path: root/clangd/ClangdLSPServer.h
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2017-10-28[clangd] Fix clang-tidy warnings.linaro-local/yvan.roux/B32999Benjamin Kramer
2017-10-25[clangd] Handle exit notification (proper shutdown)Ilya Biryukov
2017-10-12[clangd] less boilerplate in RPC dispatchSam McCall
2017-10-06[clangd] Add textDocument/signatureHelpIlya Biryukov
2017-10-02[clangd] Handle workspace/didChangeWatchedFilesMarc-Andre Laperle
2017-10-02[clangd] Command line arg to specify compile_commands.json pathIlya Biryukov
2017-09-30[clangd] simplify ClangdLSPServer by private-inheriting callback interfaces. NFCSam McCall
2017-09-12[clangd] Add support for snippet completionsIlya Biryukov
2017-08-14[clangd] Use multiple working threads in clangd.Ilya Biryukov
2017-08-02[clangd] Run clang-format on all clangd sources. NFC.Ilya Biryukov
2017-07-19[clangd] Allow specifying -resource-dirKrasimir Georgiev
2017-06-13[clangd] Store references instead of unique_ptrs in ClangdServer.Ilya Biryukov
2017-05-16[clangd] Refactor ProtocolHandlers to decouple them from ClangdLSPServerIlya Biryukov
2017-05-16Restored r303067 and fixed failing test.Ilya Biryukov
2017-05-15Revert "[ClangD] Refactor clangd into separate components"Adam Nemet
2017-05-15[ClangD] Refactor clangd into separate componentsIlya Biryukov