path: root/libcxx/test/std
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Diffstat (limited to 'libcxx/test/std')
4 files changed, 341 insertions, 5 deletions
diff --git a/libcxx/test/std/algorithms/alg.modifying.operations/alg.random.sample/ranges_sample.pass.cpp b/libcxx/test/std/algorithms/alg.modifying.operations/alg.random.sample/ranges_sample.pass.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..1b15acd715ac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libcxx/test/std/algorithms/alg.modifying.operations/alg.random.sample/ranges_sample.pass.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,334 @@
+// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
+// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
+// UNSUPPORTED: c++03, c++11, c++14, c++17
+// UNSUPPORTED: libcpp-has-no-incomplete-ranges
+// <algorithm>
+// template<input_iterator I, sentinel_for<I> S, weakly_incrementable O, class Gen>
+// requires (forward_iterator<I> || random_access_iterator<O>) &&
+// indirectly_copyable<I, O> &&
+// uniform_random_bit_generator<remove_reference_t<Gen>>
+// O sample(I first, S last, O out, iter_difference_t<I> n, Gen&& g); // Since C++20
+// template<input_range R, weakly_incrementable O, class Gen>
+// requires (forward_range<R> || random_access_iterator<O>) &&
+// indirectly_copyable<iterator_t<R>, O> &&
+// uniform_random_bit_generator<remove_reference_t<Gen>>
+// O sample(R&& r, O out, range_difference_t<R> n, Gen&& g); // Since C++20
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <array>
+#include <concepts>
+#include <functional>
+#include <random>
+#include <ranges>
+#include <utility>
+#include "almost_satisfies_types.h"
+#include "test_iterators.h"
+#include "test_macros.h"
+class RandGen {
+ constexpr static size_t min() { return 0; }
+ constexpr static size_t max() { return 255; }
+ constexpr size_t operator()() {
+ flip = !flip;
+ return flip;
+ }
+ bool flip = false;
+// `std::uniform_random_bit_generator` is a subset of requirements of `__libcpp_random_is_valid_urng`. Make sure that
+// a type satisfying the required minimum is still accepted by `ranges::shuffle`.
+struct BadGen {
+ constexpr static size_t min() { return 255; }
+ constexpr static size_t max() { return 0; }
+ constexpr size_t operator()() const;
+// Test constraints of the (iterator, sentinel) overload.
+// ======================================================
+template <class Iter = int*, class Sent = int*, class Out = int*, class Gen = RandGen>
+concept HasSampleIter =
+ requires(Iter&& iter, Sent&& sent, Out&& out, std::iter_difference_t<Iter> n, Gen&& gen) {
+ std::ranges::sample(std::forward<Iter>(iter), std::forward<Sent>(sent),
+ std::forward<Out>(out), n, std::forward<Gen>(gen));
+ };
+static_assert(HasSampleIter<int*, int*, int*, RandGen>);
+// !input_iterator<I>
+// !sentinel_for<S, I>
+static_assert(!HasSampleIter<int*, SentinelForNotSemiregular>);
+static_assert(!HasSampleIter<int*, SentinelForNotWeaklyEqualityComparableWith>);
+// !weakly_incrementable<O>
+static_assert(!HasSampleIter<int*, int*, WeaklyIncrementableNotMovable>);
+// (forward_iterator<I> || random_access_iterator<O>)
+ forward_iterator<int*>, forward_iterator<int*>,
+ cpp20_output_iterator<int*>
+ cpp20_input_iterator<int*>, sentinel_wrapper<cpp20_input_iterator<int*>>,
+ random_access_iterator<int*>
+// !(forward_iterator<I> || random_access_iterator<O>)
+ cpp20_input_iterator<int*>, sentinel_wrapper<cpp20_input_iterator<int*>>,
+ cpp20_output_iterator<int*>
+// !indirectly_copyable<I, O>
+static_assert(!HasSampleIter<int*, int*, int**>);
+// !uniform_random_bit_generator<remove_reference_t<Gen>>
+static_assert(!HasSampleIter<int*, int*, int*, BadGen>);
+// Test constraints of the (range) overload.
+// =========================================
+template <class Range, class Out = int*, class Gen = RandGen>
+concept HasSampleRange =
+ requires(Range&& range, Out&& out, std::ranges::range_difference_t<Range> n, Gen&& gen) {
+ std::ranges::sample(std::forward<Range>(range), std::forward<Out>(out), n, std::forward<Gen>(gen));
+ };
+template <class T>
+using R = UncheckedRange<T>;
+static_assert(HasSampleRange<R<int*>, int*, RandGen>);
+// !input_range<R>
+// !weakly_incrementable<O>
+static_assert(!HasSampleRange<R<int*>, WeaklyIncrementableNotMovable>);
+// (forward_range<R> || random_access_iterator<O>)
+ R<forward_iterator<int*>>,
+ cpp20_output_iterator<int*>
+ R<cpp20_input_iterator<int*>>,
+ random_access_iterator<int*>
+// !(forward_range<R> || random_access_iterator<O>)
+ R<cpp20_input_iterator<int*>>,
+ cpp20_output_iterator<int*>
+// !indirectly_copyable<I, O>
+static_assert(!HasSampleRange<R<int*>, int**>);
+// !uniform_random_bit_generator<remove_reference_t<Gen>>
+static_assert(!HasSampleRange<R<int*>, int*, BadGen>);
+template <class Iter, class Sent, class Out, size_t N, class Gen>
+void test_one(std::array<int, N> in, size_t n, Gen gen) {
+ assert(n <= static_cast<size_t>(N));
+ auto verify_is_subsequence = [&] (auto output) {
+ auto sorted_input = in;
+ std::ranges::sort(sorted_input);
+ auto sorted_output = std::ranges::subrange(output.begin(), output.begin() + n);
+ std::ranges::sort(sorted_output);
+ assert(std::ranges::includes(sorted_input, sorted_output));
+ };
+ { // (iterator, sentinel) overload.
+ auto begin = Iter(in.data());
+ auto end = Sent(Iter(in.data() + in.size()));
+ std::array<int, N> output;
+ auto out = Out(output.begin());
+ std::same_as<Out> decltype(auto) result = std::ranges::sample(
+ std::move(begin), std::move(end), std::move(out), n, gen);
+ assert(base(result) == output.data() + n);
+ verify_is_subsequence(output);
+ // The output of `sample` is implementation-specific.
+ }
+ { // (range) overload.
+ auto begin = Iter(in.data());
+ auto end = Sent(Iter(in.data() + in.size()));
+ std::array<int, N> output;
+ auto out = Out(output.begin());
+ std::same_as<Out> decltype(auto) result = std::ranges::sample(std::ranges::subrange(
+ std::move(begin), std::move(end)), std::move(out), n, gen);
+ assert(base(result) == output.data() + n);
+ verify_is_subsequence(output);
+ // The output of `sample` is implementation-specific.
+ }
+template <class Iter, class Sent, class Out>
+void test_iterators_iter_sent_out() {
+ RandGen gen;
+ // Empty sequence.
+ test_one<Iter, Sent, Out, 0>({}, 0, gen);
+ // 1-element sequence.
+ test_one<Iter, Sent, Out, 1>({1}, 1, gen);
+ // 2-element sequence.
+ test_one<Iter, Sent, Out, 2>({1, 2}, 1, gen);
+ test_one<Iter, Sent, Out, 2>({1, 2}, 2, gen);
+ // n == 0.
+ test_one<Iter, Sent, Out, 3>({1, 2, 3}, 0, gen);
+ // Longer sequence.
+ {
+ std::array input = {1, 8, 2, 3, 4, 6, 5, 7};
+ for (int i = 0; i <= static_cast<int>(input.size()); ++i){
+ test_one<Iter, Sent, Out, input.size()>(input, i, gen);
+ }
+ }
+template <class Iter, class Sent>
+void test_iterators_iter_sent() {
+ if constexpr (std::forward_iterator<Iter>) {
+ test_iterators_iter_sent_out<Iter, Sent, cpp20_output_iterator<int*>>();
+ test_iterators_iter_sent_out<Iter, Sent, forward_iterator<int*>>();
+ }
+ test_iterators_iter_sent_out<Iter, Sent, random_access_iterator<int*>>();
+ test_iterators_iter_sent_out<Iter, Sent, contiguous_iterator<int*>>();
+ test_iterators_iter_sent_out<Iter, Sent, int*>();
+template <class Iter>
+void test_iterators_iter() {
+ if constexpr (std::sentinel_for<Iter, Iter>) {
+ test_iterators_iter_sent<Iter, Iter>();
+ }
+ test_iterators_iter_sent<Iter, sentinel_wrapper<Iter>>();
+void test_iterators() {
+ test_iterators_iter<cpp20_input_iterator<int*>>();
+ test_iterators_iter<random_access_iterator<int*>>();
+ test_iterators_iter<contiguous_iterator<int*>>();
+ test_iterators_iter<int*>();
+ test_iterators_iter<const int*>();
+// Checks the logic for wrapping the given iterator to make sure it works correctly regardless of the value category of
+// the given generator object.
+template <class Gen, bool CheckConst = true>
+void test_generator() {
+ std::array in = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8};
+ constexpr int N = 5;
+ std::array<int, N> output;
+ auto begin = in.begin();
+ auto end = in.end();
+ auto out = output.begin();
+ { // Lvalue.
+ Gen g;
+ std::ranges::sample(begin, end, out, N, g);
+ std::ranges::sample(in, out, N, g);
+ }
+ if constexpr (CheckConst) { // Const lvalue.
+ const Gen g;
+ std::ranges::sample(begin, end, out, N, g);
+ std::ranges::sample(in, out, N, g);
+ }
+ { // Prvalue.
+ std::ranges::sample(begin, end, out, N, Gen());
+ std::ranges::sample(in, out, N, Gen());
+ }
+ { // Xvalue.
+ Gen g1, g2;
+ std::ranges::sample(begin, end, out, N, std::move(g1));
+ std::ranges::sample(in, out, N, std::move(g2));
+ }
+// Checks the logic for wrapping the given iterator to make sure it works correctly regardless of whether the given
+// generator class has a const or non-const invocation operator (or both).
+void test_generators() {
+ struct GenBase {
+ constexpr static size_t min() { return 0; }
+ constexpr static size_t max() { return 255; }
+ };
+ struct NonconstGen : GenBase {
+ size_t operator()() { return 1; }
+ };
+ struct ConstGen : GenBase {
+ size_t operator()() const { return 1; }
+ };
+ struct ConstAndNonconstGen : GenBase {
+ size_t operator()() { return 1; }
+ size_t operator()() const { return 1; }
+ };
+ test_generator<ConstGen>();
+ test_generator<NonconstGen, /*CheckConst=*/false>();
+ test_generator<ConstAndNonconstGen>();
+void test() {
+ test_iterators();
+ test_generators();
+ { // Stable (if `I` models `forward_iterator`).
+ struct OrderedValue {
+ int value;
+ int original_order;
+ bool operator==(const OrderedValue&) const = default;
+ auto operator<=>(const OrderedValue& rhs) const { return value <=> rhs.value; }
+ };
+ const std::array<OrderedValue, 8> in = {{
+ {1, 1}, {1, 2}, {1, 3}, {1, 4}, {1, 5}, {1, 6}, {1, 7}, {1, 8}
+ }};
+ { // (iterator, sentinel) overload.
+ std::array<OrderedValue, in.size()> out;
+ std::ranges::sample(in.begin(), in.end(), out.begin(), in.size(), RandGen());
+ assert(out == in);
+ }
+ { // (range) overload.
+ std::array<OrderedValue, in.size()> out;
+ std::ranges::sample(in, out.begin(), in.size(), RandGen());
+ assert(out == in);
+ }
+ }
+int main(int, char**) {
+ test();
+ // Note: `ranges::sample` is not `constexpr`.
+ return 0;
diff --git a/libcxx/test/std/algorithms/ranges_robust_against_omitting_invoke.pass.cpp b/libcxx/test/std/algorithms/ranges_robust_against_omitting_invoke.pass.cpp
index 12d764aaf6d0..013b6d7984dd 100644
--- a/libcxx/test/std/algorithms/ranges_robust_against_omitting_invoke.pass.cpp
+++ b/libcxx/test/std/algorithms/ranges_robust_against_omitting_invoke.pass.cpp
@@ -139,7 +139,7 @@ constexpr bool test_all() {
// `swap_ranges` has neither a projection nor a predicate.
// `reverse_copy` has neither a projection nor a predicate.
// `rotate_copy` has neither a projection nor a predicate.
- // `sample` has no requirement that the given generator be invoked via `std::invoke`.
+ // For `sample`, whether the given generator is invoked via `std::invoke` is not observable.
test(std::ranges::unique_copy, in, out, &Foo::binary_pred, &Bar::val);
test(std::ranges::partition_copy, in, out, out2, &Foo::unary_pred, &Bar::val);
test(std::ranges::partial_sort_copy, in, in2, &Foo::binary_pred, &Bar::val, &Bar::val);
@@ -152,7 +152,7 @@ constexpr bool test_all() {
test(std::ranges::remove_if, in, &Foo::unary_pred, &Bar::val);
// `reverse` has neither a projection nor a predicate.
// `rotate` has neither a projection nor a predicate.
- // `shuffle` has neither a projection nor a predicate.
+ // For `shuffle`, whether the given generator is invoked via `std::invoke` is not observable.
test(std::ranges::unique, in, &Foo::binary_pred, &Bar::val);
test(std::ranges::partition, in, &Foo::unary_pred, &Bar::val);
if (!std::is_constant_evaluated())
diff --git a/libcxx/test/std/algorithms/ranges_robust_against_proxy_iterators.pass.cpp b/libcxx/test/std/algorithms/ranges_robust_against_proxy_iterators.pass.cpp
index b5dd483d6f71..0dda0cf6ca7a 100644
--- a/libcxx/test/std/algorithms/ranges_robust_against_proxy_iterators.pass.cpp
+++ b/libcxx/test/std/algorithms/ranges_robust_against_proxy_iterators.pass.cpp
@@ -150,8 +150,10 @@ constexpr void run_tests() {
//test_mid(std::ranges::rotate, in, mid);
if (!std::is_constant_evaluated()) // `shuffle` isn't `constexpr`.
test(std::ranges::shuffle, in, rand_gen());
- //if (!std::is_constant_evaluated())
- // test(std::ranges::sample, in, out, count, rand_gen());
+ if (!std::is_constant_evaluated()) {
+ if constexpr (std::copyable<T>)
+ test(std::ranges::sample, in, out, count, rand_gen());
+ }
test(std::ranges::unique, in);
test(std::ranges::partition, in, unary_pred);
// TODO(ranges): `stable_partition` requires `ranges::rotate` to be implemented.
diff --git a/libcxx/test/std/library/description/conventions/customization.point.object/niebloid.compile.pass.cpp b/libcxx/test/std/library/description/conventions/customization.point.object/niebloid.compile.pass.cpp
index 6e0ab4495f7d..2f137d07772a 100644
--- a/libcxx/test/std/library/description/conventions/customization.point.object/niebloid.compile.pass.cpp
+++ b/libcxx/test/std/library/description/conventions/customization.point.object/niebloid.compile.pass.cpp
@@ -130,7 +130,7 @@ static_assert(test(std::ranges::reverse, a));
static_assert(test(std::ranges::reverse_copy, a, a));
//static_assert(test(std::ranges::rotate, a, a+5));
static_assert(test(std::ranges::rotate_copy, a, a+5, a));
-//static_assert(test(std::ranges::sample, a, a, 5));
+static_assert(test(std::ranges::sample, a, a, 5, g));
static_assert(test(std::ranges::search, a, a));
static_assert(test(std::ranges::search_n, a, 10, 42));
static_assert(test(std::ranges::set_difference, a, a, a));