] {{.*}} {{.*}} #MIN-ASC: Functions with latencies: 2 #MIN-ASC-NEXT: funcid count [ min, med, 90p, 99p, max] sum function #MIN-ASC-NEXT: 2 2 [{{.*}}, {{.*}}, {{.*}}, {{.*}}, {{.*}}] {{.*}} {{.*}} #MIN-ASC-NEXT: 1 3 [{{.*}}, {{.*}}, {{.*}}, {{.*}}, {{.*}}] {{.*}} {{.*}} #MIN-DSC: Functions with latencies: 2 #MIN-DSC-NEXT: funcid count [ min, med, 90p, 99p, max] sum function #MIN-DSC-NEXT: 1 3 [{{.*}}, {{.*}}, {{.*}}, {{.*}}, {{.*}}] {{.*}} {{.*}} #MIN-DSC-NEXT: 2 2 [{{.*}}, {{.*}}, {{.*}}, {{.*}}, {{.*}}] {{.*}} {{.*}} #MAX-ASC: Functions with latencies: 2 #MAX-ASC-NEXT: funcid count [ min, med, 90p, 99p, max] sum function #MAX-ASC-NEXT: 2 2 [{{.*}}, {{.*}}, {{.*}}, {{.*}}, {{.*}}] {{.*}} {{.*}} #MAX-ASC-NEXT: 1 3 [{{.*}}, {{.*}}, {{.*}}, {{.*}}, {{.*}}] {{.*}} {{.*}} #MAX-DSC: Functions with latencies: 2 #MAX-DSC-NEXT: funcid count [ min, med, 90p, 99p, max] sum function #MAX-DSC-NEXT: 1 3 [{{.*}}, {{.*}}, {{.*}}, {{.*}}, {{.*}}] {{.*}} {{.*}} #MAX-DSC-NEXT: 2 2 [{{.*}}, {{.*}}, {{.*}}, {{.*}}, {{.*}}] {{.*}} {{.*}} #SUM-ASC: Functions with latencies: 2 #SUM-ASC-NEXT: funcid count [ min, med, 90p, 99p, max] sum function #SUM-ASC-NEXT: 2 2 [{{.*}}, {{.*}}, {{.*}}, {{.*}}, {{.*}}] {{.*}} {{.*}} #SUM-ASC-NEXT: 1 3 [{{.*}}, {{.*}}, {{.*}}, {{.*}}, {{.*}}] {{.*}} {{.*}} #SUM-DSC: Functions with latencies: 2 #SUM-DSC-NEXT: funcid count [ min, med, 90p, 99p, max] sum function #SUM-DSC-NEXT: 1 3 [{{.*}}, {{.*}}, {{.*}}, {{.*}}, {{.*}}] {{.*}} {{.*}} #SUM-DSC-NEXT: 2 2 [{{.*}}, {{.*}}, {{.*}}, {{.*}}, {{.*}}] {{.*}} {{.*}}